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1、【Title】 Construction Law of the Peoples Republic of China Effective 【法规标题】中华人民共和国建筑法 现行有效 【法宝引证码】 CLI.1.18974(EN)Date issued: 11-01-1997 发布日期: 1997-11-01 Effective date: 03-01-1998 生效日期: 1998-03-01 Issuing authority: Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress 发布部门: 全国人大常委会 Area of law: Cons

2、truction Industry 类别: 建设业 Document Number: 发文字号: 主席令第91号 *注:本篇法规已被:全国人大常委会关于修改中华人民共和国建筑法的决定(2011)(发布日期:2011年4月22日,实施日期:2011年7月1日)修正CONSTRUCTION LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Issued on November 1,1997 and by Presidents decree of PRC No. 91 Adopted at the 28th Meeting of the Standing Committee



5、X中华人民共和国主席令(第号)(相关资料:法律8篇行政法规16篇部门规章284篇司法解释4篇其他规范性文件6篇地方法规1813篇案例3篇裁判文书901篇相关论文92篇)中华人民共和国建筑法已由中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议于年月日通过,现予公布,自年月日起施行。中华人民共和国主席 江泽民年月日中华人民共和国建筑法(年月日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过)目录第一章 总则第二章 建筑许可第一节 建筑工程施工许可第二节 从业资格第三章 建筑工程发包与承包第一节 一般规定第二节 发包第三节 承包第四章 建筑工程监理第五章 建筑安全生产管理第六章 建筑工

6、程质量管理第七章 法律责任第八章 附则CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS第一章 总则Article 1 With a view to strengthening supervision and regulation of construction activities, maintaining construction market order, ensuring the quality and safety of construction projects and promoting the healthy development of construction ind

7、ustry, this law is hereby formulated. 第一条 为了加强对建筑活动的监督管理,维护建筑市场秩序,保证建筑工程的质量和安全,促进建筑业健康发展,制定本法。(相关资料:裁判文书1篇)Article 2 Construction activities and supervision of construction activities conducted within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China shall abide by this law. The term “construction acti

8、vities” as mentioned in this Law shall refer to the construction of all kinds of houses and buildings and the ancillary facilities thereof and the installation of their supporting lines, pipes and equipment.第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事建筑活动,实施对建筑活动的监督管理,应当遵守本法。本法所称建筑活动,是指各类房屋建筑及其附属设施的建造和与其配套的线路、管道、设备的安装活动。(相关资料:

9、部门规章2篇地方法规1篇裁判文书27篇相关论文1篇)Article 3 Construction activities have to guarantee the quality and safety of construction projects and comply with the States safety standards for construction projects. 第三条 建筑活动应当确保建筑工程质量和安全,符合国家的建筑工程安全标准。(相关资料:裁判文书1篇相关论文2篇)Article 4 The State assists the development of c

10、onstruction industry, supports research on construction science and technology in order to raise the level of housing and construction design, encourages saving of energy and environmental protection and advocates the adoption of advanced technology, advanced equipment, advanced process, new buildin

11、g materials and modern managerial methods. 第四条 国家扶持建筑业的发展,支持建筑科学技术研究,提高房屋建筑设计水平,鼓励节约能源和保护环境,提倡采用先进技术、先进设备、先进工艺、新型建筑材料和现代管理方式。(相关资料:相关论文1篇)Article 5 Conduct of construction activities shall observe laws and regulations and should in no way undermine social and public interests as well as the legitima

12、te interests of others. No unit or individual shall impede or obstruct the construction activities conducted according to law.第五条 从事建筑活动应当遵守法律、法规,不得损害社会公共利益和他人的合法权益。任何单位和个人都不得妨碍和阻挠依法进行的建筑活动。(相关资料:裁判文书8篇相关论文1篇)Article 6 The competent construction administrative department under the State Council shal

13、l exercise unified supervision and regulation over construction activities of the whole country. 第六条 国务院建设行政主管部门对全国的建筑活动实施统一监督管理。(相关资料:部门规章2篇地方法规2篇裁判文书1篇)CHAPTER II CONSTRUCTION LICENSING SECTION I WORKING LICENSES FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS第二章 建筑许可SECTION I WORKING LICENSES FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS

14、第一节 建筑工程施工许可Article 7 Before the start of construction projects, construction units shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, apply to the competent construction administrative departments under the prefecture-county governments or above for construction licenses, except for sm

15、all projects below the threshold value set by the competent construction administrative department under the State Council. Construction projects which have obtained approval of work start reports in accordance with the power limits and procedure stipulated by the State Council are no longer require

16、d to apply for construction licenses. 第七条 建筑工程开工前,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定向工程所在地县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门申请领取施工许可证;但是,国务院建设行政主管部门确定的限额以下的小型工程除外。按照国务院规定的权限和程序批准开工报告的建筑工程,不再领取施工许可证。(相关资料:行政法规1篇部门规章1篇地方法规45篇裁判文书39篇相关论文1篇)Article 8 The following conditions are required for the application of construction licenses: (1) Hav

17、ing gone through the approval formalities for construction project land use; (2) Construction projects within urban planned districts have obtained licenses of planning; (3) Where demolition and relocation are necessary, the progress of demolition and relocation comply with the requirements of const

18、ruction; (4) Constructing enterprises for the projects have been chosen; (5) Working drawings and technical data are available to meet the need of construction; (6) Specific measures are available for ensuring the quality and security of construction; (7) Funds of construction are available; (8) Oth

19、er conditions as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations. The competent construction administrative departments shall issue construction licenses to qualified applicants within 15 days from the date of receipt of applications. 第八条 申请领取施工许可证,应当具备下列条件:(一)已经办理该建筑工程用地批准手续;(二)在城市规划区的建筑工程,已经取得规划

20、许可证;(三)需要拆迁的,其拆迁进度符合施工要求;(四)已经确定建筑施工企业;(五)有满足施工需要的施工图纸及技术资料;(六)有保证工程质量和安全的具体措施;(七)建设资金已经落实;(八)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。建设行政主管部门应当自收到申请之日起十五日内,对符合条件的申请颁发施工许可证。(相关资料:部门规章4篇地方法规21篇裁判文书15篇相关论文2篇)Article 9 Units in charge of construction should start to build the projects within three months since obtaining constr

21、uction licenses. If work cannot start on schedule, applications should be filed to the license issuing agencies for delay, which shall only be permitted twice in maximum for each case, each permission of delay covering a maximum period of three months. In cases of those projects that neither start o

22、n schedule nor apply for delay or exceed the period of permitted delay, the validity of the working licenses automatically expires. 第九条 建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起三个月内开工。因故不能按期开工的,应当向发证机关申请延期;延期以两次为限,每次不超过三个月。既不开工又不申请延期或者超过延期时限的,施工许可证自行废止。(相关资料:地方法规5篇裁判文书2篇)Article 10 For projects under construction that come

23、 to a halt due to some reasons, the constructing units should report to the license issuing agencies within one month from the stoppage of construction and should also well maintain and manage the construction projects in accordance with provisions. When construction work resumes, reports should be

24、filed with the license issuing agencies; Before the resumption of work on construction projects which have stopped for over one year, units in charge of construction shall apply to the license issuing agencies for verification of their working licenses. 第十条 在建的建筑工程因故中止施工的,建设单位应当自中止施工之日起一个月内,向发证机关报告,

25、并按照规定做好建筑工程的维护管理工作。建筑工程恢复施工时,应当向发证机关报告;中止施工满一年的工程恢复施工前,建设单位应当报发证机关核验施工许可证。(相关资料:地方法规4篇)Article 11 For construction projects with approval of work-start reports in light of the relevant provisions of the State Council which fail to start construction on schedule or suspend the construction work due t

26、o certain reasons, the constructors should report the cases timely to the approving authorities. If the period of non-start of work due to certain reasons exceeds six months, the constructors shall re-go through the formalities of approval for work-start reports. 第十一条 按照国务院有关规定批准开工报告的建筑工程,因故不能按期开工或者

27、中止施工的,应当及时向批准机关报告情况。因故不能按期开工超过六个月的,应当重新办理开工报告的批准手续。(相关资料:地方法规1篇裁判文书1篇)SECTION II QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSTRUCTORS 第二节 从业资格Article 12 Construction engineering enterprises, prospecting units, design units and project supervisory units which engage in construction activities shall possess the following c

28、onditions: (1) Possession of registered capital that complies with the State provisions; (2) Possession of specialized technical personnel with statutory professional qualifications consistent with the construction activities they engage in; (3) Possession of technologies and equipment that are nece

29、ssary for related construction activities. (4) Other conditions as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations. 第十二条 从事建筑活动的建筑施工企业、勘察单位、设计单位和工程监理单位,应当具备下列条件:(一)有符合国家规定的注册资本;(二)有与其从事的建筑活动相适应的具有法定执业资格的专业技术人员;(三)有从事相关建筑活动所应有的技术装备;(四)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。(相关资料:部门规章1篇地方法规15篇裁判文书50篇)Article 13 Constructio

30、n engineering enterprises, prospecting units, design units and project supervisory units are rated into different classes according to their registered capital, professionals and technicians, technical equipment and performance record of completed construction projects, etc. Only when they pass qual

31、ification examinations and obtain appropriate qualification certificates may they engage in construction activities commensurate to the scope of their qualification classes. 第十三条 从事建筑活动的建筑施工企业、勘察单位、设计单位和工程监理单位,按照其拥有的注册资本、专业技术人员、技术装备和已完成的建筑工程业绩等资质条件,划分为不同的资质等级,经资质审查合格,取得相应等级的资质证书后,方可在其资质等级许可的范围内从事建筑活

32、动。(相关资料:行政法规1篇部门规章2篇地方法规39篇裁判文书62篇相关论文1篇)Article 14 Specialized technical personnel engaging in construction activities shall attain the relevant certificates of professional qualification and conduct building activities within the scope of their certificates of professional qualifications. 第十四条 从事建

33、筑活动的专业技术人员,应当依法取得相应的执业资格证书,并在执业资格证书许可的范围内从事建筑活动。(相关资料:部门规章2篇地方法规13篇裁判文书28篇)CHAPTER III CONTRACT AWARDING AND CONTRACTING OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 第三章 建筑工程发包与承包SECTION I GENERAL RULES第一节 一般规定Article 15 Contract awarding units and contractors for construction projects shall conclude written covenants,

34、 specifying the rights and obligations of each party. Contract awarding units and contractors should fully fulfill their contractual obligations. Failure to fulfill contractual obligations is subject to contract-breach responsibilities under the laws. 第十五条 建筑工程的发包单位与承包单位应当依法订立书面合同,明确双方的权利和义务。发包单位和承包

35、单位应当全面履行合同约定的义务。不按照合同约定履行义务的,依法承担违约责任。(相关资料:地方法规1篇裁判文书24篇相关论文1篇)Article 16 The tendering and bidding activities for contracting of construction projects shall follow the principle of openness, justice and equal competition, and contractors should be selected based on their merits. Tendering of and b

36、idding for construction projects which is not covered by this law shall follow the relevant laws on tendering and bidding. 第十六条 建筑工程发包与承包的招标投标活动,应当遵循公开、公正、平等竞争的原则,择优选择承包单位。建筑工程的招标投标,本法没有规定的,适用有关招标投标法律的规定。(相关资料:部门规章1篇)Article 17 Contract awarding units and their staff shall not take bribery, commissi

37、ons or seek other benefits in the process of contract awarding for construction projects. Contractors and staff members thereof shall not undertake projects through illegitimate means such as offering bribes, commissions or other benefits to the units contracting out the projects or staff members th

38、ereof. 第十七条 发包单位及其工作人员在建筑工程发包中不得收受贿赂、回扣或者索取其他好处。承包单位及其工作人员不得利用向发包单位及其工作人员行贿、提供回扣或者给予其他好处等不正当手段承揽工程。(相关资料:部门规章1篇地方法规6篇裁判文书2篇)Article 18 Construction cost of the projects shall be agreed upon in the contracts by both the contractors and the out-contracting units in accordance with relevant regulations

39、 of the State. For projects subject to public bidding, the construction cost shall be agreed upon in line with the provisions of the tendering law. The out-contracting units shall appropriate project funds in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contracts. 第十八条 建筑工程造价应当按照国家有关规定,由

40、发包单位与承包单位在合同中约定。公开招标发包的,其造价的约定,须遵守招标投标法律的规定。发包单位应当按照合同的约定,及时拨付工程款项。(相关资料:地方法规1篇裁判文书6篇)SECTION II CONTRACTING AWARDING第二节 发包Article 19 Construction projects shall be contracted through public bidding according to law and those not suitable for bidding can be contracted out directly. 第十九条 建筑工程依法实行招标发包

41、,对不适于招标发包的可以直接发包。(相关资料:裁判文书2篇)Article 20 For construction projects subject to open bidding, the out- contracting units shall, in accordance with legal procedures and methods, publish invitations for bid and provide tender documents containing major technical requirements of the projects subject to b

42、idding, key contract terms, standards and methods for evaluation of bids as well as the procedures for the opening, evaluation and determination of bids. The bids shall be opened at the time and place specified in the tender document, after which the bids shall be evaluated and compared in accordanc

43、e with the evaluation standards and procedures specified by the tender documents. Successful bidder shall be selected among the bidders with appropriate qualifications based on their merits. 第二十条 建筑工程实行公开招标的,发包单位应当依照法定程序和方式,发布招标公告,提供载有招标工程的主要技术要求、主要的合同条款、评标的标准和方法以及开标、评标、定标的程序等内容的招标文件。开标应当在招标文件规定的时间、

44、地点公开进行。开标后应当按照招标文件规定的评标标准和程序对标书进行评价、比较,在具备相应资质条件的投标者中,择优选定中标者。(相关资料:裁判文书3篇)Article 21 The opening, evaluation and determination of bids in the process of tendering for construction projects shall be organized and implemented by the project owners and shall be subject to the supervision of relevant a

45、dministrative departments. 第二十一条 建筑工程招标的开标、评标、定标由建设单位依法组织实施,并接受有关行政主管部门的监督。Article 22 For construction projects subject to bidding, the out- contracting units shall contract out the projects to the contracting units which have won the bid in accordance with law. For construction projects subject to

46、direct contracting, the out-contracting units shall contract out the project to the contracting units with appropriate qualifications. 第二十二条 建筑工程实行招标发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给依法中标的承包单位。建筑工程实行直接发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给具有相应资质条件的承包单位。(相关资料:裁判文书27篇相关论文1篇)Article 23 The government and its subordinate departments shall

47、 not abuse their administrative power by requiring the out-contracting units to contract out the construction projects to designated contracting units. 第二十三条 政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定发包单位将招标发包的建筑工程发包给指定的承包单位。Article 24 Overall contracting of projects is encouraged and the contracting of construction projects in parts shall be prohibited. The out-contracting units of construction projects can contract out either the survey, design, construc


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