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1、定位你的企业 Positioning Your Business 企业名称 Business Name Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 概述 Overview 了解你所处的行业是制定战略的第一步 Understanding your industry is the first stage in the strategy process 第二步包括作出你如何在该行业中进行定位的决定 The second stage involves deciding how you wi

2、ll position yourself within that industry Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 竞争的战略 Competitive Strategies 根据迈克尔E 波特的理论,有4种竞争战略: According to Michael E. Porter there are 4 competitive strategies: -总成本领先战略宽泛的市场 Cost Leader broad market -差异化宽泛的市场 Differentiat

3、ion broad market -总成本领先战略专小市场(特殊市场) Cost Leader narrow market (niche) -差异化专小市场(特殊市场) Differentiation narrow market (niche) Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 在宽泛的市场中竞争 Competing in Broad Markets 一些企业(尤其是大型企业)会选择在多个目标市场中经营( 目标市场根据顾客和行业进行分类) Some businesses

4、(particularly larger ones) choose to operate in a number of industry segments (both in terms of customers and industries) 例如,一个大的酒店企业可能在以下细分市场中经营: For example, a large hospitality business may operate in the following segments: -便宜的酒店住宿 Budget Hotel Accommodation -咖啡店 Coffee Shops -精细的餐宴 Fine Dining

5、 Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 在宽泛的市场中竞争 Competing in Broad Markets 在每个细分市场中,企业要选择一个定位战略 In each segment the business will choose a positioning strategy 重要的是要强调在一个宽泛的市场范围中经营,其本 身并不能为企业带来优势 It is important to note that operating in a broad range of mar

6、kets does not in itself offer automatic advantages Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 在专小市场中竞争 Competing in a Narrow Target 这通常是指定位于专小市场, 或运用独特性战略 This is often referred to as niche positioning or a focus strategy 许多小型企业选择一个专小市场作为目标市场,因为 往往对一个小企业而言,能更灵活地满足

7、顾客的需要 Many small businesses choose a narrow target since it is generally easier for a smaller business to be more flexible in meeting the needs of the customer 然而为了让企业利用该战略取得成功,其瞄准的市场 必须是有吸引力的 However in order for a business to be successful with this strategy the market which it is targeting must b

8、e attractive Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 总成本领先战略 Cost Leader Strategy 这是指的是寻求一个在行业中最低成本结构的战略 This refers to pursuing a strategy where you have the lowest cost structure in the industry -更低的成本导致更高的盈利能力,但是前提是低成本结果不 会显著影响顾客对质量的认知与需求 Lower costs results

9、 in higher profitability, as long as the lower cost structure does not significantly affect the customers perception of quality and therefore demand 如果你将自己定位于价格领导者(低价),你就必须专注 于成为一个成本领先者 If you are pursuing the price leader position you must also focus on becoming the cost leader Business Performance

10、 Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 差异化战略 Differentiation Strategy 一个企业能通过与其竞争对手就产品或服务进行区分 来获得竞争优势 A business can achieve a competitive advantage through differentiating their products or services from those of their competitors 然而差异化的基础是必须要向顾客提供有价值的东西 However the basis of dif

11、ferentiation must represent something of value to the customer Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 差异化战略 Differentiation Strategy 如果企业成功地将自己的产品与服务区分开来,就能 够提高其价格 By successfully differentiating products and services a business can command a price premium 在很多

12、时候,就产品本身来说,要想将其区分开来是 很困难的,但是往往可以通过产品的服务过程来进行 区分,如客户服务,承诺等。 While it is sometimes difficult to differentiate the product itself differentiation can always be achieved through the process of delivery to the customer e.g. customer service procedures, guarantees etc Business Performance Improvement Prog

13、ram3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 练习 Exercise 你在一个宽泛的还是在专小市场中经营? Do you operate in a broad or narrow range of markets? -请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 练习 Exercise 你目前采用的是什么竞争性战略?是专小市场成本领 先战略还是宽泛市场差异化战略等?

14、What competitive strategies do you currently use e.g. niche cost-leader or broad market differentiation etc? -请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 给战略定位 Positioning Strategy 确定你定位战略的第一步是先了解你目前的定位和你 竞争对手的定位 The first st

15、ep in determining your positioning strategy is to first understand your current positioning and that of your competitors 此练习的目的是请你专注于你的主要市场 For the purpose of this exercise please focus on your primary market Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 给你的企业定位 Posi

16、tioning Your Business 请参见你的工作手册 -用一个X来标明你目前的位置 -标出你三个最重要的竞争对手的位置请把他们的 名字写出来 -标出其他竞争对手的位置 Please refer to your workbook -Place an X to mark your current position -Mark the position of your 3 most significant competitors please name them -Mark the position of other competitors Business Performance Imp

17、rovement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 你的企定位 Positioning Your Business 区别之处 清晰的价值所在 DIFFERENTIATION Articulate value 高价格 High Price 无法生存 公司不盈利 UNSUSTAINABLE Firm not profitable 价格领导者 满足质量 PRICE LEADER Meet quality 无法生存 顾客不愿购买 UNSUSTAINABLE Consumers will not buy 低质量 Low Quality 高质量 H

18、igh Quality 低价格 Low Price Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 总结你的定位 Summarising Your Positioning 请描述你目前的行业定位? Please describe your current industry positioning? -请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positionin

19、g Your Business Workbook 总结你的定位 Summarising Your Positioning 该定位拥有哪些优势? What are the advantages of having this positioning? -请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 总结你的定位 Summarising Your Positioning 对你的定位战略你认为应该作出哪些改变(如

20、果有的 话)? What changes (if any) do you think you should make to your positioning strategy? -请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook Business Performance Improvement Program3.2 Positioning Your Business Workbook 总结你的定位 Summarising Your Positioning 你将如何去作出这些改变? What will you have to do to make that chan

21、ge? - 请完成你的工作手册 Please complete your workbook 夀嬖尀外怀尖挀崖搀帖攀弖栀怖樀愖氀或洀挖渀搖焀攖琀昖瘀朖稀栖簀椖縀樖茀欖褀氖谀洖踀渖錀漖阀瀖需焖頀爖騀猖鸀琖甖瘖眖砖礖稖笖簖紖縖编耖脖舖茖萖蔖蘖蜖蠖褖訖謖谖贖踖輖逖鄖鈖錖鐖锖阖霖頖餖騖鬖鰖鴖匀鸖嘀鼖嬀尀昀椀氀渀笀簀紀舀茀萀蘀蜀蠀言謀谀踀輀錀销餀鬀一堀尀开欀眀縀脀舀茀萀褀輀退鰀一倀刀嘀堀尀帀戀攀洀渀琀砀缀言贀退鄀鬀鴀鸀一伀倀儀刀匀吀唀嘀圀嬀戀昀栀氀眀砀礀稀笀縀耀茀言謀谀贀踀輀退鄀鈀錀鐀销阀需頀餀騀鬀鰀鴀鸀鼀世伖倖儖刖化吖唖嘖圖堖外娖嬖尖崖帖弖怖愖或挖搖一攖儀昖开朖最栖洀椖瀀樖爀欖砀氖稀洖簀渖紀漖縀瀖蔀焖蘀



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