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1、当形式填空1. What _Mike _(do) tomorrow evening? Mike _(watch) fireworks tomorrow evening.2. My parents are too tired. Because they did much housework. So they _(not visit ) the History Museum this afternoon.3. There _(be) a dancing lesson tomorrow morning.4. It _(be) rainy tomorrow. So they _(stay) at ho

2、me.5. Where _ your mother _(buy) clothes tomorrow? Moye.6. When _ you _(come) home this evening?7. What animals _ your brother _(see) next Monday?8. Jack _(not have) dinner with his family. Because he was ill in the hospital. So he _(have) dinner with family this evening. He hopes it is going to be

3、a nice party.9. My father_(be) thirty-nine years old next year.10. I _(go) to a party last week. It _(be) fun.11. Sometimes David _(not have) lunch at home.12. _(child) Day is in June.13. Would you like _(any) milk? 14. Tell your sister _(not draw) on the desk.15. It was nice _(get) your email.16. I

4、 come to your home _(play) with you.六、 按要求写句子1. Im going to buy a Christmas tree this weekend.(划线提问)_2. The cook is looking at a cookbook.(划线提问)_3. What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? (实际情况回答问题)_4. Bobby bought a radio. (改成一般将来时)_5. When are you going to get up this Saturday? (按实际回答)_6. Th

5、ere are going to be two football matches tomorrow afternoon.(同义句)_7. Whats your plan for your winter holiday?(同义句)_七、首字母填空(1)The Spring Festival is the C_New Years Day. It usually c_in January or February. E_in China likes the Spring Festival very much. There are d_names for each year. We call it th

6、e year of goat, the year of pigPeople usually c_their houses and do a lot of shopping b_ Spring Festival. On the Eve of this festival, people usually get together to h_ a big f_dinner.They usually eat a lot of delicious food. S_Chinese people eat jiaozi. After dinner the family stay up l_ to welcome

7、 the new year, many people watch the TV program. Children like to play c_firework, they are also happy to g_ some red packets(红包). On the first day of the New Year, people w_their new clothes to visit relatives(亲戚)and f_. (2)C_ is on the 25th of December. Now its even(甚至) p_ in China. People usually

8、 have Christmas p_with their friends. They sing Christmas songs . Also they send Christmas presents or cards to each o_. Children like this festival very much. They a_ can get a lot of Christmas p_. O_ the Eve of Christmas, parents often p_ some small presents in the Christmas t_ or stockings(长筒袜),

9、the n_ morning c_ will look for them. They believe(相信) they are from Christmas father. Its very i_. ( 3) A: How are you, Yang Ling? B: Im very e_. A: Why? B: B_ Chinese New Year is coming. A: W_ are you going to do for Chinese New Year? B: Im going to c_ my house with my mother and have d_ with my relatives(亲属). What a_ you, Su Hai? A: Im going to b_ some flowers f_ the shop. B: Thats a good idea.八、阅读理解(1) 根据内容判断正误,分别用T和F表示 Today is Thursday. Weekend is coming. The weather forecast says the weather will be nice at the weekend. So my family is going to have an outing th


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