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1、ugs. Sometimes both are administered. These anesthetics keep patients unconscious for the many hours some complex operations require. For major operations, a general anesthetic is usual. The patient is given a gas or drug that is absorbed by the blood, which then circulates it to the nervous system.

2、 As the anesthetic numbs the central nervous system, the body of the person undergoing surgery relaxes and ceases to feel. Some operations, however, require only a local anesthetic. This consists of a drug injected into the area to be operated on, to deaden the local nerves. Only that particular par

3、t of the body is affected. If your dentist has ever given you novocaine before pulling or filling a tooth, you have experienced local anesthesia. A third type of anesthetic is the spinal. An injection of a drug into the spinal cord, which runs along the backbone, completely desensitizes nerves and r

4、elaxes muscles in all parts of the body below the point of injection. The patient doesnt feel anything. He or she is spared severe pain. 21. The main purpose of anesthetics is to _. A. help people stop thinking during an operation B. produce a loss of feeling in all or part of the body C. undergo su

5、rgery or other painful medical procedures D. remain still during the operation 22. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. people in the past did nothing to stop the pain during the operation B. drunken people didnt feel pain at all C. patients who breathed ether almost died D. before the dis

6、covery of modern anesthetics, doctors also tried hard to reduce the pain 23. The word numbs (par.3) probably means _. A. deadens B. moves C. loses D. feels 24. Some operations require only a local anesthetic in which_. A. you have your teeth pulled or filled B. a drug is injected only into the area

7、to be operated on C. you will receive novocaine D. both gases and drugs are to be used 25. When a person is given the third type of anesthetic, _. A. he will completely lose consciousness B. he will remain still for a longer time C. all parts of the body below the point of inject will cease to feel

8、D. all parts of the body will not feel anything Passage two Naturally the young are more inclined to novelty than their elders and it is in their speech, as it always was, that most of the verbal changes originate. But listening critically to their talk I hear hardly any new words. It is all a matte

9、r of using old words in a new way and then copying each other, for much as they wish to speak differently from their parents, they want even more to speak like people of their own age. A new usage once took time to 17 spread, but now a pop star can falsify it across the world in hours. Of course it

10、is not only the young who like to use the latest in-word. While they are describing their idols as smashing, great, fab or cosmic, their parents and the more discriminating of the younger set are also groping for words of praise that are at once apt and fashionable. However, their choice of splendid

11、, brilliant, fantastic and so on will in turn be slightly dimmed by over-use and need replacement. Magic is a theme that has regularly supplied words of praise (and the choice must betray something in our nature). Charming, entrancing and enchanting are all based on it. So also is marvelous, which h

12、as been used so much that some of its magic has faded while among teenagers wizard had a great run. Another of this group, though you might not think it, is glamorous, which was all the rage in the great days of Hollywood. Glamour was a Scottish dialect form of grammar or grammarye, which itself was

13、 an old word for enchantment. (Grammar means the study of words have always been at the heart of magic.) The change from r to l may have come about through the association with words like gleaming and glittering. On the whole, when a new word takes over the old ones remain, weakened but still in use, so that the total stock increases all the time. But some that start only as slang and n蒓釘(鍰僠欀欁鴁朁朂愃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃漃嘃坮籎啩饞脀噳搀漀挀嘀坮籎啩饞膋噳搀漀挀尀尀攀昀愀戀搀挀愀戀挀愀攀戀樀欀儀栀瘀匀挀稀焀最昀昀最爀刀稀甀瘀嘀栀最刀儀稀琀瘀漀嘀刀猀最甀栀琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀挀搀攀搀挀搀戀搀昀昀愀挀愀搀纅耀蜀济搀攀挀挀昀愀戀愀戀戀攀昀愀愀戀錀錀砀瀀褟


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