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1、案:A:2n-1 2n 2n+1 2n+2B: 4 5 6 7C:Saaaa Saaaa Saaaa SaaaaD:Saaaa Saaaa Saaaa SaaaaE:Saaaa Saaaa Saaaa Saaaa试题10从以下叙述中选出5条最确切的叙述,把相应编号依次写在答卷的AE栏内。 RISC计算机虽然每条指令本身可能很复杂,但是总的指令条数精简了。Java是一种新型的与平台无关的编程语言。EISA总线是对ISA的扩充,提供32位数据传输能力和16位地址寻址能力。VESA总线是由美国视频电子标准协会提出的一种局部总线结构。PCI总线可提供数据缓冲,但处理突发数据的能力低于VESA总线。由中

2、断源区分,中断可分内部中断(又叫陷阶)和外部中断两大类,例如电源故障中断就属于外部中断。动态存贮器(DRAM)的内容,即使在不停电的情况下,也要定期再生或刷新。RAID盘分为05共6级,级别越小冗余能力越强,可靠性越高。曼彻斯特编码是一种自带位同步信号的编码方式。IP地址1661116.99属于某一个B类地址。试题11从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。All known techniques for handling complex Problems successfully seem to fall into one of the t

3、hree classes: subdividing the problem(_A_),ignoring irrelevant detail in a safe way(_B_),and having an independent agent _C_ the internal consistency(contextual checking).The first two provide guidelines for solving the problem, the third serves to provide early warnings. A good programming language

4、 supports all three. In subdividing problem, some of the subproblems may be similar to the _D_ Problem. It leads us to a _E_ solution. This _E_solution is viable provided each of the subproblems is easier to solve than the original problem供选择的答案:A、B:abrogation abstraction composition contraction dec

5、omposition segmentationCE:check complex old observe original perform recurrence recursiverepeat试题12从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。One of the most difficult problems with systems is understanding and _B_ patterns that will be jointly achieved by the components of a system. To understan

6、d this term, think of a _C_ like a mouse click that triggers some chains of causally related responsibilities performed in softwareOne way of looking at this is from outside the system, a mouse click causes a file icon to open on a screenAnother way to view this is from inside,the responsibilities o

7、f handling the click are decentralized in a set of objects in a running program and the click _D_ through this set by means of a causally connected sequence of interobject _E_. One of the objects causes the file icon to open on the screen. 供选择的答案:A、B:behavior convention explaining expressing process

8、ing protocolCE:collaborationscollocation commissions distributes emulations products propagates simulations stimulus试题13从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 n阶行列式 _A_。 设n阶方阵A的秩为r,则结论_B_成立。方阵A的特征值为_C_。已知a,a,a是某个线性方程组AX=0的一个基础解系,则_D_。方阵B对应二的次型f(X,X,X ,X)_E_。供选择的答案:A:x+y x+(-1)y x+(-1)y y+(-1

9、)x B:|A|0 |A|=0 rn rnC:0,1 -1,1 0,0,1,1 -1,1,1,1D:a,a,a线性相关a,a,a线性无关aa,aa,aa线性相关aa,aa,aa不是AX0的一个基础解系E:XXX6XX3X XXX3XX3X XX2X6XX6X XXX3XXX试题14从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。在任何图中必有偶数个_A_。元正则树T 中有片叶子,i个分支点,则满足条件_B_。用霍夫曼()算法构造带权为,的最优树 ,这棵最优树的权(T)_C_。已知是的充分条件,是的必要条件,是的必要条件,那么是的_。谓词公式中的变元_

10、E_。供选择的答案:度数为偶数的顶点 度数为奇数的顶点入度为奇数的顶点出度为奇数的顶点:(m-1)i=t-1 (m-1)i=t (m-1) t=i-1C: 89 91 95 126D: 充分条件 必要条件 充要条件 都不对E: 是自由变元 既不是自由变元也不是约束变元是约束变元 既是自由变元又是约束变元试题15从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中_?_内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。 矩阵 A=,范数 范数。对于方程组,下面叙述_是正确的。方程 在.,1.7对内有一根,如果把方程写成如下的迭代式,那么收敛的迭代式是_和_,而且_比_收敛快。供选择的答案:A、B:3 4 5 6:如果作简单迭代收敛,则作赛德尔迭代一定收敛。


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