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1、议室里, “哎哟喂,自作多情的人我见得多了。 可是- 像你这么不要脸的人我还是第一次见,蒋梦珂小嘴在哪里一气呵成的叭叭着。 让一群表情僵硬的人们,一下子破功了。 这个这个,什么叫做“不要皮”?还不要脸? “噗嗤-”一声- 终于,股东里面,一个年轻长得帅气的男人,忍不住的笑了出声。 然后挑起眉,瞥了一眼某个男人。 只见宫洛煜表情,竟然没有丝毫的波动,甚至,笑意更深了,魔魇的气息敛聚而释放,轻扯着说着: “小梦坐下不要这么无理取闹毕竟那是一群垃圾你不能和垃圾一般见识不是吗。” 男人的话,让蒋梦珂好看淡淡的眉毛轻轻的皱了一下,不过很快就敛去了。 果然,煜哥说的对,贱人就是不好对付,跟那个李贱人比起来

2、,简直就不是一个级别! 她都这么直白的骂对方不是人了,竟然还能笑得让人恶心。 蒋梦珂眼睛里寒意四起,翘起的唇角更加猖狂的说着: “果然这听不懂人话就是不太爽,”这不是东西把就是听不懂人话,啧啧。 “时间到了,会议开始。” - 当王成功看到,在他眼里就是一群白痴的呆滞的人们,竟然真的因为一个蒋梦珂的一句话,动作超乎想象的一致的打开了早已经摆好在各自面前的会议桌上的文件夹,一副“我们准备好了,开始开会吧”的模样- 有那么一瞬间的怀疑!这群人就是故意在整他。 会议室里,一群从头到尾都被当做了摆设,却不得不顶着快要蹦出来的心脏,死撑着坐在这里的人们,终于迷茫了。 所有人都不知道究竟发生了什么事情。 为

3、什么总裁放出来的视频会是王董背叛公司的视频包括交易记录和录音。 他苦心经营的所有,本以为一场绝杀技,竟然最后,他自己成了那只可怜的跳梁小丑,遭受着所有人鄙视而嘲讽的眼神! “哈哈哈哈-哈哈哈哈-”王成功笑得更恐怖了,脸上竟然染上了一层血的颜色,一点一点的侵蚀着。 怎么这些你就承受不住了?那你做这些事情的时候考虑过那些受害者吗?宫洛煜幽幽的声音,听起来几分邪魅,几分慵懒,狂傲之极。 一个个都是商场的老狐狸了,所以知道这场会议不简单,只能保持着沉默。 “怎么,敢做不敢当吗?宫洛晴似笑非笑的盯着王成功,”之前出去就是为了放松他的警惕没有想到还真的上勾了也不枉费她给蒋梦珂出去溜达一圈子。 “你们这是诬

4、陷,你们这次赤裸裸的诬陷我,”别以为我不知道你们打着什么目的你们就是想给我挤走我不会让你们如意的,王成功用着那接近疯狂的声音吼了出来。 沉闷的话,陡然的一声癫狂的吼着!笑得越发狰狞可怖了! “所以,我发誓,我一定要回来!一定要回来! 我一定要把这原本属于我的一切,统统的夺回来!似乎整幢大楼,都开始变得颤抖了, “你和我说公司里有什么东西是你的吗?”除了百分之二的股份还有什么吗? “宫洛煜,为什么-为什么你要这样对我!” 彻底疯狂的男人,竟然身形一闪,指着男人的手,朝着男人的脖颈,狠狠的抓了过去! “煜哥小心,”吓得蒋梦珂直接喊了出来。 蒋梦珂听到咣当一声就见王董事的身体像破损的风筝一样飞向了地

5、下。 浑厚的声音,突然响起,带着压制着的怒火,宫洛煜冰冷肃穆的眼神,看像那破损不堪的人,为什么你非要我说的那么清楚吗,嗯? 突然想到了什么,王成功放大的深邃眼眸,猛然一缩,王成功已经疯癫而涣散模糊一片的视线,突然一下子变得清晰。 满是伤痕的脸带着不甘甚至害怕的颤抖。 一时之间,所有人都愣住了。 因为他们之前好像发生了一些他们也不知道的事情。 就连懒懒散散的宫洛晴,也睁开了邪恶的黑瞳眸,幽然森森的看着眼前发疯的魔魇。 “大晴,你别这样真的很恐怖,”蒋梦珂被宫洛晴那邪恶的眼神吓得不轻。 “因为只要露出这样表情的时候那就代表着她已经发怒了,”所以这个时候千万不要惹到她。 “所以说,王董事你要不要来说

6、说你都背着我们干了什么事,除了这些还有什么瞒着他们,嗯?”宫洛晴邪恶的笑容看的人直接打了冷颤。 某只姑凉迅速的拿出手机,拨了一个号, “小韩子,你到了没?!” 电话里传来一道妖孽而尽显张狂的男人的声音: “就在楼下,马上就上来!” “快,大晴快控制不住自己了,你赶快!” “咯噔!” 某只恨不得飞起来的男人,一下子蔫了! 紧接着,戏谑的脸上也变得严肃起来, “好,一分钟!” 说着,电梯的红灯,一层一层的不断 叮-”的一声- 韩腾飞就出现在了宫氏集团的会议室里。 而他的身后,跟着几个穿着制服的男人。 骚包的韩腾飞也有严肃的时候,就比如现在! 而跟着韩腾飞身后的那几个穿着制服的男人,径直的走到了王成

7、功的身边。 站在最前面的男人,看起来一脸的正气凌然,浓黑的剑眉配上那一身整齐的制服,更显得几分俊硬! 只见此男人从上衣口袋里拿出了自己的证件,声音竟然冷得没有温度,说着: “王成功,我是A市警察局重案组的组长。 现在怀疑你涉嫌贩卖人口和偷税漏税有关。 这是逮捕令,请你协助我们警方的调查!跟我们走一趟!” “听完警察说完王成功彻底的瘫在地上。”完了,完了全部完了,就因为杨玉那个贱人,如果不是因为她所有事情都不会败露。 “呵!怎么后悔了啊!”没有用你要知道你只要做了事情不可能不会败露的。 宫洛晴满脸讽刺的盯着瘫坐在地上的王成功。 “带走,警察叔叔一挥手,”旁边的队员快速的压着王成功走出了会议室。

8、而那一声“咚-”的巨响,是某只惊吓到傻掉撞墙的男人,被反弹回来又身体重心竟然不稳,生生被吓得腿软的到地上了去了 “这一定是幻觉,这一定是幻觉。我一定是没有睡醒。 某只吓到腿软的男人,趴在会议室的地上,妖孽的脸颊上,以一种常人难以做到的颠覆毁灭,我一定没有睡醒肯定是这个原因。 “因为他在会议室里面既然看到了消失了好几年不见得秦霄贤秦二白,”我滴个神呐。 蒋梦珂简直不敢相信她看到的! 我的天! 韩腾飞不要命了吗?! 竟然把手伸向了秦霄贤那张傻乎乎的脸上,而且,居然还不停的捏着掐着。 在仅仅一秒钟的呆愣之后蒋梦珂瞬间就像是打了鸡血一样,满血复活了。 灿然的小脸上,奋奋然的笑得更加邪魅了。 “好嗨哦,

9、韩腾飞既然有这么沙雕的时刻要不是特殊时期她决对要拿出手机拍下来。” 被蹂躏的秦霄贤脸越来越黑,越来越黑,越来越黑了。 偶买噶,小飞子我为你默哀五分钟希望你不要后悔。 “韩腾飞,终于忍无可忍的秦霄贤,”咬牙切齿的来了句你是不是想死啊。 “我去!这是真的我不是做梦啊!韩腾飞吓得直接蹦出老远,”你什么时候回来的?为什么我不知道。 “你知道个捶捶,你要是知道了那家伙会上当吗?”你当那老王八蛋憨批啊!秦霄贤毫不犹豫的怼了回去。 韩腾飞露出一副笑得表情简直比哭还要难看。 “行了,你们几个兄弟聚一起了怎么晚上不出去嗨皮一下啊!”蒋梦珂笑眯眯的盯着秦霄贤宫洛煜几人。 别,我不敢去这样我怕我会死的更快,韩腾飞一

10、脸害怕的说完转身就跑。 可惜没有跑掉身后就传来皮鞋一步一步的发出的“哒哒哒”的声音,越来越近,韩腾飞心一点一点的凉了,最后“嗷嗷”了一声,“咣当”一下子,俩手无力瘫地上了,在心里留着“最后的遗言”: “兄弟们,我错了。” “噗嗤,原谅宫洛晴不厚道的笑了出来,因为韩腾飞这个样子真的很好笑。” 喂喂喂,宫大晴有这么好笑嘛?一天天的就知道操心你飞哥哥,哼宝宝有小情绪了,韩腾飞坐在地上委屈的不行。 韩腾飞一脸幽怨凄惨的看向了身边挑眉戏谑的看着的秦霄贤,扭曲的表情更加渲染了: “二白,你丫现在连老婆都没有,还在这里给我嘚瑟,你要不要脸! 出息!你就这么大点出息,赶紧起来也不嫌丢人,几年不见了还是这么憨,

11、秦霄贤嫌弃了瞟了一眼坐在地下的韩腾飞。 某女一个大刺刺的翻白眼,要不是看在这只二货帮了这么大忙的份儿上,蒋梦珂早就手下不留情了! “走了,事情解决了还要在这里坐多久,”嗯?小飞飞宫洛晴淡定的看着韩腾飞表情也微挑着起来了。-第36章就挺突然的 白洛梦表示这句话她都不知道听了多少次了,扭头不停苏澈说的话,白洛梦看着站在阳光下的季修南两个眼都直了。 黑色的头发在风中飘着,额头前飘着的碎发半垂着眉眼,睫毛又细又长,阳光折射下来的光线晃眼明亮,他的轮廓隐匿阳光下让人看不清神色。 季修南抬手撩了撩眼前的碎发,他一身黑色的西装,五官俊郎,尤其是那双眼,mes from the 2000 edition of

12、 English Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and Universities, aims to help students learn to read, improve their reading comprehension and expand their knowledge by encouraging students to read a large number of English books. In the traditional extensive reading class, teachers and students pa

13、y more attention to knowledge than reading, exercises than reading. They focus their views on the context in the lesson, and ignore the mass reading after class. The lack of systematic teaching of reading methods and techniques leads to the small reading capacity, slow reading ability and narrow kno

14、wledge. Therefore, the reform of the extensive reading curriculum should fully emphasize the importance of a large number of readings, recommend reading materials suitable for students, teach reading techniques, guide and supervise students to read a lot after class, and incorporate students self-re

15、ading after class into the curriculum evaluation system.Regarding the importance of extensive reading, scholars at home and abroad have long had a consensus. Krashen 引用须标注时间年份thinks that reading is th修改此处。e only ways to develop writing style, build enough vocabulary, improve grammar ability and corr

16、ect spelling (克拉生, 2012). Nuttall标注时间年份。 believes that the best way to learn a foreign language is to stay in the local, besides, read widely the target language(Nuttall, 2002). Many scholars in China also pointed out that the benefits of reading a lot of English are good, such as Wang Shouren (王守仁,

17、2002), Tao Jie(陶洁,2002) 同上。think that reading is the basics or key points of listening, writing, speaking. Liu Chengpei(刘承沛,2003)and Mei Renyi(梅任毅,2003)all advocated that students read a large number of English novels at the basic stage.The main focus of domestic researches-as the most important sou

18、rce of students extensive reading skillsis English extensive reading course. 修改标点符号。There are three directions:a) The 大写头字母。curriculum reform:In order to improve the teaching effect of the extensive reading course, domestic scholars have carried out various reform attempts on the teaching of the cou

19、rse. Yu Huifang (余慧芳, 2017) and Ma Bingyu注明年份。(马丙玉, 2010) discussed how to use the task-based teaching mode to improve the effect of extensive reading teaching; Ding Meiq同上。i(丁美其,2016) tried the experiential teaching mode; Xu Wei同上。 (徐昀, 2012)applied the graphic theory to the pan In the curriculum d

20、esign of the course to improve the teaching effect; Xu Hao, Ban Rongxue and other改为others, 同时注明年份s attempts to promote the effect of extensive reading teaching with the reading and writing combination teaching mode(徐浩, 高彩凤 ,2007).There are also many scholars who are concerned about the teaching refo

21、rms in the extensive reading classroom. For example, Xue Wei注明年份。 advocates that the extensive reading class should be changed to three lessons, and the classroom teaching content includes stylistic analysis, overall content understanding, difficult sentence analysis and a week of extracurricular re

22、ading review ( 薛维, 2007) . Zheng Hairong同上。 proposed to reform the classroom teaching model, supplemented by students practice-oriented teacher explanations, more on cultural background knowledge, less on the details of new words, and enhanced extracurricular reading ( 郑海荣, 2012). Chen Lei同上。 believ

23、es that it is necessary to select appropriate teaching materials, stimulate students interest, reform teaching modes, innovate assessment methods and update teaching methods (陈蕾, 2014). Zhang Qian同上 proposed to promote learning, to promote education, and to use the specific teaching methods such as

24、calligraphy, demonstration, brainstorming and classroom debate. ZhaiZhichun修改格式,注明年份。 proposed a three-step task teaching method, such as simulation teaching and introduction of important passages(张倩, 2014). Wu Hualan 注明年份analyzed the problems existing in the extensive reading teaching, and proposed

25、 to change the students extensive learning methods, update the teaching content, increase the extracurricular reading materials, focus on classroom teaching, increase the extensive reading outside the classroom, and change the teacher-centered extensive reading, teaching mode and other measures (吴华兰

26、, 2015). Zhang Lijuan标注时间。 proposed to solve the problems in extensive reading teaching by clarifying teaching objectives, updating teaching materials, and adopting diverse teaching methods (张丽娟, 2013) b) Reading materials大写首字母。:Regarding the choice of reading materials, scholars think teachers and

27、students should consider “student-centered” to choose reading materials.c) The curriculum evaluation system:Chen Maoqing attempts to 修改此处,并注明时间introduce peer review methods in the reading activities of English second-year extensive reading courses to deepen students understanding of famous works and

28、 improve students writing level(陈茂庆,2013).A large number of foreign extensive reading studies involve the influence of extensive reading teaching on reading interest and learning motivation. Studies have confirmed that extensive reading teaching promotes reading interest and motivation.For the selec

29、tion and reading of extensive reading materials, research generally believes that allowing students to choose interesting and simple reading materials can help improve their reading ability; Bskey (2005) suggests that reading materials should be consistent with Krashens “ i+1 theory. In addition, fo

30、reign countries have developed relatively simple readers. For example, the Oxford Bookworm Series is divided into six levels according to the vocabulary and difficulty level (Nation, 1999), providing a systematic material for the implementation of extensive reading. In addition, some studies also fo

31、cus on the specific implementation process of extensive reading teaching. Compare the differences between the extensive reading method and other teaching methods in improving a certain skill; study the role orientation of teachers in the process of extensive reading; and the differences in the use o

32、f different teaching methods in the extensive reading teaching. For example, Beniko Mason (2004, 2007) compared the difference between pan-reading and traditional teaching methods; Pilgreen (2003) believes that teachers should be role models for students to read; Fisher, Flood, Lapp & Frey (2004) em

33、phasize the important role of teachers reading. John Macalister (2008) explores the possibility of incorporating extensive reading into the classroom system.1.2. Significance of the StudyExtensive reading plays an important role in in life and learning.表达不准确,修改。 Especially when large amounts of lite

34、rature应为复数。s are written in English nowadays, we must master the skills of English extensive reading. And in terms of different reading materials, reading time, reading purposes, we can independently choose different reading skills. In addition, all the practical suggestions are helpful to improve t

35、he teaching efficiency of English teachers. This paper will enrich the method of developing English extensive reading skills and provide reference for researchers in this field.1.3. Shape of the PaperThis paper is composed of four chapters. To be specific, it is organized as follows:Chapter One is t

36、he introduction of the paper, in which the author 使用the paper, 或 the authorstate the context, the significance of the study and the shape of the paper.In Chapter Two加In., the author 不应出现第一人称,应使用第三人称。同上。will clarify the definition of English extensive reading, and briefly summarize several major Engl

37、ish extensive reading skills. Then the author will conclude the current situation of English Extensive Reading Course Teaching in ChinaIn Chapter Three加in, the writer 同上。will discuss ways to improve English extensive reading skills in three aspects. First, change the content of the teaching, startin

38、g with the English extensive reading course, the main source of developing extensive reading skills. Improve the teaching content in three aspects: strengthen students understanding of the importance of extensive reading, select the reading materials, and focus on the teaching of English extensive r

39、eading skills. Second, the way of learning, the combination of theory and practice and the way of communication with peers. Third, improve the supervision system for post-class supervision and extensive reading.In Chapter Four加 in, the修改此处。 author will review the main points of this paper and draw t

40、he conclusions of the paper.Chapter 2 The concept of extensive readingSome students think extensive reading means reading a lot, but ignore two important requirements for extensive reading: speed and quality. Extensive reading is not reading in an infinite amount of time. Extensive reading is not an

41、 invalid reading that can be forgotten after reading. People must be able to obtain valid information from extensive reading. 2.1The Definition of Extensive Reading修改单词黏连。该小节之前应该由本章节的概述。参照chapter 3.Many students do not how to choose reading skills when reading English materials or literary works, th

42、en often read from the beginning to the end, and read one word by one word, as a result it leads to slow reading speed or they loss the interest of reading. This has produced two types of reading courses: intensive reading and extensive reading. Intensive reading requires students to analyze grammar

43、 of one sentence, at the same time, learning new vocabulary and sentence patterns. But this does not meet the need for a large amount of reading in a short period of time, so the extensive reading course should teach students how to read quickly and what skills to use.The linguist Harold Palmer (191

44、7) firstly use the term extensive reading in foreign language teaching. As far as he concerned, extensive reading is reading one book after another quickly, the readers attentions should be placed on the content of the article, not the language itself. The Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching def

45、ines as follows: extensive reading is to build good reading habits, gain knowledge of vocabulary and language structures. At the same time it should develop a wide range of reading interests. Professor Li Tianzi (2007) thought that one should read a great deal of materials matching his language skil

46、ls. “Extensive” refers to the amount of reading, which includes not only the amount of reading texts, but also the different styles. Professor Zhang Yanqiu (1997) also considered that extensive reading aims to develop independent reading habits, enhance language, help students expand their knowledge, vocabulary, sense, improve reading comprehension. The main purpose of extensive reading is to provide students with rich and appropriate language input. The input of this language should cover various genres and have different depths. In the e


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