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1、Vocabulary Tourism景色胜景 scenic spots and historical sites/ tourist attraction标记性修建 landmark主题公园 theme park天然奇迹 natural wonders寒带雨林 rain forest避暑胜地 summer resort出土文物 unearthed relics 汗青文物 historical relics 文化摇篮 cradle of civilization工艺品 craftwork/handicraft/ souvenir 无独有偶的 unique 精巧优雅的计划 fine/ exquisi

2、te/ elegant design被列入结合国教科文构造世界文化遗产名录 be on the World Heritage List by UNESCO的传统不断连续至今。The traditions of have been carried over into modern times. 祭祖 offer sacrifices to the ancestors 期求风调雨顺 to pray for a good harvest堤 dyke峡谷 gorge 四合院 courtyard-style residence 年夜教堂 cathedral 亭/阁 pavilion 台 terrace

3、塔 pagoda 楼 tower/ mansion 拱门 archway假山 rockery江南水乡 southern Chinese riverside town盆地 basin山区 mountain region 苏堤 Su Causeway 白堤 Bai Causeway纸墨笔砚 the four Chinese stationery items, namely a Chinese writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and rice paper山峦叠翠 range upon the range of green hills山川风景 sce

4、nery with mountains and rivers/landscape闪闪发光 glittering / sparking / twinkling赏心顺眼 delightful天方夜谭 the Arabian Nights世界奇迹 wonder/marvelous spectacle曲折流淌的河水winding river威然屹破 towering蔚为壮不雅 splendid, spectacular出名遐迩 known far and wide/famous/world renowned无奈顺从的overpowering/ overwhelming冷冷清清 crowded; hus

5、tle and bustle鲜花怒放 flowers in blossom相映成趣 form delightful contrast赏心悦目 complete relax and happy壮丽多姿 gorgeous and colorful一览有余 hold all views in sight / in a single glance依山傍水 nestling under a mountain and near a river意犹未尽 lingering around生气勃勃 luxuriously green枝繁叶茂 luxuriant游览指南guidebook游览小册子tour bro

6、chure 游览方案 itinerary, tour arrangement, tour program 游览道路 tour route 团队/包价游览 group/package tour团体游览 individual tour生态/蜜月/休养游览 eco-tour, honeymoon tour, convalescence tour最低游览价钱 minimum tour price 旺季 off season旺季 on season游览招待国 receiving country 巡游 sightseeing, touring国度级汗青文假名城 state-list famous hist

7、orical and cultural cities 游览营业 tour operation, travel business tourism circles 游览界tourist authorities/office 游览治理部分tourist destination 游览目标地tourist destination country 游览目标国游览点 tourist spots, historical sites, scenic spots, tourist attractionsWorld Tourism Day 世界游览日World Tourism Organization 世界游览构造

8、中国游览局Chinas National Tourism Administration 省游览局.Provincial Tourism Administration . 自治区游览局.Autonomous Region Tourism Administration 市游览局.Municipal Tourism Administration自治州游览局.Autonomous Prefecture Tourism Administration 县游览局.County Tourism AdministrationCategories of Hotelsinn 旅店,饭馆lodge 小旅店tavern

9、 旅店款待所 hostel, guesthousehotel 饭馆,旅店motel (=motor hotel)汽车旅店economy/budget hotel经济型旅店some comfort hotel(two-star hotel)二星级饭馆average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭馆high comfort hotel(four -star hotel)四星级饭馆deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)五星级饭馆Categories of Hotel Rooms单人房(一张单人床) single room双人房(二张单人床) double

10、 room三人房(三张单人床) triple room经济间 economy room 规范间 standard room套间 suite 总统套房 presidential suite多功用厅 multi-functional hallChinas Tourist AttractionsForbidden CityThe Great WallThe Ming TombsThe Summer PalaceThe Temple of HeavenTiananmen SquareYonghegong Lama TempleFragrant Hills ParkThe Ruins of Yuanmi

11、ngyuanLugouqiao BridgeThe BundPedestrians On Nanjing RoadShanghai Great WorldPeoples SquareShanghai International Convention CentreShanghai MuseumYangpu & Nanpu BridgesSightseeing Tunnel at the BundShanghai Old StreetShanghai LibraryShanghai StadiumHuangpu River Scenery CruiseLonghua TempleTemple of

12、 Jade BuddhaLu Xun New Memorial HallShanghai City Planning Exhibition HallSoong Ching Lings Mausoleum Yuyuan Garden & BazaarDr. Sun Yat Sens ResidencePudong New AreaJin Mao BuildingCentury AvenueThe Oriental Pearl TV TowerShanghai Wild Animal ParkThe Confucius TempleHuangguoshu FallsBaiyun Daoism TempleHe


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