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1、Balanced Scorecard An Introduction to Balanced Scorecard Singapore March 2002 Agenda Balanced Scorecard Concepts Balanced Scorecard Decision BAX Global Case Study BAX Corporate Overview IT Strategy BSC Process ASPAC IT Scorecard BSC Experiences Benefits & Outcomes BSC Templates BSC Automation Tool B

2、alanced Scorecard Concepts The Origins of the BSC - first introduced in 1992 by Kaplan & Norton in an article in the Harvard Business Review discussed in their book The Balanced Scorecard - Translating Strategy into Action 1996 the BSC is built on the findings of a year-long research programme suppo

3、rted by a dozen multi-national companies (e.g. HP, EDS, Mobil & Shell) the BSC is a flexible & informative approach to strategic business performance measurement Balanced Scorecard Concepts The BSC - retains an emphasis on financial goals includes non-financial performance drivers Measures organisat

4、ional performance from four perspectives - financial customers internal business processes learning & growth Balanced Scorecard Concepts Financial measures - summarise the economic consequences of actions already taken indicate if actions are translating into bottom- line improvement typically relat

5、e to profitability or broader measures Customer measures - identify the targeted customers and markets core outcomes of: customer satisfaction, retention & acquisition, profitability & market share Balanced Scorecard Concepts Internal Business Process measures - need to identify which internal proce

6、sses are critical to enable the business unit to - deliver a product that will attract & retain customers satisfy shareholders expectations of superior financial returns focus on critical processes includes those that the company may not be performing today - new processes for new business units cri

7、tical for the successful profitability & performance management of those business units Balanced Scorecard Concepts Learning & Growth measures - infrastructure that the company requires to build to create long-term growth and improvement the need to improve capabilities so that it can continue to be

8、 competitive and as such continue to deliver value to customers and shareholders to close the gap between existing capabilities of people, systems and processes and those required to achieve breakthrough performance the investment includes reskilling employees, enhancing systems and business process

9、es Balanced Scorecard Concepts Quote - “The Balanced Scorecard translates an organisations mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provides the framework for a strategic measurement and management system.” The Balance Scorecard - Translating Strategy into Action RS

10、 Kaplan & DP Norton Harvard Business School Press 1996 Other references - Balance Scorecard Collaborative () The Strategy-Focused Organisation RS Kaplan & DP Norton Harvard Business School Press 2001 Balanced Scorecard Concepts Vision and Strategy Financial “To succeed financially, how should we app

11、ear to our shareholders?” Internal Business Process “To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at?” Learning & Growth “To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?” Customer “To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our cu

12、stomers?” Balanced Scorecard Concepts Vision Strategy Strategic Objective Stretch Targets Initiatives Linkages Lead Lag Measures Customer Objectives Process Objectives Learning & Growth Objectives Financial Objectives Where we want to be? How to reach there? Top-to-Bottom Approach Cause & Effect Bal

13、anced Scorecard Concepts Cause / Effect Relationship Effective strategies can be made up of a series of cause and effect relationships between outcome measures and performance drivers example - customer satisfaction drives sales, sales drive revenues and revenues are a factor driving profitability A

14、 well constructed BSC should in a sense tell a story about what you want to achieve and how you expect to achieve it Balanced Scorecard Decision Concerns of the Business To synchronize IT & business Setting the same priorities Needs of the business Needs of customers Competitive pressures Resource a

15、nd investment management Balanced Scorecard Decision IT Strategy Meeting needs of business and customers Ability to prioritize Perception of success IT Logical Starting Point Investment versus outcomes gap Balanced Scorecard Decision Quote The BSC approach lends itself especially well to one of the

16、fundamental challenges facing CEOs and IT executives - namely, how to measure, improve and understand the value that information technology delivers to the business. The BSC can help managers identify opportunities for improvement in IT, and track the impact of improvement initiatives through a wide

17、 range if performance indicators The Balanced Scorecard and IT Management Compass White Paper Robert S. Gold BAX Global Case Study BAX Corporate Overview US$2.1 billion global transportation and supply chain management company Multi-modal freight forwarding for B2B customers world wide Headquartered

18、 - Irvine, California USA Approximately 500 offices across 123 countries with some 10,100 employees Part of the Pittston Group of Companies with total revenues of US$4.1 billion BAX Global Case Study Revenue Growth BAX Global Case Study Asia Pacific Region China India Thailand Malaysia Singapore Phi

19、lippines Taiwan Hong Kong Australia Japan Korea New Zealand 55 offices in 12 countries BAX Global Case Study Pharmaceutical/ Chemical Becton Dickinson Glaxo Wellcome Retail Christian Dior Fragrances Esprit Levis Strauss Liz Claiborne Tommy Hilfiger High Tech Apple Cisco Compaq DELL Epson Gateway HP

20、IBM Maxtor Microsoft Motorola Philips Aerospace Allied Signal Boeing Bombardier Rockwell Collins Automotive Ford GM Markets & Partners BAX Global Case Study Published Strategy Document detailing - The IT Strategy The Business Model The IT Action Plan The Region The IT Organisation refer ASPAC IT Str

21、ategy BAX Global Case Study “Leverage IT to create value-adding business change” “Build Strategic Alliance and Collaborative Partnership” “Integrate and Standardize IT systems to improve efficiency and to reduce support cost” ASPAC IT Strategy BAX Global Case Study Process - Executive Sponsorship Se

22、lecting Partner Senior executive meeting to ascertain Corporate Vision and Strategy Relate IT Strategy to Corporate Vision Build straw man Linkage Model Build Objectives and Measures for straw man Model BAX Global Case Study Process (cont.) - Series of iterations Finalise the Linkage Model, Objectiv

23、es and Measures Identify Initiatives Develop manual Scorecard Automating the Scorecard Cascading the Scorecard BAX Global Case Study Perspectives Shareholder Customer Internal Learning Corporate Vision IT IT Strategy & Strategic Issues Phases of Linkage Model Objectives and Measures Manual Scorecard

24、 Cascade Scorecard Automate Scorecard Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives BSC Process BAX Global Case Study Optimise IT resource efficiency Increase Returns Customer Retention with IT Customer Relationship Enhance IT value add Set IT service standards Listen & anticipate customer needs & trends

25、* Technology identification Increase Customer Diversity Customized Innovative IT Solutions Acquire, enhance & retain IT skills & competencies Balance communication among all IT staff Promote strong Teamwork IT Process Integration ShareholdersShareholders Internal ProcessesInternal Processes Learning

26、Learning Customer FocusCustomer FocusLeverage IT to Create ValueLeverage IT to Create Value CustomersCustomers BAX Global Case Study Experiences - Locking in Executive sponsorship Understanding the concepts Translating strategy into objectives Questions about measuring the benefits Building the link

27、age model Multiple Iterations Changes in understanding Objectives versus initiatives BAX Global Case Study Experiences (cont.) - Building the measures Lead (Drivers) Lag (Outcomes) Maintaining momentum Time to develop Time for result BAX Global Case Study Benefits & Outcomes - Developing an IT strat

28、egy that complies with the Corporate vision Change How we measure IT Creating benchmarks for initiatives Prioritizing IT initiatives Using BSC as a learning tool Communication of IT initiatives and implications to the business BAX Global Case Study Benefits & Outcomes Alignment of IT initiatives and

29、 business needs Facilitates tracking and measurement of the progress in implementing initiatives Addresses the today and tomorrow balancing required by IT - Maintenance Investment and Development BAX Global Case Study Benefits & Outcomes Broad scope of BSC across all functions within IT - data centr

30、e strategic initiatives development infrastructure disaster recovery BSC Templates BSC Templates BSC Templates BSC Templates BSC Templates BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool BSC Automation Tool B

31、SC Automation Tool :节目播放过程中从屏幕右侧弹 出的广告形式,形式随心创意 价值:形式独特新颖夺目而出,更易 引发关注、积累记忆 特殊产品-公交频道 优势篇产品 THANKS! 设备状况 质量体系 产品开发质量 供应开发质量 制造质量保证 质量检验和试验 质量资料与职员 政治法律环境 经济技术环境 自然地理环境 社会文化环境 企业1企业2企业3企业n . 43 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * 长安汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 对配套体系进行系统规划 传动轴带万向节总成 后减震器总成 前支柱总成 后桥半轴总成 后桥壳及主减速

32、器差速 转向螺杆箱带摇臂总成 制动鼓总成(前,后) 收放机总成 组合仪表总成 仪表台板总成 传动轴带万向节总成 配套件 车型 SC1011GSC6320GSC6331ASC6350FAA配套厂 资料来源:长安公司提供 44 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * 长安汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 结论回顾和建议: 5条立即可以采取的对策建议 1、加大人力投入,加快对所有配套厂家进行全面分析,提出定量化的2001年的成本降低指标,配 合12月中旬的订货会,解决优选配套厂家的问题。 2、对长安的信息流程进行再造,建立信息处理流程,统一市场信息、销售信息、

33、竞争对手信息财 务信息,生产信息、成本信息等信息的内部有效利用。 3、迅速建立科学的信用管理体系。 4、学习国际公司的成熟做法,对配套厂家进行零部件集成、成本、管理和流程进行再造,扶持 大的供应商,帮助供应商和配套厂家降低成本,从而降低长安本身的成本,为今后的市场营销和 可能的价格站打下基础。 5、根据市场的未来趋势,先行一步,成立汽车租赁公司,减少库存,作为重要的销售市场、维修 支持机构。自己先投入部分资金,通过向投资基金融资,扩大资本金,通过委托专业管理公司管 理,迅速在全国铺开,最后争取上市。 45 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * 长安

34、汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 新华信下一阶段工作计划 新华信长安项目组 咨询组7人咨询组4人咨询组4人 订货会主要部分配套 厂家遴选咨询组 2人 信息流程 咨询组 配套厂家咨询方案 咨询组 咨询组4人 租赁公司方案 咨询组 组织结构咨询组 2人 新的内容老的内容 信用管理体系 咨询组 46 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * 长安汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 下阶段工作内容计划时间分配 2000.11 第1-2周 2000.11 第3-4周 2000.12 第1-2周 2000.12 第3-4周 2001.1 第1-2周 2001.1 第3-4周

35、 组织结构 咨询组 订货会配套厂 家遴选咨询组 信息流程 咨询组 配套厂家咨询 方案咨询组 3周 3周 租赁公司方案 咨询组 2001.2 第1-2周 2001.2 第3-4周 信用管理体系 咨询组 47 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * 长安汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 今日议程 一、报告主要结论时间:8:00-8:30项目小组 文建波、严俊 万建生、陈健 郭军平 二、咨询项目下一阶段工作建议时间:8:30-8:40赵民 三、听取意见时间:8:40-9:00尹总、王总 马主任 48 2000 By SINOTRUST Management C

36、onsulting * 长安汽车集团有限公司流程再造咨询 谢谢! 49 2000 By SINOTRUST Management Consulting * earning in organizations 1999 Kenniscentrum CIBIT Learing obstacles in organizations (1) lKnowledge is power/ Not invented here: dont want to share/reuse lInfrastructure in lacking (memory) lMutual intention is inadequate

37、1999 Kenniscentrum CIBIT Learing obstacles in organizations (2) lParalyzing through an abundance of rules and procedures lNot tolerant of (potentially creative) chaos, Group Think lLack of redundancy and ambiguity 1999 Kenniscentrum CIBIT Learing obstacles in organizations (3) lI am my function / Th

38、e enemy is outside lAssume the illusion of responsibility/ Fixation on events lThe parable of the boiled frog lThe deception of learning from experience lThe myth of the management team McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 1 McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGr

39、aw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 2 Career Planning and Career Planning and DevelopmentDevelopment chapterchapter 14 McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 3 The Concept of Career lA career is the pattern of work-related experiences and activ

40、ities over the span of the persons work life, e.g., ljob positions ljob duties ldecisions lsubjective interpretations about work-related events McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 4 Career Development System: Linking Organizational Needs with Individual N

41、eeds ISSUE: Are employees developing themselves in a way that links personal effectiveness and satisfaction with the achievement of the organizations strategic objectives? INDIVIDUAL NEEDS How do I find career opportunities within the organization that will do the following? Use my strengths Address

42、 my developmental needs Provide challenges Match my interests Match my values Match my personal style ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS What are the organizations major strategic issues over the next two or three years? Critical needs and challenges to be faced? Critical skills, knowledge, and experience needed

43、to meet these challenges? Staffing levels required? Does the organization have the strength necessary to meet the critical challenges? McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 5 Career Stages (1 of 2) Stage I: Apprenticeship lImportant needs safety, security,

44、physiological lExpected to show competence in learning and following directions lMust be able to accept the psychological state of dependence Stage II: Advancement lImportant needs achievement, esteem, autonomy lDemonstrate competence in a specific technical area lExpected to be an independent contr

45、ibutor of ideas in the chosen area McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 6 Career Stages (2 of 2) Stage III: Maintenance lImportant needs esteem, self- actualization lExpected to become the mentors of those in Stage I lCentral activities are training and in

46、teraction with others lAssume responsibility for the work of others Stage IV: Strategic Thinking lImportant needs self- actualization lInvolves shaping the direction of the organization itself lExpected to play the roles of manager, entrepreneur, and idea generator lAttention directed to long -range

47、 strategic planning McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 7 Social Enterprising Conventional Investigative Artistic Realistic Career Choice and Personality Hollands Hollands Personality Personality TypesTypes McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 - 8 Career Choice: Examining Skills lDetermining what skills one has is extremely important in making career choi


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