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1、an do anything they like. 51. Which kind of part-time job is less stressful for American teenagers? A. Working at police. B. Nursing C. Working at camps. D. Teaching. 52. Which kind of part-time job can a 13-year-old girl do in America? A. Working at parks. B. Working at a swimming pool. C. Looking

2、after babies. D. Doing the dishes in a restaurant.【主旨大意】有业余工作在美国学生中非常普遍,不仅可以自己赚钱,而且可以学习技能,为今后的生活积累经验。50. 答案:B. 推理判断题。从第一段能推断美国学生做业余工作的目的是学习技能和赚钱。51. 答案:C 细节理解题。从第四段第一句直接可知。52. 答案:C 细节理解题。从第五段第一句直接可知。英语试题第6页(共12页)53. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “value”? A. 喜欢 B. 追求 C. 向往 D.珍视(2011年淄博)C D

3、o you play a musical instrument? If so, you may be getting smarter. A recent study shows that taking music lessons can raise a persons IQ. Scientists studied 132 children in Canadian schools. At the beginning of the school year, these children took an IQ test. Then they were divided into four groups

4、. One group took singing lessons. Another group took weekly piano lessons. The third group took classes in drams(戏剧). And the last group did no special activities at all. At the end of the school year, the 132 children took an IQ test again. In all four groups, the average score went up. However, th

5、e piano playersIQs went up 7.0 points on average. The average increase for the other three groups was only 4.3 points. The researchers say that the difference is small and it may not result in better grades for the piano players. However, they still consider the results important. Learning an instru

6、ment helps kids becomes better at concentrating and at memorizing things. Therefore, the researchers say, it may be good for brain development in young people. If you have a chance to learn to play a musical instrument, never miss it. Remember it can make you smarter.54. Which of the following is NO

7、T true of the study? A. It was done in Canada. B. It was done by some musicians. C. It included four groups of children. D. It took one school year to complete.55. Which of the following is true? A. Average IQ scores increased in all the groups. B. Only the piano players IQs increased. C. The averag

8、e increase for all four groups was 4.3 points. D. Most of the childrens IQs did not go up.56. The underlined word “they” in the passage refers to _. A. better grades B. piano players C. researchers D. instruments【主旨大意】本文主要记叙弹乐器可以使人更聪明。54. 答案:B 细节理解题。从文章第二段可知实验是由科学家完成的。55. 答案:A 细节理解题。从In all four gro

9、ups, the average score went up可知。56. 答案:C. 词义猜测题。从上下文可知。英语试题第7页(共12页)57. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Its good for us to listen to music. B. Everyone should learn to play the piano. C. Take an IQ test before you learn instruments. D. Learning instruments may make kids smarter.(2011年淄博)D“Yo

10、u know, these cups brings to my mind a st四、现代文阅读(共36分)(一)阅读难忘那棵老榆树一文,完成1315题。(共15分) 难忘那棵老榆树故乡的村头,曾有一棵老榆树。榆树是当地的土著,荒坡野岭随处可见,但多是七扭八歪,古怪丑陋。而她却与众不同,像一柄撑天巨伞,矗立村头。树干粗而笔直,树冠分杈均匀,枝条披拂,绿叶繁茂。深黑色的树皮,刻满老榆树特有的裂纹,饱含无限沧桑和神秘。她像慈祥坚毅的老祖母,守护着小村,看着一代代小村人成长。老榆树在这个世界上经历了多少个春秋,无人知晓,因为她比小村的年龄还大,是小村的祖宗。母亲八十岁了,说她小时候这棵树就这么大。小



13、在她下面躲风避雨,消暑纳凉,唠着家长里短,说着酸甜苦辣,人们的乐趣和苦恼都收进了老榆树那深深的皱纹中。在远行人不舍的回望中,最后消失的小村景物是老榆树,在远归人渴望的目光中第一个出现的小村景物也是老榆树,她成了小村的标志。 “老树不能伐!”人们纷纷向队长进言。队长说:“我就是在老榆树身边长大的,她比我爹岁数都大,要是再分有办法,我也不能造这个孽。”要留下这棵树,人们可以说出千条万条理由,但谁又能弄到修井的木料呢?对老树的感情终究抵不住人们对水的需要。那是深秋的一天,一场寒露更增了几分寒意,老树的叶子快落光了,剩下零星的几片枯叶在秋风中摇曳。小村人静静地立在老树周围,为她送行,队长点燃一挂鞭,几个老人烧了一炉香,虔诚地跪在树下,西风掠过树梢的瑟瑟声伴着人们的抽泣弥漫了整个村庄。两个壮汉拉起大锯,沙!沙!沙!粉红色的木屑从锯口喷出,一顿饭工夫,老树轰然倒下,小山一样,静静地卧在她一直守护着的小村旁。开始人们还担心这么老的树,中间会有空洞,影响出材,现在放心了,不但没有空,一点都没朽烂。从树干到树杈,能破的全都破了板,那一块块沉甸甸的榆木板,结结实实地镶到老井中。老树倒下了,老井获得了新生,这口井水更旺了,更加清冽甘甜。队长敲着井帮,高兴地说:“这口井五十年没问题!”还不到五年,生产队解体了。又过几年,人们手头不再拮据,他们不愿意那样费劲巴力地


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