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1、P4PP4P:P2PP2P 可持可持展的必展的必之路之路09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 2OutlineOutlinen nProblem StatementProblem Statementn nRequirements and ChallengesRequirements and Challengesn nThe P4P FrameworkThe P4P Frameworkn nObjectiveObjectiven nArchitectureArchitecturen nPerformancePerformancen nP4P Working GroupP

2、4P Working Groupn nHistory, StructureHistory, Structuren nNext StepsNext Steps09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 3P2P Bandwidth UsageP2P Bandwidth UsageCacheLogic ResearchInternet Protocol Breakdown 1993 - 2006n nTrafficTrafficn nUp to 60-70% of Internet traffic is contributed by P2P applications Cache

3、LogicUp to 60-70% of Internet traffic is contributed by P2P applications CacheLogicn nRandom peering causes traffic spread across PoPs and domainsRandom peering causes traffic spread across PoPs and domainsn nProblemsProblemsn nIncreased network resource usage (e.g., using bandwidth of more links)In

4、creased network resource usage (e.g., using bandwidth of more links)n nIncreased network operational costs Increased network operational costs n nDegraded performance of other applicationsDegraded performance of other applications09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 4The battle results in a lose-lose sit

5、uationBandwidth BattleBandwidth BattleISPs ISPs ApproachesApproachesn n Upgrade network Upgrade network infrastructureinfrastructuren n Deploy P2P caching devices Deploy P2P caching devicesn n Terminate user connectivity Terminate user connectivityn n Rate-limit P2P traffic Rate-limit P2P trafficn n

6、 P2P CountermeasuresP2P Countermeasuresn n Use random ports Use random portsn n Hide by using well-known Hide by using well-known portsportsn n Encrypt traffic Encrypt trafficn n GovernmentGovernmentn n Network Neutrality Network Neutrality09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 5The Fundamental ProblemThe

7、Fundamental Problemn nTraditional ISP feedback/controls to Traditional ISP feedback/controls to application traffic:application traffic:n nRoutingRoutingn nRate control through congestion feedback (e.g., Rate control through congestion feedback (e.g., packet loss)packet loss)n nThese are These are i

8、neffectiveineffective for P2P for P2Pn nP2P traffic is highly dynamic and scattered, due to P2P traffic is highly dynamic and scattered, due to dynamic, unguided (network-oblivious) peer dynamic, unguided (network-oblivious) peer selectionselectionn nNeed a mechanism for ISPs to communicate with Nee

9、d a mechanism for ISPs to communicate with P2P about network structure and policiesP2P about network structure and policies09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 Solution: Solution: 堙堵堙堵 or or 疏导疏导 ?n n问题:问题:当尧之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流当尧之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂,禽兽繁殖。禽,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂,禽兽繁殖。禽兽逼人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国兽逼人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国n n方法

10、一:堙堵。方法一:堙堵。鲧堙洪水,汨陈其五行。鲧堙洪水,汨陈其五行。帝乃震怒,不畀其洪范九畴,彝伦攸。鲧帝乃震怒,不畀其洪范九畴,彝伦攸。鲧则殛死,禹乃嗣兴则殛死,禹乃嗣兴n n方法二:疏导。方法二:疏导。禹疏九河,沦济漯而注诸禹疏九河,沦济漯而注诸海,决汝汉排淮泗而注之江,然后中国可海,决汝汉排淮泗而注之江,然后中国可得而食也。当是时也,禹八年于外,三过得而食也。当是时也,禹八年于外,三过家门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎家门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎 09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 7Solution Requirements & Solution Requirements

11、 & ChallengesChallengesn nEfficiencyEfficiencyn n ISPs: better network utilization ISPs: better network utilizationn n P2Ps: higher performance P2Ps: higher performancen n End-users: better experiences End-users: better experiencesn n Nation: less expenses in Nation: less expenses in upgrading infra

12、structureupgrading infrastructure09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 8Solution Requirements & Solution Requirements & ChallengesChallengesn nExtensibility Extensibility n nUniversally applicable to most P2P Universally applicable to most P2P architecturesarchitecturesn nTracker-based and trackerless P2P

13、 systemsTracker-based and trackerless P2P systemsn nEasily extensible to handle application-specific Easily extensible to handle application-specific requirementsrequirementsn nFile sharing vs. streaming, File sharing vs. streaming, n nCommercial vs. non-commercialCommercial vs. non-commercialn nAll

14、ow easy entry of new applicationsAllow easy entry of new applications09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 9Solution Requirements & Solution Requirements & ChallengesChallengesn nScalabilityScalabilityn nSupport a large number of P2P users Support a large number of P2P users and networks in dynamic settin

15、gsand networks in dynamic settingsn nSupport fine-grained feedbacks Support fine-grained feedbacks among ISPs and P2Psamong ISPs and P2Ps09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 10Solution Requirements & Solution Requirements & ChallengesChallengesn nEconomicsEconomicsn n Allow profit for both ISPs and P2PsA

16、llow profit for both ISPs and P2Psn n sustainable economical growth sustainable economical growthn n Allow equal power in the eco-systemAllow equal power in the eco-systemn n sustainable technological innovation sustainable technological innovationn n Allow competitions, prevent Allow competitions,

17、prevent monopolymonopoly09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 11Solution Requirements & Solution Requirements & ChallengesChallengesn nPrivacyPrivacyn nPreserve ISPs sensitive informationPreserve ISPs sensitive informationn nPreserve P2Ps private informationPreserve P2Ps private informationn nSession, con

18、tentSession, contentn nuser IDs, user behaviorsuser IDs, user behaviors09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 12StandardizationStandardizationn nStandardization should take into accountStandardization should take into accountn nSufficient space for Sufficient space for economical growtheconomical growthn n

19、ISPs can recover from financial lossISPs can recover from financial lossn nP2P can fairly and efficiently utilize the network while P2P can fairly and efficiently utilize the network while being independentbeing independentn nSufficient space for Sufficient space for evolution of Internet technologi

20、esevolution of Internet technologiesn nBoth ISPs and P2Ps can form and pursue their own Both ISPs and P2Ps can form and pursue their own technology pathstechnology pathsn nEncouraging Encouraging fast adoptionfast adoptionn nAllowing and encouraging Allowing and encouraging competitioncompetition09/

21、25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 13P4Pn n“ “Proactive Provider Participation in Proactive Provider Participation in P2PP2P” ”n nPartnership among ISPs and P2P networksPartnership among ISPs and P2P networksn nFramework for explicit communications Framework for explicit communications among ISPs and P2P

22、networksamong ISPs and P2P networksn n“ “Pay for PerformancePay for Performance” ”n nProviders expose capabilities to serve Providers expose capabilities to serve demands of P2P networksdemands of P2P networksn nP2P vendors maintain competitive P2P vendors maintain competitive advantagesadvantages09

23、/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 14P4P ObjectivesP4P Objectivesn nA framework to enable better ISP and P2P A framework to enable better ISP and P2P coordinationcoordinationn nGuided network utilization benefits both sidesGuided network utilization benefits both sidesn nImprove throughput / performance

24、to P2P usersImprove throughput / performance to P2P usersn nAllow ISPs to better manage networksAllow ISPs to better manage networksn nReduce number of links transited by contentReduce number of links transited by contentn nPush traffic from undesirable (expensive) links to more Push traffic from un

25、desirable (expensive) links to more desirable (inexpensive) linksdesirable (inexpensive) linksn nReduce the need for upgrading infrastructure, control Reduce the need for upgrading infrastructure, control financial costsfinancial costs09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 15 Edge Network Regional Routers

26、Internet TransitNETWORK AWARE P2P will reduce costs, improve performanceTraditional CDNP2PMore Viewers =Better performanceLower costMore Viewers =Worse performanceHigher costP4P Enables Efficient DeliveryP4P Enables Efficient DeliveryP4P09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 ISP AP4P SAPP4P ArchitectureP4P

27、 Architecturen nProvidersProvidersn nPublish information Publish information via P4P Service via P4P Service Access Point (SAP)Access Point (SAP)n nApplicationsApplicationsn nQuery information Query information via P4P SAPsvia P4P SAPsn nAdapt themselves Adapt themselves accordinglyaccordinglyP2PISP

28、 BP4P SAP09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 17P4P: ISP BenefitsP4P: ISP Benefitsn nIndustry SolutionIndustry Solutionn nCreate cooperative Create cooperative win-winwin-win solutions to an solutions to an industry issueindustry issuen nSolve the problem before we have to cope Solve the problem before w

29、e have to cope with the problemwith the problemn nCarrier-Grade P2PCarrier-Grade P2Pn nOpportunity for new servicesOpportunity for new servicesn nWhat if fastest path from A to B is P2P?What if fastest path from A to B is P2P?09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 P4P Benefits: Reduce Transit CostP4P Benef

30、its: Reduce Transit Cost从外部流入网络的流量降低73%从外部流出网络的流量降低54%无P4P优化P4P优化IngressIngressEgressEgressNativeNative13,001,419,65113,001,419,651 22,743,712,79522,743,712,795P4PP4P3,489,097,9973,489,097,997 10,416,737,53710,416,737,537Improvement %Improvement %73%73%54%54%09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 19P4P: P2

31、P BenefitsP4P: P2P Benefitsn nP2P Applications with P4P benefitsP2P Applications with P4P benefitsn nImprove P2P application performanceImprove P2P application performancen nVideo continuity of streamingVideo continuity of streamingn nFaster downloads for usersFaster downloads for usersn nn nDecreas

32、e incentives for ISPs to “manage” Decrease incentives for ISPs to “manage” P2P trafficP2P traffic09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 P4P Benefits: Improve Download RatesP4P Benefits: Improve Download Rates所有用户:P4P提高P2P文件下载速度达40%。宽带用户:P4P提高P2P文件下载速度达300-500%。149%90%P4P提高下载速度百分比用户累计百分比26%70%13%30%21%50%8%

33、10%09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 21P4P极大改善网络效率未使用P4P优化使用P4P技术优化P4P Benefits: SummaryP4P Benefits: Summary09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 P4P Working Group: HistoryP4P Working Group: Historyn n06/2006 12/200606/2006 12/2006n nDr. Xie initiated and proposed P4P, laid the theoretical foundations, and

34、 Dr. Xie initiated and proposed P4P, laid the theoretical foundations, and evaluated its effectivenessevaluated its effectivenessn n05/200705/2007n nDr. Xie presented P4P results in a P2P conference in New York CityDr. Xie presented P4P results in a P2P conference in New York Cityn n07/200707/2007n

35、nDr. Xie initiated the P4P Working Group (P4PWG)Dr. Xie initiated the P4P Working Group (P4PWG) with Laird Popkin and Doug with Laird Popkin and Doug PaskoPaskon n1 1st st P4PWG meeting was held in New York City P4PWG meeting was held in New York Cityn n08/2007 12/200708/2007 12/2007n nExpanding P4P

36、WG coverage to telcos, P2Ps, content providers, router vendors, Expanding P4PWG coverage to telcos, P2Ps, content providers, router vendors, etcetcn n01/2008 04/200801/2008 04/2008n nDr. Xie initiated and led 1Dr. Xie initiated and led 1st st large-scale field test large-scale field test, w/ Pando,

37、Telefonica & , w/ Pando, Telefonica & Verizon.Verizon.n nVerizon/Telefonica/Pando press-released results and announced support for P4PVerizon/Telefonica/Pando press-released results and announced support for P4Pn nP4P and the results were being reported in world-wide pressP4P and the results were be

38、ing reported in world-wide pressn n06/2007 08/200806/2007 08/2008n nDr. Xie Dr. Xie et al. et al. initiated and led 2initiated and led 2ndnd large-scale field tests large-scale field tests09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 P4P Working Group: P4P Working Group: StructureStructureDCIAP4P工作组联席主席首席研究员Telco

39、 sub-groupWireless sub-groupHardware sub-groupLive P2P sub-groupSpec sub-group09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 AT&T Bezeq Intl BitTorrent Cisco Systems Comcast Grid Networks Joost LimeWire Manatt Oversi Pando Networks PeerApp Solid State Telefonica Group Velocix VeriSign Verizon Vuze University of To

40、ronto Univ of Washington Yale UniversityAbacastAHT IntlAjauntySlantAkamaiAlcatel LucentCableLabsCablevisionComcastCox CommExa NetworksCiscoJuniper NetworksHuaweiMicrosoftLevel 3 CommunicationsLimelight NetworksNBC UniversalNokiaOrange21ViaNetRawFlowRSUC/GweepNetSaskTelSolana NetworksSpeakeasy Networ

41、kStanford UniversityThomsonTime Warner CableTurner BroadcastingUCLA24P4P Working Group: P4P Working Group: MembersMembers09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 Next StepsNext Stepsn nProduction deployment of P4PProduction deployment of P4Pn nOptiNetworks OptiNetworks n nOn-going trials On-going trials n nF

42、ile sharing: Pando and Solid State NetworksFile sharing: Pando and Solid State Networksn nStreaming: Abacast and LivestationStreaming: Abacast and Livestationn nIETF standardizationIETF standardization09/25/2008P4P、 P2P、BT互联网视频产业研讨会 互互网网P2PP2P化管理化管理准体系准体系侯自侯自强强P2PP2P化管理化管理准体系准体系事前事中事后内容流量 一目 布 看 存看

43、行 分域管理 流量疏 存化 流量分析 用分析P2PP2P化管理化管理准准构构两个层面、三个阶段全面覆盖P2P管理需求准意准意n n通通 准和自律的形式,准和自律的形式,和和中中有矛盾,有矛盾, 性循性循 良性良性循循,造多造多的的 境,推境,推中国互中国互网网用技用技快速快速展。展。n n将来国家更好的将来国家更好的 互互网的网的管理和利用,提供基管理和利用,提供基技技保障和保障和准支撑。准支撑。n n利用利用准力量,化解矛盾,构建和准力量,化解矛盾,构建和!准推准推方式方式n n自下而上,抓住自下而上,抓住 核心矛盾,提核心矛盾,提共性需求,共性需求,化化 境的同境的同足政府管理需求足政府管

44、理需求n nP2PP2P化管理化管理准前期将依托互准前期将依托互网网会,会,合网合网运运商、商、P2PP2P用服用服商商、内容提供商,以行、内容提供商,以行自律的方式推自律的方式推,化化 境,推境,推 健康健康展展。n n未来未来划与国家相关部划与国家相关部合作,利用行合作,利用行自律形成的基自律形成的基,政府治理互政府治理互网网提供有力的技提供有力的技支撑手段。支撑手段。 原原n n量化量化n n保持原有保持原有P2PP2P 不不n n支持管理和不支持管理的客支持管理和不支持管理的客端之端之互通不受影响互通不受影响n n灵活性灵活性n n支持运支持运商根据需求和成本,灵活商根据需求和成本,灵

45、活整部署方案整部署方案n n支持支持peerpeer引引、流量代理、流量、流量代理、流量存等多种流量存等多种流量化功能化功能n n支持自治域的分支持自治域的分管理,管理,助助P2PP2P厂商分厂商分 、分、分次管理次管理peerpeer的互的互行行n n私密性私密性n nP2PP2P厂商不需要开放其私有厂商不需要开放其私有 运运商商n n运运商不需要直接开放其拓扑信息商不需要直接开放其拓扑信息P2PP2P厂商厂商n n开放性开放性n n支持普适性系支持普适性系框架,可支持各种不同框架,可支持各种不同型的型的P2PP2Pn n支持支持准化准化 在网在网中的即插即用和自中的即插即用和自 ,避免复,

46、避免复配置配置n n全面性全面性n n支持形成覆盖全互支持形成覆盖全互网的整体管理方案网的整体管理方案n n低成本低成本n n支持支持低的系低的系部署成本和部署成本和 式的式的施方案施方案Domain Detecting Protocol (DDP)Domain Detecting Protocol (DDP)n n支持自治域支持自治域 与与化的化的P2PP2P管理管理 DDPDDPn n一套一套量量的的 流程流程n n附加于附加于有有P2PP2P ,不改,不改原有原有n n一套开放式的系一套开放式的系框架框架n n自自 、即插即用,以、即插即用,以P2PP2P厂商与运厂商与运商商同同的方式运

47、行的方式运行n n一套一套准化的管理接口准化的管理接口n n支持基于内容、用支持基于内容、用、区域的流量及内容管理、区域的流量及内容管理n n一套全局化的互一套全局化的互 准准n n支持跨域支持跨域网和互网和互,提供全网,提供全网化管理支撑化管理支撑DDPDDP系系 成成n nPPRPPR(P2PP2P流量重定向流量重定向体,体,P2P RedirectorP2P Redirector)n n部署在运部署在运商自治域内部商自治域内部n n 所在域的拓扑信息,并通所在域的拓扑信息,并通 准化的接口准化的接口及及 ,引,引域内域内P2PP2P客客端端化互化互n n通通 准化的接口及准化的接口及 ,

48、管理所在域内存在,管理所在域内存在的的P2PP2P代理代理存存n nPPCPPC(P2PP2P存代理存代理体,体,P2P CacheP2P Cache)n n部署在运部署在运商自治域内部商自治域内部n n在在PPRPPR的管理下,的管理下, P2PP2P 的代理或者的代理或者存功能存功能利用利用DDPDDP 域域P2PP2P流量管理流量管理城域网InternetP2P用户DDP控制信令P2P协议PPRPPCwww.ddp.orgDNS利用利用DDPDDP 全局分全局分P2PP2P流量管理流量管理城域网省级骨干网国内骨干网PPRwww.ddp.orgPPRwww.ddp.orgPPRwww.dd

49、p.orgDNS利用利用DDPDDP 域域P2PP2P内容内容控控城域网InternetPPRPPC查询/审计审查/监看控制www.ddp.org利用利用DDPDDP 全局全局P2PP2P内容内容管管Internet内容版权部门安全监管部门PPRPPRPeer Exchange Optimizer Interface to PPCn nPPRPPR功能功能n n 由运由运商提供的本域拓商提供的本域拓扑信息扑信息n n收集所有上收集所有上PPRPPR地址信息,地址信息,形成形成次次构并向用构并向用返回返回n n外提供外提供一的服一的服端口和端口和 ,接受不同,接受不同P2PP2P 客客端端来的来

50、的准准peerpeer求,根据求,根据掌握的本域拓扑信息,引掌握的本域拓扑信息,引peerpeer互互n n管理管理 的的PPCPPC代理代理存模存模,并引,并引peerpeer接接PPCPPCn n接受接受peerpeer提交的信息,向运提交的信息,向运商或商或管部管部提交提交 信息信息n n接受管理控制命令,提交指定接受管理控制命令,提交指定的的 信息,并控制本域内信息,并控制本域内容及用容及用行行n n参与域参与域 网网Interface to PeerInterface to DHTInterface to ControllerDomainInfoPolicyDHTnetworking


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