1、广州奥美财务培训广州奥美财务培训 O Insurance, Legal, Training and all other costs of doing business not directly attributable to clients What should we know? Regional , OMW, Client Overhead (区域性/全球 客户营运成本) : this is the o/h associated with running the regions, OMW and central client teams (allocated based on revenu
2、es) Operating Profit (营运利润): Contribution Profit less Local O/H and Reg/OMW/WCS O/H The 20% Model - (Regional) What is an appropriate Contribution Margin? To earn a 20% Operating Profit Margin contribution should be at least 57.5% as follows: Revenue1,000 Direct Staff Costs 37537.5% Direct Other 50
3、5% Contribution Profit 57557.5% Local O/H 34034% Reg/OMW/WCS O/H 35 3.5% Operating Profit 200 20% Contribution Margin % Under 20% Model we should be looking for a Contribution margin near 60% When we are doing our resource plans, any client projected at lower margins need to challenged 作资源分配计划时,客户co
4、ntribution margin未达要求 标准,我们应检讨 Do we need to re-negotiate compensation? 合约条件是否合理? Are we over-servicing the revenues? 服务成本与收入是否成比例? Are our out-of-pocket costs necessary? 外付成本的必要性? How can we restructure account team? 是否要改变服务小组结构? WPP Group WPP Group Publicly traded on the UK and US stock exchanges
5、在美国、英国公开上市 Our owners / shareholders expect us to deliver continued growth in profits based on revenue growth with competitive margins 股东的期望 - 不断增加的利润 持续的成长 - 获利率符合市场竞争 OMW represents about 33% of the revenues and about 35% of operating profits 奥美集团在WPP的贡献 收入33% 利润35% 1998 Competitive Performance Re
6、venue Growth Total Organic Revenue Growth - Total Revenue Growth - U.S. Organic Revenue Growth - U.S. Revenue Growth - International Organic Revenue Growth - International Staff Cost / Revenue % Operating Margin % (including Equity) Operating Profit Growth Source: Advertising Age 1997 ranking Worldw
7、ide rank by major market Source: Advertising Age 1997 ranking Worldwide rank by emerging markets WPP Group Expectation WPP 集团的目标 WPP is compared with Omnicom and IPG Their goal is to be the leader in the group 希望成为领导者 Currently they are slightly behind in margin, but just a year or two away 目前在利润的表现
8、上尚有些微差距,但相距不远 They appear to be slipping in the revenue race 在收入的成长上差异较大 So what do they expect from OMW 在这样的目标下,对奥美集团的期望 15% Organic Profit Growth 利润的成长率15% Margin Improvement of 1% vs prior year. Greater improvement when revenue growth exceeds 5% 获利率每年增加1%或收入增加5% Staff Cost to Revenue% improvement
9、 of 1% or more if S/R% exceed 58% 人员成本占收入比率每年降低1% 或更多如已超过58% WPP Targets to OMW (Total Co) Revenue conversion of above budget / target revenues at 30% or better 收入转为利润率至少30% Flexibility in cost base 在成本上要有弹性 WPP Targets to OMW (WPP Targets to OMW (Total Total Co)Co) OMW Targets Planning Overview 财务计
10、划 Projecting and Controlling our current operating results is the key to our success 如何作好的预估加上好的控制是成功的关键 Identify trends before they happen 对会发生的事能更早预见 Plan for inherent risk in our revenue stream 对影响收入的风险早作计划 Create a cost base which can react to changes in revenue 发展可对应收入改变的费用计 Investment must bec
11、ome profitable quickly 投资必须尽快获利 Increasing revenues should not be safety net which covers for weak cost control 增加的收入不应只是弥补费用的超支 OMW - 2000 Target Approach 奥美全球如何决定各公司之目标 Look at each region to determine how to allocate profit target 先决定各区域之利润目标 Factors considered include: 考虑因素包括 Expected revenue gr
12、owth in region 成长空间 Recovery / Under-performing units 是否有绩效不如理想之事业单位 current margin levels 目前利润产出 Known opportunities in markets/clients 已知之成长机会点 stage in units life-cycle 各事业单位之发展阶段 P&L Model - Unit Expected Office margin before bonus and O/H should be 25% - 30%: Revenue1,000 Staff Costs (pre-bonus)47047% (Tgt 45%) Establishment Costs707% All Other Costs 19019% Pft bef. Bonus & O/H27027% O/H707% Profit before Bonus 20020% Budgeting Budget - OMW Expectations 如何作预算 Revenues are identified by client 先确认个别客户的预期收入 Bottoms-up staffing plans are prepared