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7、访问/p-3261954.html123.183.224.310勈溥麼劰縙最瀀栀琀洀氀胞閞销賒/w前台访问/c-00004-8-219848-0-0-0-0-9-0-1.html220.181.108.1180麼最茀眀愀瀀漀漀欀刀攀愀搀愀猀瀀砀椀搀伀胞閞销5Sqwap前台访问/d-2981871.html220.181.108.111路桥中学 1 考纲解读 提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考 生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标 关键词进行续写(150词左右),将其发展成 一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完 整的短文。 原文多是情节适当丰富, 内容可延伸,难度易于理解和 模仿的记叙文

8、,偶有少量的议 论文或夹叙夹议文。 2 评分要求 1.词数要求:词数少于130,从总分中减去2分。 2.与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度。 3.内容的丰富性和对所标出关键词语的应用。 4.应用语言结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性。 5.上下文的连贯性。 3 考查能力 (1)考查学生把握短文关键信息和语言特点 的能力。 (2)考查学生语言运用的准确性和丰富性。 (3)考查学生对语篇结构的把控能力。 (4)考查学生的创造性思维能力。 4 写作步骤(过程性写作教学中的应用) 1剖析原文材料: 确定文章体裁和题材; 快速阅读把握文章大意; 弄清文章的总体语言特点和风格; 抓住文中的关键词(时间,地点,人物,

9、事件等) 5 写作步骤(过程性写作教学中的应用) 2. 推理情节发展 以给出的段落开头语作为根据 完全开放性质 半开放性质 The taxi/the police station 6 写作步骤(过程性写作教学中的应用) 3. 建立续写框架 用问问题的方式来完成 Why did Auther run so fast? How did he get to the Police station? What did he say to the taxi driver? What did he say to the police? What were the reactions of the polic

10、e? 7 写作步骤(过程性写作教学中的应用) 4. 锁定信息要点。 言之有物,增加细节描写 (内心情感,态度,表情描述) 5. 润色衔接文字 8 读后续写对我们高中教学的挑战 1.促成缜密的思维能力和精准的表达能力,释放学生 的想象力,做到语言目标和情感目标的共同发展。 2. 阅读和产出紧密结合,让学生有明确阅读的动机, 同时激发学生表达的欲望。 3. 学生与阅读材料及作者互动(情感),阅读与写作 (两种形式,两种能力)的互动。 4创造性的模仿和使用语言,阅读材料有助于学习者 自我纠错和有基础的提升。 9 如何在阅读教学中提高读后续写能力 1. 练习素材的选择和使用 练习中的阅读理解,完形填空

11、 课本中的素材 (根据不同的素材来决定不同的训练目标) 必修1:A night in the mountain 必修2The story of Atlanta Freddy the frog 必修3A sad love story Come and eat here 选修6Trapped by the flood 选修7Satisfaction guaranteeed The Inuit legend of Sedna the sea goddess 10 必修1 A night in the mountain 续写要求: 1.假如你是王坤,躺在青藏高原的晚风中看星星,此时 你十分想写一张明信

12、片或发个短信给某一个你思念的人。 2. 在文中你必须向他总体介绍这几天过得如何,而后具 体谈一谈一两个印象深刻的细节(可以从原文中挑选)。 最后你与他分享这几天旅行的想法和感受。 3.可在你写的文章中划出从原文借用的词语。 11 If you were Atlanta, Would you agree to marry Hippomenes? Please explain your choice to us. If you were Atlanta, what did you feel when you discovered Hippomenes had had help from the G

13、oddess of love? 必修2The story of Atlanta 12 Design different endings Work in pairs to make up a dialogue between Li Fang and Hu Jin and then act it out in front of the class: A happy ending ( the happiest one?) A sad ending ( the most tragic one?) 必修3A sad love story 13 2阅读教学过程中,对学生思维的引导。 读中: 展示性问题:让

14、学生掌握文章的基本信息 参阅性问题:给学生思考的空间,包括文章思路的把握和语言 的组织 读后: 以读中的问题的思考作为参考基础,然后继续延伸。也可以 作为后面续写中心理描写部分的内容。 14 Freddy and his bands life was greatly influenced after they became famous Suppose you were a member of the band, what would you do? so they chose to go back to the lake. 必修2 Freddy the frog 15 How would y

15、our life change if you became famous overnight? Work in a group of two and make a list of the changes. nobody-somebody 16 Retell the story: 1. Suppose you are Wang Peng; 2. Suppose you are Yong Hui; 3. Suppose you are Lao li (Wang Pengs friend) Choose one character in the passage as you like and ret

16、ell the story. Besides the summary of the story , he/she should also talk about personal feeling. 必修3Come and eat here 17 Wed better go to restaurants which provide c_ with _, where we can get enough f_ as well as f_ . What we learned today: ustomers ibre at a balanced diet 18 Reading for characters

17、 Who were trapped by the flood? A. Rosie and Monty B. Sara C. Tony D. Sara ,James, Rosie and Monty 选修2 Trapped by the flood 19 Reading for details 1.She cooked him a nice meal and bought a new mountain bike for his birthday. (T or F) 2. What did Tony do in the last two days? 3. Who told Sara to go t

18、o her mothers house and why? 4. What was the first sign Sara had that she was in danger? 5. Why did Sara climb onto the roof of her car? 6. It was a long time before she finally found him safe and warm under the covers on her bed. (替换 句子) 20 How did you feel as you read the passage? Turning around s

19、he saw dirty brown water fountaining out of the drain and filling the sink. Quickly she put James into her backpack and pulled it onto her back. Calling to Rosie, she picked up the cat basket and ran to the front of the house and out into the front garden. Excited, worried for Sara and her baby. I felt like I wanted them to hurry up and get out of there. 21 Did you th笀需挀栀琀洀氀昀盺鶲錀耀/i前台访问/tag/zhonghunzuibianhuci.html116.179.32.1040椀瀀栀琀洀氀

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