1、Module 2My English lesson Unit 1 Open your book.boxpencil-boxbookbagfridgedooropen closewindowOpen the ,please.Close the ,please.All right./OK.打开书,读啊读。合上书,听我说。打开盒子,让我们看一看。闭上眼睛,想啊想啊想。Give ordersStand up.Sit down on your chair.Listen to the tape.Draw a picture.Put up your hand.Open your book.Close you
2、r book.Clap your hands.Touch your head.Point to the ceiling.Jump .Stamp your feet.Touch your hip./:/u:/u/rulepoolsoupdoschoolgroupfruit/u:/One is never too old to learngoodwoodputbookfootpushlookHow many cookies could a good cook cook.A good book is a good friend/u /Look,look,look,Whos cooking?Its Mr.Food,the good cook.Cook,cook,cook,wheres the book?Please take a look,in the cook book.talk walkalsoporkwallcallpourshortTall Paul ate some awful corn sauce.Pride comes before a fall./:/dogjobbodyboxrobwantfogToms got a lot of dollars in his pocket and bought a hot dog./Sum up1.祈使句 2./u:/u/:/