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1、Shangcheng CaiziIntroductionlHuaihe river,the geographical line dividing Chinas south and north,flows through Xinyang,which gives Xinyang the title of Northland Jiangnan&Jiangnan NorthlandlXinyang Food,in a narrow sense,is the local dish or a genre of Jianghuai cuisine.Xinyang people are accustomed

2、to gentle and refreshing taste,neither too sweet nor too saltylThe rise of Xinyang dishes for the cause of social history and economic culturelChu Culture is the source of Xinyang FoodlAdvantaged product resources is the foundation of cookinglContinuous host for Xinyang Tea Festival may be catalytic

3、 for the birth of Xinyang Foodl信阳炖菜 Xinyang Stewl信阳小炒 Xinyang Fried Dishl特色小吃 Typical Local Dish in XinyangPresentation Content1 清炖南湾鱼南湾鱼是省内外知名品牌,其富含人体必需的多种维生素及稀有元素,其中有抗癌元素之称的“硒”含量更是普通鱼类的3-5倍。尤其是南湾白花鲢,头部富含DHA,素有“花鲢美在腹,味在头”之说。Stewed Nanwan FishXinyang StewNanwan Fish is a well-known brand for its ten

4、der meat and delicious taste.Its rich in essential vitamins and rare elements.Also,known as the anti-cancer element,Se in Nanwan fish is 3-5 times the content of the ordinary fish.Especially the Nanwan White Bighead,rich in DHA,is known as the rich in the abdomen and good taste in the head.2 罗山大肠汤信阳

5、罗山县有一种传统小吃,主要由淮南猪大肠、豆腐、猪血辅以各种秘制调料炖制而成。大肠汤做法考究,吃起来别有一番滋味。Xinyang StewLuoshan County in Xinyang has a traditional snack and it was made mainly by the Huainan pig intestine,pig blood,tofu with all kinds of secret sauce.Soup of intestine is fastidious,also the taste is very unique:fat but not greasy as

6、well as soft taste.Luoshan Intestine Soup3 闷罐肉闷罐肉是信阳的特色名菜,是早年腊月间信阳人用来储存猪肉的一种方式。焖罐肉选择的食材是当地的淮南黑猪,它是信阳特有的一个品种,营养丰富,肉质浓香。放置半年以上的肉都十分酥软,入口即化,腊味扑鼻。Xinyang StewStuffy Pot of MeatPot meat is Xinyangs characteristic cuisine.It is a way to store pork in the cold twelfth month of the lunar year in those early

7、 years.The food ingredient is Huainan local black pig which is an endemic species in Xinyang,not only rich in nutrition,but also full-bodied in meat flavor.Placed more than half a year,the meat turned to be soft and full of peculiar fragrance for preserved ham.4 固始鹅块固始鹅块是信阳固始县的一道地方特色菜。以鹅为原材料,经过特殊烹饪加

8、工而成,肉质鲜嫩,汤清亮醇厚,口感极佳。因在制作的过程中要将滚烫的汤汁浇在鹅块上,鹅块表面会出现一层汗斑,故又称“汗鹅块”。Xinyang StewGushi Goose BlockGushi goose block is a local specialty in Gushi County,Xinyang City.It selects goose as raw materials,and through special processing and cooking,it presents us fresh meat,clear and mellow soup,finally good tas

9、te.5 板栗焖仔鸡板栗焖鸡本是山东传统名菜,但信阳板栗焖鸡却独有风味。信阳板栗甘甜、清香、糯而不松。加上正宗的散养土鸡肉,便可做出舌尖上的中国推荐的板栗焖鸡。Xinyang StewBraised Chicken with ChestnutsBraised chicken with chestnuts is the traditional Shandong dishes which belongs to the Department of Shandong,but Xinyang chestnuts with chicken stew has its own unique flavor.Xi

10、nyang chestnut has the characteristics of fragrance,sweet,waxy but not loose.It can be sugar fried,pickled and plus with authentic cage-free soil chicken,we can make the delicacy that a Bite of China recommended.6 红焖甲鱼红焖甲鱼由甲鱼和鸡制作而成。因文字谐音,又名“霸王别姬”。豫南山清水秀,鳖和土鸡是一大特产。正宗的信阳“霸王别姬”由潢川鳖和固始三黄鸡制成。汤清、香味醇厚,鲜而烂,

11、是初春和冬季的上等佳肴。Xinyang StewBraised TurtleXinyang has picturesque scenery.Turtle and chicken is a major specialty.Authentic Xinyang Farewell to My Concubine is made of Huangchuan Turtle and Gushi three yellow chicken.It has Clear soup and mellow flavor,fresh and rotten,which is good delicacy for spring

12、and winter.7 老鸭汤产于潢川、商城、固始等县区的散养麻鸭,具有易饲养、生长快、肉质好的特点。用信阳当地小萝卜(也可根据季节选择瓠子、冬瓜、竹笋)井水温火炖出的鸭汤,清香、味甘,有清热泻火之功效。Xinyang StewDuck SoupGrown in Huangchuan,Shangcheng,Gushi counties and other areas,free-cage duck has the characteristics of easy feeding,fast growth and good meat.Xinyang local radish can be selec

13、ted(also calabash,wax gourd,bamboo shoots according to the season)to make soup,which is fragrant and sweet as well as effective for clearing internal heat.8 清炖牛肚绷入口易嚼,不失劲道;汤汁浓厚,满口余香。牛肉含有丰富的蛋白质,其氨基酸组成比猪肉更接近人体需要,能提高机体抗病能力。寒冬进食牛肉,暖胃补身。Xinyang StewStewed Tripe StretchStewed tripe stretch is easy to chew

14、 without loss of strength.It has thick soup and tastes mellow,full of sweet after a drink.Beef is rich in protein,closer to human than pork for amino acids,which can enhance the body resistance to disease.Especially eating beef in winter,it can warm your stomach which turns to be perfect nourishing

15、food.9 筒鲜鱼筒鲜鱼,河南信阳商城地方风味名菜。入冬时节,将鲜鱼刮鳞去脏,洗净沥干后成块,拌入适量食盐。取荷叶或辽竹叶包裹装进鲜毛竹筒内,密封置于阴凉处。两周后,取出以清汤加佐料煮沸食用,肉质鲜嫩、竹香中略带腐乳味,别具一格。Xinyang StewBamboo Tube FishBamboo Tube Fish is one kind of very famous local flavor dishes.In early winter,we choose some fresh fish and scrap to clean,wash and then cut them into pie

16、ces,mixing with salt.Then they were put into fresh bamboo tubes with lotus or bamboo leaves wrapped and sealed in a cool place.For more than about 2 weeks,after boiled with clear soup and condiments,you can enjoy the fresh and tender meat with a taste of preserved beancurd for a unique style.1 腊肉焖鳝鱼

17、腊肉焖鳝鱼讲究火候。腊肉肥而不腻,黄鳝肉质爽口,柔韧劲道,鲜香可口。黄鳝不仅为席上佳肴,其肉、血、头、皮均有一定的药用价值。据本草纲目记载,黄鳝有补血、补气、除风湿等功效。Xinyang Fried DishBraised Eel with Cured MeatBraised Eel with Cured Meat pays attention to temperature and duration.Bacon is fat but not greasy and eel meat tastes tasty.This dish is flexible chewy,fragrant and del

18、icious.According to the records from Compendium of Materia Medica,eel can enrich the blood,nourish your kidney and help removing rheumatism and also has other functions.2 小白菜炕豆腐色香味俱全的炕豆腐是信阳人饭桌上不可或缺的营养美食。秋吃小白菜,清肺止咳,养阴生津。而豆腐富含植物蛋白,生津润燥。小白菜炕豆腐绿白相衬,清素鲜嫩,味道清爽可口。Xinyang Fried DishFried Tofu with CabbageTh

19、e delicious fried tofu with cabbage is indispensable nutrition table food for Xinyang people.It is particularly beneficial to eat in the fall,which can clear your lung and relieve a cough.The tofu is rich in vegetable protein,which can promote fluid production and moisten dryness.Green and white is

20、in contrast,clean and fresh.3 毛尖炒鸡蛋Xinyang Fried DishIngredients:Xinyang Green Tea,eggs Scrambled eggs with Tea1 油炸糍粑糍粑是南方常见的小吃,也叫年糕,是由黏性大的米或米粉蒸成的糕,农历年的应时食品。河南信阳产水稻的地方用的原料都是糯米。刚出炉时候叫年糕,特点是软、还有稻香。等它冷却以后,就是我们经常所说的炸糍粑的原料了。Typical local dishFried Glutinous Rice CakeThe glutinous rice cake is common Sout

21、hern snacks,also called rice cake,is made by sticky rice or rice flour as the seasonable food for Lunar New Year.Besides,it is made all by glutinous rice.when Freshly baked,we call that rice cake with soft and fragrant characteristics.Once cooled down,it can be the raw materials of fried cakes.2 信阳热

22、干面信阳热干面美味可口,最早从湖北武汉传过来,属于鄂菜系,久负盛名。随后根据信阳人的饮食特点,取长补短,逐渐演变,形成独特的风味。Typical local dishXinyang Hot and Dry NoodlesXinyang hot dry noodles is delicious and it stems from Wuhan which belongs to the Department of Hubei cuisine and enjoys a good reputation for a long time.And then according to Xinyang diet

23、characteristics,it learns from each other,and gradually evolved to form a unique flavor.3 信阳石凉粉一方水土,一方饮食。石凉粉是天然植物做出来的夏季消暑食品,清凉爽口,类似果冻但更为健康,是信阳最本土的小吃。Typical local dishStone Bean JellyOne side of water and soil,one diet.Stone bean jelly is one kind of cooling food in summer from natural plant,similar

24、 to jelly but more healthy,is one of the most local snacks in Xinyang.4 信阳板栗信阳栽种板栗历史悠久。特点是个大、肉嫩、皮薄、味甜、色泽鲜艳、颗粒饱满,果肉含糖量高、品质优良、香甜可口而深受喜爱,适于作糖炒栗子。亦可生食、烘食或磨粉,做各种糕点以及烹调材料。尤其是产于罗山、商城的油栗,颇受消费者青睐。Typical local dishXinyang ChestnutXinyang has a long history for planting chestnut.Xinyang chestnuts have so many

25、 advantages:large,tender,thin,sweet,bright color,full particles,high sugar,high quality,sweet and delicious and they are suitable for sugar roasted chestnuts.In addition,it can be used to do all kinds of cakes and cooking materials.Especially produced in Luoshan and Shangcheng,the chestnut is quite

26、popular with its consumers.5 商城烧饼商城烧饼是豫南一种特色小吃:包馅成型后,贴炉烤炭,文火烤成,外焦里软,咸香可口。商城把做烧饼称之为打烧饼,形象的描绘了烧饼的制作过程:活面要反复的揣打,然后揪成一坨坨,放入肉馅,在掌心团几下,左右拉扯成型。Typical local dishClay Oven Rolls in ShangchengClay oven rolls in southern Henan can be regarded as a feature of the snacks.Shaped with forcemeat,pasted to furnace

27、charcoal and baked by a slow fire,you can enjoy the tender delicacy with a crispy crust which is salty and delicious.we call it beat the baked roll which depicts the production process of biscuits:Knocked over and over again,wet flour is pulled into lumps.Then we put the meat into it,twisting and pu

28、lling them to shape up.Blessing Ending记得原来老家巷口,有家夫妻烧饼摊,生意红火。每次走过巷口,芝麻油肉馅的缕缕香气,就会扑面而来。记忆总是停留在一个漫雪纷飞的冬季,北风刺骨,拿起一个热腾腾刚出炉的烧饼,一口下去,满嘴香酥,心里暖暖的,人世间最寻常的幸福感顿时油然而生。是呀,幸福就是在这香脆酥软的口感里。依旧是初雪初霁,一样的有着不正经的风,但这些来自舌尖上的幸福,将伴随你一生一世。I remember that there was a husband and wife biscuits stall in my home alley whose busin

29、ess is booming.Every time I walked through the alley,wisps of aroma from sesame oil meat will blow.So,memory always stays in a snowy winter when the north wind is roaring:I pick up a hot baked fresh biscuit and crispy feeling fills my mouth after a bite which makes my heart warm.One of the most usual happiness suddenly arise spontaneously.Yes,happiness is just the crispy crisp taste.The first snow is melting and a bad wind blows every day,but those happiness from a bite of our ordinary life will accompany you for life.谢谢聆听!Thanks for listening!Presentator:Shangcheng CaiZi


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