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北京丽晶国际酒店 酒店宾客服务手册(中英)P69.DOC

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1、 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESIN HOUSE EXPERIENCE IN HOUSE EXPERIENCETask No. Description1 Room Change Handling 处理客人换房要求2 Late Check-out Request Handling 处理客人延迟退房要求3 In-House Guest Extension Request Handling 处理客人延住要求4 Message & Parcel Handling 信件和包裹的接收与转交5 Incognito Gues

2、t Procedures 如何按要求为客人隐藏姓名6 Guest Complaint Handling 处理客人投诉7 Safety Deposit Box Handling 客用保险箱的使用与管理 8 Guest Locator Handling 客人位置信息服务9 Issuing Duplicate Keys to Guests 备用房间钥匙的发放10 Wake-up Call/ Beverage Service 叫醒及饮品服务11 Courtesy Call Procedure 问候电话程序12 Opening of In-Room Safety Deposit Boxes 客房内保险箱

3、的使用程序13 Cash Advance Handling 预先提取现金程序14 Foreign Currency Conversion 外币兑换15 Looking After In-House Handicapped Guests 照料店内行动不便客人16 Food & Beverage Service in the Club Lounge 行政酒廊的食品与饮品服务IN HOUSE EXPERIENCETask No. Description17 DVD Lending Procedure DVD 的租借程序18 Flight Reconfirmations / Airline Ticke

4、t Service 机票的确认与预定服务19 Limousine Service 酒店车辆服务20 Taxi Service 出租车服务21 Restaurant Reservations 餐厅预定22 Shopping Recommendations 购物指南23 Providing Medical Assistance 提供医疗方面的咨询24 Sightseeing Recommendations & Assistance 观光指南与服务25 Welcome tea offer to VIP, club guest and suite guest 贵宾的欢迎饮品服务26 Collectin

5、g Guest Preferences 收集客人喜好The Regent BeijingStandard Operating Procedures - In House Experience Page 69 of 69 TASK NO : 01ROOM CHANGE HANDLING PAGE (1/3) 处理客人换房要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/APPROVAL DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHYSituation 1:

6、Guest was just checked in and does not like the room, guest requests to change room immediately.客人入住酒店后对房间不满意,要求立即更换房间。1. Guest informed us that he dislike the room that has been given to him.1. 客人对我们给他的房间不满意。2. Search for another room.2. 寻找其他房间。 3. Room moves and update system3. 换房并更新系统信息。.Arrange

7、room and confirm satisfaction4. 准备换房并与客人确认。5. Room change.5. 换房。Make apology guest and ask him what type of room he would like to have. Saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, Would you please inform me what kind of room would you like? I am sorry. We should have anticipated your needs fo

8、r a non-smoking room. Please let me take care of your room change and I will get back to you right away?向客人至歉并询问需要之房型。 与客人保持目光接触并微笑着告诉客人:“XX 先生/女士, 请您告诉我您需要什么样的房间。对不起,我们应该预计到您需要一个不吸烟的房间。请允许我为您准备一间新的房间,我将马上为您准备好。”Try to find a room in the computer quickly and answer you will change to guest.( If unde

9、r a high occupancy, inform guest that you will try you best to arrange it and ask guest in the room first and call back to guest within 10 minutes. ) Saying with eye contact and smile: “Can you with a moment, I check for the room. 尽快的为客人找到相应的房间并告诉客人。(如果在 出租率很高的情况下,请告知客人,并让客人在房间等候,在10分钟内给客人答复。)与客人保持目

10、光接触并微笑着告诉客人:“请稍等一下,我马上为您找新的房间。”Once the room is located, immediately change the room in the computer; GRO-Reception makes sure the prior with vacant dirty status.一旦找到相应的房间立刻在电脑中进行更换并更换房态。 Change room for guest. Saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX. I have a Room XX on the same category.

11、 Shall I change it for you now? Prepare the room key and new holder, and then inform Concierge change the room for guest, The Regent Club Agent saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, this is Eric; he will change the room for you and take care of your luggage. We wish you enjoy your stay

12、with us.为客人进行换房,与客人保持目光接触并微笑着告诉客人:“XX先生/女士, 我为您准备了一间房间,房号是XX, 我可以现在开始为您更换房间吗?”准备好新的钥匙和登记夹,并通知礼宾部一起为客人换房。与客人保持目光接触并告诉客人:我的同事“艾瑞克”会为您换房。希望您在我们酒店入住愉快。Help guest to meet the demands at the first time.在第一时间满足客人的需求Delivery of warm and natural service.为客人提供所需的服务Avoid to making the mistake show our sincerit

13、y to guest.避免产生误会Keep guest informed what you have done.随时告知客人你的进度 Let guests experience the convenient and swift service让客人感受到方便和快捷的服务TASK NO : 01ROOM CHANGE HANDLING PAGE (2/3) 处理客人换房要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDU

14、REWHY6. CLA offers a courtesy call.6. 礼貌的反馈电话。Situation 2:During guest stay, request guest exchange room due to guest room facility damage or other reasons.在客人入住期间,因为客人房间设施问题和其他原因需要给客人换房。1. Prepare the new room.1. 准备新的房间。2. Call to guest.2. 给客人打电话。3 Club Agent change the room for guest and Assist. M

15、gr/Mgr dial a courtesy call after changing room3. 丽晶酒廊的员工为客人换完房后副经理或经理要给客人打个反馈电话。Concierge must take back the old room key, CLA call to guest after changing room, saying with a smile voice: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, this is Robin calling from Club Lounge, do you satisfy with your new room? If anything we can

16、do for you just let me know. Have a nice day.礼宾部的行李员必须在换完房后把旧的房卡收回,在给客人换完房后,立刻给客人打个反馈电话,并保持微笑的声音:XX 先生/女士,我是丽晶俱乐部的“罗宾”,您对刚给您换得房间还满意吗?r如果有什么我们能为您效劳的请尽管吩咐。祝您有愉快的一天。If guest is not in his room, CLA should leave a voice mail or a type message to guest.如果客人不在房间,员工应该通过语音或书面给客人留言。Prepare the better room of

17、 the same type; make the room key and key holder. Then arrange an amenities (fruit or a chocolate box) delivery to guest room.为客人准备同一房型中更好的房间,准备好钥匙夹和钥匙,准备一些礼品(水果或巧克力)送到客人房间。Do make sure everything is ready, call to guest room by saying with a smile voice: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, We are sorry for the inconve

18、nience. We have already arranged a room which will meet your expectation, Would you mind changing the room now?确保一切准备就绪后给客人打电话,并保持微笑的声音:“XX先生/女士,我们对给您造成的不便深表歉意。我们已经按您的要求准备好了意见房间,不知您是否介意我现在帮您换房。”After changing the room get back the changeful key, Club Assistant Manager call to guest by saying with a

19、smile voice: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, this is Robin calling from Regent Club, we are so sorry for the inconvenience caused. How about the new room? If anything we can assist you, please do not hesitate to contact me though the Regent Touch at Ext. XX. Wish you Have a nice day.为客人换完房并收回旧的钥匙后,丽晶酒廊的副经理要给客人打个反馈电

20、话,并保持微笑的声音:“XX先生/女士, 我是丽晶酒廊的“罗宾”,我们对给您带来的不便再次的深表歉意,您对新的房间还满意吗?如果有任何我们能为您效劳的事请通过丽晶服务中心与我联系,我的分机号码是XX。祝您有愉快的一天 ”If guest is not in his room, Club Assistant Manager should leave a voice mail or a type message to guest.如果客人不在房间,丽晶酒廊的副经理应该通过语音或书面给客人留言。Follow up is very important that we can guarantee tha

21、t guest is satisfied.确保跟进对客人的服务并保证客人满意Remedying in time.及时地与客人沟通Let guest feel that we pay attention to and show loving care for him from the beginning to the end.自始至终让客人感到我们对他的关注Follow up is very important that we can guarantee that guest is satisfied.确保跟进对客人的服务并保证客人满意TASK NO : 01ROOM CHANGE HANDLI

22、NG PAGE (3/3) 处理客人换房要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHYSituation 3:Guest requested for a room change the day before. The room has been pre assigned.客人已于前一天提出换房,且房间已分出Guest comes to Club Reception Counter to inquirer

23、 about his room change.客人来到行政楼层接待询问换房事宜1. Assist guest room change 1. 帮助客人换房2. If guest prefers another time.2 如客人希望其他时间3. Change room. 3. 换房4. Issue new room key to guest when guest come back4. 当客人回店后将新的钥匙交至客人All the room change must be informed concern department.所有换房需通知相关部门Saying with eye contact

24、 and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, we are noted that you will change room today. Everything is ready. Could you please let us know what is the convenience time for us to change room?保持目光接触且微笑说:“XX先生/女士,我们今天已经看到了您的换房,所有的事情已经准备好了。不知您什么时间方便换房?”Saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, Would you pleas

25、e pack your luggage? We will change the room for you with hotel security automatically. When you come back you just collect the new room key at the Club. Thank you so much.保持目光接触且微笑说:“XX先生/女士,您能收拾您的行李吗?我们将和酒店的保安部门一同给您换房。您回店后可到行政楼层取回您新的钥匙,非常感谢!”Arrange Concierge and Security department change luggage

26、 for guest. Then ask housekeeping check the original room.礼宾部和保安部一同将行李换至新的房间。然后通知客房部查房When guest come back to collect the new room key , saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Ms. XX, this is your new room key , the room number is XX, your luggage is in the room, May I have your original key, ple

27、ase?当客人回来拿新的房卡时,保持目光接触且微笑说:“XX先生/女士,您的房间号码是XX,这是您新的房卡,您得行李已经被放置在您的房间,您能把原房间的钥匙交给我们吗?”Four department have to be informed of the room change: 换房需通知以下四个部门:-The Regent Touch总机-Housekeeping 客房部 -Laundry洗衣房-In Room Dinning 送餐部 Put guests convenience in the first place every time.任何时候客人的利益都在第一位Pay attenti

28、on to guests patience; dont let guests do unnecessary waiting, offer the efficient service.注意客人的耐性提供高效的服务,不要让客人做无谓的等待Ensure the safety of guests article.保证客人物品的安全性Share the information with the department concerned to avoid the mistake on the work shows sincerity.要和相关的部门保持沟通,避免工作失误及表现出真挚的态度TASK NO :

29、 02LATE CHECK OUT REQUEST HANDLING PAGE (1/1) 处理客人延迟退房要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHY1.Guest request late check out1 客人要求延时退房2.Confirm the late check out charge with guest according to hotel policy 2 根据酒店规定,与客人确

30、认收费3. Communication with colleagues.3与同事的沟通Obtain the exact time that guest intends to check out, say with smile:” Mr./Ms. XX, could you mind I confirm your late check out time?” 获得客人想要退房的准确时间,面带微笑:“XX先生/女士,您是否介意告诉我们您想要退房的时间The default hotel check out time is 12PM and if guest is Golden Point member

31、 the check out time can extend to 16PM without any charge. Between 12PM18PM, half-day rate will be charged, after 18PM full day rate will be charged. (Note: The GRA may give a guest free late check out only until 14PM)酒店的正常退房时间是下午12点,如果客人是金卡会员则可免费延迟到下午16点,下午12-18点之间需收取半天房费,下午18点之后则收取全天房费。(备注:GRA可以给客

32、人免费延至下午14点)Put the time in the departure field on the folio and leave a trace to check out staff, type the departure time and the charge instruction on the check out message.将退房时间键入folio中的相应位置并给退房的同事留言,并将退房时间和收费情况输入至退房留言中To get accurate guest information so as to provide precise service.尽可能收集客人的准确信息

33、以为客人提供准确地服务Anticipate guest request show our caring about guest at every time.在任何时候预见客人的需求并表现出我们的关注Avoid hotel revenue losses.避免酒店的收入损失TASK NO : 03IN-HOUSE GUEST EXTENSION REQUEST HANDLING PAGE (1/2) 处理客人延住要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREA

34、KDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHYReceive extension requirement from guest.接到客人的延住要求Check the days to be extended查看需要延住的日期Check the room availability status.查看房间状态Check guest balance.查看客人的消费情况Politely obtain guests name and room number and verify with the computer. Say with eye contact and smile: “Nin Hao ,

35、 Mr. /Mrs. XX, How may I help you?”礼貌的询问客人的姓名和房间号码并且在电脑中核对。保持目光接触且微笑说:“早上好,XX先生/女士,有什么我可以帮您的?”Saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. /Mrs. XX, may I know that how long will you want to extend?”保持目光接触且微笑说:“XX先生/女士,我能够知道您希望延住到什么时间?”Check the room availability status in the computer.在电脑中查看房间情况Check wi

36、th Team Leader or GSM if guest wants to extend the day during high occupancy.如客人在高出租率情况下需要延住,可申请主管或客户服务经理If we cannot make extension for guest we need help the guest to book another hotel and offer necessary assistant.如我们不能满足客人的延住要求,我们应为客人预定其他酒店并提供必要的服务To check guests cash deposit or credit card app

37、roval amount.查看客人的押金情况或信用卡预授权情况But, please check it in a polite way and keep guests regard. If deposit is not enough. Notice guest to pay more deposit for change payment. By saying with eye contact and smile: “Mr. / Mrs. XX, I very sorry to inform you that your deposit could not cover your extension

38、 stay, could you add more deposit please?但是我们必须以尊重客人的方式检查。如客人的押金已不够,提醒客人续付押金, To ensure the correct room number to provide precise service.确认正确的房间号码以保证提供准确地服务Get accurate information to provide precise service.获取正确的信息以保证提供准确地服务Credit policy should be applied.遵守财务制度TASK NO : 03IN-HOUSE GUEST EXTENSIO

39、N REQUEST HANDLING PAGE (2/2) 处理客人延住要求DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHYCheck if company or travel agent pays guest.核查公司或旅行社是否为此客人付账保持目光接触且微笑说:“XX先生/女士,我非常遗憾的通知您,您的押金已不足以支付您延住时的消费,您能否续交押金?”If it is credit card paymen

40、t, accept extension request at first, check approval amount later. If not enough, call bank or get more approval amount through EDC machine.如果是信用卡付费,先接受延住要求,再查看预授权情况,如果不够,致电银行或通过EDC获取足够的预授权If paid by company or travel agent, written extension notice is needed at least before departure, otherwise exp

41、lain to guest we will charge to guests own account the room booked through travel agency, if we could not get the extension notice from them before guest departure, the rate for guest will be changed to walk in guest rate (for the extension days only).如果是由公司或者旅行社付费,应在离店前一天收到延住通知,否则我们将要向客人解释此费用将从客人个人

42、账户中收取,如果是通过旅行社订房,如果我们在离店前一天没有收到延住通知,我们将按照上门散客价收取客人的房费(仅是延住期间)Make extension for guest in computer immediately if the above terms & conditions are acceptable, update room key for guest.如果以上情况合适立即在电脑中给客人做延房并且给客人更新钥匙Update guests profile to show our superior service standard.更新客史显示我们服务的高标准. TASK NO : 0

43、4MESSAGE & PARCEL HANDLING PAGE (1/2) 信件和包裹的接收与转交DEPARTMENT: Front OfficeAPPROVED BY/ TITLE/ DATE: Keith Tomkies / Director of RoomsTASK BREAKDOWNSTANDARD PROCEDUREWHY1. Check whether the guest is registered with the hotel.核查客人是否已入住酒店2. Check for the type of message preferred. 确认留言形式Upon receiving t

44、he request to leave a message for a guest, request for the guest name and room number (if possible). Check against the system to ensure that the guest is registered with the hotel before taking a message.在接受客人留言前,询问客人的姓名及房间号码(如果可能).在留言前在电脑系统中核实客人是否已经住店Messages should be taken for in house and reserv

45、ed (incoming) guests. 留言须给住店或预抵客人There are several ways that a guest can leave a message. Explain to and inquire from the guest which he/she would prefer:我们有几种留言方式,向客人说明且询问客人他/她希望以何种方式留言1) Voicemail 语音留言 A message can be left directly in a guests phone. Call the operator and inform that a guest would like to leave a voicemail. H


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