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1、的信度都非常优秀,各个测量项均需保留。而校正的项相关性系数的值均大于0.5这个临界标准数值,可见其各题项与所属变量之间的相关性比较强,因此可以看出本量表的信度非常不错,达到了研究的要求。(3) 效度检验对各指标运用SPSS21.0进行KMO和Bartlett球形检验,来衡量调查问卷的真实性和正确性。具体的检验结果如表3.4所示。表3.4 KMO和Bartlett的检验取样足够度的 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin 度量。0.955Bartlett 的球形度检验近似卡方7568.003df210Sig.0.000从表3.4中的检验结果可以看出,KMO值为0.955,处于并高于0.7-0.8的

2、区间,可见其的可靠性是优质的。4. SERVQUAL分析(1)差值计算由于京东物流末端配送的服务质量(Q)=用户实际感受的末端配送水平(P)-用户期望末端配送服务水平(E),所以对京东物流末端配送的整体评价可以由以下等式得出:公式一: 其中,Q为用户感知的京东物流末端配送服务质量;Pi为第i个问题的京东物流末端配送服务质量感受值的平均值;Ei为第i个问题的京东物流末端配送服务期望值的平均值;m为量表的问题调查个数(m19)。依据得出Q值的其大小或正负数,来判断京东物流末端配送自身的服务质量水平;若Q为正,则表明其服务感受值高于期望值,用户非常满意,京东物流末端配送水平卓越,并且Q值越大,服务水


4、为问卷设计量表的k个维度问题的个数。而公式三是第i个指标的末端配送服务质量评价的计算公式:公式三:其中,Qi为用户对末端配送服务的实际感知值;Pi是用户对第i个问题的京东物流末端配送服务的实际感知平均值;而Ei为用户对第i个问题的京东物流末端配送服务的期望平均值。根据公式二和公式三,计算出各维度所对应的得分和各指标的得分,如表3.5所示。表3.5 各维度及其二级指标得分一级指标服务质量得分二级指标服务质量得分响应性-1.13 -1.49 -0.70 -0.18 可靠性-0.95-0.45 -1.36 -1.65 -0.34 便捷性-0.77-0.47 -0.55 -1.24 -0.83 专业性

5、-0.78-0.30 -1.75 -0.81 -0.26 沟通解决性-0.71-1.03 -0.26 -0.83 经济性-0.41-0.41 有形性-0.57-0.31 -0.82 因此,通过表3.4可以清楚各维度的得分情况,能发现京东物流末端配送服务质量存在的具体问题,从而有针对性的制定相关改进措施。从上面看出,在互联网的形势下,电商平台与物流日益发展的同时,用户对其末端配送的期望值会随之增加,京东物流的优势正在逐步流失。根据公式四,可以用百分制来描述京东物流末端配送的服务质量Q;当用户对末端配送服务的感知与其对它的期望相等时,取Qp=100;当用户的感知与期望之间的差距差最大时,Qp一般就

6、使用某个实数表示;如果当用户对末端配送服务质量的感知大于服务期望时,Qp100。公式四:对各个指标依据公式四进行换算,结果如表3.6。差值极端是用来判断不管是一级还是二级指标服务质量指标体系的。计算各个末端配送指标的感受与期望得分之间的差值,并将其按照大小进行排序。如果某维度的用户期望值差距较大,那就是京东物流末端配送应该优先改进的服务。同时,需要考虑用户期望的特点,来有效的进行改进其服务。表3.6各维度及其二级指标百分制得分一级指标服务质量得分二级指标服务质量得分响应性72.00 63.00 82.50 70.50 可靠性74.6185.00 66.00 58.75 88.67 便捷性79.

7、7184.33 86.25 69.00 79.25 专业性79.3390.00 56.25 79.75 91.33 沟通解决性80.1774.25 87.00 79.25 经济性86.3386.33 有形性78.5984.50 72.67 (2) T检验通过对研究末端配送评价体系中有哪些指标的期望值与感受值存在明显差异,对其指标的期望值与感受值进行逐一的配对样本T检验,并以此作为依据,结合京东物流的实际情况,根据具有显著性差异的指标重点项目,来提高其末端配送的服务质量。结果如表3.7所示。表3.7京东末端配送各指标其期望值与感受值的T检验结果指标质量均值dT值P值1-1.48 -20.99 0

8、.00 2-0.70 -11.78 0.00 3-1.18 -15.25 0.00 4-0.45 -10.66 0.00 5-1.36 -19.95 0.00 6-1.65 -22.27 0.00 7-0.35 -8.75 0.00 8-0.47 -10.72 0.00 9-0.55 -11.20 0.00 10-1.24 -15.26 0.00 11-0.83 -14.03 0.00 12-0.30 -7.90 0.00 13-1.75 -23.70 0.00 14-0.81 -13.07 0.00 15-0.26 -7.82 0.00 16-1.04 -15.46 0.00 17-0.26

9、 -7.46 0.00 18-0.83 -15.81 0.00 19-0.41 -10.18 0.00 20-0.31 -9.52 0.00 21-0.82 -15.07 20厘米。3.6.3脚手架拆除1、 拆除脚手架前必须按照安全标准检查扣件的连接、连接杆和支撑,清理干净脚手架上面和地面上的杂物。2、拆除脚手架要按照先搭后拆、后搭先拆的顺序,从上到下进行拆除,不能上下层同时进行拆除。3、拆除连接杆要随着脚手架一起拆除,禁止拆除一层的连接杆后再进行脚手架的拆除,分段拆除时高差应小于两步架。4、当拆除到最后一层钢管时,要先临时搭设斜向撑进行加强稳固后,再拆除拆连接杆。5、全面拆除后要把所有构件放



12、7因为此施工脚手架均采用单根钢管承受荷载,则=58.3最大允许高度为:则计算高度允许搭设36.83米的高度,符合要求。验算脚手架整体稳定性脚手架上部36.83m为单管立杆,折合步数n1=36.83/1.8=21步,实际高为211.8=37.8m,下部双管立杆的高度为10.8m,折合步数n1=10.8/1.8=6步。1)求N值因底部压杆轴力最大,故验算双钢管部分,每一步一个纵距脚手架的自重为 2)计算值由b=1.05,H1=3.6米。 由b、H1查表得 =25 根据建筑施工脚手架实用手册,可得为0.242N/mm2 69.6N/mm2 证明此脚手架安全可靠。3.6.6脚手架工程量计算1、 计算竖

13、直杆两排间距为1.5m,高高度为15.9m。2、 计算水平杆两排间距1.8m,长度为41.4m。3、 计算短横杆每个交点计算一根,扣除连墙杆,长度为1.3m。(根)4、 计算连墙杆两步三距计算,每根长度2m,墙上固定42.4m。(根) 5、 计算斜撑杆标准楼型长度为20m,宽度为10m,所以应有3个转角。合计:6、 计算竖直杆接扣每根竖直杆上3个,钢管长度为6m。(个)7、 计算水平杆接扣每根竖直杆上9个,钢管长度为6m。 (个)8、 计算墙面十字扣十字扣使用于竖直杆与水平杆的交接处。(个)9、 计算连墙杆、短横杆的连接扣每个交点管一根,每根上两个。(个)接墙处 (个)合计:(个)扣件合计:(

14、个)十字扣:664(个)4施工工期保证措施4.1工期目标主要分段控制点该项目计划在2020年6月1日开工到2021年3月27日完工,工期为300天,这期间历经中秋和春节及农忙季节,期间还要经过冬季施工和现场环境的限制,所以工期较紧,为了确保实现工期目标,结合该项目特点,分解主要施工段的目标,然后按照不同的施工方案进行作业。(1) 组织管理措施成立现场施工指挥部,以项目经理为总指挥土建和安装负责人副指挥,对施工段的各项工作统一指挥协调以及监督。指挥部下属单位有生产管理组、料具管理组和财务会计组等各负其责管理工程各项工作。做好与业主及有关职能和主管部门的沟通联系,制定协调施工例会制度,保证实现质量

15、目标。建立岗位承包负责制,按岗设人。制定奖惩制度,在确保工程质量为前提,奖励提前完成任务的人员,批评处罚延误工期的人员。主动邀请甲方与监理工程师验收工程质量。4.2技术保证措施1) 施工总进度计划和阶段性控制计划要具有实际可行性,为了施工工序衔接紧密要做好季、月、周计划,充分利用微机优势,选择最佳施工方法和模板设计,协调施工进度,对施工进行动态管理,确保实现工期目标。2)积极协调甲方和质检部门的关系尽快进行验收工作,尽快合理安排装饰装修工程交叉作业。土建与安装工程一切要听从项目经理统一领导,相互配合。3)大力推广先进技术,进行机械化施工,加快施工进度,实现进度目标。4)准备好施工前的工作:做好



18、度,一半在岗一半回家探亲,在岗人员补贴双倍工资。2)节假日期间,本项目部加强人、财、物等方面的施工北京理工大学珠海学院2011届本科生毕业论文Research on the Current Situation of English Teaching in Early Education Industry 学 院: 外国语学院专 业:姓 名:指导老师:商务英语贺诗颖学 号:职 称:161005103860苏雪梅副教授中国珠海二二 年 五 月北京理工大学珠海学院2020届本科生毕业论文毕业论文诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文 Research on the Current Situati

19、on of English Teaching in Early Education Industry 是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究或调查所取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,文中所使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 贺诗颖 日期: 2020 年 5 月 8 日Research on the Current Situation of English Teaching in Early Education Industry Abstract Since the beginning of the 20th century, as Chinas per capita

20、 economic income has increased, the countrys population policy has changed, and peoples emphasis on early education has increased, the domestic early education industry has become a new driving force for the education service industry, and English teaching is the promotion of the early education ind

21、ustry important content. This paper attempts to explore the development of English teaching in early education. Based on data and examples, it analyzes the problems existing in English teaching in the early education industry and the room for improvement. Combining with the characteristics and reali

22、ty of the current era, it puts forward teaching suggestions suitable for young children to learn English and improves the quality of English teaching in the early education industry. Keywords: English teaching, early education industry, young children 早教行业的英语教学现状研究摘 要自20世纪初以来,随着中国人均经济收入的增加、国家的人口政策转变

23、以及人们对早期教育重视程度加强,国内早教行业成为教育服务行业新的驱动方向,而英语教学则是早期教育行业推广的重要内容。本文旨在探讨早期教育中英语教学的发展情况,通过数据以及实例分析早教行业英语教学存在的问题以及改善的空间,结合当今时代的特点以及实际提出适合幼儿学习英语的教学建议。 关键词:英语教学;早期教育;幼儿 IIIContentsAbstract摘 要Introduction11 Development of Early Education Industry in China32 Necessity and Feasibility for Young Children to Learn E

24、nglish4 2.1 Necessity4 2.2 Feasibility43 Problems in English Teaching in Early Education Industry5 3.1 Misunderstanding of the Purpose of English Teaching for Young Children5 3.2 Misunderstandings of Childrens English Teaching Content and Teaching Methods5 3.3 Lacking of Professional Toddler English

25、 Teachers74 Strategies to Improve English Teaching in Early Education Industry9 4.1 Changing Traditional Teaching Concepts9 4.2 Changing Teaching Content and Teaching Methods10 4.3 Training Professional English Teachers12Conclusion14References17Appendix 18Acknowledgments18IntroductionWith the increa

26、se in per capita economic income, changes in the countrys population policy, and peoples increased awareness of early education, the domestic early education industry has become a new driving direction for the education service industry, and English teaching is an important part of the early educati

27、on industry. Early childhood education is defined as educational activities for infants and young children. Scholars in different countries and regions around the world have different opinions on the age stages covered by early education. In China, 6 years old is the legal age for children to attend

28、 elementary school. Therefore, early childhood education in China is defined as education from birth to pre-primary education.Chinas economic development has been rising steadily in recent years. The national economy has reached a certain height and peoples living standards have improved. People hav

29、e shifted their attention from basic material needs to higher-level spiritual needs. Education has become an important channel for people to obtain their spiritual needs, and as a result, the education industry has been fully developed. With the deepening of globalization, people began to realize th

30、e importance of second language, and educational institutions began to treat English teaching as a promotion stunt. Among them, early education institutions are the main force of English teaching in educational institutions, and English teaching is strongly promoted as a feature of early education.

31、Especially since 2014, the state has successively liberalized the two-child policy and the two-child policy, and the number of newborns has picked up. To further release the potential development space of the early education industry, many early education institutions have sprung up after the implem

32、entation of the new population policy.Domestic early education can be roughly divided into four categories: thinking training, language training, and interest training, and comprehensive training. Among the various early education market segments, language-based early education is the mainstay. Due

33、to the important role of English education in our education system for a long time, language-based early education is dominated by English-based early education. The industry accounts for half or more. . The rapid development of English-based early education institutions has caused many problems at

34、the same time. For example: Misunderstanding of the purpose of English teaching for young children, misunderstandings of childrens English teaching content and teaching methods and lacking of professional toddler English teachers, etc. These problems cause many young children to have almost no learn

35、ing effect in English teaching, which runs counter to the original intention of early education. Many parents have doubts and distrust of English teaching in early education.Therefore, the organization should fundamentally solve the above problems. On the one hand, institutions can promote and impro

36、ve the development of early education institutions themselves; on the other hand, institutions should also provide a good language learning environment for young children.1 Development of Early Education Industry in ChinaThe age group of early education in China is mainly divided into 0 to 3 years o

37、ld and 4 to 6 years old. For two different age groups, the content of early education is also different. Children from 0 to 3 years old focus on physical function and sensory training, such as hearing, touch, vision, and coordinated development. Early education for children 4-6 years old focuses on

38、comprehensive quality and skills training, such as childrens English and art skills. In order to cater for different market needs, domestic early education can be roughly divided into four categories: thinking training, language training, interest training, and comprehensive. The characteristics of

39、early education institutions such as thinking training, language training, and interest training are that they have a complete teaching system, are highly specialized, and can cultivate childrens professional skills. The characteristics of comprehensive early education institutions are rich in hardw

40、are facilities, which are mostly set up in large commercial centers.From the above information, it can be inferred that language training early education courses in Chinas early education institutions will be mainly 3-6 years old children. Because English has long occupied a major position in Chinas

41、 education system for a long time, early language education will be dominated by English early education. In this case, English teaching is dominant in the early education market. Many early childhood education institutions will play as soon as possible to learn English for young children, and it is a selling point for propaganda in favor of developing language potential. So is English teaching as early as possible? Are t


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