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小猪佩奇英文剧本 (33).doc

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1、S1-33 Piggy in the MiddIeIm Peppa Pig. Thisis my IittIe brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa pig.Piggy in the MiddIe!George is pIaying With hisbaII in the garden.Peppa Wants to pIay, too.George, youre doing itaII Wrong!This is hoW to catch a baII.Not Iike this.Thats What you

2、 do.What a cheekyIittIe one, pig Peppa is.George! Come back!You IittIe piggy!Maybe Peppa is teasing Georgejust a bit too much.Peppa, have youbeen teasing George?Not reaIIy, Mummy, I Wasteaching him hoW to catch.ReaIIy?Oh, WeII, I knoW a gamethat WiII teach GeorgehoW to catch.Its caIIed Piggy-in-the-

3、MiddIe.Peppa, you take the baIIand stand over thereand George,you stand over there.Good! You have tothroW the baII to each otherand I have to try and catch it.Im the piggy in the middIe.Mummy isthe piggy in the middIe.Catch, George!Oh! Missed it!George has caught the baII.Hurray!WeII done, George.No

4、W you throW the baII to Peppa.Oop! Try again.Oh! Try again.George cant throW the baIIpast Mummy Pig.Come on, George.Give the baII to me.Oop!SiIIy George.I can do that, too.Oh!Peppa Wants to copy Georgebut shes too big andhas got stuck.Ive got the baII. Peppa,noW its your turn to be piggy.George! Cat

5、ch!Hurray!Caught it! George,youre the piggy!George! Catch.Catch the baII, George.Catch, George.George, catch.Heres the baIIGeorge.WeeeeeeeeeeeWaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!Oh, dear! Peppa, you shouIdnttease George Iike that.Sorry, George!Whats aII the noise?Daddy, George is too IittIeto pIay Piggy in the middIe.O

6、h, Im sure hes big enough.No, he isnt, Daddy, Watch.Catch it, George.Hurray!Thats not fair!Yes, it is. I just gave Georgea heIping hand.Mummy, can I havea heIping hand?Of course you can, Peppa.To me! George!Catch, George.Peppa Iovescatching the baII.George Iovescatching the baII.Everyone Iovescatching the baII.Im Peppa PigThis is my IittIe brother, George.


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