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1、6A Unit3 Holiday fun 知识点梳理1、一般过去时的各种句型转换:(1) 一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答: e.g.: A: Did you catch any fish? B: Yes, I did./No, I didnt.(2) 由Where, What, Why, How等引导的特殊疑问句的问答:A: Where did you go for the holiday? B: I went to a farm. (重在回答地点)A: What did you do for the holiday? B: I visited the Shanghai Museum. (重在回

2、答做了什么事情) A: Why did you call me? B: Because I wanted to give you the fish. (重在陈述原因) A: How was your holiday? B: It was great fun. (重在回答怎么样,感受)(3) 对画线部分提问举例:I called you because I wanted to give you the fish. (对画线部分提问) Why did you call me? 2、the的用法:本单元重在讲述travel experiences(旅游经历),旅游景点都是唯一的,作为唯一性的名词前均

3、须加上the。如:the Bund, the Shanghai Museum, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the Tiananmen Square. 3、Use falling intonation(使用降调): 这一单元采用降调来读Sound time。4、有关holiday: 本单元有3个板块,即Story time, Fun time, Checkout time, 都谈论了the National Day holiday. 课后的写话练习也要求围绕这个话题展开。而Culture time谈论的是英国的三个

4、主要学校假期:the Easter holiday, the summer holiday, the Christmas holiday. 5、excited 后接不同介词的意思对比:be excited about 对.而激动be excited by 被 而激动;be excited for 因/为而激动;be excited at 对.而激动 (与be excited about常互用,后面加doing)6、本单元需要掌握的动词过去式: 不规则动词过去式中文动词原形动词过去式过来comecame抓住catchcaught吃eatate穿wearwore遇见meetmet做dodid得到g

5、et got有havehad规则动词过去式中文动词原形动词过去式摘pickpicked /t/洗washwashed /t/打电话/叫做callcalled /d/想要wantwanted / Id/参观visit visited /Id/7、askabout和ask about的区别:askabout表示问某人有关某事,ask about表示打听。8、介词的用法:after the National Day holiday at home,near Star Lake talk aboutpick an orange for me want an orange from the tree,in the UK It is time for dinner.ask sb. about sth. ask about the showat first be excited about


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