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2、琀甀愀渀最搀漀渀最倀爀漀瘀椀渀挀攀愀挀爀漀攀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀猀甀洀洀愀爀礀椀最栀氀椀最栀琀猀匀琀爀愀琀攀最椀挀椀洀瀀氀椀挀愀琀椀漀渀猀倀漀氀椀琀椀挀愀氀匀甀洀洀愀爀礀倀漀瀀甀氀愀琀椀漀渀匀甀洀洀愀爀礀圀攀愀琀栀攀爀匀甀洀洀愀爀礀愀挀爀漀攀倀窉娀&鯐赠鯐胔-刀耀=X郐i縀$普华永道Final shortlist of comp(all)-mixed 020404(Deliverables).xls34ce0ffbffb847efaef8f997c63de091.gif普华永道Finalshortlistofcomp(all)-mixed020404(Deliverables).xls2020-71

3、88821000d-ec63-45ca-8e4c-61347a4fde8cXfbg0boWNtLg3Cn/4gfa04E9y3yzG/LEQHitwnau/f/n4Jh+EvyzpfTslliQpkZb普华永道Final,shortlist,of,compall-mixed,020404Deliverables,普华永道,Final,comp,all,mixed,020404,Deliverables0b8f6bf7570d427a9590e228d86aaa5a Final rank shortlist of SOE IndustryCompanyEnglish NameRank Finan

4、ce Solvent International OutlookBrandScoreInterest Transportation/Warehousing中国远洋运输(集团)总公司* China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company Metal/Non-metal上海宝钢集团公司 Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation Exploration/Mining中国海洋石油总公司 China National Offshore Oil Corporation Machinery/Equipments/Meters上海汽车工业(集团)总公司 Sh

5、anghai Motor Industry (Group) Corporation Electronics/Electrical Equipments上海电气(集团)总公司 Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation Electronics/Electrical EquipmentsTCL集团有限公司TCL Holdings Co.Ltd Electronics/Electrical Equipments春兰集团(公司)Chunlan Group Company Machinery/Equipments/Meters中国第一汽车集团公司 FAW Group Co

6、rporation of China Electronics/Electrical Equipments四川长虹电子集团公司 Sichuan Changhong Electric Group Corporation Information Technology中国联合通信有限公司 China United Telecommunications Corporation Electric Power Producing/Supplying(adj)广东省电力集团公司* Power Corporation of Guangdong Province 小小哈利波特0002000006其他文案20200

7、718204520230R8G7cKery4yyFcH+EzjzeIBpHqmcbZkzmnvf320XflzGhNiDw6DdizaEcsQyA1Y8 Final rank shortlist of SOE IndustryCompanyEnglish NameRank Finance Solvent International OutlookBrandScoreInterest Transportation/Warehousing中国远洋运输(集团)总公司* China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company MetalP%虘褀坁粪窉坁讀缁瘅H缀穒壃堀匀椀锂焂億攄洄洄



10、鑎塞鞀罧啓葜鑛塞鞀灮敭葑艛唀靎罧蒏冀尀衎絟屔屔幼屝照屔煏譑鉶葒豶萀蹕屔煏譑鉶蒁漀綂葙屝鬀衟衘杒艾瘀杣杒茀艾盿癵捥杣杨盿湞舀遒鬀屝屝褀敛裿葥屝屝魒晒恛葥屝癬榘屝蓿蹕昀恛羉榘屝荧湨塺桎繎繻灒灥魵決塎襺靎祬瘀蝎刀琀瀀栀砀嘀吀瘀夀嘀焀洀琀夀椀瘀最焀欀甀倀甀砀樀圀刀砀伀儀刀倀眀唀昀魵決塎襺靎塺墀靎靜扜抗桏梈塺塺靎癸塎杓鮀湨塺呎梏塺祖鮀卒祫鮀乡蹏腨腨躚腨鞋靾堀疂耀舀哝端事件 ,整个大陆万众一心,高呼不自由,毋宁死 ”。对这一颇具文学色彩的描述,下列怀疑合理的是列克星顿之战确有其事吗?各殖民地居民对英国的敌视态度是一致的吗?能肯定是英军首先开枪吗?“不自由,毋宁死”是“万众一心”的声音吗?A B C D13

11、 (28 分)权力监督与制约是政治领域的重要问题。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一中国从西周就开始了权力监督的制度建设。秦汉时期已有大量相关法规,如关于官吏任用与铨选的置吏律 、关于官吏调任与监察的效律和考核官吏为政情况的上计律等。唐朝时出现了中国历史上第一部专门的行政法典唐六典 ,首次以法典的形式为行政监督提供了完备的法律根据。在此基础上,宋朝不仅大量充实各项监察法规,诸多行政制度也体现了权力监督理念,如在人事任用上通过了“避亲法” 、 “避嫌法”等回避制度约束官员权力。明清两朝也制定了专门的行政法典和比较完善的监察法,对监察考课机关的职掌权限、官员的条件及责任义务等做出详细的规定。 (据白钢中国

12、政治制度史 )材料二宋英宗欲擢王畴为枢密副使,封驳官钱公辅认为王畴“素望浅” ,不宜擢升。英宗不仅不采纳其意见,反而贬钱公辅为滁州团练使。 (据贾玉英中国古代监察制度发展史 )(1)根据材料一概括古代中国权力监督的突出特点。 (6 分)根据材料一、二分析古代中国权力监督的作用与局限。 (6 分)材料三英国政治制度史大事记(部分)1215 年 大宪章限制王权,保障贵族特权,保护部分骑士与市民的利益1265 年 孟福尔议会召开。英国议会产生的标志1832 年 议会改革法案19 世纪 50 年代 责任内阁制趋于完备19 世纪中叶 两党制度形成5. 第二次议会改革19 世纪晚期 内阁权力膨胀,人称议会

13、“第三院” 中国校长网中国校长网资源频道 http:/ 1628 年 权利请愿书1689 年 权利法案1701 年 王位继承法1721 年 沃波尔主持内阁会议,开创了多数党领袖组阁的先例1747 年 君主不再行使立法否决权1.第三次议会改革1911 年 阿斯奎斯法案 ,上院权力进一步削弱1948 年 议会通过人民代表法案 ,确立“一人一票”制度(2)根据材料三,指出近代英国限制王权历史进程中的重要事件。 (4 分)说明近代英国政治体制的权力制衡关系。 (8 分)(3)英国民主政治的发展呈现出鲜明的渐进性、灵活性等特点,任选其一结合史实予以说明。 (4 分)14 (24 分)课程变化与时代发展紧

14、密相关。阅读材料,回答问题。材料一1912 年四川军政府令:“前清小学教科书,凡有尊儒崇满清及不合共和国宗旨等课,分别订正。 ”9 月又饬废止读经,禁用清朝会典律系等为教科书。高初等小学加授缝纫课,高小改中国文为国文,中国史为本国史,格致课改为理科,增设英语,又饬注意体操、音乐、图画、手工STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

15、1 Part Part : Market potential: Market potential STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 2 The growth of cements and bulk percentage in china (from 2001-2007) Estimation of total cement

16、s tankers 2002 to 2007 Beijing Heavy estimates of the future market share Key factor adjustment Market share estimates for the JV 2003 to 2007 Market size estimates for the JV 2003 to 2007 Scenario I: if the market will go as the expectation of the governments, the total cements product volume and b

17、ulk percentage will reach about 650 million tons and 31% till 2005 Scenario II: if the market go ahead by itself, the cements product volume and bulk percentage will reach 700 million tons and 35-45% till 2005 Key assumptionsKey assumptions Total market size will mainly comprise new-added ones and t

18、he demand of replacement The replacement rates for 4-year old and 5-year old vehicles will be about 1/3 and 2/3 Capacity of the current mainstream cement tanker is around 15 tons per vehicle, which could increase to 20 tons per vehicle in 2004 and 2007 Regulation, competition and export are the key

19、factors affecting the future market and no other significant factors Industrial experts view and forecast are reliable JVs market share can reach between 3-5% in 2003 and 10-18% in 2006 JV market size is based on the total market size estimates Cements tankers: Derivation and key assumptions 2.1 Mar

20、ket potentials over next 5 years STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 3 Cement tankers (Scenario I): Total market size 2.1 Market potentials over next 5 years Market size Market size

21、 based on the based on the government plangovernment plan Unit: vehicle CAGR: about 5% Key FindingsKey Findings Total bulk cements will reach about 203 million tons, or 31% of the total cements production volume The market size of cements tankers will increase from about 2140 vehicles in 2003 to abo

22、ut 2000 vehicles in 2005, eventually arrive at about 2500 vehicles in 2007 CAGR from 2003 to 2007 will be around 5% STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 4 Cement tankers (Scenario I)

23、: New-added New-added size on government planningNew-added size on government planning Unit: vehicle CAGR: about 3% 2.1 Market potentials over next 5 years Key FindingsKey Findings The net total of new tankers in 2003 is about 900 vehicles The net total of new tankers will be about 820 in 2005 for t

24、he substitutes for larger- sized ones*, and arrive at around 1000 in 2007 CAGR of new added tankers from 2003 to 2007 will be around 3% * According to the interviews with key customers, competitors and experts, the main stream tankers in 2005 will be the ones with 20-ton capacity STKSTK This proposa

25、l is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 5 Cement tankers (Scenario I): Replacement Replacement on government planningReplacement on government planning Unit: vehicle CAGR: about 6% 2.1 Market potentials o

26、ver next 5 years Key FindingsKey Findings The total of replacement tankers in 2003 is about 2140 vehicles The total of replacement tankers will be about 2060 in 2005 for the substitutes for larger-sized ones*, and arrive at around 2590 in 2007 CAGR of replacement tankers from 2003 to 2007 will be ar

27、ound 3% * According to the interviews with key customers, competitors and experts STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 6 Cement tankers (Scenario II): Total market size * Low side me

28、ans that the bulk percentage in 2005 is 35% * High side represents bulk percentage in 2005 will be about 45% 2.1 Market potentials over next 5 years Market Market size size and its growth trendand its growth trend Unit: vehicle CAGR: about 10% CAGR: about 16% Key FindingsKey Findings Low side: Total

29、 bulk cements will reach about 250 million tons, or 35% of the total cements production volume The market size of cements tankers will increase from about 2650 vehicles in 2003 to about 2000 vehicles in 2660, eventually arrive at about 3830 vehicles in 2007 CAGR from 2003 to 2007 will be around 10%

30、High side: Total bulk cements will reach about 320 million tons, or 45% of the total cements actual production volume The market size of cements tankers will increase from about 3440 vehicles in 2003 to about 3760 vehicles in 2005, eventually arrive at about 6240 vehicles in 2007 CAGR from 2003 to 2

31、007 will be around 16% STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 7 Cement tankers (Scenario II) : New-added New-added size on actual market growthNew-added size on actual market growth Un

32、it: vehicle CAGR: about 8% CAGR: about 15% 2.1 Market potentials over next 5 years * Low side means that the bulk percentage in 2005 is 35% * High side represents bulk percentage in 2005 will be about 45% * According to the interviews with key customers, competitors and experts, the main stream tank

33、ers in 2005 will be the ones with 20-ton capacity Key FindingsKey Findings Low side: The net total of new tankers in 2003 is about 1410 vehicles The net total of new tankers will be about 1420 vehicles in 2005 for the substitutes for larger-sized ones*, and arrive at around 1920 vehicles in 2007 CAG

34、R of new added vehicles from 2003 to 2007 will be around 8% High side: The net total of new tankers in 2003 is about 2200 vehicles, The net total of new tankers will be about 2520 vehicles in 2005 for the substitutes for larger-sized ones*, and arrive at around 3850 vehicles in 2007 CAGR of new adde

35、d vehicles from 2003 to 2007 will be around 8% STKSTK This proposal is confidential and cannot be provided to or shared with any third party without the prior written consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers. 8 Cement tankers (Scenario II) : Replacement Replacement on actual market growthReplacement on act

36、ual market growth Unit: vehicle CAGR: about 11% CAGR: about 18% 2.1 Market potentials over next 5 years * Low side means that the bulk percentage in 2005 is 35% * High side represents bulk percentage in 2005 will be about 45% * According to the interviews with key customers, competitors and experts, the main stream tankers in 2005 will be the ones with 20-ton capacity Key FindingsKey Findings Low side: The total of rep


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