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2、低的5.ethnicityeW5nisitin.种族地位,种族渊源6.socioeconomic5sEuFiEu7i:kE5nCmikadj.社会经济的7.infant5infEntn.婴儿,幼儿8.startling5stB:tliNadj.使人惊跳的9.repercussion7ri:pE5kQFEnn.影响,后果10.delinquency di5liNkwEnsi n.少年犯罪,错误11.bulimiabju:5limjEn.医食欲过盛12.inflictin5fliktvt.使遭受(损伤等)13.emulate5emjuleitvt.仿效,模仿14.mandate5mAndeitn.

3、指令15.psychological7saikE5lCdVikEladj.精神的16.pediatrics 7pi:di5Atriks n.儿科学17.outburst5autbE:stn.爆发18.contendkEn5tendvt.辩论19.enduringin5djuEriNadj.持久的20.mitigate5mitieitvt.减轻21.rantrAntn.痛骂 . 各种连锁药店是我们主要目标客户(独立药房)的最大竞争对手,与我们有相似的经营理念,为长期竞争对手ii. 连锁的优势1. 控制终端销售2. 形成规模后,可大大降低物流成本iii. 连锁的缺点1. 连锁门店资金投入巨大,不易

4、扩张2. 连锁的直营店与个体经营者相比销售意识不强3. 在形成规模前,自建配送中心成本高,其实际物流成本未必得到降低iv. 对策1. 发展加盟连锁并利用价格杠杆发展其他紧密型、半紧密型的合作伙伴,提高合作者的竞争能力及在零售终端的份额2. 与中小型连锁公司结成合作伙伴,提供货源及物流服务,降低市场风险3. 不断扩大市场规模,取得成本和价格优势4. 在有利的情况下,与大型连锁企业进行联合采购或提供物流配送服务b) 普通药品批发企业i. 优势1. 控制现有渠道,受当地政府的扶植和保护2. 单品销量大,有一定价格优势ii. 缺点1. 绝大部分为国有企业,经营观念和管理手段落后2. 成本高,服务差3.

5、 对零售终端缺乏控制4. 多数企业只经营和代理少数品种iii. 对策1. 对于品种多、实力强的大型药品批发企业,a) 保证服务的优势b) 保证价格具备竞争力c) 使用灵活的促销手段d) 争取生产厂家的各种支持2. 对于品种少、销量较大的中型批发企业a) 逐步扩大市场份额,提高竞争能力b) 重视对同类品种的经营c) 对生产厂家的争取c) 医药批发市场i. 优势1. 经营比较灵活2. 成本低,在税收方面有一定优势ii. 缺点1. 经营不规范,暗箱操作多,政府会逐步规范2. 难以形成规模,获取价格优势3. 经营药品多为中小厂家生产,质量无保障,甚至经营假冒伪劣药品iii. 对策1. 在进入市场的初期

6、,是我们的主要竞争对手2. 要从价格、服务、药品质量三方面给予打击九 进度安排及前景展望a) 目标进度i. 00年在*的物流集散地*成立大型药品配送公司1. *公司营业一年后销售额达到亿,第二年达到亿,三年后达到亿2. 00年底公司销售额超过亿,综合毛利控制在.-ii. 00年在*及*成立新的药品配送公司1. 00年当年销售额达到亿,综合毛利控制在.2. *、*、*、*为*地区最大的个医药市场,通过在这些城市的网络建设,可进行集中采购,降低成本。iii. 00年在个中等城市成立药品配送公司1. 00年,公司销售额达到和超过0亿2. 随着公司实力的增强,综合毛利达到%,利润目标为00万iv. 0

7、0年继续在个中等城市成立药品配送公司,完成对*主要网络的覆盖1. 当年公司销售额达到亿,综合毛利,利润为000万v. 00年,重点提升经营效益,扩大市场占有率1. 销售额超过0亿,综合毛利.,利润为000万的身体回到原位。 在活动过程中, 只能以语言为工具, 相互拉着的手不能放开, 也不能用手指去勾呼啦圈。 计时, 可多玩几次, 看最快用了几秒完成。 讨论: 1 各位刚才是如何完成目标的? 2 刚才最关键的改善动作是什么? 3 大胆请教各位,平时工作中是否也能这样互动,相互模仿学习,形成公式? 4 你认为刚才的活动过程中对团队最有帮助的一点是什么? 变化:可以思考以不同方式传递呼啦圈。 教具:

8、呼啦圈两个。 涓涓因此去领导,不要去管理并且别忘记让开道路。 杰克韦尔奇与通用之路40下载 8. The High-Tech StudentRemember the Stone Age days of research back in elementary school and middle school? We would spend countless hours digesting1 the information we could find on index cards. Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with

9、 the Gopher program or some generic2 database whose name connoted3 a marmot4 that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick? Well, all I have to say can be summed up5 in five words: Thank God For The Internet! Screw6 going to the library! I have access to dozens of databases, journals, and collectio

10、ns of literature right at my fingertips. I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok7 in the library, stressing out while trying to find Shakespeares8 The Tempest9 or some other book, all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the “ sil

11、ence policy of libraries” means. If you recall the flood epidemic10 that hit Colorado State University just a couple summers ago, that natural disaster wreaked11 havoc12 all over campus. A large portion of journals and texts were located in our libraries basement which completely filled up with abou

12、t 10 feet of rain water in a matter of hours. The Lory Student Centers basement was also flooded and that was where the university bookstore was located. This forced almost every professor to order new textbooks and that really put a dent13 in our wallets. Many students here, myself included, still

13、have to face the disappointment of searching for a particular book or journal for a last minute paper, only to find out that the certain item was a casualty14 of the flood. Thanks to the Internet, the university implemented15 the Inter-Library Loan system. Several universities around Colorado have g

14、enerously aided us in our research endeavors by loaning any resource we need for at least two to three weeks. All we have to do is type in a request and five other university libraries automatically search for that information. Without this program, I may have failed several papers and projects. I w


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