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1、 响水县双语实验学校(小学部)一、选出画线部分读音与其他两个不同的单词(5分)。( ) 1. A. computer B. student C. under( ) 2. A. animal B. has. C. make( ) 3. A. jump B. run. C. music.( ) 4. A. friend. B. big C. swim( ) 5. A. they. B. thin C. other二、争当小小翻译家(10分)1.两个动物朋友 2.一个.另一个. 3.红眼睛 4.一条长尾巴 5.没有腿 6.宽大的身躯 7.你的手指 8.两只翅膀 9.会说又会飞 10.黄绿相间 四、连

2、词成句(10分)1. friend, my, is, black, animal(.) 2. short, it, legs, has, two(.) 3. small, it, mouth, a, has(.) 4. can, It, and, run, jump(.) 5. these, I, cute, like, animals(.) 五、按要求完成句子。(一)、句型转换(20分)1. We have some red flowers.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)- have red flowers?-No, .2. She has some tomatoes.(改为一般疑问句,并作

3、肯定回答)- tomatoes?-Yes, .3. They have many grapes.(用He 改写They) many grapes. (二)、巧用have和has.4. They some nice food to eat.5. Who a pencil?6. Yang ling and Su Hai some dolls.7. Does she a white skirt?8. Do we an art lesson today?六、改错。(5分)( )1. They has some eggs and milk. A B C( )2.Her mother eyes are s

4、mall. A B C( )3.Its has four legs and a big head. A B C( )4.We have an new animal friend. A B C( )5. Are there any duck on the river ? A B C七、阅读理解(5分)Peter has a little dog. Its name is Dongdong. Its black and white. It has big eyes, a long tail and fat ears. It has four short legs. It can swim. Pet

5、er likes playing football with Dongdong. He walks with his dog every day. They go to the park near their house on Saturdays and Sundays. Its a very nice big park. They can jump, run, climb, and lie there. They are usually very happy.( )1.The dog has four long legs.( )2.Peter can swim.( )3.They go to the park on Saturdays and Sunday.( )4.There is a park near Peters house.( )5.The dog can jump and climb.八、书面表达。(5分)以“My animal friend”为题写一篇短文,不少于30个单词,即五句话,要求语句连贯、通顺,没有语法错误。单词拼写正确。提示:我有一个动物朋友,它是白色的。它有四条腿和短尾巴。它有一个大耳朵。它会跑和跳。My animal friend


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