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北京丽晶国际酒店 到店与离店的体验手册ARR & DEP SOP.doc

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1、 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESSTANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESARRIVAL & DEPARTURE EXPERIENCE到店与离店的体验ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE EXPERIENCE INDEXTask No. Description任务编号 任务描述1 Daily Preparation of Next Days Arrivals为次日预到店客人所做的日常准备工作2 Same Day Room Allocation and Monitoring Room Status当日房间分配与监控房态3 Preparation of

2、 Limousine Transportation Services豪华轿车运输服务的准备工作4 Limousine Set-up Standards豪华轿车装备标准5 Meeting & Greeting Guests at the Airport在机场迎接、问候客人6 Airport Pick-up Service接机服务7 Airport Drop-off Service送机服务8 Assisting Guests with Exit Procedure & Bidding Farewell at the Airport在机场帮助客人办理离港并道别9 Hotel Arrival and

3、Check-in for Individually Arriving Guests散客到店与登记10 Welcoming Guests at the Club Lounge在行政楼层酒廊欢迎客人11 Greeting and Assisting Guests Applying the 5-10 Rule运用5-10准则问候、帮助客人12 Rooming A Club Floor Rate Paying Guest 引领行政楼层客人至房间13 In-room Amenities客房内赠品14 Hotel Arrival and Check-in with Booked Airport Pick-

4、Up预定接机客人的到店与登记15 Luggage Service Delivery行李运送服务16 Butler Service Introduction to Guests向客人介绍管家服务17 Additional Arrival Procedures For TOP VIPs and Long staying Guests适用于头等重要客人和长住客人的附加到店程序18 Handling Guest Awaiting Room Situations处理客人等房的情况19 Check-in of Unexpected Arrivals (Walk-Ins, Early Arrivals) 意

5、外到店客人的登记(无预定散客、早到店客人)20 Group Arrival Procedure团队到店登记程序21 Method of Payment Collection on Arrival (Cash, CC and Voucher Payment) 客人到店时的收款方法(现金、转账及凭单)22 Third Party Payment Procedure第三方付款程序23 Book-Out Situation Handling满房情况的处理方法24 Preparation of Daily Expected Departures为每日预期离店客人所做的准备工作25 Check-out a

6、nd Departure Procedure with Booked Airport Drop-Off预定送机客人的结帐与离店程序26 Check-out and Departure Procedure without Booked Airport Drop-off无预定送机客人的结帐与离店程序27 Arrival and Departures of Disabled Guests残疾客人的到店与离店28 Group Departure Procedure团队离店程序29 Lost Luggage Handling行李丢失情况的处理方法30 Doorman Service门童服务TASK NO

7、任务编号: 01DAILY PREPARATION OF NEXT DAYS ARRIVALS 为次日预到店客人所做的日常准备工作(page1/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Print Next Days Arrival Report & Reg. Cards打印次日预到店客人报表和登记卡Copy Correspondence复印函件Double-check Re

8、servation Correspondence 仔细检查预定函件Rooms Administrator prints Next Days Arrival Report and Next Days Registration Cards in Opera List & Reports Menu.房管员在Opera 系统的名单与报表菜单里打印次日到店客人报表和次日到店客人的登记卡。RA copies Reservation Correspondence of next days arrivals房管员复印次日到店客人的预定函件。RA goes through Arrival Report (tic

9、king-off completed checks), checks all details of the Reservation Correspondence and ensures that everything has been entered into the system correctly, i.e.:房管员仔细检查预到店客人报表(用记号勾出已检查过的项目),检查预定函件的所有细节,确保每个事项都已被正确地输入系统,如: room type and rate房型与房费 number of rooms and guests房间和客人的数量 arrival- and departure

10、 dates and times到店、离店的日期、时间 billing instructions & routings帐单编制说明和安排flight details & airport transfers (if applicable) 班机详情和机场调度(如Copies will be attached to registration cards For later reference during stay.为了在客人住店期间供参考,复印件应与登记卡附在一起。By going through the report one by one, we ensure that no arrivals

11、 are being missed out.通过逐一仔细检查报表,我们可以确保不会有预到店客人被遗漏We must ensure that all data has been entered into the system correctly or correct mistakes so that everything will be prepared as per guest requestTASK NO任务编号: 01DAILY PREPARATION OF NEXT DAYS ARRIVALS为次日预到店客人所做的日常准备工作(page2/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROV

12、ED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES / TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Attach Correspondence and Messages to Registration Cards把函件和留言与登记卡附在一起Prepare Welcome Folders and key booklets准备欢迎夹和钥匙册适用) any other special requests, i.e. extra bed, baby cot, restaurant res

13、ervations, theatre tickets (traces & profile remarks inserted?) 所有其它特殊要求,如加床、婴儿床、餐厅预定、剧院门票(已插入跟踪和简要备注?)After checking the copied correspondence, they are to be initialed by RA and attached to the pertaining registration cards. Pending messages have to be attached as well.核对完复印的函件后,这些函件应由房管员按照首字母的顺序排

14、列,并附在对应的登记卡上。悬而未决的留言也须附在一起。RA neatly prints guest name, departure date and room rate (only For guests who pay their own account!) on the welcome Folder. RA ensures that all inserts are in order.房管员在欢迎夹上整齐地打印出客人姓名、离店日期和房价(仅适用于自己付账的客人!) ,并确保所有的插入资料都已按顺序排列。R/C& welcome Folders are placed in the R/C rac

15、k by alphabetical order.按照字母顺序把登记卡和欢迎夹放在登记卡架子里。and ready upon arrival.我们必须确保所有的信息都已被正确地输入系统或改正了错误,这样,每件事都会按照客人的要求进行准备,并在客人到店前准备好。Guest messages have to be handed over immediately upon arrival.留言必须在客人到店时立即转交给客人。The presentation of the welcome Folder reflects the hotels image and is part of the first

16、impression.欢迎夹的展示反映着酒店的形象,而且是留给客人第一印象的一部分。To be prepared For the next day.为次日做好准备。TASK NO 任务编号 : 01DAILY PREPARATION OF NEXT DAYS ARRIVALS为次日预到店客人所做的日常准备工作(page3/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Block

17、Rooms锁定房间RA blocks room according to arrival times and guest requirements as per guest profile and traces, i.e. smoking/ non-smoking, bed types, locations (high floor, near elevator) etc.按照客人的跟踪和简要备注,如吸烟房/无烟房、床型、位置(高层、靠近电梯)等,由房管员锁定房间。During high occupancy levels, block rooms in the Following order:在

18、高住房率期间,应按以下顺序锁定房间:1) Regular Guests and TOP VIPs. 常住客人和头等重要客人;2) Early Arrivals: Block vacant rooms only早到店客人:只能锁定空房;3) All other special requests (twin, near elevator, etc.). 所有的其它特殊要求(双床、靠近电梯等);4) Late Arrivals: For special requests, these may be blocked on a last resort back-to-back with next day

19、s departures. However, sufficient time must be allowed For HSK to clean them.晚到店客人:由于特殊要求,可以为这些晚到店客人锁定次日预期离店的房间,但是,应该为客房部留出充足的时间来打扫房间;Do not block rooms without special requirements and with We must ensure that guests are provided with requested room types immediately upon arrival.我们必须确保当客人到店时立即提供给客

20、人其所要求的房型To ensure that rooms are available on guest arrival and that guest requirements are met.确保客人到店时可以提供房间,并满足客人的要求。To avoid unnecessary repeated TASK NO 任务编号 : 01DAILY PREPARATION OF NEXT DAYS ARRIVALS为次日预到店客人所做的日常准备工作(page4/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES / TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DA

21、TE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Place DNC标注“不要取消”Check Amenity Level核对赠品级别Print &Prepare Reports For Next Days Arrival Meeting为次日预到店客人的迎接工作打印并准备好报表5) Unknown arrival times. These will be allocated as and when rooms become available the next morning.不要为没有特殊要求和到店时间不确定的客人锁

22、定房间,待次日早晨有可用房时再分配。RA places DNC in the instructions field For all blockings that must not be unblocked under any circumstances, i.e. particular room requested by guest, special set-up in room, etc. 对于所有在任何情况下都不能解锁的锁定房间,如客人要求的特定房间、特殊布置的房间等,房管员应在指令区域标注“不要取消”。RA checks amenity level and ensure that the

23、 guests preferred amenity will be chosen. For 1st visit guests or guests without preferred amenity, assign amenities in cycles from 1-5.房管员核对赠品级别,确保选定客人首选的赠品。对于首次预到店的客人或没有首选赠品的客人,按1-5级循环分配赠品。RA prints and prepares reports For Next Days Arrival Meeting For the relevant sections, i.e. Concierge, Club

24、Lounge, F&B, HSK, Mgmt., etc.为了次日预到店客人的迎接工作,房管员应为相关部门打印并准备好报表,如礼宾部、行政楼层酒廊、餐饮部、客房部、管理层等。unblocking and blocking. 避免不必要地重复锁房、解锁房Internal communication to other colleagues which facilitates work process.与其他同事的内部沟通可以为工作过程提供便利。Only 100% service delivery will distinct us from other 5 star hotels.只有百分之百地提供

25、服务才能使我们区别于其它的五星级酒店。To avoid misunderstandings and ensure smooth operation.避免误解,并确保操作顺利。TASK NO : 02SAME DAY ROOM ALLOCATION AND MONITORING ROOM STATUS当日房间分配与监控房态)page1/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么

26、Review early arrivals检查早到店客人的资料Change blockings 改变锁定的房间Liaise with HSK and Amenities Department 联络客房部和提供赠品的FO RA to go through all early arrivals and check status of blocked rooms, concentrating on regular guests and other VIPs.房管员仔细检查所有早到店客人的资料,并检查锁定房间的状态,要特别注意常住客人和重要客人。 If any blocked rooms are Fo

27、und to be occupied or dirty and can be replaced by vacant clean rooms, blockings are changed and Housekeeping and Amenities Department informed accordingly. 如果发现任何锁定的房间被占用或尚未打扫完,可以换成净空房,锁房状态要更改,并相应地通知客房部和提供赠品的部门。 If there are no vacant clean rooms of required categories available or if blocking can

28、not be changed due to any other reason (e.g. DNC) RA liaises with Housekeeping and Amenities Department to ensure rooms get ready in time for guest arrival.如果没有所需类型的净空房可以提供或因其它原因不能更改锁定的房间(如“不能取消”),房管员应与客房部和提供赠品的部门联络,以确保及时地为客人到店准备好房间。To ensure rooms are ready For early arrivals, especially VIPs.确保为早到

29、店客人准备好房间,特别是重要客人。Make life easier For ourselves and our colleagues.使我们自己和同事们的生活更轻松。Ensure rooms will be ready as per scheduled arrival times by maintaining adequate communication.通过保持充分的沟通来确保在预定的到店时间准备好房间。TASK NO : 02SAME DAY ROOM ALLOCATION AND MONITORING ROOM STATUS当日房间分配与监控房态(page2/4)DEPARTMENT:

30、FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Prepare rooms on standby准备好备用房间Review all other arrivals and monitor room status throughout the day检查所有其他到店客人的资料并全天监控房态Check due-outs检查预离店客人的资料RA ensures to have a set of rooms avail

31、able on standby For unexpected arrivals, ideally covering all different categories. RA liaises with Housekeeping to ensure these rooms are prepared with Welcome Tea Set-up and other Welcome Amenities.房管员应保证有一批可卖房备用,最好包括所有的不同房型,以应意外到店客人之需。房管员应与客房部联络,以保证这些房间已准备好了“欢迎茶”和其它“欢迎赠品”。RA continues the above p

32、rocess working through all scheduled arrivals by arrival time sequence and monitors room status of all arrivals and especially back-to-back blockings.房管员继续以上步骤,根据到店顺序为所有预到店客人安排好房间,并监控所有预到店房间的状态,特别是锁定的“背靠背”房间。RA checks if the departure times For all due-outs have been duly noted and entered into the

33、system. For any missing times, RA double-checks guest profiles and registration card For remarks or instructions.房管员应检查是否已适时地注意到了所有预离店客人的离店时间。对于任何不确定的离店时间,房管员应仔细检查客人的资料和登记卡中的备注或说明Always be prepared For unexpected arrivals to avoid unnecessary last minute rushes or delays.为了避免不必要地在最后时刻赶房或耽搁,一定要时刻为意外到

34、店客人做好准备。To ensure rooms are ready For all arrivals as per scheduled arrival times.确保按照预定的到店时间为所有预到店客人准备好房间。To avoid inconveniencing guests unnecessarily, internal files are checked first.为了避免给客人造成不必要的麻烦,应首先检查内部档案。TASK NO 任务编号 : 02SAME DAY ROOM ALLOCATION AND MONITORING ROOM STATUS 当日房间分配与监控房态(page3/

35、4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Follow-up on missing departure times 进一步调查不确定的离店时间If any departure times are missing after check of internal files, RA calls guest room and asks politely For scheduled

36、departure time, saying: “Good morning/ afternoon/evening, Mrs./Mr.xxx. My name is xxx, Im calling from Reception. According to our records you will be checking-out today, is that correct?” 如果有任何离店时间在检查内部档案后仍不确定,房管员应打电话到客房并有礼貌地询问预离店时间,说:“早晨/下午/晚上好,xxx 女士/先生。我叫xxx,从前台接待处给您打电话。根据我们的记录,您今天预计离店,是吗?” If g

37、uest advises different departure date, system is checked and reservation extended. If the hotel or room type is fully booked, RA checks with Supervisor and extends where possible. 如果客人告知不同的离店时间,要核对系统并延长预定。如果酒店或该房型订满了,房管员应与主管协商,在可能的情况下,为客人办理延住。 If guest confirms departure on that day, RA asks politel

38、y for the departure time: “At what time are you planning to leave your room, Madam/Sir?” Advised departure time is entered in system. While we do not want to make guests feel that we want them to leave, we still need to get an accurate booking and rooms status. 尽管我们不想让客人们觉得我们想让他们离店,我们仍需获得准确的预定和房态。TA

39、SK NO 任务编号 : 02SAME DAY ROOM ALLOCATION AND MONITORING ROOM STATUS 当日房间分配与监控房态(page4/4)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Follow-up on exceeded departure times 如果客人确定当日离店,房管员应有礼貌地询问离店时间:“那么,女士/先生,您打算何时离开房间

40、?”获悉的时间要输入系统。If necessary, refer to Extension of late check-outs SOP or Book-out Situation Handling SOP.如有必要,可提及“延时结帐的标准操作程序”或“处理满房情况的标准操作程序”。If guests advise that their departure time is still not confirmed (e.g. guest is on a waiting list For a flight) RA enters TBA/00:01. This displays that the g

41、uest has been asked on that same day.如果客人告知其离店时间仍未确定(如客人在等班机),房管员应在系统中输入“TBA/00:01”,这表明当日已问过此客人。If the departure time in Opera is already exceeded, RA to proceed as outlined above, after hotels check-out time, i.e. 12pm. If guest can not be reached in his room over the phone, RA inserts standard For

42、mat Departure Follow-up Message.如果Opera系统中的离店时间已过,如超过了酒店规定的结账时间晚十二点,房管员应如以上要点所述采取进一步行动。如果不能通过电话与客人在客房里取得联系,房管员应插入标准版式的“离店追踪留言”。So that guest get the message as soon as they get back to their room and can contact us.这样,当客人一回到客房就会看到留言并与我们联系。TASK NO任务编号 : 03PREPARATION OF LIMOUSINE TRANSPORTATION SERVI

43、CES 豪华轿车运输服务的准备工作(page1/2)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任务细目STANDARD PROCEDURE标准程序WHY为什么Establish Forecasts建立预报机制Updating Continuously不断更新Ensure Availability of Cars and Drivers保证提供车辆与司机Standby Limousines备用豪华大轿车Concierge prepares mo

44、nthly, weekly and daily Limousine Forecasts, to include all bookings, i.e. airport pick-ups, airport drop-offs and other limousine bookings. 礼宾部应准备每月、每周和每日的豪华轿车预报表,应包括所有的预定,如接机、送机和其它轿车预定等。The overviews are continuously updated as new bookings are made.接到新预定时,应不断更新预报表。Concierge must ensure that suffi

45、cient cars and drivers are available to cover all scheduled bookings. 礼宾部必须确保能够提供足够的车辆和司机来为所有的预定服务。Additional cars on standby should be available at all times to allow For limousine service promotion and last minute requests.应随时可以提供额外的备用车辆,以应豪华大轿车服务升级和最后紧急需求之用。To obtain an accurate overview of all u

46、pcoming limousine requirements at all times.随时获得将来一段时期内豪华大轿车需求的所有准确信息。To be able to make the necessary outsourcing arrangements as and when necessary.必要时,能够安排外来的豪华轿车。To allow limousine up selling.实现豪华大轿车的升级销售。TASK NO任务编号 : 03PREPARATION OF LIMOUSINE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 豪华轿车运输服务的准备工作(page2/2)DEPARTMENT: FO :APPROVED BY MR.KEITH TOMKIES/ TITLE: DOR/APPROVAL DATE: 批准人/职位/批准日期:TASK BREAKDOWN任


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