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投资意向 口译文本.doc

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1、投资动向00:15In the west, everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment. Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China, and the Pudong Area of Shanghai is among the best choices of investment destination. Today it is not a matter of whether to go east,

2、 but when and how. 如今人们都在议论去西方投资。显然,越来越多的本国公司纷繁涌入中国,而上海的浦东地域是人们投资的起首目标地之一。如今的咨询题不在因此否要去西方投资,而在于何时去投资,怎样去投资。海内人士在上海及其周边地域的投资比年来翻了两番。The foreign investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled/ increased 4-fold in recent years.呈现这一低落不止的投资热有多种原因。There are many reasons for the investment

3、 fever./frenzy/enthusiasm 除了中国事天下上增加最快的国度之一那个缘故外,中国当局跟所在当局高度注重片面临外开放,不只开放沿海都会,也开放边疆,尽能够吸引外资。Apart from the fact that China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Chinese central government and local governments also pay great attention to /attach great importance to opening the whole

4、country up to the outside world, including/both coastal cities and inland/interior areas, which serves to attract foreign investment to the greatest extent.别的,很多海内集团与团体投资者以为在中国直截了当投资比同中国公司做买卖更有利可图。Furthermore, many institutional and individual investors find it more profitable/ lucrative to make dir

5、ect investment in China than to do business with Chinese companies. I am all ears to your explanation.请你说明一下,我倾耳细听。根本状况是如此的,本国直截了当在华投资能够在最年夜水平上发扬有关单方的上风。Basically, foreign direct investment can give full play to the strengths/advantages of both parties concerned./can maximize the strengths of .中国版图宽

6、阔,天然资本丰厚,便宜休息力富余,税收低,花费者市场不时增加,根底设备不时改良,China has a vast/massive land, abundant natural resources, huge cheap labor, low taxation, a growing consumer market and an improving infrastructure. 所以罗,咱们另有波动的社会政治情况以及诱人的投资政策。一切这些上风难以在其余国度寻到。Of course, we have stable social and political environment and attr

7、active investment policies, which are rarely found elsewhere./ All these (advantages) are rarely found elsewhere. 而来自兴旺国度跟地域的本国投资者那么有充分的资金、进步的技巧跟治理常识。On the other hand, foreign investors from developed countries or areas have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise. 与做收支口商业买卖比

8、拟,在华直截了当投资那么有更高的经济报答。Direct investment in China will yield higher economic returns than import and export trade. 兴许应当说在某一时代的某一所在进展投资更好。Maybe a place is the best at a given time. My next question concerns the forms of investment that are allowed in China currently. 现在有哪些答应的投资方法。你能够抉择本人喜爱的方法运营独资公司,所以弗成逾越中国执法。You can run the company in whatever way you like, within the boundary of Chinese laws, of course.Your explanations are very enlightening. 你的说明使我茅塞顿开。非常有启示。


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