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1、arning a second language修饰先行词most adults, who 是关系代词,在从句中作主语。下面我们一起来看另几个例句:仔细听我的分析! a.The man who/that will give us a talk has come. b.I know a lady whose husband is a Nobel prize winner. c.Shes the girl who/whom/that I met at the party. d.I live in the room whose window faces south. e.Did you find t

2、he bike that/which you lost? would此时为助动词,表示“可能,将会”。 需掌握的短语:disagree with sb about / on sth e.g. He disagrees with his wife about the education of their son.2.They need hundreds of hours of study and practice hundreds of:几百,当hundred, thousand, million用作不确定数目时,需用复数形式,并加介词of;当它们用作确定的数目时,不用复数形式。 e.g. fi

3、ve hundred people; hundreds of people 3.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 译:语言学习不同于其他种类的学习。短语:be different from:与不同 4.Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. (*) 译:有些人很聪明,在他们自己的专业领域很有成就,但发现很难成功地

4、学习语言。 本句主语Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields,谓语find,宾语difficult to succeed in language learning,it语法上称作形式宾语:当宾语较长时,常将它移后在空出的位置上用it代替。 包含定语从句who are very intelligent and successful in their fields,修饰先行词some people, who在定语从句中作主语。 需掌握的习语:be intelligent and successful in

5、 ones field; succeed in sth / doing sth5.Conversely, some people who are very successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.(相反地) 这句话意思和结构与上句相似,口头分析。6.Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. (*) 译:语言学习研究显示成功的语言学习者在许多方面都

6、是相似的。 本句主语Language learning research;谓语:shows;宾语:that引导一个宾语从句。在宾语从句中successful language learners是主语;are是系动词;similar in many ways是表语 重要短语be similar (to sb/sth) in sth在方面与某人/某事相似 7.Instead of waiting for the teachers to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. (*) 译:不是等这老师解

7、释,而是自己努力去发现各种句型和规则。 Instead of waiting for the teachers to explain,介词短语作状语,主语:they;谓语:try to find;宾语:the patterns and the rules for themselves 介词of后的动词要用动名词waiting 短语:instead of sth; wait for sb to do sth; try to do sth; 8.They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct

8、them when they make a mistake. (*) 译:他们寻找说这种语言的人,当他们说错时就请这些人帮助指正。 这是一个由and连接的并列句,其中有一个定语从句who speak the language,修饰先行词people;有一个时间状语从句when they make a mistakecorrect: v 指正、纠正,短语:make a mistake 犯错误 9.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things. 译:他们不害怕重复他们听到的或说一些奇怪的东西。 what

9、they hear是repeat的宾语从句 afraid的用法:be afraid of sth; be afraid to do sth; be afraid that 从句 a.She is afraid to go out alone at night. b.I am afraid of snake. c.Hes afraid that hell be late for class. 10.When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. 译:当交流困难时

10、,他们会接受不准确或不完整的信息。 本句中包含一个时间状语从句When communication is difficult,一个定语从句that is inexact or incomplete,修饰先行词information,在从句中that作主语。11.Its more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. (*) 译:对他们来说,学会用所学的语言来思考比学会每个单词的意思更重要。 it作形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式to learn to

11、 think in the language.原句语序应是:For them to learn to think in the language is more important than to know the meaning of every word. 用形式主语的目的是因为不定式作主语太长,为避免句子头重脚轻,用it代替真正的主语。 e.g. For many people to learn English well is very difficult. =Its very difficult for many people to learn English well 短语:lear

12、n to do sth学会做; more important than 更重要 12.Its necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. = For them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them are necessary 译:对他们来说,学会这种语言以便同这些人交流并向他们学习是非常必要的

13、 这句话较复杂,it作形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语,in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them我们称作目的状语 短语:in order to do sth; communicate with sb; learn from sb:向学习 13.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it. 译:因为他们想学会这种语言,所以他们发现不断地练习实际应用这种语言是容易的。

14、it作形式宾语,真正的宾语to practice using the language regularly,原因状语从句because they want to learn with it. practice是动词,英式英语拼写形式是practise,美式英语动词和名词拼写都是practice.作动词时,后面只能用动名词,如:practice speaking the language every day. (4段2行)14.If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independent

15、ly, actively, and purposefully. (*) 译:如果你是一名成功的语言学习者,你大概一直在独立地、主动地、目的明确地学习。 if引导条件状语从句,主句中的have been learning是动词的现在完成进行时,表示动作从以前开始一直不间断地进行到现在。 三个副词:independently, actively, and purposefully 要会拼写。15.on the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try s

16、ome of the techniques outlined above. 译:另一方面来说,如果你的语言学习一直不太成功,你不妨试试上面提到的一些学习技巧。 If your language learning has been less than successful是条件状语从句。 短语:on the other hand: 另一方面来说; less than successful: 不太成功; might do well to do sth:表示一种委婉语气,不妨,最好. e.g. You might do well to take the doctors advice. Thats a

17、ll for this lecture, and lets continue to learn this unit next time. Dont forget to review what we have learnt. ok, see you then!The second lecture of College EnglishHi, everyone! Are you satisfied with the first lecture? Today well continue to learn unit one. .Review something in lecture one:A. Use

18、ful phrases:1.disagree with (2段1行); 2.hundreds of(2段3行); 3. be different from(3段1行); 4. succeed in sth(3段3行); 5. as much as you can(4段2行); 6. practice doing sth(4段2行); 7. try to do(4段4行);8. similar in sth(5段2行); 9. first of all(6段1行); 10. depend on(6段2行); 11. instead of sth/doing sth(6段3行); 12. wait

19、 sb to do(6段3行); 13. learn from sth/sb(6段7行); 14. make a mistake(7段4行); 15. be afraid to do(7段5行); 16. be willing to do(7段6行); 17. be interested in sth(8段2行); 18. in order to(8段4行); 19. communicate with sb(8段4行); 20. on the other hand(9段3行); 21. might do well to do sth(9段4行) B. Some important words:

20、1.successful; 2. disagree; 3.statement; 4. guarantee; 5. intelligent;6. conversely; 7. similar; 8. independent; 9. conclusion; 10. communicate;communication; 11. purpose, purposefully; 12. regularly; 13. technique; 14. outline.C. Key to part exercises: (from page 8 to 12)一、课文练习:.d, a, c, d, d;. 1.ta

21、sk; 2.intelligent; 3.tudy; 4.clue; 5.conclusion; 6.repeat; munication; 8.purpose; 9.probably; 10.outline. 1. Instead of; 2.therefore; 3. morethan; 4.even; 5.first of all; 6.because; 7.on the other hand; 8.finally; 9.looking for; 10.conversely.1.见课文;2. Language learning is active learning. Learners s

22、hould take advantage of every chance to use the language.3. Language learning should be active, independent and purposeful.4.见一讲作业。5. The teachers often pass on their successful experience in language learning to us.二、词汇练习:.1.2.4.见一讲词汇讲解部分;3. cover: v 覆盖; uncover: v 揭开,为cover的反义词;discover: v 发现,同义词:

23、find, 习题答案为:covered; uncover; discovered.1.inexact; 2.technique; 3.outlined; municate; 5.regularly; 6.clue; 7.intelligent; 8.incomplter; 9.similar; 10.statement.1.disagree; 2.independent; 3.incomplete; 4.inexact; 5.uncover/discover.1,3,4,见一讲作业3,4,5题。2见课文5. We should learn something new independently

24、, actively and purposefully. . Text B:要求作一般了解,属阅读理解课文,对于text B的文章来说,虽然较A篇稍长,但难度稍低,检测阅读结果的标准是能够独立地完成课后的习题。A. Some new words:1.instance: a single fact, event, example.例子、实例,常用短语for instance,例如。 2.waiter: a person who serves food at the tables in a restaurant(男性),waitress女服务员、女招待3.traveler: a person wh

25、o goes from place to place, esp. to a far away placetravel: v 旅游4.primitive: adj 原始的:of the earliest times of life or of man5.exact 反义词inexact6.consist; v 短语: consist of 组成e.g. My class consists of 20 students.7.simply: adv, simple adj 简单的 B. Some language points:1.not onlybut also不但而且,并列连词。(连接两个并列成

26、分)e.g. I hope to be not only your teacher, but also your good friend. , we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many other ways.2.neithernor:既不也不,并列连词,连接两个并列成分。e.g. Autumn is a good season. Its neither hot nor cold. people who can neither hear nor speak talk to each other with the

27、help of their fingers.3.He entered a restaurant and sat at a table.(坐在桌旁)4.in this way:介词短语,用这种方法e.g. I learn English by myself. In this way, I have finally got the diploma of English major.5. The Englishman who was very hungry by this time and not at all thirsty looked very sad.a.本句包含有一个定语从句,who wa

28、s very hungry by this time and not at all thirsty修饰先行词The Englishman。b.短语:by this time到此时为止; not at all根本不6. Words consist of sounds, but there are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words.译:语言是由声音组成的,但具有一定意义的声音并不都是话语。短语:consist of, 句子结构中包含有一个定语从句。Key to the part exercises:page 16: T,

29、F, T, F, T, F, F, F, T, F. Unit 2 Text A: Taxes, Taxes, and More TaxesMain idea about the text: we know that the taxes in the United States are the highest in the world. Almost everyone need pay taxes on many things. There are three levels of government in the United States, so there are three types

30、 of taxes; they are for the federal government, state government, and city government. Even some Americans think that they are working one day each week just to pay their taxes.A. New words:1.tax: n 税;vt 对征税a. Every citizen has the right to pay tax to our country.b. My income is taxed at source. (我的

31、收入已扣除了所得税。)2.generally: adv 一般地、通常,同义词:usually, 常用语:generally speaking,general adj 3.type: n 类型、种类;v 打字a. What type of tea do you prefer? Green tea. b. She typed the letter quickly and well.4.salary: n 工资,salaried: adj 拿工资的5.earn: v 挣钱、赚钱,earnings n 赚得的钱6.percentage: n 百分比、百分率; percent n 前用数词(*)a. M

32、ore than ten percent of the students didnt come today.b. A large percentage of schoolbooks now have pictures.c. I am a hundred percent sure that he will come.7.vary: v 变化、改变; varied adj 有变化的、多样的(*)a. Holiday jobs are many and varied.b. people vary very much in their ideas of many things.(注意介词in的用法)c

33、. prices of fruit vary from season to season.8.sale: n 出售,sell v 出售9.charge: v 收费、控告a. How much do you charge for repairing my shoes?b. He was charged with the guilty of murder.10.addition: n 加法、附加物; add v 增加; additional adj 额外的、增加的(*)a. She always adds sugar to her tea.b. He earned 1000 dollars in

34、addition to his salary.c. We will need additional help to do the work.11. confuse: v 使混乱、混淆;confused, confusing adj; confusion n (*)a. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get confused.b. This is a confusing word because it has two meanings.c. Do you think this will cause much conf

35、usion?d. They confused me by asking so man加重。5.腹泻:腹泻在秋季也是常见的疾病之一,这主要是因为孩子乱吃东西又兼受凉的缘故,因此,要注意孩子的日常饮食,不能由他乱吃,暴饮暴食,还要注意孩子的腹部不要着凉。最新疫情资料09年10月自考马克思主义基本原理概论笔记绪论绪论马克思主义是关于工人阶级和人类解放的科学第一节马克思主义的产生和发展(单选)马克思主义产生于19世纪40年代中期。一、马克思主义是时代的产物(多选)马克思主义产生于近代自然科学取得三大发现新成就以及资本主义社会化大生产已经成为主导趋势,资本主义社会内部各种社会矛盾和阶级矛盾弃分显露,无产








43、主义作为行动的指南,就必须从客观存在的实际情况出发,而不能从马克思主义的一般原理出发。二、学习马克思主义的目的和根本方法(简答)学习马克思主义的目的1. 树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。(多选)(单选)马克思主义的价值观以全心全意为人民服务为取向,以是否能推动生产力的发展,是否符合广大人民群众的根本利益、得到人民群众的拥护为价值评价标准。2. 掌握认识世界和改造世界的伟大工具。3. 全面提高人的素质(单选)理论联系实际是学习马克思主义的根本方法。(单选)我国今天所面临的最大的社会实际,就是我国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段。(多选)要做到理论联系实际,在实际工作中必须反对经验主义和教条主义两种倾向。09年10月自考马克思主义基本原理概论笔记第一章第一章物质世界及其发展规律第一节物质世界和实践一、物质世界的客观存在


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