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高三政治《政治常识》第 三 课3.1.4 邓 小 平 理 论 与 党 的 基 本 路 线.doc

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1、关于在我国构建遗产税法律制度的思考摘 要遗产税是指以被继承人去世后所遗留的财产为征收对象的税,属财产税范畴。遗产税具有以下功能:均衡社会财富分配、增加财税收入、鼓励慈善公益事业、引导自主创业及拉动消费等。当今世界已有多个国家和地区建立了遗产税法律体系,遗产税制度已成为这些国家法律体系中十分重要的组成部分。而在我国,遗产税法律制度历经长期的利益博弈却始终未能出台。随着十八大之后各项改革的深入推进,该问题再次成为关注焦点。当前社会财富分配问题已成为影响我国社会和谐稳定的重要因素,开征遗产税,既有利于缩小贫富差距,又有利于发挥税收的杠杆作用,更能体现执政党缝合阶层鸿沟,让发展利益共享的治国理念。在2







8、遗产税;构建;必要性;可行性;法律制度AbstractInheritance tax refers to the tax levied on the property left by the deceased, which belongs to the category of property tax. The inheritance tax has the following functions: balancing the distribution of social wealth, increasing revenue, encouraging charitable public wel

9、fare, guiding independent entrepreneurship and stimulating consumption, etc. Nowadays, many countries and regions have established the legal system of inheritance tax. The system of inheritance tax has become a very important part of the legal system of these countries.However, in China, the legal s

10、ystem of inheritance tax has not been introduced after a long-term interest game. With the deepening of reform after the 18th National Congress, this issue has once again become the focus of attention. At present, the distribution of social wealth has become an important factor affecting the social

11、harmony and stability of our country. The levying of inheritance tax is not only conducive to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, but also conducive to giving full play to the leverage role of taxation. It can better embody the ruling partys idea of running the country by closing the cl

12、ass gap and sharing the development interests. At the eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in November 2012, another representative again proposed to discuss the draft law on inheritance tax, and suggested that local legislative and legal departments at all provincial le

13、vels should first draw up a plan, and then report to the Central Committee for summary and timely introduction of a unified legal system on inheritance tax. In February 2013, when the State Council approved and forwarded the Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Income Distribution System subm

14、itted by the Reform Commission and other departments, it also proposed that the estate tax should be levied when the relevant conditions are ripe.Starting from the basic theory of inheritance tax, this paper makes a careful legal analysis of the inheritance tax system. By comparing the inheritance t

15、ax legal systems of the United States, Japan and Taiwan, it provides a useful reference for our country to levy inheritance tax. In the process of researching the necessity and feasibility of establishing the legal system of inheritance tax in China, the necessity of establishing the relevant system

16、 is expounded at first: it is conducive to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and promoting fair distribution; it is conducive to increasing the intensity of financial poverty alleviation; it is conducive to improving our tax system; and it is conducive to safeguarding our tax sovereign

17、ty. At the same time, the Levy of inheritance tax can also encourage the rich to be enthusiastic about charity and encourage young people to start their own businesses and make great efforts. After that, the feasibility of levying inheritance tax is deeply analyzed. It is believed that the condition

18、s for levying tax have been preliminarily established in terms of tax source basis, experience, legal norms and regulatory capacity.Inheritance tax refers to the tax levied on the property left by the deceased, which belongs to the category of property tax. The inheritance tax has the following func

19、tions: balancing the distribution of social wealth, increasing revenue, encouraging charitable public welfare, guiding independent entrepreneurship and stimulating consumption, etc. Nowadays, many countries and regions have established the legal system of inheritance tax. The system of inheritance t

20、ax has become a very important part of the legal system of these countries.However, in China, the legal system of inheritance tax has not been introduced after a long-term interest game. With the deepening of reform after the 18th National Congress, this issue has once again become the focus of atte

21、ntion. At present, the distribution of social wealth has become an important factor affecting the social harmony and stability of our country. The levying of inheritance tax is not only conducive to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, but also conducive to giving full play to the levera

22、ge role of taxation. It can better embody the ruling partys idea of running the country by closing the class gap and sharing the development interests. At the eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in November 2012, another representative again proposed to discuss the draf

23、t law on inheritance tax, and suggested that local legislative and legal departments at all provincial levels should first draw up a plan, and then report to the Central Committee for summary and timely introduction of a unified legal system on inheritance tax. In February 2013, when the State Counc

24、il approved and forwarded the Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Income Distribution System submitted by the Reform Commission and other departments, it also proposed that the estate tax should be levied when the relevant conditions are ripe.Starting from the basic theory of inheritance tax

25、, this paper makes a careful legal analysis of the inheritance tax system. By comparing the inheritance tax legal systems of the United States, Japan and Taiwan, it provides a useful reference for our country to levy inheritance tax. In the process of researching the necessity and feasibility of est

26、ablishing the legal system of inheritance tax in China, the necessity of establishing the relevant system is expounded at first: it is conducive to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and promoting fair distribution; it is conducive to increasing the intensity of financial poverty allevi

27、ation; it is conducive to improving our tax system; and it is conducive to safeguarding our tax sovereignty. At the same time, the Levy of inheritance tax can also encourage the ri磯(虗讀缁H缀窪琡圀椀锂蜃極極葲陵豫喀搀漀挀愀愀戀挀戀搀搀搀愀昀挀戀最椀昀極極葲陵豫喀搀漀挀尀尀搀戀愀挀挀愀昀戀戀挀攀愀昀攀攀愀甀欀戀伀唀洀焀唀吀戀渀栀甀漀愀氀唀圀挀欀琀瘀嘀昀唀栀栀漀稀樀唀焀渀眀極極葲陵豫喀極陵唀尀眀攀渀欀甀尀眀攀戀甀椀尀氀攀砀倀愀瀀攀爀尀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀攀搀昀愀搀搀攀挀昀挀搀Q栀絧3絧夀


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