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1、.初中数学代数知识大全一、 有理数的运算1、 相反数: () 0 () ()2、 绝对值: 3、 倒数:, 或 4、 有理数的加法: 5、 有理数的减法:6、 有理数的乘法: 7、 有理数的除法: 8、 有理数的乘方: 二、 整式的运算1、 整式的加减:(1) 非同类项的整式相加减:(不能合并!)(2) 同类项的整式相加减:(合并同类项,只把系数相加减)2、 整式的乘除:(1) 幂的八种计算(a) 同底数幂相乘:(b) 同底数幂相除: (c) 零指数:(d) 负指数:(e) 积的乘方:(f) 幂的乘方:(g) 同指数的幂相乘:(h) 同指数的幂相除:(2) 整式的乘法:(a) 单项式乘单项式:

2、(b) 单项式乘多项式:(c) 多项式乘多项式:(3) 乘法公式:(a) 平方差公式:(b) 完全平方公式:(c) 三数和的完全平方公式:(d) 立方和公式:(e) 立方差公式:(f) 完全立方公式:(g) 三数和的完全立方公式:(4) 整式的除法:(a) 单项式除以单项式:(b) 多项式除以单项式:三、 因式分解的运算1、 提取公因式法:2、 公式法: 3、 十字相乘法:四、 分式的运算1、 分式的通分:2、 分式的化简(约分):3、 分式的加减:(1) 同分母的分式相加减:(2) 异分母的分式相加减:4、 分式的乘除:(1) 分式的乘法:(2) 分式的除法:五、 根式的运算1、 根式的加减

3、: (同类根式才能相加减)2、 根式的乘除: (同次根式才能相乘除)3、 根式的乘方: 4、 分母有理化: 六、 方程的运算1、 一元一次方程步骤:去分母,去括号,移项,合并同类项,化未知数的系数为1。注意:移项时,此项前的符号要变号;去括号时,括号前是“”时,括号内的每一项都要变号。2、 关于的一元一次方程的解的三种情况(1) ,方程无解(2) ,方程无数多个解(3) ,方程只有一个解3、 二次一次方程(组)(1) 二元一次方程的正整数解(不定方程)(a) 不定方程的概念:一个方程,两个未知数。(b) 不定方程的解:有无数组解,这些解有一定的规律。一般只讨论正整数解。(c) 不定方程的一般解

4、法 (选学内容*)对于不定方程来说:解法步骤为:(1)整理:用一个未知数表示另一个未知数。 (2)求解:令,求出的整数解。 (3)设参数:,且为整数。显然是3的倍数。 故所以符合要求的解集为:(2) 二元一次方程组的解法(a)代入消元法要点:用含有一个未知数的代数式表示另一个未知数,代入方程求解。(b)加减消元法要点:通过加减消去一个未知数,求出另一个未知数,代入方程再求出消去的未知数。(3) 三元一次方程组的解法主要是加减消元法要点:先用式与式消成二元一次方程,再用式与式消成二元一次方程,然后组成新的二元一次方程组再求解。4、 分式方程(1) 步骤:方程两边同时乘最简公分母,去分母,化为整式

5、方程求解,检验。(2) 要点:增根的检验很必要,不然方程中分母为0,无意义!(3) 增根的检验:代入原方程的分母,看分母是否为0。为0则是增根,不为0则是原方程的根(4) 拓展提高:已知增根,求分式方程中的参数的值。先公为整式方程,代入增根的值,即可求出原方程中的参数的值。(注意,不能先代入,否则分母为0,无法计算。)5、 一元二次方程(1) 三种解法(a) 配方法步骤:一化(化二次项的系数为1)二移(把常数项移到方程右边)三配(方程两边同时加上一次项系数一半的平方)四整理(写成完全平方式,两边开方)五写根(通过开方的两个答案,写出两个根)(b) 公式法 步骤: 一、找系数二、算的值三、代公式

6、四、写出两根(c) 因式分解法 步骤:一整理(方程整理成右边=0的形式)二分解(把方程左边分解成两个整式之积)三求根(根据每一个整式为0,求出两根)(2) 求根公式的理解(a) 不能为0。因为,分母=0。式子无意义(b) , , 两根互为相反数。(c) , , 两根之中至少有一个根为0。(3) 根的判别式 (a) 当时,方程有两个不相等的实数根。(b) 当时,方程有两个相等的实数根。(c) 当时,方程元实数根。(d) 当时,方程有两个实数根。(e) 、异号时,方程必有实数根。(4) 方程的特殊解与系数的关系(a) 当方程有一个根为0时,另一根为(b) 当方程有一个根为1时,另一根为(c) 当方

7、程有一个根为时,另一根为(5) 根与系数的关系(韦达定理)的两个根为和,则和满足以下关系:= ,=根据以上规律还可以得到以下关系: 的分析如下:即:七、 不等式(组)的运算1、 不等式的三条性质(1) 若(不等式两边同时加减相同的代数式,不等号方向不变)(2) 若(不等式两边同时乘或除以一个正数,不等号方向不变)(3) 若(不等式两边同时乘或除以一个负数,不等号方向改变)2、 不等式的解法步骤:去分母,去括号,移项,合并同类项,化未知数的系数为1。注意:移项要变符号,两边同时乘或除以一个负数,不等号要改变。3、 不等式的解集在数轴上表示(1) “”,用空心圆圈(2) “”,用实心圆圈4、 求符

8、合不等式解集的特殊解(1) 正整数解(2) 非负数解(3) 与一元二次方程的判别式相结合的求解集。(分)(4) 知道特殊解的个数,反过来求不等式中的参数的取值范围。5、 不等式组的四种解集(1) 两个都是大于:大大取较大。 解集为:(2) 两个都是小于:小小取较小。 解集为:(3) 大于小的,小于大的:大小小大中间找。 解集为: (、之间)(4) 大于大的,小于小的:大大小小没法找。 解集为:无解 6、 用图像解不等式(1) 一次函数分0和0 图象在轴之下的部分:0(2) 一次函数与反比例函数分 三种情况考虑BA 如图:交点坐标很重要。 每种情况都要分几个区域来考虑。 直线在曲线之上:一次函数

9、大于反比例函数 直线在曲线之下:一次函数小于反比例函数 直线与曲线的交点:一次函数等于于反比例函数(3) 二次函数 从开口方向、图象与轴交点坐标、图象在轴之上、与在轴之下几个因素来考虑 图象在轴上方的部分:BA 图象在轴下方的部分: 图象与轴的相交处: 无交点时,整个图象在上与在下两种。八、 直角三角形边角关系(三角函数)的运算BCA1、 四种三角函数的(直角三角形)定义(1) 正弦:(对边比斜边)(2) 余弦:(邻边比斜边)(3) 正切:(对边比邻边)(4) 余切:(邻边比对边)2、 四种三角函数的(直角坐标)定义(1) 正弦:(2) 余弦:(3) 正切:(4) 余切:注意:(A)当角是锐角

10、时,四种三角函数都是正数;(B)当角是钝角时,P点转到第二象限,的值为负数, 此时只有正弦为正数,其余的三种三角函数都是负数。(C)由对称可知:互补的两角的正弦相等,如:=,= 互补的两角的其他三种三角函数互为相反数,如:=,=3、 特殊角的三角函数值030456090sinA01cosA10tanA01cotA10口诀:正弦,余弦分分母2,分子根号1,2,3;正切余切分母3,分子根号3次方。4、 三角函数的关系(1) 倒数关系: (两切相乘积为1)(2) 平方关系: (两弦平方和为1)(3) 商数关系:.仁爱英语八年级下册试卷(满分:120分考试时间:120分钟)I.词汇:根据句意及首字母或

11、中文提示,完成下列单词的拼写。 (40分)1. Eating too much and doing little exercise makes us u_.2. Its very important for the students to keep their b_ diet.3. Reading and speaking every day can i_ your English.4. Success(成功)d_ on hard working and more time.5. She said she was having a s_ party for Lana.6.His father

12、disagreed with his _(决定).7.Lucy _(争论)with her best friend at this time yesterday.8. Have you _(曾经) visited the Great Wall of China ?9. I was _ (幸运)than my friend. I passed the exam, but she didnt. 10. Please give me a _(机会). Ill make it better.11. His t _ is to carry water.12. The wind-breaker is ma

13、de of n _ materials.13. She will take the b _ today. She takes out the money.14. Would you like some apple p _ ?55. The boss was c _ to his workers. So they hate him very much.16. Which is the most _ (传统的) festival of China? Spring Festival.17. He is famous for _ (勇气).18. Could you _ _ _ (摆放餐具) for

14、dinner?19. _ _ (随便) to some soup, Kangkang.20. He wants to be a _ (军人).II、单项选择:从ABCD四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,计20分) 21._ ask for help when you are in trouble? A. Why dont B. Why not C. Lets D. How about 22. Theyll have a _ holiday this summer. A. three-days B. three days C. three day D. three-day 23. My be

15、st friend, Maria didnt come to my birthday party, so I felt _. A. boring B. happy C. disappointed D. excited 24. Our class is organizing a clothes show _ money for the poor children. A. to collect B. collect C. to raise D. raise 25. Dont eat the food. It smells _. A. good B. bad C. badly D. well 26.

16、 -Would you mind cleaning the yard? - _. A. Yes, I would. B. No, thank you. C. Why not? D. No, of course not. 27. If he _ time tomorrow, I _ him to dinner. A. has; will invite B. will have; will invite C. has; invite D. will have; invite 28. You dont need to read todays newspapers, because theres _

17、in them. A. everything special B. something special C. nothing special D. anything special 29. We _ keep the new traffic rules and learn how to protect ourselves. A. should B. may C. can D. would. 30. _ nice place ! Lets take photos here. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 31. It is necessary for us_

18、 our classroom clean. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. kept 32. Sam listened to MP3 in class. What he did made his teacher _. A. angry B. happy C. angrily D. happily 33. The book is very expensive, _, its quite good. A. but B. however C. although D. though 34. -Can you understand me? -Sorry, I can _

19、 hear you clearly. A. nearly B. hardly C. almost D. never 35. -The scarf is beautiful. How much did it _ ? - I _ ¥98 on it. A. cost; spent B. pay; cost C. spend; paid D. cost; paid 36. Its getting late. Tina has to go home now, _? A. isnt she B. doesnt she C. hasnt she D. wasnt she 37. -How many day

20、s are you at school? -Five days. We go to school every day _ Saturday and Sunday. A. besides B. except C. between D. without 38. I met Kate _ I was walking across the street, but I didnt say “hello” to her. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had 39. - I called you this time yesterday, but there wa

21、s no answer. - Oh, Im sorry. I _ dinner at my friends home. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had 40. -We can use QQ to talk with each other on Internet. - Really? But can you tell me _ it? A. how can I use B. how I can use C. why can I use D. why I can use III、将下列单词进行归类并加以补充,每项补充到四个。(每个单词0.5分,计1

22、0分)dentist duck jeans banana milk T-shirt waitress strawberry tiger sweater panda water apple reporter coffee 41. 服装_ _ _ _42水果 _ _ _ _43职业 _ _ _ _44饮料 _ _ _ _45动物_ _ _ _IV、句型转换:根据句末要求,完成下列各句。(每空0.5分,计6分)46. I returned the dictionary to Miss Zhang. (同义句替换) I _ the dictionary _ to Miss Zhang.47. The

23、children were too tired to go any father. (同义句替换) The children were _ tired _ they couldnt go any father.48. This house is more beautiful than that one. (同义句替换) That house is not _ beautiful _ this one.49. The boy will go upstairs for a sleep after his mother comes back. (同义句替换) The boy _ go upstair

24、s for a sleep _ his mother come back.50. He wanted to know. Will his father visit the Great Wall this Sunday?(合并成一复合句) He wanted to know _ his father _visit the Great Wall this Sunday.51. The policeman said, “Boys, dont play football in the street.”(合并成一简单句) The policeman asked the boys _ _ play foo

25、tball in the street. V、从方框中选择适当的句子被全对话。(有一项是多余的)(5分)Tom: What are you going to be after leaving school?Bill: Im thinking about becoming a pilot. (52)_.Tom: So you like traveling, dont you?Bill: Of course, I do. ( 53)_, make different friends and know different things.Tom; That sounds good. But I wou

26、ld rather live in our place.Bill: What do you want to be in the future?Tom: (54) _ I like to go into business and make money.Bill: (55)_ Tom: Youre right. (56) _.A. Business people are very busy, you know.B. I like planes very much.C. In that way you can travel.D. But Im always thinking “busy” is be

27、tter than “free”.E. I like to visit different places.F. Maybe Ill be a businessman.VI、完形填空(每小题1分,计10分) Mr. Black works in an office. His memory is very poor and often _57_ something. One day his son had a cold and he had to _58_ him to hospital. When they got there, he remembered that he left his _5

28、9_ at home. He ran to the telephone box _60_ and was going to ask his wife to take the money to him. But there was a woman in it. She was looking up something in the telephone book. He had to stand outside to _60_. About ten minutes passed, she was still in it. His son began to cry on a chair in the

29、 waiting room. He was _62_. Another ten minutes passed, the woman didnt _63_. Hw was more worried. He thought for a while and knocked at the door. The door _64_and he went in. “May I help you to look for the telephone number, madam?” asked Mr. Black.“Thank you, sir,” said the woman, “ I dont _65_ an

30、ybody up. I had a baby last moth and Im only looking for a good _66_ for her in the telephone book. 57. A. finds B. fails C. forgets D. sees58. A. throw B. take C. lift D. help59. A. wife B. book C. son D. money60. A. slowly B. carefully C. quickly D. quietly 61. A wait B. sleep C. sing D. read62. A

31、. excited B. relaxed C. interested D. worried63. A. come out B. come in C. sit down D. stand up64. A. closed B. opened C. stopped D. dropped65. A. call B. gave C. wake D. pick66. A. address B. age C. name D. birthday VII、阅读理解(前每小题1分,共13分,最后一题2分,计15分)(A)Films In Feiyang Cinema This WeekA WORLD WITHOU

32、T THIEVES Chinese film (2004) Directed(导演) by Feng Xiaogang Mainly act这些抗营养因素。1.蛋白酶抑制剂存在大豆、菜豆等食物中,能抑制胰蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶的活性,以胰蛋白酶最为普遍。对人体胰蛋白酶的活性有部分抑制作用,抑制蛋白质的消化吸收,造成不良的胃肠道反应,如喝未煮熟的豆浆会拉肚子。破坏胰蛋白酶抑制剂的有效方法是常压蒸汽加热30分钟,或1千克压力蒸汽加热1520分钟。大豆用水浸泡至含水量60%时,水蒸5分钟即可。大豆中尿酶的抗热能力较胰蛋白酶抑制剂强,且用尿酶测定方法简单,所以常用尿酶反映来判定大豆中胰蛋白酶抑制剂是否被破坏。我国食品卫生标准明确规定,含有豆粉的婴幼儿代乳食品,尿酶试验必须是阴性。在豆类食品的加工烹调过程中,蛋白酶抑制剂大部分被破坏,不会对人体造成不良的影响。2.植物红细胞凝集素大豆、豌豆、蚕豆、绿豆、菜豆、扁豆、刀豆等豆


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