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1、详细自我介绍4篇 篇一大家好!我的名叫xx.我的个子不矮,但和班上的高个儿比起来,就逊色多了。和大多数同学一样,我今年也是13岁。我的缺点。主要是作事不敏捷,自觉性不高,对本人的事不上心。上六年级的时候,学校就在我家对面。我却常常是七点半起床,要做半个多小时的预备才能出门,还经常迟到。因而同学们叫我迟到大王“。如今,最最少六点多就要起床,才能有足够的时候吃饭、坐车等。这对我是个挑战。不过,我一定要借这个时机,改掉我不敏捷的坏适应。另外,自觉性不高,上课不免做些小动作、讲话。前几天大家都参加了军训,站着要一动也不动。我感到通过这次军训,我的自觉性有所提高。我也希望在以后的学习中改掉这个缺点。对本









10、的性格特别内向,不喜爱主动和别人打招呼。妈妈教我特别屡次,但是我依然跟往常一样。以后,我一定要看更多的书,学更多的知识,还要改掉这些坏缺点,让妈妈放心,让所有的人都喜爱我。详细自我介绍范文各位领导早上好! 特别荣幸能有如此的一个时机,让我能站在这里向各位领导介绍一下我本人。在这里表示感激! 我是来自xx学院xx级经济学专业的学生xx。大学四年生活,马上完毕,新的开场,等待我的是新的挑战。 大学四年是我思想、知识构造及心理、生长成熟的四年。在大学期间,我认真学习专业技能,掌握了较强的专业知识,并把理论知识运用到实践中去,获得xx年xx月暑期三下乡“社会实践活动论文一等奖和xx年xx月湘潭市第四届

11、大学生科技创新竞赛一等奖。我在学好本专业的同时,并自学计算机知识,在纯熟掌握各种根本软件的使用及硬件维护过程中,有独特的经历总结。顺利通过国家人事部组织的全国专业技术人员计算机应用才能考试。同时,我发扬团队精神,协助其他同学,把本人好的学习经历无私的介绍给其他同学,共同开展,共同进步。 在个人爱好的带引下,入校我便参加了今典经济治理协会,由会员到实践治理部部长,这是对我的付出与努力的确信。不仅成功的组织了湘潭市电脑市场调研活动和社员电脑技术培训活动,还组织筹划了今典纯氧杯“大型征文活动。在整个活动中,工作积极,表现突出,被院团委评为优秀个人“。此外,我还参加了院学生结合会和学生通讯社.在院学生

12、会期间,表现突出,由干事被选拔为院社团结合会治理部副部长,后来,转而做学生通讯社负责人,作为新校区学生通讯社的负责人,负责新校区学生通讯社的组建工作。在院党委宣传部的指导下,通过南北校区同事的团结努力,从无到有,成功地组建了新校区学生通讯社,并在接下来的一年中,又成功地组织了三校区学生通讯社记者培训工作,三校区学生通讯社辩论赛。在此期间,由于工作努力,表现突出,被院党委宣传部评为优秀学生干部“。 在思想政治方面,我也积极要求上进,高中时就荣耀地参加了中国共产党。参加这个先进的团体,是我人生的一次升华。尤其在大学阶段,任学生党支部组织委员,我更加严格要求本人,带着周围同学,一起进步。xx年xx月

13、被湖南工程学院院党委评为优秀共产党员。此外,我还屡次参加义务献血,在参加义务献血后,让我更加明白得珍惜生命,热爱生活。 怀着饱满的热情、坚韧的性格、勤奋的态度,展示自我,挑战自我!希望贵公司,能给我这个时机,相信我与同事们的一起努力一定不会辜负各位领导的期望。面试自我介绍内容的详细讲解 一段短短的自我介绍,事实上是为了揭开更深化的面谈而设计的。一、两分钟的自我介绍,犹如商品广告,在有限的时间内,针的江西景德镇英文导游词5 景德镇素有瓷都“之称,瓷器外型优美、品种繁多、装饰丰富、风格独特,以白如玉,明如镜,薄如纸,声如磬“著称。以下是小编整理的江西景德镇英文导游词5篇,欢迎阅读参考!江西景德镇英

14、文导游词(1)Jingdezhen, Porcelain Capital of ChinaTravel in JiangxiJingdezhen (jng deacute; zhegrave;n 景德镇), known as the Porcelain Capital of China, has a long history and a magnificent culture. It is located on the south of the Yangtze, between the Huangshan Mountain (huaacute;ng shn 黄山) range and the

15、plains of Poyang Lake (poacute; yaacute;ng huacute; 鄱阳湖). It is one of the four famous towns in Chinese history, designated one of the first 24 famous Chinese cities of historical and cultural interests and a first-rate city opening to the foreigners by Chinas State Council.Endowed by nature with a

16、network of rivers and hills, Jingdezhen is a municipality directly under the provincial government with a total area of about 5,248 square kilometers and a population of 1.49 million. It is an ancient city with a long history and magnificent culture. The citys reputation for producingfine porcelain

17、began in the Eastern Han Dynasty (dng hagrave;n 东汉). During the Song Dynasty (sograve;ng dagrave;i 宋代) the Jingdezhen workshop was commissioned to produce porcelain for theimperial court. It enjoys a monsoon subtropical climate. Its climate is characterized by adequate sunshine, sufficient rainfall

18、and obvious distinctions between the four seasons. The annual average temperature in the city is 17 C. The main products are porcelain stone, Kaolin, marble, tea, paddy, soybean, wheat, peanut, rapeseed etc.Since the period of Han Dynasty (hagrave;n dagrave;i 汉代), Jingdezhen has had the ceramic indu

19、stry. Up to now, it has more than 2000 years of history. Traditionally, Jingdezhen was titled Ceramic Capital. Porcelain of Jingdezhen has a beautiful shape, various types, rich decorations and unique styles. It is worldwide famous for its color as white jade, brightness as bright mirror, thinness a

20、s paper and sound as music. Qinghua Porcelain (qng hu 青花), Linglong Porcelain (liacute;ng loacute;ng 玲珑), Fencai Porcelain (fn ci 粉彩) and Seyou Porcelain (segrave; yograve;u 色釉) altogether are called Four Traditionally Famous Porcelains in Jingdezhen.1. Ancient Porcelain Street (g dagrave;i ciacute;

21、 qigrave; ji 古代瓷器街) It is in the center of Jingdezhen. It was the most busy and bustling street in the late Ming (miacute;ng dagrave;i 明代) and early Qing Dynasties (qng dagrave;i 清代), now renowned for its long history and beautiful traditions that come from its ancient culture. The street is compose

22、d of three parts, each of which fully reflects itsprosperous past. Exquisitely designed and decorated residences were clearly the elite residences of their time and demonstrate the highest skills and architectural knowledge of Chinese artisans of their eras. ? Admission Fee: Free2. Ceramic History M

23、useum (jng deacute; zhegrave;n taacute;o ciacute;boacute; wugrave; gun 景德镇陶瓷博 物馆) Located in the western suburb of Jingdezhen City, It is a professional ceramic museum built in 1980, with a rich collection of over 5,000 articles. The items on display include ceramics from past dynasties, historical

24、information about ceramics, precious collections of paintings and calligraphies, among which many are of excellent quality. ? Admission Fee: CNY 103. Longzhu Pavilion (loacute;ng zh geacute; 龙珠阁) Longzhu Pavilion is located on the top of the Zhushan Mountain (zh shn 珠 山) of Jingdezhen. It is a monum

25、ent to Jingdezhens ceramic industry. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it was a place for making ceramics for the imperial family which means there are a lot of precious culture relics of those two dynasties on display. ? Admission Fee: CNY 154. Yuyao Factory (yugrave; yaacute; o chng 御窑厂) The early M

26、ing Dynasty, Yuyao factory was established. Yu means, the emperor dedicated. Yao means, Kiln, the place where produce porcelain. China is a country of porcelain, and we can say that the porcelains which Yuyao made during Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties were the best in the world. ? Admission Fee

27、: CNY 155. Fuliang Ancient County Government (fuacute; liaacute; ng g xiagrave; n yaacute; 浮梁古县 衙) The Fuliang Ancient County Government is in the suburb of Jingdezhen. It is a well preserved ancient county government site, which was set up 1,100 years ago. In it, you can see the official robes, sed

28、an chairs and even instruments of torture. Visiting the site of the ancient county government is really a good chance to understand the politics of ancient China. ? Admission Fee: CNY 506. Ming Qing Garden (miacute;ng qng yuaacute;n 明青园) Ming Qing Garden is located in Jingdezhen porcelain sculpture

29、factory. It is Jingdezhen international ceramics center. Construction of Chinese Ming Dynasty style. The porcelain street is a copy of ancient Jingdezhen. Many artists have studios here,showing intricate art of ceramic sculpture. ? Admission Fee: CNY 107. Yaoli (yaacute; o l 瑶里) Yaoli is in Fuliang

30、County which is 50 kilometers from downtown Jingdezhen. With good forest coverage, abundant animal resources, characteristic lanes, the town is well-known for its beautiful natural scenery. Additionally, it is the cradle of Jingdezhens ceramics industry. Gaoling (go lng 高岭) Village located in Yaoli

31、once provided enough raw materials for making porcelain in the ancient times. Today, Kaolin, a world famous kind of clay, is named according to its Chinese pronunciation. ? Admission Fee: CNY 1508. The Moon Lake (yuegrave; liagrave; ng huacute; 月亮湖) The Moon Lake Scenic Area lies in Liyang Town (lig

32、rave; yaacute;ng xing 丽阳). It is 10 kilometers from downtown Jingdezhen. There are many hills and lots of wild birds inhabit the area. It got the name because of its moon-shape. Besides the charming scenery, it has some entertainment facilities, such as motorboats and luxury speed boats and also you

33、 can enjoy fishing there.9. Red Tower (hoacute; ng t 红塔) Because the wall is red, so the tower called Red Tower.By Train The WanGan (wn gagrave;n 皖赣) Railway (Anhui - Jiangxi) connects Jingdezhen to many key cities in China. The Jingdezhen Railway Station is located in the city center.By Air Jingdez

34、hen Airport is located at Luojia Village (luoacute; ji cn 罗家村), northwest of Jingdezhen City, about 8 kilometers from the city downtown. There are no international flights.Getting around Jingdezhen public buses and taxis are the two main means of transportation within the city. Nearly more than 20 p

35、ublic bus lines crisscross the city and itscountryside. Taxis in Jingdezhen are plentiful with fares starting at CNY 5 for the first 2 kilometers.Cold Vermicelli (lng fn 冷粉). This is one brand name of Jingdezhen snacks. It is different from vermicelli of other regions. The vermicelli is thicker and

36、has a half centimeter of diameter. It is also has the diversities of seasonings such as bean sauce, pepper sauce, orange peel, garlic and ginger. Jiaoziba (jio z b 饺子粑). Jiaoziba generally is taken as the breakfast and night food. Diversities of stuffing covered by powder-made slice are steamed on s

37、team boxes. Through the thin slices, eaters can see the stuffing clearly. Additionally it has different taste after fried. Generally the stuffing is divided into hot and non-spicy. The spicy stuffing is made of the carrot slices, and the non-spicy stuffing is made of the eggs with leeks. Additionall

38、y it also has the stuffing made of the bean sprout and bean-curd.Xianshuiba (jin shu paacute; 碱水耙). This is the classical snack in Jingdezhen. Xianshuiba generally is unavailable in other areas, and it can be eaten during the time of Lunar Spring Festival. It is delicious, and will be more tasteful

39、if you cook it with eggs or add some preserved vegetable.江西景德镇英文导游词(2)Jingdezhens porcelain has been famous not only in China but in time it became known internationally for being as thin as paper, as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, and as sound as a bell. The late Guo Moruo, a senior official

40、 who was also a famous historian and scholar of PRC wrote a poem that says (in translation): China is well known in the world for its porcelain, and Jingdezhen is the most well-known centre, with the highest quality porcelain in China.Most Jingdezhen porcelain is valued by collectors of antique porc

41、elain throughout the world. According to media reports, a blue and white porcelain jar produced in Jingdezhen during the Yuan Dynasty was auctioned for the equivalent of RMB 230,000,000 yuan in London, UK on July 12, 2005. This was the highest price achieved by a piece of porcelain in the history of

42、 all porcelain auctions of the world. The reason for the high price is experts believe that the blue and white Yuan Dynasty porcelain has a dominant position in the history of Chinese ceramics. It represents the pinnacle of the development of Chinese blue and white porcelain.江西景德镇英文导游词(3)Welcome to

43、here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce youJingde town is located in the northeast of jiangxi province, huangshan, yushan -odd arteries and the poyang lake plain transition zone, is the Chin

44、ese and foreign famous jindezhen, and foshan, guangdong, hubei, hankou, henan immortals township and known as the Ming and qing dynasties of Chinas four big famous town, jingdezhen is the state council released the first national one of 24 national historical and cultural city and a class city opening to the outside world. By 2007, jingdezhen has obtained China excellent tourism city, national ecological garden city, national civilized sanitary cit


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