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1、6B测试卷班级_姓名_ 一、根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的选项。(5分)( )1. A. combB. campC. come( )2. A. lastB. vestC. fast( )3. A. middleB. mirrorC. minute( )4. A. windyB. windowC. waiter( )5. A. raceB. faceC. vase( )6. A. fishB. finishC. fridge( )7. A. have the same hobbiesB. have some paperC. have sandwiches( )8. A. my favourite

2、 subject B. my friend SamC. my French friend( )9. A. Do you like skating? B. Do they like cooking?C. Are they skating?( )10. A. Where does Peter live? B. What does Peter like? C. How does Peter go to school?二、听对话,根据所给的问题,选出正确的选项。(5分)( )1. Where is Ben from? A. The USA.B. The UK.C. France.( )2. Who s

3、wims faster, Jim or David? A. Jim.B. David.C. No, he doesnt.( )3. Is Mike good at Maths? A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt.C. Yes, he does.( )4. What time does Kate have supper? A. At six.B. At six twenty.C. At half past six.( )5. What is Nancy going to do this afternoon? A. Shes going to play chess with

4、 Helen. B. Shes going to play the piano. C. Shes going to play cards with Helen.三、听问题,选出能回答所给问题的选项。(5分)( )1. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, he does.C. No, he isnt.( )2. A. He is playing football.B. He often plays football.C. He likes playing football.( )3. A. I make a card.B. I make a model ship.C. I gave a

5、card to my teacher.( )4. A. I visit my grandparents.B. I watched cartoons at home. C. Im going to see a play with my mother.( )5. A. Three centimetres.B. Three metres.C. Three kilometres.四、听句子,写出句子中所缺的单词。(5分)1. The boy in _ is my brother. Hes as _ as me.2. Excuse me, can you_ me the way to the_ stat

6、ion?3. Su Yang _ higher than Su Hai, but he runs _ than Su Hai.4. Yesterday he _ to the concert _ his mother.5. Who would like to _ the new words for _?笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择 从下列每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。(10分)( )1. Are there _ beautiful postcards on the desk? A. someB. anyC. muchD. a lot( )2. Jim is _ David a

7、bout his birthday party. A. talkingB. speakingC. sayingD. telling( )3. Would you please show _ stamps to _? A. you; meB. your; meC. your; ID. you; I( )4. Kate wants _ Anns penfriend. A. to beB. toC. haveD. be( )5. They study Maths, Science and _. A. FranceB. FrenchC. EnglandD. British( )6. _ do you

8、want to write to? My mother. A. WhoB. WhatC. WhyD. Where( )7. Hello. Is that Mike? Yes, _. A. speakB. speakingC. speaksD. to speak( )8. Jenny comes _ England. A. forB. inC. fromD. of( )9. _ Sunday morning, I met a friend in the street. A. NextB. LastC. InD. Of( )10. _? You can take bus No. 12. A. Ca

9、n you tell me the way to the zooB. How many stops are there C. How far is the zoo from hereD. How can I get to the zoo二、英汉词组互译。(10分)1. by the way _2. sports meeting _3. do more exercise _4. of course _5. 去散步 _6. 在公共汽车站_7. 在秋季 _8. 上课;有课 _9. 写一封信 _10. 下个星期 _三、单词填空,从所给的句子中选出一个符合题意的单词,使句子完整。(10分)1. The

10、students are listening to the teacher _ in class. (quiet)2. My ruler is longer than _. (you)3. Who runs _, Jim or Mike? (fast)4. Mr Brown is from _. (Australian)5. The shopping center is at the _ crossing. (two)6. He _ up at 6:30 yesterday morning. (get)7. They are _ about their plans. (talk)8. Ther

11、e are a lot of _ in the park on Sundays. (child)9. They like _ (sing).10. _ you as strong as your brother? (be)四、句型转换,将下列句子按要求改写。(10分)1. I finished school two years ago. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ school two years ago?2. My mother does housework every day. (改为否定句)My mother _ _ housework every day.3. The red b

12、ox is big. The green box is bigger. (用than 并成一句话)The red box is _ _ the green box.4. They go to Beijing by plane. (对划线部分提问)_ do they _ to Beijing?5. He often visits his grandfather. (把often 改为now)He _ _ his grandfather now.6. He feels cold. _ _ he feel?7. Nacny is going to play the piano at the conc

13、ert. What is Nancy _to _at the concert?8the, like, what, weather, June, is, in (?) _9do, the, school, children, not, today, have (.)_10visit, he, last week, with, his parents, didnt, the farm(.) _五、完成句子,根据所给的中文意思,完成其英文句子。(10分)1. Jack只有四岁但他总是有许多的问题。 Jack is only four _old but he _ has a lot of _.2. J

14、im是Ben班上的新学生,他住在Ben的附近,他们经常放学后一起回家。 Jim is a new student in Bens class. He _ near Ben. They often go home together _ school.3. 今天是运动日。所有的学生都很兴奋。Su Hai 和Su Yang 正在看跑步比赛。It is Sports Day. All the students are very _. Su Hai and Su Yang are _ the_ race.4. 上星期是国庆节假日。今天Helen很早去上学,她在学校的操场上遇见了Nancy。It _ th

15、e National Day holiday _ _. Today Helen _ to school _. She _ Nancy in the school playground.5沿着这条街往前走,在第二个十字路口向左转。 Go_ this street and turn _at the_crossing.6我们摘下了许多桔子并且品尝了它们。 We _ a lot of oranges and_ _.六、完成对话(10分)1. 下面是一段对话。请将下列句子按顺序排列,使对话意思正确。将答案填写在题后的方格内。A. Thats great fun.B. Whats the weather

16、like today?C. Shall we go to the park and fly kites? D. OK. Lets ask Mike and Ben to go with us. E. It is sunny._ _ _ _ _2. 根据对话内容,选择方框中的句子,使对话意思完整。将其序号填写在题后的方格内。A: Jack, 1 Shes my classmate. Su Hai, this is my cousin Jack.A. No, Im taller than Su Yang.B. this is Su Yang.C. Her names Su Yang.D. Su Y

17、angs twenty minutes younger than me.E. Yes, we do.B: Nice to meet you, Jack.C: Hello, Su Hai.A: Su Hai has a twin sister. 2 C: Really? Do you look the same, Su Hai?B: 3 C: Are you as tall as your twin sister?B: 4 C: Whos younger, you or Su Yang?B: 5 C: Thats interesting. I want to meet her one day.七

18、、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(A)John and Jim are good friends. They study in the same school. After school they often go home together. They like swimming and going fishing. On Sundays they often go to the park and fly kites. They run with the kites near the river. They like to see their kites high up in

19、 the sky. They are happy. But not all of their favourite sports are the same. John likes playing football and Jim likes playing basketball.判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的用“”表示,不相符的用“”表示。( )1. John and Jim both like swimming and going fishing.( 2. They often stay at home on Sundays.( )3. Jim likes playing footba

20、ll and John likes playing basketball.( )4. They are happy when they see their kites high up in the sky.( )5. They often play basketball with their friends after school.(B) Mr Smith teaches English in a middle school. He gets up early every day. He has breakfast at seven in the morning. Then he goes

21、to school. He works very hard. He likes playing ping-pong with his students. He often goes home at half past five in the afternoon. He has supper at six thirty. After that, he does his work in the study. He has a white little dog. Its lovely. He always plays with it in the evening. He lives happily.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1. Mr Smith is a _09净嗼萁(囔%O技能培训 4A广告公司AE培训 2.pptx技能培训4A广


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