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上传人:架构师 文档编号:472904 上传时间:2019-07-05 格式:PDF 页数:18 大小:674.59KB
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1、ttee considered various ways to focus the study , including surveying subfields and their status, examining a particular technology such as machine learning or natural language processing, and studying particular application areas such as healthcare or transportation. The committee ultimately chose

2、a thematic focus on “ AI and Life in 2030” to recognize that AIs various uses and impacts will not occur independently of one another, or of a multitude of other societal and technological developments. Acknowledging the central role cities have played throughout most of human experience, the focus

3、was narrowed to the large urban areas where most people live. The Standing Committee further narrowed the focus to a typical North American city in recognition of the great variability of urban settings and cultures around the world, and limits on the first Study Panels efforts. The Standing Committ

4、ee expects that the projections, assessments, and proactive guidance stemming from the study will have broader global relevance and is making plans for future studies to expand the scope of the project internationally . TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 OVERVIEW 6 SECTION I: WHAT IS ARTI

5、FICIAL INTELLIGENCE? 12 Defining AI 12 AI Research Trends 14 SECTION II: AI BY DOMAIN 18 Transportation 18 Home/Service Robots 24 Healthcare 25 Education 31 Low-resource Communities 35 Public Safety and Security 36 Employment and Workplace 38 Entertainment 40 SECTION III: PROSPECTS AND RECOMMENDATIO

6、NS FOR AI PUBLIC POLICY 42 AI Policy, Now and in the Future 42 APPENDIX I: A SHORT HISTORY OF AI 503 As one consequence of the decision to focus on life in North American cities, military applications were deemed to be outside the scope of this initial report. This is not to minimize the importance

7、of careful monitoring and deliberation about the implications of AI advances for defense and warfare, including potentially destabilizing developments and deployments. The report is designed to address four intended audiences. For the general public, it aims to provide an accessible, scientifically

8、and technologically accurate portrayal of the current state of AI and its potential. For industry , the report describes relevant technologies and legal and ethical challenges, and may help guide resource allocation. The report is also directed to local, national, and international governments to he

9、lp them better plan for AI in governance. Finally , the report can help AI researchers, as well as their institutions and funders, to set priorities and consider the ethical and legal issues raised by AI research and its applications. Given the unique nature of the One Hundred Year Study on AI, we e

10、xpect that future generations of Standing Committees and Study Panels, as well as research scientists, policy experts, leaders in the private and public sectors, and the general public, will reflect on this assessment as they make new assessments of AIs future. We hope that this first effort in the

11、series stretching out before us will be useful for both its failures and successes in accurately predicting the trajectory and influences of AI. The Standing Committee is grateful to the members of the Study Panel for investing their expertise, perspectives, and significant time to the creation of t

12、his inaugural report. We especially thank Professor Peter Stone for agreeing to serve as chair of the study and for his wise, skillful, and dedicated leadership of the panel, its discussions, and creation of the report. Standing Committee of the One Hundred Year Study of Artificial Intelligence Barb

13、ara J. Grosz, Chair Russ Altman Eric Horvitz Alan Mackworth Tom Mitchell Deirdre Mulligan Yoav Shoham STUDY PANEL Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin, Chair Rodney Brooks, Rethink Robotics Erik Brynjolfsson, Massachussets Institute of Technology Ryan Calo, University of Washington Oren Etzion

14、i, Allen Institute for AI Greg Hager, Johns Hopkins University Julia Hirschberg, 鞔昀(衜脀匀脀鐂袗脀衜脀讀缁缀窅蠁螏頀h耀椀脂伃謃讃謃鄃开抐徖瓿酞鞋絻晶瀀搀昀瀀椀挀最椀昀开抐徖瓿酞鞋絻晶瀀搀昀尀尀挀挀昀攀愀挀昀戀攀愀搀愀搀昀愀欀漀娀稀礀娀砀眀焀戀吀搀焀夀嘀匀一椀唀匀昀猀爀椀椀圀攀娀圀樀眀开鞋紀晶昀昀戀攀挀搀搀昀挀昀挀X栀u葧蕖讇耀舀(樵寶ttee considered various ways to focus the study , including surveying subfields and their

15、 status, examining a particular technology such as machine learning or natural language processing, and studying particular application areas such as healthcare or transportation. The committee ultimately chose a thematic focus on “ AI and Life in 2030” to recognize that AIs various uses and impacts

16、 will not occur independently of one another, or of a multitude of other societal and technological developments. Acknowledging the central role cities have played throughout most of human experience, the focus was narrowed to the large urban areas where most people live. The Standing Committee further narrowed the focus to a typical North American city in recognition of the great variability of urban settings and cultures around the world, and limits on the first Study Panels efforts. The Standing Committee expects that the projections, assessments, and proactive guidanc


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