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Unit 3 How was your school trip 前置作业.doc

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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?主题单元标题Unit 3 How do you get to school?作者姓名郭家敏学科领域 外语适用年级七年级下册(六三制)所需时间课内共用4课时;课外共用1课时。主题单元学习概述本单元话题取材于义务教育英语课程标准话题项目交通运输方式。该话题在初中教材中第一次涉及。因与学生生活息息相关,他们有深刻的生活体验,易于接受表达。本单元以交通为话题、以谈论出行方式为功能,呈现了How、 How far、How long 引导的特殊疑问句及回答,谈论如何到达目的地、行程多久及距离多远。本单元通过模仿对话、自编对话、阅读,学生将掌握

2、不同交通方式的英语表达,了解不同地区的学生是采用何种交通方式去学校的,并能根据自己实际情况,合理安排行程,合理选用交通工具。同时,在教材P101还提供了有关句子重音的相关说明,P104提供了语音练习,含字母及字母组合的常见发音及句子重音两部分。本单元的学习重、难点:(1)语言技能方面:通过观看PPT呈现的图片及题目预测文章的大意。将使用的交通工具、距离、花费的时间融于how引导的特殊疑问句及相关回答中,并运用所学与同伴就上学、外出旅游、走亲访友的话题进行口头交流;能运用所学写一篇介绍自己平时上学所选用交通方式的短文。(2)语言知识方面:34个课标词和7个常用短语和固定搭配;Grammar Fo

3、cus中的句型以及介绍自己如何到达目的地的相关句子。It takes sb.some time to do sth.和Its+adj.+for sb. to do sth.;(3)学习策略:通过听录音,运用抓关键词的听力学习策略获取有效信息。通过观看PPT呈现的图片,预测听力的相关话题。运用找读(Scanning)等阅读学习策略,快速获取有效信息。依据语言学习“感知、体会、理解、运用”的认知规律,将本单元的学习划分为两个专题。专题一:如何用英语熟练表达出行的方式、到达某地所需的时间及距离?专题二:如何运用所学与他人交流有关出行方式的话题?两者是递进的关系。前者是后者的基础,后者是前者的升华,最

4、终达成对学生综合语言运用能力的培养目标,学会用英语做事情。本单元主要采用情景学自主学习与小组合作学习相结合的学习方式。本单元的预期学习成果:1. 听力任务完成后,学生能正确理解主要功能句的意义,模仿录音进行分角色朗读、背诵,并仿编对话。根据3a阅读语篇任务所建构的篇章结构,在老师引领下,学生能对3a文段进行复述。学生能够借助文段结构图,运用所学,为班级的英语板报写一篇有关“绿色出行”的征文。通过本单元学习,学生能听懂与话题相关的难度与2b相当的听力材料;读懂难度与3a相当的书面材料。学生能独立完成Unit3的单元综合测试。主题单元规划思维导图点击打开链接主题单元学习目标知识与技能:通过本单元的

5、学习,学生能:1、意识到在用特殊疑问句“How?”“How far?”“How long?”句式进行询问时,一般用降调。2、听懂相当于本单元Section B 1c难度的谈论到达某地的距离、交通方式及所花时间的对话。3、将使用的交通工具、距离、花费的时间融于how引导的特殊疑问句及相关回答中,并运用其与同伴就上学、外出旅游、走亲访友的话题进行角色扮演与交流。4、读懂Section B 2b中的短文并理解大意;正确朗读短文。读懂课外读物上难度相当的关于出行方式的小短文。5、借助文段结构图,运用所学,为班级的英语板报写一篇有关“绿色出行”的征文。过程与方法:通过本单元的学习,学生能:1、在学习词汇

6、、语法的过程中,感知回忆、联想、想象等识记策略。2、听录音前,通过观看PPT呈现的图片及浏览相关文字信息,体验、训练“预测听力相关内容”的策略。3、在听力过程中,体验、实践“在泛听、精听的过程中抓关键句”的策略。4、在阅读过程中,体验感悟、预测、略读、跳读、等阅读策略和布局谋篇、遣词造句的写作策略。5、在学习语法的过程中,充分体验归纳、概括等识记策略。情感态度与价值观:通过本单元的学习,学生能:1、乐于感知并积极尝试使用How、How long和How far询问不同的出行方式,同时,通过交流彼此的出行方式,培养做事情要根据实际情况选择最合理、最经济的方式的意识。2、认识到英语学习渠道的多样性

7、及学习材料的丰富性,感受英语学习的乐趣。3、了解因地域文化差别所造成的出行方式的差异。对应课标1. 对英语学习表现出积极性和初步的自信心。2. 能听懂有关熟悉话题(交通)的语段和简短的故事。 能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。 能读懂相关话题的小故事及其他文体的简单书面材料。能根据提示简要描述出行方式,参与简单的角色扮演等活动。3. 能尝试使用适当的学习方法,克服学习中遇到的困难。4. 能意识到因地域文化差别所造成的出行方式的差异。主题单元问题设计如何用英语清楚表达出行的方式、到达某地所需的时间及距离?如何运用所学与他人交流有关出行方式的话题?专题划分专题一: 如何用英语表达出行的方式、到达

8、某地所需的时间及距离? ( 3 课时)专题二: 表达与运用-如何运用所学与他人交流有关出行方式的话题? ( 2课时)其中,专题2 (或专题 1 中的活动 作为研究性学习)专题一如何用英语表达出行的方式、到达某地所需的时间及距离?所需课时课内共用3课时,每周4课时; 专题学习目标 基于对学情、课型及教学内容的分析,依据基本设计思路,确定本专题学习目标如下:通过本专题的学习,学生能:1.理解新文段的意义,在新的语篇情景中进一步感知、巩固本单元的主要词及话题功能句。在这个过程中,进一步引领学生体验、训练相关阅读策略,提升学生的阅读技能。2. 借助文段结构图,复述所读文段。通过复述,归纳、梳理本单元的

9、重点词汇和话题功能句。引领学生在完成任务的过程中,再次感悟体验写作时的布局谋篇;在赏析语言的过程中,感悟遣词造句的方法。3. 借助文段结构图,运用所学,为班级的英语板报写一篇有关“绿色出行”的征文。引领学生学会借助文段结构分析图和相关提示信息。通过自主学习,小组合作交流,完成书面表达任务。提升学生综合运用语言进行写作的能力,达成读写课中以读带写的目标。4. 通过笔头测试卷,了解本单元所学语言知识的掌握和运用情况。并在教师的引导下,对自己的测试卷进行统计、分析,了解学习中存在的问题。在此基础上,对自己的学习情感、方法等做出针对性的调整。专题问题设计你能读懂含有主要话题功能句的文段吗?你能在老师的

10、引导下,构建文段结构图吗?你能借助文段结构图,对文段进行复述吗?你能借助文段结构图,正确运用本单元所学,完成书面表达吗?本单元的综合测试,你的正确率能达到80%吗?所需教学环境和教学资源PPt,教材、地图、课外阅读文段,投影设备,网络资源:一些交通工具的音频资料、美国校车及学生上学的相关视频片段等。学习活动设计1. 情境中导入。借助多媒体和图片资源(如:公共汽车、火车、地铁等图片)、影音资源,如:flash资源:over the mountains、不同的交通方式的声音等)进行听音猜测活动。学生通过该活动,学习理解主要话题功能句“How do you get to school? How lo

11、ng does it take to get to school? How far is it from your home to school?” 和生词”train, bus, subway ”等的意义。在学习词汇的过程中,进一步实践感知回忆、联想、想象等识记策略。同时,自然渗透u, o, y及ar, er,等字母及字母组合的教学。由于这一活动任务难度较低,活动中最大限度地关注学困生,尽量多地给他们表现的机会,对他们好的表现及时给予肯定和鼓励,充分发挥评价的激励作用,激发他们的参与热情和学习的积极性,教学中真正实现面向“全体学生”。2.活动中感知:学生在活动中感知、理解所学词汇和句式。通过

12、看一看、猜一猜,听一听,做一做、听一听、说一说等活动,学生在一系列对话情景活动中感知、理解所学主要话题功能句及生词的意义。听录音前,通过观看PPT呈现的图片及浏览相关文字信息,体验、训练“预测听力相关内容”的听力学习策略。同时,进一步训练在泛听、精听过程中抓关键句的听力学习策略。在一系列的感知和理解活动中,充分利用生生间学习水平差异这一资源,注意发挥优等生的引领作用,通过让他们说完成任务的思路,向其他学生展示他们学习过程中运用的有效学习方法和策略,逐步引导学生在学习过程中相互借鉴,相互学习,从而实现学会学习。3. 训练中巩固: 通过看一看,说一说、想一想、编一编等训练,学生在一系列对话情景和训

13、练中进一步感知、理解、内化、巩固所学新的语言知识。对新知形成语感,达到熟练掌握。4. 运用中提高:创设情景,(学生)自编对话。如:澳大利亚联谊校的学生来我校学习访问,假如你是他们的导游,帮他们安排周末济南一日游。学生课前准备一幅济南的交通图,事先标出5个旅游景点,小组合作,设计路线,说明要使用的交通工具。学Unit 1Part AExercise 1:Flight Number1918101531774Gate number16210824Exercise 2:1.At 17:002.The one to Chicago3.The 9:25 train to Oxford.4.Platform

14、 3.5. At 10:30Part BAnnouncement 1Exercise 1: c a c dExercise 2: Air ChinaNew York13.51:30p.m.Announcement 2Exercise 1: d b c a Exercise 2: Two basketballSkiingThe Big Apple BandMostly $10 tickets but a very few $5 seats still on saleRock mineralEarly peoplePottery sand paintingFreePart D 2. 4. 6. 8

15、. Unit 2Part AExercise 1:1. 19542. Chinese Opera Research Institute3. exciting4. dangerous acts5. 19786. comedy7. dangerous stuntsExercise 2:1. Public figures2. chief3. is admired for doing something4. noble or brave5. is admired for the accomplishment6. enduring efforts 7. great courage8. confidenc

16、e in oneself9. fills peoples minds with respect10. entertainment or business circles, may sometimes inspire envy.Part BConversation 1Exercise 1: 1. d 2.a. 3. d. 4.bExercise 2: 1. a professor2. fighting motor neurone disease3. he was about 204. A Brief History of Time, average person, bestseller5. tw

17、ice, three, grandchild6. a computer, eating, speaking, writingConversation 2Exercise 1: 1.c 2. c 3. d 4.d Exercise 2:FamilyNormal lifeHappy, responsible peopleSocial workPersonal responsibilityVolunteerFund-raising eventsCreating opportunitiesLeisureOutdoorTravelingAmazing placesReadingFast readerSe

18、lf-improvementLearnRecharge his batteriesPart D Exercise (A passage)Family Background: working class Canada Thirteen ComfortHer Way to Success: her parents: her parents piano bar It Was Only a Dream Theme song Beauty and the Breast She was invited to perform at the opening ceremonies of the Atlanta

19、Olympics She recorded the theme song of the movie Titanic-“My Heart Will Go On”Career at Present: 1999 2002 A New Day Has Come Appearing five nightsExercise (A compound dictation)1. eighties2. album3. recording4. extremely5. describe6. acting7. boxer8. As a young man, he won a gold medal in the Olym

20、pics as a boxer.9. before long, he was known as one of the most famous boxers in the sports history. 10. But like the stars in the sky, a superstar fades from the sight as time passes. Many youngpeople, for example, know little about Muhammad Ali these days.Unit 3Part AExercise 1:Brand name: A95Adva

21、ntages: SimpleTrue color terrific qualityBeautiful picturesMore experienced usersExercise 2:1. Advertising is a way of informing people of something. This can range from telling them a product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someones name known to the public.2.

22、 Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers to buy a certain product, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.Part BA PassageExercise 1: 1.c 2.b 3. d 4.d Exercise 2: 1. men, women, children of specific ages, various ethnic groups, certain

23、interests.2. what benefit customers will get, buying, doing, thinking3 seriously, it is designed to appeal A Conversation Exercise 1: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4.c Exercise 2: 1.sports shoes2.in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago3.running shoes4.football, soccer, basketball and tennis players5.workm

24、anship and quality,fortable, expensivePart D Passage 1:1. c 2.b passage 2:1. d 2.b 3. dUnit 4Part AExercise 1:1. b 2. b 3. dExercise 2:Both hands later in privateOpen it right awayRefuse itPart BPassage 1Exercise 1: 1. b 2.d 3.a 4.dExercise 2: 1. laugh at people2. animals, with kindness3. push to th

25、e front, waiting for a bus4. the old, disabled5. they are”losing weight”6. women their age weight7. time 8. getting permission from people around9. please, thank you10. a lady or an older person, the other is seatedPassage 2Exercise 1: 1.b 2. c 3. b 4.d Exercise 2: 1. not bigsimple but beautifulNot

26、furnishedIts floor covered with tatamiTraditionally decoratedDecorated with fresh flowers and traditional artistic works2. The guests take off their shoes and put on bamboo shoes before entering the tea roomThe guest wash their hands in a rock water basin before entering the tea roomThe guest sit in

27、 the traditional way-on their kneesThe guest praise the design of the tea set they are usingThe tea master serves the tea to the guests in turn, starting from the most distinguishedThe tea master and guests bow to each other from time to during the ceremony. Part D ConversationExercise1. d 2.c 3.c 4

28、. a 5.c Passage1.a 2.b 3.d Unit 5Part AExercise 1:Conversation 1She thought it was terribleHe thought it was greatConversation 2He thinks it is superficialShe thinks it is quite well-written Exercise 2:Violent programsAdvertisingBad for childrens eyesNot creativePart BForum 1Exercise 1: 1.a 2.c 3.a

29、4.c 5.d Exercise 2: To study lawTheyre too emotionalHave a successful career and to be a good mother at the same time.Mens work, womens work, stop interferingHousework is a womens jobForum 2Exercise 1: 1.d 2. a 3. d Exercise 2:Guns should be outlawed immediatelyBe allowed to own guns to protect them

30、selves and their familiesBe allowed to own gunsNo one except the police should carry guns.Part D Forum1 Exercise1.d 2.b 3.d Forum 2 Exercise1. fresh air2. close to nature3. peace and quiet4. less crime and less traffic (safer than in a city), much more pleasant5. much more pleasant6. Much cheaper7.

31、theres more going on8. entertainment9. people are more open-minded10. There are better stores and shopsUnit 6Part AExercise 1:1.She thinks a lot of them are in financial difficulties.2.She thinks the government should give them a monthly allowance.3.He thinks its not a good idea because some of them would want to be students all their lives4.He thinks that the government can get those students an interest-free loan and let them pay back in ten years.5.Yes, she also finds it a good idea.Part BPassage 1Exercis


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