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1、ime on more important matters. He, however, preferred to follow his interests in his own way; and though he sometimes troubled and angered some of his neighbors and friends, his deeds are now remembered “more in sorrow than in anger”. Most people now think that he never intended to do any harm.11.Wh

2、ich of the following statements can NOT be concluded from the last paragraph? A. Diedrichs book was a true and detailed record of the region he lived in B. Diedrich Knicherbocker angered some of his neighbors and friends by writing them truly into the book C. Diedrich Knicherbocker didnt intend to h

3、urt any neighbors or friends D. No one was sorrowful about his death 正确答案:D题目解析:解析由文章最后一段可以看出虽然他曾经做过不少令邻居和朋友升起的事,但是在他死后他还是被认为“more in sorrow than in anger”.正确答案选D12.Diedrich Knicherbocker collected what he hoped to get mainly by _. A. reading history books on the subject B. listening to the old men

4、of the town and their wives C. living together with Dutch families D. talking with friends and neighors 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:由文章he learned a great deal by listening to the old men of the town - and more especially their wives可以知道他收集的大部分资料是听那些镇里的老人和他们的妻子说的,正确答案选B13.The book written by Diedrich Knicherbocker

5、 _. A. was published after his death B. has a high artistic value C. truly recorded historical facts of the region of New York at that time D. has no value at all 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:由文章第二段Its chief virtue is that it truthfully reports the facts. It is therefore highly respected by students of history, an

6、d has been admitted into all historical collections.可以看出他写的书比较注重真实和历史,正确答案选C14.Diedrich Knicherbocker was interested in _. A. Dutch history from ancient times B. Dutch history of the region where he lived C. reading books on the history of the world D. the life stories of Dutch governors 正确答案:B题目解析:

7、解析:由句子this gentleman was very curious about the Dutch history of that region可以看出Diedrich Knicherbocker对荷兰地方故事十分着迷,正确答案选B15.This passage was _. A. written by Diedrich Knicherbocker B. part of the life story of Diedrich Knicherbocker C. part of an introduction to the story written by Diedrich Knicherb

8、ocker D. taken from the autobiography of Diedrich Knicherbocker 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:由The following story was found among the papers of Diedrich Knicherbocker,可以看出这篇文章是Diedrich Knicherbocker的故事中的一部分,正确答案选C_ During Napoleons invasion of Russia, his troops were battling in the middle of a small town in that

9、endless wintry land, when he was separated from his men. A group of Russian soldiers saw him and began chasing him through the twisting streets. Napoleon ran for his life into a little furriers shop. As Napoleon entered the shop, he saw the furrier and cried, “Save me, save me! Where can I hide?” Th

10、e furrier said, “Quick, under the big pile of furs in the corner,” and he covered Napoleon up with many furs. No sooner had he finished than the Russian soldiers burst in the door, shouting “Where is he? We saw him come in.” Despite the furriers protests, they tore the shop apart trying to find Napo

11、leon. But they didnt find him and left. After some time, Napoleon came out from under the furs, unharmed, just as his personal guards came in the door. The furrier turned to Napoleon and said, “Excuse me for asking such a great man this question, but what was it like to be under those furs, knowing

12、that the next moment would surely be your last?” Napoleon drew himself up to his full height and said to the furrier angrily, “How could you ask such a question of me, the Emperor Napoleon! Guards, take this rude man out, blindfold him and e x e cute him. I myself will give the command to fire!” The

13、 guards took the poor furrier out, stood him up against a wall and blindfolded him. The furrier could see nothing, but he could hear the movements of the guards as they prepared their rifles. He trembled. Then he heard Napoleon clear his throat and call out slowly, “Ready aim” At that moment, knowin

14、g that he would die, a feeling he couldnt describe came to him and tears ran down his cheeks.After a long period of silence, the furrier heard footsteps approaching him and the blindfold was taken down from his eyes. He saw Napoleons eyes looking deeply into his own - eyes that seemed to see into ev

15、ery dusty corner of his being. Then Napoleon said softly, “Now you know.”16.Napoleon ran for his life because _. A. he was followed by Russian soldiers B. he couldnt find his men C. his personal guards were not with him D. he saw a little furriers shop 正确答案:A题目解析:解析:由文章第一段可以知道拿破仑是战争失败被俄罗斯士兵追赶才逃跑,正确答

16、案选A17.Napoleon answered the furriers question by _. A. blindfolding him B. by putting him in a similar situation he himself had experienced just before C. scolding him D. shooting him 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:拿破仑装作想杀死他的原因只是想告诉毛皮商问的问题的答案,正确答案选B18.Tears ran down the furriers cheeks because _. A. he thought he wa

17、s to be killed at once B. he heard the movements of Napoleons guards C. he heard the sound of a rifle D. he was blindfolded and couldnt see anything 正确答案:A题目解析:解析:由文章At that moment, knowing that he would die, a feeling he couldnt describe came to him and tears ran down his cheeks.可以看出他以为拿破仑马上就要杀他了,所

18、以他哭了,正确答案选A19.When he came out from under the furs, Napoleon was _. A. thankful to the furrier B. not harmed at all C. noticed by Russian guards D. angry about Russian soldiers search 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:由文章第三段Napoleon came out from under the furs, unharmed, just as his personal guards came in the door可以看

19、出拿破仑出来的时候没有受任何伤,正确答案选B20.The Russian soldiers rushed in as soon as _. A. a furrier saw Napoleon B. the furrier said to Napoleon that he could hide in a pile of furs C. Napoleon hid in a big pile of furs D. Napoleon entered the furriers shop 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:由文章第二段可以看出俄罗斯士兵在没有找到拿破仑后就走了,而拿破仑正藏在这个毛皮商的店铺里面

20、的皮毛下面,所以正确答案选C_Mrs Joness telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464, so people often made a mistake when they wanted the cinema.One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Jones answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does your last film begin?”“ Im sorry,” sa

21、id Mrs Jones, “but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.”“Oh, it began twenty minutes ago,” said the man. “Im sorry about that. Goodbye.”Mrs Jones was very surprised, so she told her husband. Mr Jones laughed and said, “The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired,

22、 so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she didnt hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy.21.What can you conclude from the story? A. The man on the phone was not interested in films. B. The man on the phone was rather clever. C. The mans wife w

23、as fond of films. D. The telephone companies are inefficient sometimes. 正确答案:B题目解析:综合推理题。从文章对话中的表述,和琼斯女士的丈夫对此的分析,可以推理出正确答案为B“电话中的那位男士很聪明。”22.What do you think the mans wife wanted to do that evening? A. To stay home with her husband. B. To find out when the last film started. C. To go to the cinema

24、with her husband. D. To eat out with her husband and then go to the cinema. 正确答案:C题目解析:细节题。从文章最后一段第二句话中的“The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired,”同样可以看出那个男人的妻子想和他丈夫去看电影,正确答案为C。23.According to Mr Jones, why didnt the man on the phone want to go to the cinema? A. Because he

25、had seen the film before. B. Because he was feeling very tired that evening. C. Because the film wasnt worth seeing. D. Because the film had started already. 正确答案:B题目解析:细节题。从文章最后一段第二句话中的“The mans wi%鏥最搀栀琀洀氀夀摱瀀飃/Mi前台访问/d-3428754.html116.179.32.1530煚%匀漀眀愀瀀搀栀琀洀氀嬀摱鰀5Siwap前台访问/p-1940018.html49.74.23.960煜%鏥匀洀眀愀瀀搀栀琀洀氀崀摱鰀/Mk前台访问/p-3501178.html220.181.108.1120煞%鏥最搀栀琀洀氀开摱鰀5Qmwap前台访问/p-556483.html116.179.32.2140煠%鏥最瀀栀琀洀氀愀摱/Mk前台访问/d-3273448.html220.181.108.1090煢聠匀漀眀愀瀀瀀栀琀洀氀挀摱/_y前台访问/tag/chusihaifangan.html116.179.32.880煤赠欀瀀栀琀洀氀


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