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1、operate through 1,253 branch offices and 55 franchise offices in this region. Our franchise offices are primarily located in Switzerland, where we own 49% of the franchise. Manpower UK is a leading supplier of temporary employment services in the United Kingdom. As of December 31, 2002, Manpower UK

2、conducted operations in the United Kingdom through a network of 126 branch offices and also by providing onsite services to clients who have significant temporary staffing requirements. During 2002, approximately 45% of Manpower UKs revenues were derived from the supply of office staff, including co

3、ntact center staff, 36% from the supply of industrial staff, 10% from the supply of technical staff and 9% from the supply of field engineering solutions. We also own Brook Street Bureau PLC, or Brook Street, which operates through a total of 128 branch offices, separate from the Manpower brand. Bro

4、ok Street is based in the United Kingdom. Its core business is secretarial, office and light industrial recruitment, with niche operations in accountancy, finance and social care recruitment. Brook Street operates as a local network of branches supported by a national head office and competes primar

5、ily with local or regional independents. Portions of Brook Streets revenues are derived from the placement of permanent staff, however the substantial majority of their revenues are generated from temporary placements. In January 2000, we acquired Elan Group Ltd., or Elan, a leading provider of IT s

6、taffing solutions based in the United Kingdom. Elan operates through 14 branch offices in the United Kingdom and 36 branch offices throughout Europe and the Asia Pacific region. During 2002, Elan expanded its service offerings to an increased number of European countries, and is currently operating

7、in 16 countries worldwide. 3 OTHER OPERATIONS We operate under the Manpower name through 390 branch offices and 24 franchise offices in the other markets of the world. The largest of these operations are located in Japan, Australia and Mexico, all of which operate through branch offices, and Canada,

8、 which operates through branch and franchise offices. Other significant operations are located throughout Central and South America and Asia. In most of these countries, we primarily supply temporary workers to the industrial, general office and technical markets. During 2000, we launched the Empowe

9、r Group, or Empower, an independent operating division, that provides organizational performance consulting services to multinational corporations worldwide. Empower is headquartered in London and has over 25 branch offices in 12 countries worldwide. The largest operations are located in Australia,

10、Norway, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. During 2001, we acquired Jefferson Wells International, Inc., a professional services provider of internal audit, accounting, technology and tax services. It operates through a network of 36 branch offices throughout the United Sta

11、tes and Canada. COMPETITION The temporary employment services market throughout the world is highly competitive and highly fragmented with more than 15,000 firms competing in the industry throughout the world. In addition to us, the largest publicly owned companies specializing in temporary employme

12、nt services are Adecco, S.A. (Switzerland), Vedior N.V. (Netherlands), Randstad Holding N.V. (Netherlands) and Kelly Services, Inc. (U.S.). Historically, in periods of economic prosperity, the number of firms operating in the temporary staffing industry has increased significantly due to the combina

13、tion of a favorable economic climate and low barriers to entry. Recessionary periods generally result in a reduction in the number of competitors through consolidation and closures; however, historically this reduction has proven to be for a limited time as the following periods of economic recovery

14、 have led to a return in growth in the number of competitors. In the temporary staffing industry, competition is often limited to firms with offices located within a clients particular local market because temporary employees (aside from certain employees in the professional services segment) are ge

15、nerally unwilling to travel long distances. In most major markets, competitors generally include many of the publicly traded companies and numerous regional and local competitors, some of which may operate only in a single market. Governmental entities or agencies, such as state employment offices i

16、n the United Kingdom and many European countries may also compete in some markets. Since client companies rely on temporary employment firms having offices within the local area in which they operate, competition varies from markettomarket and countrytocountry. In most areas, no single company has a

17、 dominant share of the market. Many client companies use more than one temporary employment services provider; however, in recent years, the practice of using a limited number of temporary suppliers, a sole temporary supplier or a primary supplier has become increasingly important among the largest

18、clients. These sole supplier relationships can have a significant impact on our revenue and operating profit growth as volume reductions by such clients, whether related to economic factors or otherwise, could have an adverse effect on our results in any period. 4 METHODS OF COMPETITION Temporary st

19、affing firms act as intermediaries in matching available temporary workers to employer assignments. As a result, temporary staffing firms compete both to recruit and retain a supply of workers and to attract clients to employ temporary employees. Competition is generally limited to firms having offi

20、ces located in a specific local geographic market. Depending on the economy of a particular market at any point in time, it may be necessary for us to place greater emphasis on recruitment and retention of temporary workers or marketing to clients. We recruit temporary workers through a wide variety

21、 of means, principally personal referrals and advertisements and by providing an attractive compensation package in jurisdictions where such benefits are not otherwise required by law, including health insurance, vacation and holiday pay, incentive and pension plans and a recognition program. We als

22、o use certain online resources, through structured relationships, to help in our recruiting efforts. Methods used to market temporary services to clients vary depending on the clients perceived need for temporary workers, the local labor supply, the length of assignment and the number of workers req

23、uired. Depending on these factors, we compete by means of quality of service provided, scope of service offered and price. In the temporary staffing industry, quality is measured primarily by the ability to effectively match an individual worker to a specific assignment, as well as th天天文档在线 联系qq:74

24、4421982IT女强人张树新的故事:渺风雨泯恩怨 我自翩跹 (2001-12-20) 文/徐文今天的张树新很感谢当年中兴发收购瀛海威,她被梁冶萍赶走,“不然今天我的武功全废了。”张树新说,当你不属于任何东西时,做事才有机会,你可以用几年时间坐下来,考虑 未来。如果你总是想:能不能再找个平台?那么,为什么不想:自己做自己的平台。给自己从头再来的机会就要扔掉手上有的东西,“舍得扔掉很难”。“我和王志东吃饭时,也告诉他出局是好事,不然就变成鸡肋了。一下子什么都没有了,才有机会。”她说在1998年6月到12月之间,很多人找她再做一个“瀛海威”,动不动说给你500万美金,“我都不想要,1998年我就告


26、个个项目的那种,S后面还有一条来自韩国的大鳄C,专门从事类似小超人李泽楷的资本项目买卖和国际融资,“C是哈佛的高材生,父亲是韩国的大银行家,1999年C上过财富杂志亚洲富豪榜。”他们的生意叫Deal Maker,中文简称交易撮合。S熟悉国内,有很强的项目发现能力,但缺少国际融资渠道,而C在国际投资界是受欢迎的人物,能鼓动跨国公司拿出钱来。他们联手创造了把想法和计划(Idea)变成现实的可能,但和一般的创业投资(VC)不一样,他们只负责交易撮合,决不介入个案。在投资界他们是“冷血动物”,因为他们只对现金(Cash)感兴趣,做成功即消失,躲在幕后,不喜欢被人关注。在中国,他们联手合作过包括电信、通

27、讯、网络等个案的撮合投资,三星、和黄等多家国际电信商因为他们而提前进入中国投资。他们出手很大,满足了张树新所有对人和事的要求,支付所有费用,在北京最好的国贸大厦35层租了装修豪华的办公室,公司叫盛华元通国际投资管理公司(Retelnet InvestmentManagement Co.Ltd),张出任总裁。S要张树新为他寻找项目,做出漂亮的商业计划书,张带领她的团队开始了全新的工作。“这是一种生意,不是实业,也不是投资,在开始做时,看不懂他们的理念,那时搭档张朴都很困惑怎么能这么做事?但这就是生意模式,我必须搞懂。”张树新说自己从没做过项目融资,也没有试过创业投资,一步就到达“Deal Mak







34、,天树的公关服务,还有做战略顾问。因为香港电讯的数十万美元的生意,在1999年7月,她又在英属处女岛BVI注册一家有10个股东的新公司Majorshare Holding,“这些都是没有成本的生意,和投资瀛海威完全不同,我们在积累现金,也开始明确自己的未来。”到1999年底,张树新提出不再为S和C做盛华元通的生意,虽然当时公司业务还在增长,但张的舍得扔掉自己收获的东西的个性再次显露,更令合伙人惊讶的是,当时韩国人C的Asianet公司马上要在韩国上市,张树新的Windragon公司在Asinanet作价上市时持有约3%的股份,“当时股灾还没到,Asianet一旦上市,3%少说也有300万美金,


36、时已经MBA毕业了。她笑哈哈地说两次毕业都是很奢侈的毕业,都在北京就读完了别人在美国才有机会念的书。在2001年,王志东被逐出新浪,张树新请他吃饭,说了三句话:应该感谢被赶走,不要去马上证明什么,拿到该得的现金。“这是我的忠告”。在1999年底,张的自信来自于自己掌控资本的能力。联和运通浮现序号定额编号分项工程名称单位单价数量合价 1建筑面积m2150432 2*一、土方工程 3 独立费机械挖土方m31297451.8431169422.12 4 1-B26机械挖三类干土深度在2m以内(修边坡) m319.764665.93992198.95 5 1-B44机械挖三类湿土深度在3m以内(修边坡

37、) m330.726134.431188449.72 6 1-13人工挖一二干土深度2m以内m35.8812814.20175347.5 7 1-30基(槽)坑回填土夯填m39.1912814.2117762.5 8 1-21+1-23*2人力车运土方150m内m37.5423615.22178058.76 9 1-82基坑地下室排水10m22102593.859544710.39 10分部小计1196527.82 11独立费小计1169422.12 12*二、基础工程 13 2-15,1_换C15整板基础砼垫层m3206.52682.852553874.8 14 单9-13_换水泥砂浆找平层

38、(20mm)砼或硬基层上(1:2.5)10m263.634852.274308750.19 15 单10-123三元乙丙橡胶卷材冷贴满铺平面10m2611.22426.1371482854.93 16 单9-16C20细石砼找平层40mm10m2100.22426.107242974.62 17 单3-3_换M10水泥砂浆标准砖1/2砖保护墙m3198.5597.019118508.27 18 单4-10砌保护墙脚手架10m223.58487.98511506.69 19 单11-12_换20厚1:2.5抹水泥砂浆10m289.5995.03689055.72 20 单10-124三元乙丙橡胶

39、卷材冷贴满铺立面10m2627.3497.517312102.36 21 2-28_换C30抗渗有梁式砼满堂整板基础m3292.118640.0735445510.93 22 2-122*0.3人工凿桩头灌注砼桩10根97.6647.363176.48 23 2-128桩内主筋与底板钢筋焊接灌注桩10根65.93647.342676.49 24分部小计8670991.48 25*三、墙体工程 26 3-120砖砌体加固钢筋t304590.259274877.47 27 3-100-3-108*-10_换C40钢筋砼外墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m2120816.24419616.42

40、 28 3-100-3-108*-5_换C40抗渗钢筋砼外墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21427107.314153176.78 29 3-100_换C40抗渗钢筋砼外墙300mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21588124.69197985.28 30 3-100+3-108*5_换C40抗渗钢筋砼外墙350mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m217625.77210170.67 31 3-100+3-108*10_换C40抗渗钢筋砼外墙400mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m2193688.741171830.97 32 3-100_换C30抗渗钢筋砼外墙300mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下

41、室)10m2149740.50860660.32 33 3-100-3-108*-5_换C30抗渗钢筋砼外墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m213823.725140.74 34 3-100-3-108*-5_换C30抗渗钢筋砼外墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆(弧形)(地下室)10m2138920.70228759.22 35 3-79+3-88,2*10_换C40现浇钢筋砼外墙350mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2166566.542110819.05 36 3-79_换C40现浇钢筋砼外墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆10m213415.5267410.92 37 3-77+3-88,2*5_换C40现浇

42、钢筋砼外墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆10m212033.5534274.69 38 3-79_换C30现浇钢筋砼外墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2126436.88546607.89 39 3-77+3-88,2*5_换C30现浇钢筋砼外墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆10m21141101.395115703.86 40 3-77+3-88,1*5_换C20细石砼现浇钢筋砼外墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2109829.17632022.12 41 3-77+3-88,1*5_换C20细石砼现浇钢筋砼外墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆(弧形)10m211045.1065639.37 42 3-80_换C40现浇

43、钢筋砼内墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2139069.65596814.88 43 3-78+3-88*5_换C40现浇钢筋砼内墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2126864.80382173.44 44 3-80+3-88*5_换C40现浇钢筋砼内墙300mm)内抹水泥砂浆 10m21552106.884165891.45 45 3-80+3-88*10_换 C40现浇钢筋砼内墙350mm)内抹水泥砂浆 10m21714102.537175770.98 46 3-80+3-88*15_换 C40现浇钢筋砼内墙400mm内抹水泥砂浆10m218762.5174722.82 47 3-80+3-8

44、8*25_换 C40现浇钢筋砼内墙500mm内抹水泥砂浆10m222015.03411078.17 48 3-80_换C30现浇钢筋砼内墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆10m2131283.358109400.71 49 3-78+3-88*5_换C30现浇钢筋砼内墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆10m21206125.665151558.27 50 3-80+3-88*10_换 C30现浇钢筋砼内墙350mm内抹水泥砂浆10m21606104.313167497.47 51 3-104+3-109*10_换C40钢筋砼内墙400mm水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21837242.505445590.81 52 3

45、-104_换C40钢筋砼内墙300mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21502342.831515052.15 53 3-104-3-109*-5_换C40钢筋砼内墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m2133580.185107030.94 54 3-104-3-109*-10_换C40钢筋砼内墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21167143.416167402.33 55 3-104+3-109*5_换C40钢筋砼内墙350mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21670354.394591802.54 56 3-104-3-109,1*-5_换C30钢筋砼内墙250mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m2128550.75265232.05 57 3-104-3-109*-10_换C30钢筋砼内墙200mm内抹水泥砂浆(地下室)10m21101128.7


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