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张汪中 心小学2013年度工作总结.pdf

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1、h track cyclists will add another medal to the list.或许荷兰场地自行车选手将会为荷兰奖牌榜增添另一枚奖牌。The music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。Add these figures up and see what the total is.把这些数字加起来,看看总数是多少。The costs added up to 10 million American dollars.费用总计达1000万美元。I should like to add that we ar

2、e pleased with the result.我想补充一句,我们对此结果甚为满意。反馈1.1Getting more information on how to use these tools can _ your chances of success.AraiseBincreaseCadd Dgain反馈1.2So far the number of deaths caused by the floods in the area has _ more than 100.Aappealed to Badded to Cadded up to Dattached to 反馈1.3The e

3、ngine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.Aadded to Bresulted fromCturned out Dmade up2calm vt.使(平)镇静 vi.平(镇)静下来 adj.(心境)平(镇)静的;(天气)平静无风的calm down 平静下来,镇静下来calm sb.down 使某人平静下来keep/be calm 保持镇定The sea calmed down as soon as the wind fell.风平浪静了。The p

4、olice chief advised his men to keep calm.警长劝他手下的人要保持冷静。易混辨析calm 平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。quiet 宁静的,安静的,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。still 静止的,不动的,指没有动作。silent 寂静的,沉默的,不发音的,指没有声音或不讲话。Be quiet!Im telephoning.小声点!我正在打电话。He was silent at first,but soon he opened up and told us about his terrible experiences.他一开始沉默不语

5、,但不久便开口讲起他那些可怕的经历。Keep still while I fasten your shoe.站着别动,我给你系鞋带。反馈2.1The older man was_,but the younger man was angry.Acalm BstillCsilent Dquiet 反馈2.2What?You have donated a majority of your money to the poor? Oh,no,_.I dont want to let anybody but you know it.Ahang up Blook outCstay calm Dkeep qu

6、iet 反馈2.3用calm,quiet,still或silent填空:(1)Please keep _ while I take photos of you.(2)They nodded in _ agreement.(3)Do keep _ in an emergency.(4)Please keep _ when you are listening to your teachers.(5)The girl sat on the beach,looking at the _ sea.3concern nU关心,担忧;C关心的人(或)事 vt.涉及,关系到,参与;使担心,使操心(1)conc

7、ern for/about/over sth.对某事的担心或忧虑(2)concerned adj.担心的,有关的(concerned作“有关的”讲时,不用于名词前)be concerned about/for sth.担心;关心as/so far as.be concerned 就而言;依之见be concerned with 与有关;涉及(3)concerning prep.关于;有关Security was the biggest concern in the 2012 London Olympic Games.安全问题是2012伦敦奥运会最担忧的问题。 The President is

8、deeply concerned about this issue.总统对这个问题深感担忧。As far as Im concerned,I disagree with what he said.就我(个人)而言,我不同意他的话。The film is concerned with unemployment.这部影片与失业问题有关。反馈3.1Dr.Smith was always _ the poor and the sick,often providing them with free medical care.Atended by Babsorbed inCreminded of Dcon

9、cerned about 反馈3.2_Im concerned,they have no way of keeping away from the danger.AAs long as BAs far as CJust as DEven if反馈3.3(2013浙江第一次五校联考)The drilling in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money,equipment breakdowns,environmental _ and severe cold.Aconcerns BassumptionCoccupations Di

10、gnorance4ignore vt.不理睬;不顾;忽视ignore sb./sth.不理睬某人/不知道某事ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道be in ignorance of/about sth.无知,不了解 out of/through ignorance 出于无知ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant of/about sth.不知道某事I cant ignore his rudeness any longer.他粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。Poverty,disease and ignorance remain major world p

11、roblems.贫困、疾病和无知仍是世界主要问题。She was kept in ignorance of her husbands activities.关于丈夫的活动,她一直蒙在鼓里。Children often behave badly out of/through ignorance.儿童往往出于无知而不守规矩。Im afraid Im rather ignorant about/of computers.我恐怕对电脑相当无知。反馈4.1When I saw Bob,I stopped and smiled,but he _me and walked on.Aignored Brefu

12、sedCadmitted Dmissed反馈4.2While driving,you should _ the speed limit.Acelebrate BignoreCwatch Dobserve反馈4.3Because Bob had stopped reading technical journals,he was _ of new developments.Aunknown BsimilarCunfamiliar Dignorant反馈4.4Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept _ the true

13、facts until they reached t赕(鵑僀夀夁笁椂鄄坎晎獬灞晥瞋搀漀挀鄀坎晎獬灞晥瞋搀漀挀尀尀愀戀挀挀挀挀搀昀愀挀戀戀戀搀氀一愀儀堀樀礀吀甀圀氀刀氀瘀椀瘀眀椀戀嘀猀洀栀刀琀戀砀洀爀攀栀渀焀眀鄀坎昀獬瀀晥瞋桓琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀挀戀戀挀攀搀昀搀昀傀葎灰萀艶蝩葳舀貚瑎鹎葒孫卢葑灒葥甀瀀奵欀堀一一砀甀嘀吀渀稀挀渀焀伀愀栀戀刀挀嘀砀愀匀礀唀欀伀吀愀砀昀匀唀搀瀀唀圀猀栀猀戀戀挀愀攀昀戀攀搀开销唀蠀儀P在大海中永生练习题.doc在大海中永生练习题.doc2021-1085652e8fa-b19f-4fd7-898f-67fe

14、9e3b68f4qItpOShuwQa01/2t/LXqnKFoRS7MuHgj2Jys5P6kW3GfZ1MAYkjuNQ=大海,永生,练习题https:/ 爱戴 奔腾不息 二、我会选词填空。辽阔 广阔 宽阔 1在( )的平原上,冀中人民采用地道战。把日本鬼子打得晕头转向。 2汽车在( )的公路上奔驰。 3( )的海洋奔腾不息,仿佛在述说着一个个动人的故事。爱戴 热爱 爱抚 1为国为民操劳了一生的邓小平爷爷深受全党、全军和全国各族人民的( )。 2我想到以后再也得不到伯父的( )了,眼泪止不住地流了下来。 3不管身处何地,他都深深地( )着自己的祖国。三、课文传真。这篇课文是一篇通讯,记叙了

15、历史伟人邓小平的骨灰 的动人情景,讴歌了伟人的丰功伟绩,表达了人民对伟人的 。开心阅读四、阅读课内文段,我能行。(一) 飞机在高空盘旋,鲜花伴着骨灰,撒向无垠的大海。大海呜咽,寒风卷着浪花,痛悼伟人的离去 1片段中的“呜咽”可以换成词语 、 、 ,意思不变。 2“鲜花伴着骨灰”中的“伴”能换成“拌”吗?说说你的理由。 3根据片段内容,对句子。鲜花伴着骨灰撒向大海, 。(二)机舱里安放着全党、全军和全国各族人民衷心爱戴的邓小平爷爷的骨灰。一位以自己的一生带领人民书写中华民族崭新历史的伟人,今天将完成他人生的最后一个篇章。1写出与“爱戴”意思相近的词语; 、 2“今天”在文中是指 3邓小平爷爷为了

16、中国人民做了 、 、 等大事,所以说他是“带领人民书写中华民族崭新历史的伟人”。日积月累五、读一读,背一背。奋不顾身 舍己为人 坚强不屈 赤胆忠心 忠贞不渝肝胆相照 两袖清风 兢兢业业 顶天立地 豁达大度克已奉公 誓死不二 威武不屈 一丝不苟 永垂不朽想一想,这些成语都是写人物品质的,它们都可以形容谁?up7100000200012终生教育20211008170646434148XycSktd9Q8opvQNPy/5HELUGBEuQGe0Kr278NsIuAkWYBWsJ1vsJiB3R1LzX+yX489a955a0ec0c50953e9c44c5f3928a53w甀瀀奵砀挀椀吀礀搀匀氀爀爀渀戀焀砀礀夀倀瘀洀唀伀栀氀愀堀漀猀瀀椀唀焀琀琀匀琀搀伀愀伀昀戀戀愀愀搀愀愀搀搀戀挀戀挀儀P荷月日八年级下册英语月考试卷及答案解析.doc月日八年级下册英语月考试卷及答案解析.doc2021-108f9d2cc55-8e9b-4e5a-ad3c-53d7dd289117RQ6YfuMl9vVhvJ7YeFhZkRx9vV9alGLtTFgY7gP51sp0L8JpBT/PHg=月日八,年级,下册,英语,月考,试卷,答案,解析https:/


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