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1、8. 神经内科8.1 疾病诊断名词1091型糖尿病性出汗异常 type 1 diabetic abnormal perspiration 又 称1型糖尿病性异常出汗1型糖尿病性单神经病 type 1 diabetic mononeuropathy 又称 1型糖尿病单神经病变1型糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic oculomotor paralysis1型糖尿病性多发性单神经病 type 1 diabetic mononeuropathy mul-tiplex 又称1 型糖尿病多发单神经病变41型糖尿病性多发性神经病 type 1 diabetic polyneuropath

2、y 又称1型糖尿病多发性神经病变1型糖尿病性感觉运动性周围神经病 type 1 diabetic sensory motorneuropathy1型糖尿病性颅神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic cranial palsy1型糖尿病性神经根病 type 1 diabetic radiculopathy 又称1型糖 尿病神经根病变1型糖尿病性神经性水肿 type 1 diabetic neurogenic edema1型糖尿病性外展神经麻痹 type 1 diabetic abducens nerve paralysis 1型糖尿病性小神经纤维神经病 type 1 diabetic smal

3、l fiber neuropathy1型糖尿病性眼肌麻痹 type 1 diabetic ophthalmoplegia1 型糖尿病性胰岛素相关性神经炎 type 1 diabetic insulin inducedneuritis1型糖尿病性远端对称性周围神经病 type 1 diabetic distal sym- metrical sensory motor neuropathy 又称1 型糖尿病远端对称性多发性周围神经病变 1型糖尿病性周围神经病尿病周围神经病变1型糖尿病性自主神经病 2型糖尿病性出汗异常type 1 diabetic neuropathy 又称1型糖type 1 di

4、abetic autonomic neuropathytype 2 diabetic abnormal perspiration 又称2型糖尿病性异常出汗2型糖尿病性单神经病 type 2 diabetic mononeuropathy 又称 2型糖尿病单神经病变2型糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic oculomotor paralysis2型糖尿病性多发神经病变 type 2 diabetic polyneuropathy 又称 2型糖尿病多发性神经病变2型糖尿病性多发性单神经病 type 2 diabetic mononeuropathy mul- tiplex 又称2

5、型糖尿病多发单神经病变2型糖尿病性感觉运动性周围神经病 type 2 diabetic sensory motor neuropathy2型糖尿病性脊髓病 type 2 diabetic myelopathy 又称2型糖尿 病伴脊髓病2型糖尿病性颅神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic cranial palsy2型糖尿病性躯干神经根病 type 2 diabetic truncal radiculopathy2型糖尿病性神经根病 type 2 diabetic radiculopathy 又称2型糖 尿病神经根病变2型糖尿病性神经性水肿 type 2 diabetic neurogenic

6、 edema2型糖尿病性外展神经麻痹 type 2 diabetic abducens nerve paralysis 2型糖尿病性小神经纤维神经病 type 2 diabetic small fiber neuropathy 2型糖尿病性胸神经根病 type 2 diabetic thoracoabdominal radicu-lopathy2型糖尿病性眼肌麻痹 type 2 diabetic ophthalmoplegia2型糖尿病性胰岛素相关性神经炎 type 2 diabetic insulin inducedneuritis2型糖尿病性远端对称性周围神经病 type 2 diabet

7、ic distal sym- metrical peripheral neuropathy 又称2型糖尿病远端对称性多发 性周围神经病变2型糖尿病性周围神经病 type 2 diabetic neuropathy 又称2型糖 尿病周围神经病变2型糖尿病性自主神经病变 type 2 diabetic autonomic neuropathy4型胶原蛋白相关综合征 collagen type IV alpha 1-associatedsyndromeAQP4 抗体阴性的视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病 neuromyelitis optica spec- trum disorder without AQP4-

8、IgG 又称视神经脊髓炎谱系疾病Behcet 病 Behcets diseaseBell 麻痹 Bells palsy,facial palsy 又称面神经瘫痪,贝尔麻痹Bickerstaffs 脑炎 Bickerstaffs encephalitis 又 称 Bickerstaffs 脑干脑炎Churg-Strauss 综合征 Churg-Strauss syndromeEmery-Dreifuss型肌营养不良 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy,EDMDGerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker 病 Gerstmann-Straussler

9、-Scheinker diseaseGM 神经节苷脂贮积病 GM,Gangliosidosis 又称GM 神经节 苷脂累积病,GM 神经节苷脂沉积症GM 神经节苷脂贮积病 GM,Gangliosidosis 又称GM神经节 苷脂沉积症GM 神经节苷脂贮积病 GMGangliosidosis 又称GM 神经节 苷脂沉积症lgG4 相关脑病 IgG4 associated encephalopathylgG4 相关性疾病 IgG4-related disease 又称免疫球蛋白G4 相 关硬化性疾病Leber 遗传性视神经病 Leber hereditary optic neurology Lew

10、is-Sumner 综合征 Lewis-Sumner syndromeLogopenic 失语 Logopenic aphasia 又称原发性进行性失语 Sneddon 病 Sneddon disease 又称Sneddon综合征Wolfram 综合征 Wolfram syndromeX 连锁肌病伴大量自噬空泡 X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagyX 连锁隐性遗传肌张力障碍-帕金森综合征 X-linked recessive dys- tonia and ParkinsonismX 连锁隐性遗传性共济失调 X-linked recessive a

11、taxia受体亢进综合征 beta receptor hypersensitivity syndrome 又称 受体过敏综合征阿尔茨海默病 Alzheimers disease阿米巴性脑膜炎 Amoebic meningitis阿米巴性脑脓肿 Amoebic brain abscess埃可病毒性脑膜炎 ECHO virus meningitis埃可病毒性脑炎 ECHO virus encephalitis110 埃癌艾氨鞍白斑半伴包胞贝本闭臂边变病播卟不布部苍糙侧肠常陈成弛迟持 埃莱尔-当洛综合征 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 又称肌挛缩型 Ehlers-Danlos综合征,埃

12、勒斯-当洛斯综合征,18-三体综合征癌性脑白质病 cancerous brain white matter disease癌性脑病 carcinomatous encephalopathy癌性脑膜炎 meningitis carcinomatosa艾滋病 acquired immune dericiency syndrome艾滋病痴呆综合征 AIDS dementia syndrome 又称HIV 相关性 痴 呆艾滋病性脑膜脑炎 AIDS meningoencephalitis艾滋病性脑膜炎 AIDS meningitis艾滋病性脑炎 AIDS encephalitis氨 基 己 糖 苷A-B

13、 酶缺乏症 hexosaminidaseA and B deficiency disease,Sandhoff disease 又称桑德霍夫病,氨基已糖苷酶A 和B 缺 乏 症氨基己糖苷酶缺乏症 hexosaminidase deficiency disease鞍上蛛网膜囊肿 suprasellar arachnoid cyst白喉性多神经炎 diphtheritic polyneuritis白塞病 Behcets disease 又称白塞氏综合征,Behcet病斑马体肌病 myopathy with zebra body半卵圆中心脓肿 half egg circle center absce

14、ss伴典型自动症的发作 seizure with typical automatism伴海马硬化的内侧颞叶癫痫 medial temporal lobe epilepsy with hip- pocampal sclerosis伴可变起源灶的家族性局灶性癫痫 familial focal epilepsy with variable origin伴可逆性胼胝体压部病变的轻度脑炎 mild encephalitis with a reversible splenial lesion,MERS又称感染性边缘叶脑炎伴皮层下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病 cerebral autosoma

15、l dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoen- cephalopathy,CADASIL 又称伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常 染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病伴皮层下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体隐性遗传性脑动脉病 cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoen- cephalopathy,CARASIL 又称伴有皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常 染色体隐性遗传性脑动脉病伴有初级感觉症状的发作 seizure with element

16、ary sensory symptom伴有轻偏瘫的偏侧抽搐状态 lateralized status convulsives with hemi- paresis伴有体验性感觉症状的发作 seizure with experiential sensory symptom伴有听觉特点的常染色体显性遗传癫痫 autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory feature,ADEAF伴中央颞区棘波的良性儿童癫痫 benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spike 又称儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波包涵体肌病 incl

17、usion body myositis 又称散发性包涵体肌炎胞质体肌病 cytoplasmic body myopathy,spheroid body myopathy贝克肌营养不良 Becker muscular dystrophy 又称Becker 型肌营 养不良症,贝氏肌营养不良症贝内迪克特综合征 Benedikt syndrome 又称顶盖综合征4,红核 综合征,顶盖-中脑麻痹综合征本体感觉诱发的反射性癫痫 proprioception evoked reflex epilepsy闭孔神经损伤 臂丛神经根炎 臂丛神经麻痹 臂丛神经损害lesion of obturator nerveb

18、rachial radiculitis 又称臂丛神经炎 brachial plexus paralysislesion of brachial plexus臂丛神经炎 brachial plexus neuritis边缘系统性癫痫持续状态 limbic system status epilepticus 又称 边缘叶性癫痫持续状态边缘叶癫痫 limbic epilepsy边缘叶脑炎 limbic encephalitis变态反应性脑炎 allergic encephalitis变形杆菌性脑膜炎 proteus meningitis病毒性肌炎 viral myositis病毒性脑膜脑炎 vira

19、l meningoencephalitis病毒性脑膜炎 viral meningitis病毒性脑炎 viral encephalitis病毒性脑炎后遗症 viral encephalitis sequela播散性坏死性脑白质病 disseminated necrotising leucoencephalopa- thy卟啉病脑病 porphyric encephalopathy卟啉病神经病 porphyric neuropathy 又称血卟啉病性周围神 经病不安腿综合征 restless legs syndrome 又称不宁腿综合征 不典型失神发作 untypical absence seiz

20、ure不规则的睡眠-觉醒型 iregular sleep-wake ype布朗-塞卡尔综合征 Brown-Sequard syndrome 又称脊髓半切综合征布氏杆菌多发性神经根神经病 bacterium burgeri polyradiculoneu- ropathy布氏杆菌性脑炎 bacterium burgeri encephalitis 又称布氏杆菌性 脑膜炎部分性持续性癫痫状态 partial status epilepticus,Kojewnikow syn- drome 又称Kojewnikow 综 合 征部分性癫痫持续状态 epilepsia partialis continu

21、a部分性癫痫发作 partial seizure,focal seizure 又称局灶性癫痫 发作部分性发作继发全面性发作 generalized seizure secondary to partial seizure苍白球黑质红核色素变性 pallido-nigro-luysian degeneration,Hallervorden-Spatz disease 又称哈勒沃登-施帕茨病糙皮病性多神经病 pellagra polyneuropathy侧窦栓塞 lateral sinus thrombosis侧窦周围脓肿 lateral sinus surrounding abscess肠病毒性

22、脑炎 enteric viral encephalitis肠道病毒性脑膜炎 enterovirus meningitis 又称肠病毒性脑膜炎 肠伤寒所致精神障碍 mental disorder due to ileotyphus肠系膜上丛交感神经损伤 lesion of superior mesenteric plexus sympatheticnerve肠系膜下丛交感神经损伤 lesion of inferior mesenteric plexus sympatheticnerve常染色体显性发作性睡病、肥胖和2型糖尿病 autosomal dominantsleep onset disea

23、se of obesity and type 2 diabetes常染色体显性小脑共济失调、耳聋和发作性睡病 autosomal domi- nant cerebellar ataxia,deafness and relapsing sleep disease常染色体显性夜发性额叶癫痫 autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy,ADNFLE常染色体显性遗传的多囊肾病 autosomal dominant polycystic kid- ney disease,ADPKD 又称常染色体显性遗传多囊肾病常染色体显性遗传性共济失调 auto

24、somal dominant hereditary ataxia常染色体显性遗传性朊蛋白病 autosomal dominant prion protein disease常染色体显性遗传性视网膜血管病和脑白质病 autosomal dominant retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy常染色体隐性遗传性共济失调 autosomal recessive hereditary ataxia陈旧性结核性脑膜炎 chronic tuberculous meningitis陈旧性脑梗死 old cerebral infarction成年型脊

25、髓性肌萎缩 adult onset spinal muscular atrophy 弛缓性偏瘫 flaccid hemiplegia 又称周围性偏瘫弛缓性瘫痪 flaccid paralysis 又称周围性瘫痪迟发性尺神经炎 delayed ulnar neuritis迟发性儿童枕叶癫痫(Gastaut 型) late onset benign childhood occipital epilepsy(Gastaut type)迟发性小脑性共济失调 late-onset cerebellar ataxia迟发性一氧化碳中毒脑病 tardive encephalopathy of carbon

26、monoxide poisoning迟发性运动障碍 tardive dyskinesia持续特发性面痛 persistent idiopathic facial pain 又称非典型性 面部痛持续性先兆 aura continua尺齿虫抽出穿创丛猝催大代带丹单胆岛倒低迪骶癫典淀蝶顶东动豆毒短多 111尺神经麻痹 ulnar nerve palsy尺神经损害 lesion of ulnar nerve尺神经炎 ulnar neuritis齿状核-红核-苍白球-路易体萎缩 dentatorubral-pallidoluysianatrophy,DRPLA 又称齿状红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩症 虫媒病毒

27、性脑炎 arboviral encephalitis抽动秽语综合征 Gilles de la Tourette syndrome出血后脑积水 post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus出血性痴呆 hemorrhagic dementia出血性梗死 hemorrhagic infarct 又称出血性脑梗死 出血性脊髓血管病 hemorrhagic spinal vascular disease穿支动脉闭塞 穿支动脉狭窄 创伤后骨萎缩wear the arterial occlusion wear the artery stenosisSudeck atrophy创伤后过度睡眠

28、post-traumatic hypersomnia丛集性头痛 cluster headache 又称丛集性头痛综合征猝倒发作性睡病但不伴下丘脑分泌素缺乏 narcolepsy with cataplexy, without low hypocretin 又称发作性睡病(有猝倒症但无下丘脑分 泌素缺乏)催眠药物依赖性睡眠障碍 hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder大肠埃希氏菌脑膜炎 Escherichia coli meningitis 又称大肠杆菌 脑膜炎大脑大静脉畸形 malformation of great vein of galen大脑动脉闭塞 cereb

29、ral artery occlusion大脑动脉狭窄 cerebral artery stenosis大脑动脉血栓性偏瘫 cercbral arterial thrombosis hemiplegia 大脑后动脉闭塞 posterior cerebral artery occlusion大脑后动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) posterior cerebral artery occlu- sion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction 又称大脑后动脉闭 塞和狭窄A大脑后动脉夹层 posterior cerebral artery dissecti

30、on大脑后动脉瘤 posterior cerebral artery aneurysm大脑后动脉瘤破裂 posterior cerebral artery aneurysm rupture大脑后动脉栓塞 posterior cerebral artery embolism大脑后动脉狭窄 posterior cerebral artery stenosis大脑后动脉狭窄性脑梗死 cerebral infarction after posterior cerebral artery stenosis大脑后动脉血栓形成 posterior cerebral artery thrombosis大脑后动

31、脉综合征 posterior cerebral artery syndrome大脑镰下疝 inferior cerebral falx hernia 又称扣带回疝 大脑前动脉闭塞 anterior cerebral artery occlusion大脑前动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) anterior cerebral artery occlusion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction大脑前动脉闭塞综合征 anterior cerebral artery occlusive syndrome 大脑前动脉夹层 anterior cerebral

32、 artery dissection大脑前动脉瘤 anterior cerebral artery aneurysm大脑前动脉瘤破裂 anterior cerebral artery aneurysm rupture 大脑前动脉狭窄 anterior cerebral artery stenosis大脑前动脉血栓形成 anterior cerebral artery thrombosis大脑性脑室炎 cerebral ventricle大脑中动脉闭塞 middle cerebral artery occlusion大脑中动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) middle cerebral arter

33、y occlu-sion and stenosis,caused no cerebral infarction大脑中动脉夹层 middle cerebral artery dissection大脑中动脉瘤 middle cerebral artery aneurysm大脑中动脉瘤破裂 middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture 大脑中动脉狭窄 middle cerebral artery stenosis大脑中动脉血栓形成 middle cerebral artery thrombosis大田原综合征 Ohtahara syndrome 又称Ohtahara

34、综合征,婴儿 早期癫痫性脑病代谢性脊髓病 metabolic myelopathy代谢性脑病 metabolic encephalopathy带状疱疹后神经痛 postzoster neuralgia带状疱疹后坐骨神经痛 postherpetic sciatica 又称带状疱疹性坐骨神经痛带状疱疹性多颅神经麻痹 herpes zoster multiple cranial nerves palsy 带状疱疹性多神经病 postzoster polyneuropathy带状疱疹性脑膜脑炎 herpes zoster meningoencephalitis 又称带 状疱疹脑膜炎带状疱疹性脑膜炎 h

35、erpes zoster meningitis带状疱疹性脑炎 herpes zoster encephalitis 又称带状疱疹病毒 性脑炎带状疱疹性神经根脊髓炎 herpes zoster spinal cord inflammation 又 称带状疱疹神经根脊髓炎带状疱疹性神经根炎 herpes zoster radiculitis带状疱疹性膝状神经节炎 postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis 丹迪-沃克综合征 Dandy-Walker syndrome单纯部分性运动性发作伴Jackson 发作 simple partial seizure withJac

36、kson seizure单纯疱疹病毒性脑膜炎 herpes simplex virus meningitis单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎 herpes simplex virus encephalitis单光子发射电子计算机断层照相术 single photon emission computer tomography单神经炎 mononeuritis胆红素脑病 bilirubin encephalopathy胆碱能神经功能亢进 cholinergic nerve hyperfunction胆碱能危象 cholinergic crisis岛叶癫痫 insular lobe epilepsy倒班工作睡眠障

37、碍 shift work sleep disorder低钙血症脑病 hypocalcemia encephalopathy低钾型周期性瘫痪 hypokalemic periodic paralysis,familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis 又称低血钾性周期性麻痹,家族性周期性瘫低颅压性头痛 low cerebrospinal fuid pressure headache 低钠血症脑病 hyponatremia encephalopathy低血糖后昏迷的脑病 hypoglycemic coma encephalopathy 又称 低血糖昏迷性脑病低血糖昏

38、迷 hypoglycemic coma 又称低血糖晕厥低血糖脑病 hypoglycemic encephalopathy 又称低血糖性脑病 迪谢内肌营养不良 Duchenne muscular dystrophy骶神经根囊肿 sacral nerve root cyst癫痫持续状态 status epilepticus,SE癫痫性精神病 epileptic psychosis 又称癫痫所致精神病 癫痫性脑病 epileptic encephalopathies典型失神发作 typical absence seizure淀粉样变性周围神经病 amyloid peripheral neuropat

39、hy 又称家 族性淀粉样变性周围神经病蝶骨嵴疝顶叶出血 顶叶癫痫 顶叶脓肿crista sphenoidalis hernia parietal lobe hemorrhage parietal lobe epilepsyparietal lobe abscess顶枕叶脑出血 occipital lobe cerebral hemorhage东方马脑炎 eastern equine encephalitis 又称东部马脑炎4 动静脉畸形 arteriovenous malformation动脉粥样硬化性脑病 atherosclerosis encephalopathy豆状核出血 lentifo

40、rm nucleus hemorrhage毒品/药物所致的睡眠障碍 sleep disorder caused by drug 毒素诱发的睡眠障碍 toxin induced sleep disorder短暂性脑缺血发作 transient ischemic attack,TIA短暂性全面遗忘 transient global amnesia 又称短暂性完全性 遗忘多巴反应性肌张力障碍 dopa-responsive dystonia 又称多巴胺反 应性肌张力障碍多重酰基辅酶A 脱氢酶缺乏症 multiple acyl-Coa dehydrogenase deficiency 又称多长链脂酰辅

41、酶A 脱氢酶缺陷病,MADD(戊 二酸尿症型)多处脑叶出血 several brain lobe hemorrhage 又称脑叶出血多发脑梗死性痴呆 cerebral multi-infarction dementia 又称脑血 管多发梗死性痴呆112 多额鳄儿耳二发法反放非肥腓肺废费分风 多发性大动脉炎 polyarteritis多发性单神经炎 mononeuritis multiplex多发性和双侧入脑前动脉综合征 multiple and bilateral the anterome- dial into a brain artery syndrome 又称多个和双侧入脑前动脉的 闭塞和

42、狭窄多发性肌炎 multiple myositis,polymyositis,PM多发性颅神经麻痹 multiple cranial nerves palsy多发性颅神经损害 disorder of multiple cranial nerves多发性颅神经炎 polyneuritis cranialis多发性脑梗死 multiple cerebal infarction多发性硬化 multiple sclerosis多发性硬化(复发缓解型) multiple sclerosis,relapsing remiting多发性硬化(继发进展型) multiple sclerosis,seconda

43、ry progressive 多发性硬化(进展复发型) multiple sclerosis,progressive relapsing 多发性硬化(原发进展型) multiple sclerosis,primary progressive多个大脑动脉闭塞和狭窄 multiple cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis 又称多发性脑动脉闭塞*,多发性脑动脉狭窄多个和双侧脑动脉闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) multiple and bilateral cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis,caused no ce

44、rebral infarction多个和双侧入脑前动脉的闭塞和狭窄(未造成脑梗死) multiple and double side into cerebral arteries occlusion and stenosis caused nocerebral infarction多汗症 hyperhidrosis 又称多汗多神经病 polyneuropathy 又称多发性神经病多系统萎缩 multiple system atrophy,MSA多系统萎缩-帕金森型 MSA-Parkinsonian phenotype多系统萎缩-小脑型 MSA-cerebellar phenotype 又称多系

45、统萎 缩C 型多小脑回畸形 microgyria malformation多灶型肌张力障碍 multifocal dystonia多灶性运动神经病 multifocal motor neuropathy多轴空病 multicore disease,minicore disease额顶叶脑出血 frontal and parietal lobe cerebral hemorrhage 额顶枕叶脑出血 frontal occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage额颞顶叶脑出血 temporal and parietal lobe cerebral hemorrhage额颞顶枕叶脑出血 frontotemporal occipital lobe cerebral hemorrhage 额颞叶变性 frontotemporal lobar degeneration额颞叶痴呆 frontotemporal dementia额颞叶出血 the frontal temporal lobe hemorrhage额叶出血 frontal lobe hemorrhage额叶癫痫 frontal lobe epilepsy额叶脓肿 frontal lobe abscess鳄泪综合征 crocodile tear syndrome儿童交替


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