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普华永道——Project plan_Lido.doc

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4、.3122.5166.510.34.1彩色电视(万台)1102.3342.8113.773.658.12.6家用电冰箱(万台)858.5348.41114.9118.332.562.0建筑业建筑业企业人数(万人)178.5178.建筑业总产值(亿元)1871.21050.2154.9115.522.49.1施工房屋面积(万平方米)382.2406.2127.9113.510.05.0竣工房屋面积(万平方米)349.6372.7141.1116.88.87.1交通运输货运量(万吨)193.1183.1110.5110.98.92.0 #铁路101.096.398.

5、4103.50.9-0.3公路253.9211.6119.1107.813.83.6水运143.0162.895.4119.97.2-0.9客运量(万人)198.8221.9126.5106.25.94.8 #铁路101.5102.294.3101.41.9-1.2公路222.3243.0128.8106.47.05.2水运15.330.282.5102.0-9.9-3.8港口货物吞吐量(万吨)244.7230.6194.3100.26.114.2邮电通信业邮电业务总量(亿元)8314.93241.0447.7146.228.335.0函件(亿件)206.5173.9108.1113.95.4



8、研机构数(个)各类专业技术人员(万人)232.9122.3105. #工程技术人员216.6140.8158.文化图书出版量(亿册)130.0100.985.773.72.5-3.0杂志出版量(万册)216.2268.0157.1107.38.09.5报纸出版量(亿份)250.2282.2146.3104.111.47.9家庭、生活、环境家庭家庭总户数(万户)135.9122.9107.5104.72.11.5城镇居民平均每户家庭人口(人)84.391.996.2100.3-1.6-0.8农村居民平均每户家庭


10、73.3112.314.711.6离退休、退职职工保险福利费2240.6698.8197.8106.023.714.6卫生卫生机构数(个)111.3103.6106.493.51.31.3 #医院102.1100.899.195.10.1-0.2床位数(万张)121.1105.299.1100.31.5-0.2 #医院127.9111.3104.5100.11.70.9卫生技术人员数(万人)138.7118.8103.399.12.60.7 #医生149.5115.1102.市政建设自来水供应量(亿吨)461.4137.792.4104.210.8-1.6排水管道长度(公

11、里)487.4270.7134.3106.910.06.1年末实有道路长度(公里)451.8189.5134.9109.49.26.2环境治理污染资金使用额(亿元)793.9528.2241.7112.014.319.3安排治理项目(个)145.1169.5255.0126.72.620.6工业废水处理量(亿吨)481.4406.6213.4124.714.816.4工业粉尘回收量(万吨)295.8259.3187.5143.813.4商品零售价格分类指数(2000年)上年=100类 别全 省城 市农 村商品零售价格指数98.6 98.5 98.8 食品97.0 96.5 97.8 饮料烟酒9

12、6.3 95.9 96.8 服装鞋帽99.3 99.6 99.0 纺织品100.0 100.4 99.4 中西药品100.2 99.9 100.7 化妆品99.1 98.8 99.7 书报杂志105.4 105.6 104.9 文化体育用品99.6 99.4 99.9 日用品99.3 99.4 99.1 家用电器94.6 93.8 96.1 首饰101.2 101.6 100.2 燃料118.4 118.3 118.5 建筑装璜材料97.7 97.7 97.6 机电产品96.3 96.3 96.4 农业生产资料类98.9 98.9 小农具102.0 102.0 饲料91.5 91.5 幼禽家畜

13、128.8 128.8 大牲畜半机械化农具97.5 97.5 机械化农具95.2 95.2 化学肥料93.3 93.3 农药及农药械94.8 94.8 化学农药94.6 94.6 农药械97.1 97.1 农机用油120.9 120.9 其他98.5 98.5 Regional苏南苏中苏北主要经济指标(2000年)指标苏南苏中苏北年末总人口(万人)2165.821736.673163.13土地面积(平方公里)279532042952312耕地面积(千公顷)1183.191118.002707.21国内生产总值(亿元)4814.841613.811975.92第一产业271.39258.9752

14、1.71第二产业2634.35776.63818.73 #工业2345.96674.86685.43第三产业1909.08578.21635.47人均国内生产总值(元)2229792986288国内生产总值指数(上年=100)111.7110.8109.4粮食产量(万吨)718.58836.281600.21棉花产量(万吨)1.865.7626.18油料产量(万吨)58.4163.10104.12规模以上工业利税总额(亿元)558.48156.54115.54全社会固定资产投资完成额(亿元)1583.11506.49739.73社会消费品零售总额(亿元)1446.26535.72623.06进

15、出口总额(亿美元)344.3547.2214.73 #出口186.8029.7010.63外商直接投资(亿美元)财政总收入(亿元)527.55119.22130.28 #地方财政收入284.8664.0371.39财政支出(亿元)290.1783.90115.63金融机构存款余额(亿元)5485.371606.711300.73 #居民储蓄存款2513.871084.67852.97金融机构贷款余额(亿元)4030.82906.651002.53城镇居民人均可支配收入(元)840672786611农村居民人均纯收入(元)469335773132Municipality

16、 & county人口(2000年)市县年末总人口(万人)出生人数(人)死亡人数(人)人口自然增长率()#非农业人口#男性南京市544.89309.52281.601HR 019人力资源部请假单姓名部门及职务请假起止日自 年 月 日 时至 年 月 日 时合计: 日 时请假事由p年假 p丧假 p产假 p婚假 p探亲假 p病假 p事假医院证明直属主管批准部门总经理批准申请人:注:本表必须交回员工所在办事处/工厂。人力资源管理表格生效日期版本号索引号作者2001年2001HR 020人力资源部cturing577.42 Electric Equipment and Machinery832.01 E

17、lectronic and Telecommunication Equipment1,070.92 Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery137.45 Other manufacturing 129.18 Electric Power, Steam and Hot Water Production and Supply402.32 Gas Production and Supply17.36 Tap Water Production and Supply19.67 Construction Cival Engineering1,65

18、2.50 Line and Equipment Installation138.06 Building Fitting-up and Decoration68.85 Tourism trade International20002001 Quantity of international tourists(Unit)1,609,4391,837,090 International tourism trade revenue (Rmb in billion)67 Domestic Quantity of domestic tourists(Unit)71,915,30080,749,000 Do

19、mestic tourism trade revenue (Rmb in billion)58.7567.58 Draft 1 Section 1-PRC Economy And Fashion Wear Market Top management team Source check list A A B B C C D D Rich shipping industry experiences No former government officers Directly appointed by central government Li Kelin President Li Shaode*

20、Vice President Xu Zuyuan Vice President Wang Daxiong Vice President Sun Zhitang Vice President Lin Jianqing Vice President * Also the Secretary of Communist Party Committee Project William Draft 2 Section 1-PRC Economy And Fashion Wear Market Resume of Mr. Li Kelin Source check list A A B B C C D D

21、Mr. Li Kelin PositionChairman / president GenderMale Age60 EducationBachelor Work experience1997- President, Shipping (Group) Company 1993-1997 Vice president, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company 1983-1993 Manager, China Ocean shipping Company 1980-1983 Deputy Director, Shipping Division of Shangha

22、i Ocean Shipping Company 1971-1980 Ship Captain, Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company 1964-1971 Ship Telegraph Operator / Telegraph Director, Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company 1961-1964 Ship Telegraph Operator, Shanghai Shipping Bureau Other information* Appointed by State Council Chairman of three sub-com

23、panies of CSG: China shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd., China Shipping Passenger Liner Co., Ltd., and China Shipping Logistics Co., Ltd. Honourables: “National Model Worker”, “Nations Expert with Outstanding Contribution”, Deputy to 11th Shanghai Peoples Congress, and Managing director of the Chine

24、se Institute of Navigation * According to some Hong Kong-based media, Mr. Li will retire from CSGC since he is 60, a traditional retire age in China. However, during an Fanfanlas interview, insiders implied its possible that government would prolong Mr Lis appointment for 2 to 3 years more. (Source:

25、Fanfanla Wealth Studio/ PwC interview) Project William Draft 3 Section 1-PRC Economy And Fashion Wear Market Resume of Mr. Li Shaode Source check list A A B B C C D D Mr. Li Shaode PositionVice President / Secretary of Communist Party Committee GenderMale Age51 EducationMaster Work experience1997- V

26、ice President, Shipping (Group) Company 1995-1997 General Manager, Shanghai Shipping Company 1968-1995 Department Manager / Vice Bureau Chief, Shanghai Shipping Bureau Other information* Also the president of Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company Project William Draft 4 Section 1-PRC Economy And Fashion W

27、ear Market Resume of Mr. Xu Zuyuan Source check list A A B B C C D D Mr. Xu Zuyuan PositionVice President GenderMale Age50 EducationBachelor Work experience2003- Vice President, Shipping (Group) Company 1996-2003 General Manager, Guangzhou Shipping (Group) Co., Ltd. 1976-1996 General Manager, Guangz

28、hou Ocean International Shipping Company General Manager, Hainan International Shipping Enterprise Co., Ltd. Captain, Guangzhou Shipping Bureau Other information* Also the General Manager Guangzhou Shipping (Group) Co., Ltd. currently Project William Draft 5 Section 1-PRC Economy And Fashion Wear Ma

29、rket Resume of Mr. Wang Daxiong Source check list A A B B C C D D Mr. Wang Daxiong PositionVice President / Chief Finance Officer GenderMale Age42 EducationBachelor Work experience1997- Vice President / Chief Finance Officer, Shipping (Group) Company 1996-1997 Chief Accountant / Director, Guangzhou Shipping (Group) Co., Ltd. 1983-1996 Finance Manager, Guangzhou Shipping Bureau Project William 嶜(倀糉谀匀%谀鱦繝谀倀糉谀讀缁龕錀螏頀h椀洂猃玃猃笃較霃霃霃琀桞螋颋呓搀漀挀瀀椀挀最椀昀琀桞螋颋呓搀漀挀尀尀搀挀搀攀愀昀挀挀愀愀戀戀搀昀漀戀最氀挀刀堀礀稀嘀匀刀樀一氀吀堀焀夀唀攀焀礀稀一栀螋颋吀閌憋昀戀戀昀愀戀攀挀栀L螋奥馍漁销一E鰀繝谀I|稀蘀嶜|胔-瀀钼輀棙#i缀$荳2015年全国高考语文试题及答案-新课标1.


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