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天津市红桥区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语 Word版含答案.docx

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天津市红桥区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语 Word版含答案.docx_第1页
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天津市红桥区2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语 Word版含答案.docx_第2页
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1、高一英语说明:本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。第卷 (选择题,三部分,共70分)第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分15分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the goods arrive? A. On February 13th. B. On February 16th. C. On February 19th.2. How does the

2、 woman fight a cold? A. By having a rest. B. By eating a certain diet. C. By taking some medicine.3. What does the man plan to buy for his brother? A. A mobile phone. B. A book. C. A shaver.4. What does the man like best in the zoo? A. The Cat House. B. The Lizard Lounge. C. The Monkey House.5. What

3、 does the Man mean by saying“it is all Greek to me. I cant follow him at all”?A. The physics problem is difficult.B. He can explain everything clearly.C. Professor Smith cant speak Greek.第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将

4、给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。6. What did the two speakers do just now?A. They watched a football match.B. They visited a museum.C. They saw a movie.7. Why dont they have Chinese food?A. Because the woman doesnt like it.B. Because the woman had it last night.高一英语 第 1 页 共 10 页C. Because the ma

5、n doesnt like it.8. What did they eat at last? A. Curry and rice. B. Pizza. C. Hot dog.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题。9. Who is the woman probably talking to? A. A fellow traveller. B. A company leader. C. A tour guide.10. How long will the woman stay in Valencia? A.7 nights. B.6 nights. C.5 nights.11. What is

6、the womans husband probably going to do next Thursday? A. Work in his office. B. Take a package tour. C. Return to Nice.听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。12. Who started the competition? A. A bus company. B. A teacher. C. A student.13. What are the participants invited to do?A. Organize a program.B. Write an essa

7、y(文章).C. Plant a garden.14. What will the winning school receive besides some money?A. A lot of computers.B. A hybrid school bus.C. Some beautiful lights.15. What is the advantage of the hybrid school bus over the ordinary one?A. It is much safer.B. It runs much faster.C. It creates less pollution.第

8、二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分25分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Im afraid I cant climb to the top of the mountain. I am really exhausted now. . There is only one third of the journey left. A. Go ahead B. Take care C. Come on D. All right17. Finally he reached a lonely island was co

9、mpletely cut off from the outside world. A. which B. who C. where D. when高一英语 第 2 页 共 10 页18. Considering the different demands of the students, the school has adopted a more approach to education. A. independent B. responsible C. flexible general D. flexible19. Tom has been preparing carefully for

10、the English examination so that he can be sure of passing it at his first . A. request B. attempt C. promise D. purpose20. What did Mr. Black say to you just now?He asked us the next day. A. what would the weather be like B. what will the weather be like C. what the weather would be like D. what the

11、 weather was like21. Sorry, Tony. Im too busy to attend the meeting this Saturday.Well, you attend it if you truly cant spare the time. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. cant D. mustnt22. As usual,I went to work on foot that day it was raining heavily. A. so that B. as though C. in case D. even though23. Wha

12、t is most extraordinary about the complex structures of Maya civilization is they were built without the use of wheels, metal tools or even animal power. A. why B. how C. where D. when24. Many a house in the powerful earthquake. Fortunately, large amounts of money so far for those homeless in the di

13、sastrous earthquake in Gansu Province. A. was damaged; have been collected B. were damaged; has been collected C. has been damaged; was collected D. have been damaged; were collected25. in thought, John completely missed his bus stop and had to walk back. A. To lose B. To be lost C. Lost D. Losing第二

14、节:完型填空 (共 15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2640各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Recently I was invited to a friends house for supper and had a meal I have never had before.All the friends invited were a little 26 . Its not that Ben is unsociable, or a bad cook, but its just that he never spends more than he

15、 has to. So how come he was inviting us round for a meal? Had he bought something 27 for his friends? He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dinning room where a 28 table was waiting for us.“Nothing but the 29 for my friends!”said Ben. We all sat down and looked 30 .高一英语 第 3 页 共 10 页at eac

16、h otherwhat did he 31 to?Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup.“Its a 32 of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes,”said Ben. The next 33 was also a little strange in that we didnt quite know what it was again. Its just another mixture of vegetables.As we ate we chatted and finally the 34 turned back to

17、what we were eating.“Was there a recipe(食谱) for this,”asked Marina,“or did you 35 it up?”Ben put his fork down.“What I cooked 36 what I could find.”Marina was surprised.“But you can find anything in supermarkets these days.”“But theres less choice in what you can find outside supermarkets,”he replie

18、d.Seeing that we had all finished the food, Ben decided to tell the truth. He had read recently that supermarkets usually 37 away 5 percent of their food every day. So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins. There he found food that was slightly out of 38 , boxes of throw-away vegetab

19、les and fruit.So Ben had 39 provided a decent(不错的) meal for his friends, and made us aware of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food, but the amount of food thrown away is enough to 40 millions of people.26. A. excited B. disappointed C. surprised D. delighted27. A. cheap B. spec

20、ial C. practical D. usual28. A. new B. separate C. booked D. laid29. A. worst B. most C. best D. least30. A. nervously B. carefully C. sadly D. happily31. A. think B. consider C. mean D. ask32. A. mixture B. liquid C. matter D. dish33. A. course B. food C. soup D. salad34. A. dinner B. idea C. food

21、D. subject35. A. pick B. look C. make D. take36. A. referred to B. depended on C. lay in D. resulted from37. A. store B. move C. throw D. hide38. A. order B. place C. season D. date39. A. successfully B. possibly C. hardly D. hopefully40. A. enrich B. feed C. affect D. please第三部分:阅读理解 (共15 小题;每小题2分;

22、满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。A高一英语 第 4 页 共 10 页4-Day Classic Beijing TourThe 4-day classic Beijing tour is designed for tourists who come to visit China for the first time. It covers the most popular and typical places in Beijing, fully displaying the scenery, culture, history, local lifes

23、tyles and features, food and drinks, business, etc. for you.Day 1: Arrival in BeijingYour guide meets you at Capital Airport, and helps you check in at your hotel.Enjoy Beijing Duck as welcome dinner.Accommodation: Beijing downtownDay 2: The Great Wall & the Summer PalaceStart your day at the most f

24、amous part of the Great Wall, the Badaling Great Wall.Leave down town for the Great Wall at 8 am. Since it is a long drive to the Great Wall(about 2 hours riding), have a break at the Jade Museum on the way. Lunch will be enjoyed in a local restaurant. In the early afternoon come back to the city an

25、d have a sightseeing tour of the Summer Palace.Recommended Activity: Beijing Opera Show (Liyuan Theatre, 19: 30-21: 10 every evening)Accommodation:Beijing downtownDay 3: Beijing city sightseeing & Local experienceYour guide meets you at the hotel at 8 am and set out for the days touring:Tiananmen Sq

26、uare and the Forbidden City. After visiting the two sites, have a break and get ready for lunch.Hutong visit: see some traditional arts of the old Beijing, such as paper-cutting and kite-making, and visit a local family.Accommodation: Beijing downtownDay 4: Beijing Olympic sitesVisit the Olympic sit

27、es: Birds Nest, Water Cube and Olympic Park, witnessing the fast developing modern China. Enjoy some free time after visiting the sites.After lunch, it is shopping time and then the tour is over.41. This advertisement is aimed at . A. foreigners who are new to China B. experts who study history and

28、cities C. kids who were born in other cities D. people who are interested in touring42. If a tourist wants to enjoy Beijing Opera, he should .A. go to Liyuan Theatre in the evening高一英语 第 5 页 共 10页B. visit the Summer Palace on the first dayC. go sightseeing in Beijing HutongD. live and eat downtown i

29、n Beijing43. On which day can tourists enjoy the citys traditional arts and local lifestyles? A. Day 4. B. Day 3. C. Day 2. D. Day 1.44. What does this tour company think can show Beijing is a fast developing modern city?A. Beijing Capital Airport.B. Birds Nest, Water Cube and Olympic Park.C. Tianan

30、men Square and the Forbidden City.D. The Great Wall & the Summer Palace.45. To make the advertisement work, what should be added? A. Age requirement. B. The hotels address. C. Contact information. D. The guides name.BJack London, one of Americas great writers of adventure stories, was born in Califo

31、rnia in1876. During his life, London did many jobs. His broad life experiences would become the background for his writing.London loved to read. As a teenager, he spent many hours educating himself at the Oakland Public Library. He attended college at the University of California at Berkeley in1896,

32、 but he stayed for only six months. He thought Berkeley was“not lively enough”and wanted to do something more exciting.London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had making a living. He knew their problems at first hand. He worked as a sailor, factory worker, and gold rusher,

33、to name but a few of his many jobs.Like many people of the time, London caught the Klondike Gold Rush Fever(淘金热).In 1897, he headed for Alaska. He didnt find gold, but he discovered something even more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up. London entertaine

34、d(使快乐) the miners with story after story. Later, using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories. London decided to live a full,exciting life. Each day, he pushed himself. Once London made up his mind to be a writer,nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at l

35、east one thousand words every day. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, the writer published fifty-one books and hundreds of articles. He was the best-selling and highest-paid author of his day.高一英语 第 6 页 共 10 页Many people also considered him to be the best writer.White Fang

36、and The Call of the Wild are his most famous stories and are about surviving in the Alaskan wilderness.Readers can enjoy Jack Londons talent for telling wonderful stories each time they open one of his novels.46. Which statement is TRUE about Jack London? A. He is famous for his learning ability. B.

37、 He studied in many universities. C. He was taught by the librarians. D. His life experiences benefited him.47. What did Jack London think of his college life? A. It was not very easy. B. It was not very busy. C. It was not very interesting. D. It was not very comfortable.48. When did Jack London di

38、scover he had a talent for storytelling? A. When he was a teenager. B. When he was in Alaska. C. When he went to college. D. When he worked as a sailor.49. Which of the following can best describe Jack London? A. Strong-minded. B. Big-mouthed. C. Well-educated. D. Soft-hearted.50. Whats the authors

39、main purpose in writing the text?A. To describe Jack Londons life during the Gold Rush.B. To introduce several books written by Jack London.C. To show how Jack London became a great writer.D. To require readers to read Jack Londons book.CIts good to make mistakes, and here is why.First of all, mista

40、kes are a clear sign that we are trying new things. Its always good to try new things because when we are trying new things, we are growing. If we never try anything new, how can we improve? How can we expand? The simple answer is,“We cant.” Around us, everything in our physical world is the result

41、of someone trying something new. Another good thing about mistakes is this: When we are making mistakes,we are learning. Consider this-Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he had learned 10,000things that didnt wo

42、rk.Finally, when we make a mistake, we are much closer to success. Why? Because when高一英语 第 7 页 共 10页all is said and done, we will have tried some number of things before we succeed. Every time we make a mistake, we eliminate one of those things and are one step closer.But all this doesnt mean that w

43、e should go through life without considering the result of a mistake. Quite the contrary, when we try something new, we have to be willing to set some reasonable limits. We shouldnt do anything blindly. Because we all have limited resourcesin the form of time and money, so we must realize that it pr

44、obably wont be perfect the first time and arrange these resources appropriately so we can learn, make corrections, and try it again. Only by accepting and using our mistakes in this way can we make significant advances in our lives.There is an old saying that goes,“If youre not making mistakes, youre not trying hard enough.”So go forth and make mistakes. And


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