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1、 Unit2 English aroud the world Warmming up /ReadingLearning aims:1. words and expressions elevator petrol gas official voyage native latter apartment actually gradually/gradual vocabulary spellingidentity fluent/fluently an official language make voyage because of come up be based on at present make

2、 use of such as2.Sentences1)Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other.2) Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.3)Then gradually between about AD800 and 1150,English became less like German

3、 because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French.课前自主预习按要求完成句子1. An _(官方的) announcement is expected in the next few days.2. One afternoon,I got bored and_(实际上) was asleep for a few minutes.3. The short play is _(base) on a true story in our village.4. He has formed a habit of_(co

4、mmunicate) with his foreign friends in English.5. He_(gradual) lost interest in learning playing cards.预习课文判断正误1.English had the most speakers in the 17th century. ( )2.English developed when new settlers and rulers came to British. ( )3.Language frequently change ( )4.The language for the governmen

5、t is always the language of the country. ( )5.English is one of the official languages used in India. ( )6.This reading describes the development of the English language. ( )课堂合作探究1. native adj_ n._1)The panda is native to China. 划线部分短语意为_2)English is his native language. 翻译句子_即使巩固1) Spanish is the

6、_language of most Spaniards.(西班牙人)Alocal B.home C.native D.birth2) The tiger is _ to India. A.living B.from C.born D.nativee up 意为_ 1)A foreigner came up to me and asked the way to the station. 翻译_2) The problem came up at the meeting.划线短语意为_.其主语是被提出的内容,主动形式表示被动意义。拓展:come up with_ The teacher asked

7、us to come up with a good solution to his problem.2. actually意为_.形容词为_即使练习1)He looks young ,do you konow his _(actually / actual)2)_(actually / actual) I dont know the truth.3.gradually/gradual 意为_ 即使练习1) They _(gradual/ gradually) improved their work.2) There has been a _(gradual / gradually) incre

8、ase in the number of people owning cars.3. frequently /frequent 意为_即使练习1) Buses run_between the city and the airport.2) She was a _visitor to the village.课堂达标检测.单词拼写1Because of the bad weather,the _(航行)was put back twelve hours.2He returned to his _(本土的)land for homesickness.3The sea _(逐渐地)calmed do

9、wn as we steamed out.4My father speaks _(流利的)English.5_(实际上),Im busy at the moment.Can I phone you back?6A few of these have received _(频繁的)usage.7You should _ _ _ (利用) this chance to have a look.8Were running out of _(汽油)9Its _(以为基础)on sound thinking.10Wide reading will increase your _(词汇量)单选1.Tonn

10、ys parents thought he was at school,but _he was in a net bar.Aactually BespeciallyChopefully Dexactly2.The horse is not _to Americait was introduced by the Spanish.AentireBattractiveCnative Dactive3.Benjamin doesnt seem to be busy at work,but _he is very efficient(效率高的)at his tasks.Aexactly Bgradual

11、lyCactually Dentirely4.Ten minutes has been made full _of _the problem.Ausing;studying Buse;to studyCto use;to study Duse;studying5.Of these two basketball teams,the former comes from the US;the _comes from England.AlateBlater Clatter Dlately6.Complete the map of each site_what you drew last time.Abased on Bis based onCbasing on Dto base on


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