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2、0.29175909.42199897.072利润总额41868.7947578.1754066.103净利润18864.5521436.9924360.224纳税总额12724.6914459.8816431.685工业增加值58813.5966833.6375947.316产业贡献率13.00%17.00%18.97%7企业数量95211611486第四章 建设规模一、产品规划项目主要产品为围墙涂料,根据市场情况,预计年产值11869.00万元。通过对国内外市场需求预测可以看出,我国项目产品将以内销为主并扩大外销,随着产品宣传力度的加大,产品价格的降低,产品质量的提高和产品的多样化,项目产


4、 项目选址评价一、项目选址原则项目选址应符合城乡建设总体规划和项目占地使用规划的要求,同时具备便捷的陆路交通和方便的施工场址,并且与大气污染防治、水资源和自然生态资源保护相一致。二、项目选址该项目选址位于xx循环经济产业园。认真落实“中国制造2025”,深入贯彻“双创”战略,主动适应经济发展新常态,更加注重创新发展,更加注重转型发展,更加注重绿色发展,大力发展电子信息、新材料、先进装备制造、节能环保、新能源、矿物宝石、生物医药等七大产业,着力提升自主创新能力,加速科技成果产业化,抢占产业革命竞争制高点,推动战略性新兴产业快速健康发展。到2020年,战略性新兴产业增加值达到500亿元,年均增10





9、作人员及场内来往人员的情况,还可通过查询录像资料,为事故鉴定、责任划分提供法律认可的视频图像证据。八、选址综合评价项目选址所处位置交通便利、地理位置优越,有利于项目生产所需原料、辅助材料和成品的运输;通讯便捷、水资源丰富、能源供应充裕,适合于生产经营活动;为此,该区域是发展产品制造行业的理想场所。第六章 工程设计一、建筑工程设计原则项目承办单位本着“适用、安全、经济、美观”的原则并遵照国家建筑设计规范进行项目建筑工程设计;在满足投资项目生产工艺设备要求的前提下,力求布局合理、造型美观、色彩协调、施工方便,努力建设既有时代感又有地方特色的工业建筑群的新形象。二、项目总平面设计要求本工程项目位于项


11、36.37%。第七章 工艺技术一、原辅材料采购及管理投资项目原料采购后应按质量(等级)要求贮存在原料仓库内,同时,对辅助材料购置的要求均为事先检验以保证辅助材料的质量和生产需要,不合格原材料不得进入公司仓库,应严把原材料质量关,确保生产质量。二、技术管理特点在项目产品制造过程中,根据客户需要直接或间接将产品的生产、检验要求转化为公司内部质量控制标准,加强过程控制,确保产品制造质量的稳定。项目承办单位“倡导预防、健康安全、遵纪守法、持续和谐”的质量方针,实现持续改进。三、项目工艺技术设计方案(一)工艺技术方案要求以生产项目产品为基础,以提高质量为前提,在充分考虑经济条件以及生产过程中人流、物流、


13、进的检测设备,预计购置安装主要设2019年苏教译林三年级快乐英语、朗文课外阅读习题(2019.06.08)第一单元1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个地项中,选出可以填入句?空白处的最佳选项。( )1.-Good afternoon ,Sam. ,Bobby!A .Good afternoon B ,Good morning C, Good evening( )2.-Whata the snail doing? he is looking his house.A, above B, for C, by( )3,Sam is the garden.A, water B, waters C, w

14、atering( ) 4.The snail lost his house, He is very .A, beautiful B, sad C, pretty( ) 5,How can the snail house?get B ,gets C, getting2. 根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,A turtle lost his house.( )2,The house is in the pond.( )3The snail met a fish on his way to the big rock.( )4,The turtle tells the snail the

15、 rock is on the hill.( )5,The flowers know a big bear is on the rock.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )The snail gets his house back.( )A snail loses his house and try to find it.( )The flowers tell him that a big bear is on the rock.( )The frog tells him the rock is on the hill( )The rabbit and the turtl

16、e tell him his house is on a big rock.第二单元.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-What does the blind man carry?A, A lantern. B ,For C, An( )2,-What do you think of the blind man? -He is A,slowly B, rudely C, kind( )3.I love the cake it is delicious.A,forever B ,why C, because( )4 ,A blind is a

17、 man whose eyes see.A ,cant B ,can C ,could( ) 5 ,The blind man carries a lantern to help others the dark.A, to B, in C on2. .根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,The man with a lantern is not blind.( )2,The blind man is very kind.( )3,At first the man laughs at the blind man.( )4,Its in the evening .Its very da

18、rk outside.( )5,The blind carries a lantern to help others in the dark3根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )The man finds the blind is so kind.( )At last they go together.( )There comes a man who has a lantern.( )It is dark .A man cant see the road.( )He finds the man with the lantern is blind.第三单元1.单项选择。从每题的A

19、、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-What do the mice do to deal with the cat? 一They have a A, meeting B, party C, walk( )2,-Is it a good way to hang the bell on the cat? A, Yes ,it isnt . B, No ,it I sn t. C ,No, it is.( )3, is afraid of the cat.A,The mouse B, The mice C,A mice( )4,Lets make a new pat

20、h .The cat cant us.A,find B, finds C,finding( )5,Bobby his Christmas gift very much.A ,love B, like C, loves2.根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,Bobbys Christmas gift is a robot.( )2,The mice have a meeting to deal with the cat.( )3,The mice hang a bell on the cats neck at last.( )4,The mice are not afraid of

21、the cat.( )5,The mice decide to make a new path.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )A little mouse suggests hanging a bell on the cats neck.( )They cant find someone who can hang the bell.( )Once there is a cat and some mice.( )The mice have a meeting.( )At last the mice still cant find a good way to deal w

22、ith the cat.第四单元1般项选择。从每题的A-B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )-wheres the post office ? the library.A,of B ,next to C ,from( )2,-Is it a real lion?- A ,Yes, it isnt. B ,No ,it isnt .C ,No, it is.( )3,You cant fool me A, any more B, any long C ,somebody( )4,You look more than usual.A, much B ,good C, han

23、dsome( )5,The lion is the of the forest.A, prince B ,princess C ,king2.根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,The butterfly is behind the chair.( )2,Here comes a real lion in the forest.( )3.A donkey pretends to be a lion.( )4,The fox is very scared.( )5,The lion wants to eat the cow.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( ) 1

24、. The sheep is very afraid of him.( )2. A donkey finds a lions fur and wears it.( ) 3.The donkey takes off the lions fur and runs away with a shame.( )4.The deer is very afraid of him, too.( )5.The fox finds it is not the re al lion.第五单元1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1.-What are you doin

25、g there? Im the water.Drink B, drinks C, drinking( )2.一Are you twins? -Yes, we twins.A .is B, am C ,are( )3,Please for me and I1l pull you up.A ,wait B ,waits C, waiting( )4,Look!Some boys the tree.A .are climbing B ,climbing C ,is climbing( )5,In the story the goat is very A, clever B ,silly C ,wea

26、k2.根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,Jim and Jack are twins.( )2,The goat gets out of the well at last.( )3,The fox is very kind.( )4.The fox wants to drink the water in the well.( )5,A fox fells down into a river.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )The fox goes up climbing on the goats back.( )The fox is out of the

27、well but the goat is still in the well.( )A fox fells down into a well and worries about how to get out.( )The fox cheats the goat and the goat comes down the wel1.( )The goat drinks the water and talks about how to get out with the fox.第六单元1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子 空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-What time is

28、 it? -Its five A,clock B, oclock C, clocks( )2,-Thank you very much. A ,Thats all right. B ,You ,too .C, The same to you.( )3,Today is .Its not for school.A, Saturday B, Monday C, Friday( )4,They are about the new teacher in our school.A, talk B ,talks C ,talking( )5,Let me you we are safe now.A, te

29、ll B ,tells C ,told2.根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,A tiger is caught by a hunter.( )2,The mouse lies to the lion.( )3,The lion is in danger and the mouse cant save him( )4,A mouse falls down on the lions head.( )5,The bear saves the lion.V.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )One day the lion was caught by the hunte

30、r.( )The lion feels ashamed.( )The lion wants to eat the mouse, but he let the mouse go at last.( )A mouse wakes a lion from his sleep.( )The mouse comes and saves the lion.第七单元1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-What are these? all kinds of leaves.A ,Its B, They are C ,Those are( )2,一Are

31、those kites beautiful? A ,Yes ,they are .B, Yes, theyre .C ,No ,they are( )3,At last the lion eats for dinner.A, many B, nothing C, any( )4,-What is the rabbit doing? She is A, sleep B, sleeps C, sleeping( )5,Mother me up at six every day.wakes B ,get C ,give2.根据课文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,The lion has a

32、good meal for dinner.( )2,The rabbit is sleeping.( )3,The deer runs very fast.( )4,The deer is too greedy.( )5,The lion is very happy.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )The lion goes to catch the deer for dinner.( )A hungry lion wants something to eat.( )The lion finds a rabbit ,but he doesnt go to catch(

33、)The lion is very angry because he lose the rabbit and the deer both.( )The lion gives up to catch the deer ,but he cant find the rabbit.第八单元1. 单项选择,从每题空白处的最佳选项A.B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句( )1,-What are they? Theyre A ,crabs B, crab C ,starfish( )2,Why you go with me?A, doesnt B, dont C, not( )3,Im Bobby Tin

34、as dress.A,of B, from C,in( )4,Maybe you right.A ,is B, am C ,are( )5,Whats wrong you?A ,at B ,in C, with2.根据课文内容判 断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1,The mother crab can walk straight.( )2,Turtles can only walk sideways.( )3,Bobby wears Tinas dress.( )4,The mother crab learns to walk.( )5,The baby crab can only keep

35、walking sideways.3.根据课文内容排序,将正确答案写在题前的括号内。( )The baby crab cant do well all the time.( )They find the mother crab walks sideways too.( )Baby crab learns to walk.( )The mother crab tells the baby crab not to walk sideways.( )The baby crab tells his mother that maybe crabs can only walk sideways.朗文阅读

36、Im hungry11、单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空自处的最佳选项。( )1.-Wouldyoulike a piece(一片)ofbread? ,thanks. Imnothungrynow. A. NoB. YesC Not( )2、I am .MayIhavesomerice, please? A .thirstyB .hungryC, full( )3.Porkylikesorangesand A. bananaB, pearC. bananas( )4.Porkyeatsanicecream.Heis . A .happyB, tallC, short

37、( )5.Ilikerice. Thericeis A、niceB. gladC, cookie朗文阅读 On the farm1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-Whatsthecowsname? - A. RonnieB, BrownC, Milky ( )2,Theres ofgrassforyou. A. lotsB, lotC, many( )3,-Whatsthesheepsname?- A. SheilaB, quackC ,moo( )4,-Whatdoestheducklike? A, GrassB, FishC, Bo

38、nes ( )5,-Whatsyourfavouritefood? - A flower B tree C ice cream 朗文阅读 water please 1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-Whatshedoing? -Hes . A, swimmingB, swimC, drink( )2,Imthirsty .MayIhavea ,please? A, hungryB ,waterC, drink( )3,Somechildrenlikeplaying thewater. A, onB, fromC, with( )4,Ca

39、ndywantstodrinka ofwater. A, glassB, cupC, plate( )5,Itsraining .Theflowercanwell. A,growsB, growC,togrow朗文阅读 The birthday party 1.单项选择。从每题的A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。( )1,-Whosebirthdaypartyisittoday? - . A. WinniesB, MotherC, Father( ) 2.Joeiswearinghisfavourite shoes. A. runB, runningC, look( )

40、 3,Heresagiftforyou, Winnie . Happy . A. dayB, foodC, birthday( )4,NowtheyreinsideWinnieshouse .Winnies friends hungry. A. isB, amC, are( )5,Firsttheyplaylotsof . A .gameB, gamesC, party弡弡页 2020/6/21 机关、事业单位工作人员正常晋升工资档次(离退休、退职人员增加离退休、退职费) 审审 批批 花花 名名 册册 填报单位:ABCD单位:元 姓 名 性 别 出 生 年 月 入 伍 时 间 现 任 职 务

41、任 职 、 聘 任 时 间 批 退 准 职 离 时 退 间 按1993年9月30日职务 套改的职务(岗位)技 术等级工资 晋升前职务(岗位、 技术等级)工资 晋升后职务(岗位、 技术等级)工资 月 增 资 额 月退 增 离职 退 休费 、 执 行 时 间备注 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 主 管 部 门 审 查 意 见 年 月 日 审 批 机 关 意 见 年 月 日 负责人:傅飞跃 填表人:黄智贤联系电话:6681280 省人事厅制 第12页共5页 2020/6/21 机关、事业单位工作人员正常晋升工资档次(离退休、退职人员增加

42、离退休、退职费) 审审 批批 花花 名名 册册 填报单位:ABCD单位:元 姓 名 性 别 出 生 年 月 入 伍 时 间 现 任 职 务 任 职 、 聘 任 时 间 批 退 准 职 离 时 退 间 按1993年9月30日职务 套改的职务(岗位)技 术等级工资 晋升前职务(岗位、 技术等级)工资 晋升后职务(岗位、 技术等级)工资 月 增 资 额 月退 增 离职 退 休费 、 执 行 时 间备注 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 小 计 档 次 标 准 津 贴 本页小计003.10 主 管 部 门 审 查 意 见 年 月 日 审 批 机 关 意 见 年 月 日 负责人:傅飞跃 填表人:黄智贤联系电话:6681280 省人事厅制 第13页共5页 2020/6/21 机关、事业单位工作人员正常晋升工资档次(离退休、退职人员增加离退休、退职费) 审审 批批 花花 名名 册册 填报单位:ABCD单位:元 姓 名 性 别 出 生 年 月 入 伍 时 间 现 任 职 务 任 职 、 聘 任 时 间 批 退 准 职 离 时 退 间 按1993年9月30日职务 套改的职务(岗


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