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普华永道——Guangdong_With target.ppt

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1、For SRF Limited Internal Review Only China Market StudyChina Market Study 1 1 stst draft proposal draft proposal MarchMarch 20022002 SRF Limited 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 2 Background SRF Limited (SRF) is planning to expand its business and capture a share of

2、 the refrigerants (HCFC /Refrigerant 22, HFC/Refrigerant 134a) market in China. To achieve this objective, SRF realizes that it must have an adequate understanding and assessment of the Chinese refrigerants market. Consequently, SRF has met with PwC market research team in Shanghai and now has reque

3、sted a proposal from PwC. Based on our understanding of SRFs objectives and list of research issues provided to PwC, we have prepared this 1st draft proposal. 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 3 Overall ObjectivesOverall Objectives To help SRF assess current and near

4、 future conditions and dynamics in Chinas refrigerant market in regard to the following: Potential market size / demand Market segments Main customers Competitive landscape Distribution structure Raw material supply Macro economics / trends 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Revi

5、ew Only 4 Focus Subjects*Focus Subjects* Potential Market Size / Demand Market size over the 5 years Key market features / drivers Current / future demand / supply Market Segments Market size by segment Prices patterns Quality of different brands Packaging preference Credit terms Main Customers Who

6、are the key buyers What they buy Where they make purchases Key buying factors Customer satisfaction * The specifics will be determined in Phase One together with SRF. We will concentrate on the list of issues SRF has provided to us although we cannot guarantee that all issues can be sufficiently cov

7、ered before the research is actually in process. Competitive Landscape Capacity and market share Distribution structure Strengthens and weakness Future plans Manufacturing costs and margins According to the requests from SRF, we will concentrate on the following, but this will not preclude possible

8、gathering of other relevant market important to SRF when time and budget permit 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 5 Focus Subjects (continued)Focus Subjects (continued) According to the requests from SRF, we will concentrate on the following, but this will not preclu

9、de possible gathering of other relevant market important to SRF when time and budget permit Distribution Structure Volume / Prices structure Packaging and distribution methods Value addition and costs at different levels Key distributors and retailers profiles Recent trends Raw Material Supply Who /

10、 Where are the key suppliers Output volume Qualities Prices Trends General Information Macroeconomics Overall industry Trends Regulatory 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 6 Key Research Aspects: Total MarketKey Research Aspects: Total Market According to information

11、from SRF, we can carry out this research project in different scales, regionally or nationally (to be determined by SRF) concentrating on the aspects as set out below. Our research issues will remain largely the same regardless if the study is regional or national. SRF Original Charge Market Replace

12、ment Market SRF Total Marke t Air- conditioner Refrigerator Auto Industry Market Market SegmentsSegments 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 7 Key Research Aspects: Raw MaterialsKey Research Aspects: Raw Materials According to the requests from SRF on the supply of raw

13、 materials, we will cover only the availability and prices of the raw materials. Most of our research activities will be desktop. If needed, we will also do some primary research such as reaching out to some key suppliers in the industry. Desktop Research Industry Associations Experts Publications R

14、eports Internet Online 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 8 Regional StudyRegional Study As for the market research, our regional study will comprise the followings: Regional Scope Desktop Research: Online Publications make field research / trip plans and arrangement

15、Conduct trial interviews to evaluate the questionnaires and analyze feedback ascertaining whether we will be able to get the information we need. Develop data / table templates for research information input and analysis 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 12 Since all

16、 specific research tactics and strategies will be determined in Phase 1 which will have a critical impact on what kind of results SRF may expect to receive from us. We will put in a “Safeguard Firewall” between Phase 1 and actual desktop and primary research phase. This is to ensure that our researc

17、h efforts will focus on the right issues. We will proceed to the research phase UNLESS SRF has confirmed our analytical models / logic and research questionnaires. Project Safeguard Phase 1 Research preparation SRF Safeguard Firewall All other Phases Phase 2 Desktop and Primary Research 1st draft pr

18、oposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 13 Phase 2 Desktop and Primary Research Focusing on the list of key issues SRF has provided to us, we will start all relevant research in this phase: Select specific primary research survey samples / targets in the different market sectors / seg

19、ments as set out below. Carry out primary / desktop research in cities / regions required Desktop Research Industry Associations Experts Publications Reports Internet Online Primary Research Customers Distributors Industry experts Industry officialsCompetitors Government officials 1st draft proposal

20、SRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 14 Phase 3 Comprehensive analysis To perform a comprehensive data / information analysis on the following subjects and the specific issues SRF is most interested in. Potential Market Size / Demand Market size in China in the year 2002 to 2007 Identifi

21、cation of key market features and drivers of demand Analysis of current and Ying has worked with many foreign multinationals as well as large local companies including Fiat Auto, Philips, Aegon, LOreal, Colonial Mutual, and Haier. Ying will be in charge of this project. 1st draft proposalSRF Limited

22、 For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 24 Lei Ma With a Master degree in Financial Services from the Glasogow Claedonian University, Lei has extensive market research experience in medical, consumer products, auto and insurance. With her overseas education and work background, Lei has strong skills i

23、n research analysis, understanding foreign and local business practices and business communication. In addition, she also involved in preparing prospectus for enterprises to be listed on the stock market; and underwriting securities. Before joining PwC, she worked at at China Southern Security Compa

24、ny as a team manager responsible for helping clients improve their company business management. Freddy Zhu Mr Zhu has a Master Degree of Business Economy & Marketing from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) and has several years professional work experience in management and business consulti

25、ng. Freddy has participated in and led several large management consulting projects in computer software, electronics, medicine, consumer products, media and industrial machinery. Before joining PwC, Freddy was a project manager at a leading domestic management consulting firm for several years and

26、he gained valuable skills and knowledge in project presentation, communication and project management. 1st draft proposalSRF Limited For SRF Limited Internal Review Only 25 Judy Zhu Graduated from Fudan University majoring in Statistics. Judy has been working as market analyst on different industrie

27、s,such as home-appliance, FMCG, manufacturing. She has strong ability of data analysis , data quality control and statistical inference. Before joining PWC,Judy worked at ACNielsen Market Research company and has much experience of retail market research covering market size,distribution, brand shar

28、e, etc. Given her statistical background, Judy is also responsible for ensuring that our market research sampling and statistical analysis are adequate to address the key issues in our research projects. Shining Jiang Graduated from Singapore Institute of Management majoring in Marketing. Shining ha

29、s worked on several major projects and was the project leader for a comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Research. Since the market competition in China has made many companies realize the importance of their customer satisfaction, Shining experience in this respect has a lot to offer to our clients

30、in addition to her other market research experience in the industries such as internet, textile, weaving machinery and consumer products. She has strong skills in organization, communication, project planning and analysis. TRUST 北京宾馆、酒楼类零售终端管理-人员配备 注:每家酒楼/宾馆每10天拜访一次 53 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 业务员报告-终端管理

31、 54 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 孔府家北京营销人员配备汇总 55 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 新产品开发问题补充 56 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 孔府家新产品定价原则 成本加成定价法市场目标定价法 孔府家低价产品如10元以下适合农 村市场的产品 孔府家高档产品如孔府家系列产品 A 1、计算新产品成本 2、在成本基础上加上工厂利润为 出厂价 3、在出厂价的基础上加经销商的 毛利为批发价 4、在批发价的基础上加零售商毛 利为市场零售价 1、根据目标消费群及同类产品价 格制订产品的市场零售价 2、以市场零售价为基础减去零售 商毛利(约20)为批发价 3、在批

32、发价基础上减经销商毛利 为产品出厂价 产品成本市场需求 适用产品 定价方法 定价基础 57 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 考虑白酒市场竞争产品情况,孔府家系列产品A的定价应 在100元左右 100元左右 酒店零售价 150元左右200元左右及以上 地方名酒金贵客酒 小糊涂仙酒 泸州老窖特曲酒 郎酒 剑南春 五粮液 茅台 酒鬼酒 地方名酒到知名品牌 的中档产品的价格区 著名高档白酒的价格区 孔府家系列A 58 孔府家营销战略咨询 SINOTRUST 孔府家应逐步提高其品牌形象及产品价格 孔府家目前销售额最大的前三位产品 均是市场价格在13元左右的传统产品 13元 50元 100元 15

33、0元 绿蒙砂酒 红蒙砂酒 大陶酒 销售额 孔府家系列A 孔府家新产品 推出较高档次的产品逐渐改变 消费者对孔府家的认知,提高 孔府家的美誉度 孔府家有较高知名度,但消费 者认知孔府家是中等产品 在消费者接受的基础上,逐 渐提高产品价格,不断提升 品牌形象 价格 消费者认知 59 僑僑ion/MiningCompanyEnglish Name中国石油化工集团公司China Petrochemical Group Co.中国石油天然气集团公司China Natural Gas Group大庆石油管理局Daqing Qil Supervising Office中国海洋石油总公司China Ocean

34、 Oil Head Office中国煤炭工业进出口集团公司China Coal Industry Entrancing Group Co.长庆石油勘探局Daqing Oil Prospecting Ossice大港油田集团有限责任公司Dagang Qil field Group Inc.兖州矿业集团有限公司Yanzhou Mining Group Inc.河南中原石油勘探局Henan Zhongyuan Oil Prospecting Oddice山西西山煤电集团有限责任公司Shanxi Xishan Coal&Electricity Group Inc9. Foods/Health Care

35、CompanyEnglish Name中国粮油食品进出口集团公司China Grain&oil Enteance Group Co.上海梅林正广和(集团)有限公司Shanghai Meilin Zhengguanghe (Group) Inc河南省漯河市双汇实业集团有限责任公司Henan Luohe Shuanghui industru Group Inc.冠生园(集团)有限公司Guanshengyuan (Group) Inc.四川省宜宾五粮液集团有限公司Sichuan Yibin Wuliangye Group Inc.深圳华强集团有限公司Shenzhen huaqiang Group I

36、nc.杭州娃哈哈集团公司Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co.维维集团股份有限公司Weiwei Group Inc.安徽古井集团有限责任公司Anhui Gujing Group Inc.河南省莲花味精企业集团Henan Lianhua Extract GroupJiangsu ProvinceAll over province国民经济和社会发展总量与速度指标指 标总量指标198019851990199519992000人口与就业人口(万人)年末人口5938.196213.486766.907066.027213.137327.24市镇人口901.781596.151458.9419

37、29.092520.093040.81乡村人口5036.414617.335307.965136.934693.044286.43就业(万人)从业人数2821.033262.973569.133649.693533.283504.87 #职工人数644.15782.44879.85915.98717.12673.25 #国有单位401.98468.80536.88576.24445.27411.40城镇失业人数55.4723.6352.7242.3249.7059.88宏观经济国民核算(亿元)国内生产总值319.80651.821416.505155.257697.828582.73第一产业9

38、4.24195.66355.17848.351003.511031.17第二产业167.41339.56692.592715.263920.154435.89第三产业58.15116.60368.741591.642774.163115.67支出法国内生产总值 #最终消费175.47353.72717.362250.663339.793710.72居民消费154.72300.86608.291806.432594.182815.51政府消费20.7552.86109.07444.23745.61895.21资本形成总额97.44271.42588.442479.33554.263944.78固

39、定资本形成58.25193.25374.121756.882842.653125.42存货增加39.1978.17214.32722.42711.61819.36固定资产投资(亿元)全社会固定资产投资总额34.73191.93356.301680.172742.652995.43 #国有单位31.6580.43134.86602.701144.841200.01集体单位59.0674.87491.08462.53455.86 #基本建设26.1547.3574.32362.15748.99785.49更新改造5.5024.7341.53218.78297.86337.99财政(亿元)财政收入6





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