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1、Common Approach Common Results How adoption delivers the results you deserve Common approach.qxd 7/29/04 4:46 PM Page 1 Ian Gotts www.Ideas-W Common Approach Common Results How adoption delivers the results you deserve Includes a 7-step blueprint for action by Richard Parker Common approach.qxd 7/29

2、/04 4:46 PM Page 2 Contents Foreword8 Who should read this book10 Why we wrote this book11 Using this book12 Part I:From strategy to reality13 Chapter 1From strategy to reality R=IA215 Chapter 2 Results21 Chapter 3Initiatives25 Chapter 4 Adoption229 Chapter 5Adoption is achievable35 Part II:Solving

3、the adoption challenge43 Chapter 6Adoption The path of least resistance to change45 Chapter 7A common language and platform53 Chapter 8 Numbers vs process67 Chapter 9Why now?73 Chapter 10The benefits of leveraging the COP79 Part III:So other people have done it,but can we?91 Chapter 11To sign or not

4、 to sign The spectre of compliance95 Chapter 12Implementing enterprise software applications101 Chapter 13We ve outsourced. That means this is not my problem, right?111 Published by Ideas-Warehouse Old Theatre Stansted Park Rowlands Castle Hampshire PO9 6DX www.Ideas-W ISBN 0-9548309-0-3 Text and im

5、ages Ideas-Warehouse 2004 Written by Ian Gotts and Richard Parker All rights reserved. Apart from the purposes of review, criticism, research or private study, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechani

6、cal, recording or otherwise, in any part of the world, without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be sent to the publisher at the address given above. Project management by Gelst Ltd Design and layout by Studio 183, Thorney Cover design by GTM Ltd Printed and bound

7、 in Italy by LegoPrint SpA Common approach.qxd 7/29/04 4:46 PM Page 4 7 Chapter 14Six Sigma123 Chapter 15We re growing so fast, it s like herding cats127 Chapter 16Using scorecards to make sustainable improvements137 Part IV:Simple steps to success143 Chapter 17Step-by-step approach149 Chapter 18Ste

8、p 1 Set clear direction and structure of the Common Operational Platform (COP) 157 Chapter 19Step 2 Make it visible, accessible and accountable 163 Chapter 20Step 3 Rapidly get agreement and develop detail of COP167 Chapter 21Step 4 Provide mechanism to drive and control change171 Chapter 22Step 5 P

9、rovide visibility of performance 175 Chapter 23Step 6 Ensure people are doing what is documented in the COP179 Chapter 24Step 7 Leverage the investment in the COP183 Part V:Tools187 Chapter 25Am I ready for this? Test yourself189 Chapter 26 Questions to ask your team197 Chapter 27Running senior-leve

10、l workshops201 Summary Chapter 28 Wrapping it all up209 Index212 Acknowledgements To our clients who have proven that this is not theory, but delivers tangible results.1 1And have paid us as well. Common approach.qxd 7/29/04 4:46 PM Page 6 Someone once defined insanity as doing the same thing over a

11、nd over and expecting different results. The blueprint for action the 7-Step approach described in this book helps anyone engaged in a transformation initiative validate that they are on the right track, and if necessary make course corrections so that they will get the results that they expect. Hav

12、ing worked with Ian over a number of years, I am delighted that he has found time to write a book which is a positive addition to the thinking and writing on this topic, and can help develop people s understanding of managing change. Peter Cheese Global Managing Partner Human Performance Service Lin

13、e, Accenture Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. 98 Foreword Managing business change is challenging. You only have to look at the statistics of success and failure to recognise that reality. The desired outcomes or objectives may be well defined

14、, but getting there is much less certain, and there are many obstacles to be ov佼j嬀匀繬繐讀缁H缀穒壚瀀匀椀鬂缃匄嬄嬄嬄約約約約約約約約約約約約約約約約礄笅蜅姿嚔搀漀挀戀搀攀昀挀愀愀攀昀挀最椀昀蜀姿嚔搀漀挀尀尀攀昀戀搀挀攀搀昀最刀椀夀椀夀倀伀娀漀一刀砀匀夀欀吀礀礀甀樀渀搀攀攀唀瀀礀最稀堀栀欀瘀蜀夀嚔挀昀攀戀昀挀戀戀昀愀搀挀戀蜀嫿夀嘀诿最泿薚溔敢噵福祬瘀蝎刀搀洀砀伀猀匀搀氀攀爀搀甀眀爀爀猀倀洀吀栀瀀挀儀吀椀攀猀愀稀爀甀椀瘀匀眀堀爀刀栀瀀椀蜀嫿夀嘀诿最泿薚溔敢噵福圀繑退&蟴泈凔蟴胔-帀a退i縀$莙新家坡资本市场报告1.


16、co4W4yJhkAsJtefXOpnGiRZAiiwSingapore Exchange 2004年6月 新加坡交易所 市场介绍 1 历史简介 新证交所设于1973年6月4日 1999年12月1日与新国际金融 交易所合并新交所(“ SGX” ) 2000年11月23日上市 2 与澳州交易所联线交易 与东京交易所结成策略联盟 开放市场引入外国券商 推出新交易品种 房地产信托投资基金(REIT) 证券出租业务 单只股票期货 全球化市场 3 主X%佼j嬀匀繬繐讀缁H缀穒壚瀀匀椀鬂缃匄嬄嬄嬄約約約約約約約約約約約約約約約約礄笅蜅姿嚔搀漀挀戀搀攀昀挀愀愀攀昀挀最椀昀蜀姿嚔搀漀挀尀尀攀昀戀搀挀攀搀昀最刀


18、诞膞拍薯誛臹码倰脠恠灰脰倐偠瀰偐偀偰児簀鎇銰鰁覍负颬鰜狯莈铪拭劫萜茡鴈騡铊骭釘膟鰡诞膞拍薯誛臹码倠酐恠怐倰怐鄰怠怰【鄐眀鎂脰贀1!鄆巍蟥芓庁萨贀!闞鎂肾牁鄃巍以蜚肓膾1倀鄊廍芆芓踀欃劍狯醹臸餈訝輡餎鴢挘醊拾踡劾鬚膍餍鋘釨踡鴱犎谛醼则鈱錘抛蠜狻鰡輋勹袛褡騐蘙勌鈚栐鄁輂倂鐃縅丆恐脐怠恠恠恠恠恠怠恠恠恀恠偐灐or action. We hope that the ideas and examples inspire you to act. So, do whatever you need to make this book useful. Use Post-it notes, photocopy p

19、ages, scan pages. Go to our website and email colleagues the e-book summary. Lend it. Rip it apart, or read it quickly in one go. Whatever works for you.3 You will notice that we have highlighted ideas, thoughts and actions throughout this book. If they dont spur you to act, you should at least find

20、 them thought-provoking and they may inspire ideas of your own. We hope this becomes your most dog-eared book. Send us your feedback We love feedback. We prefer great reviews, but we ll accept anything which helps us take the ideas further. The ideas have been the result of every single person we ha

21、ve worked with in our careers in performance management. We welcome your comments on this book. We d prefer email as it s easy to answer and saves trees. If the ideas worked for you we d love to hear your success stories. That s why we re doing it. IanIdeas-W RichardIdeas-W Tel: +44 800 358 0037 The

22、 Old Theatre Stansted Park Rowlands Castle Hampshire PO9 6DX United Kingdom www.Ideas-W Then get our next book which will be based on that feedback 3If you copy the chapters,then be sure to look at at least one other book then it is research and not plagiarism. PART I:From strategy to reality Common

23、 approach.qxd 7/29/04 4:46 PM Page 12 1 Everyone needs a strategy We have a company strategy and I m pretty sure that your company has one too. And your employees may even know your mission statement or at least know someone who knows it. In fact, few companies lack any strategy or are completely ru

24、dderless. None of us would stay in business too long if that were the case. but its execution that counts A real business leader sets vision and direction, creates the framework (people, processes, measures) and prioritises activities (based on allocation of budget). And then paints a picture of the

25、 successful outcome. A clear, simple story that inspires and motivates. What separates the exceptional performers from the average is NOT the quality of their strategies. It s their ability to execute them. General George Patton had it right when he said: A good plan violently executed right now is

26、far better than a perfect plan executed next week. The Hay Group, in its research from 346 companies into what makes a Most Admired Company for Fortune magazine, interviewed 10,000 Directors from two groups of companies in the same industry sector the Most Admired and their peers. 1514 From strategy to reality R=IA2 Chapter 1 Its no secret what needs to be done. The challenge is to put the strategy, systems and capabilities in place and then drive deployment and execution. A.G. Lafley, CEO of Procter your procurement people immediate


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