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1、一、单选题()1.The old woman got into the _ of storing money under the bed.(1分)AtraditionBmannerCtroubleDhabit正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开2.Whats that terrible noise? The neighbors _ for a party.(1分)Ahave preparedBare preparingCprepareDwill prepare正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开3.The bus runs past the building once every fi

2、ve minutes _ the average.(1分)AaboveBbelowCatDon正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开4.It is _ to examine these questions carefully by doing more group discussions.(1分)AworthyBworthCworthwhileDworthy of正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开5.Knowledge ( ) in different ways.(1分)Awill be acquiredBcan be acquiredCacquiresDwill acquire正确答

3、案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开6.It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe.(1分)Aas twiceBtwice muchCtwice much asDtwice as much正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开7.Mr. Jones has just arrived, but he talks as if he _ everything here(1分)Awill knowBknewChas knownDknow正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开8.She and M

4、ary not only look alike but also _ the same tastes and interests(1分)AproduceBshareCprovideDcopy正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开9.The two brothers have so _ in common in their taste and manners that they are even unwilling to share the same room.(1分)AlittleBmuchCfewDmany正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开10.Dr. Jones, many stu

5、dents want to see you.( ) they wait here or outside?(1分)ADoBWillCShallDWould正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开11.Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.(1分)AbecauseBso thatCeven ifDas正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开12.Alice returned from the managers office, _ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.(1分)Aha

6、ving toldBtellsCto tellDtelling正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开13.Do you remember _ to Professor Smith during your last visit?(1分)Ato be introducedBto have introducedChaving introducedDbeing introduced正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开14.The students felt ( ) about their teachers words.(1分)AdifficultBfavoriteCunwrittenDpuzzl

7、ed正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开15.We are looking for someone with the _ of patience, tolerance and understanding.(1分)AquantitiesBfiguresCperformanceDqualities正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开16.The building plan was postponed again, and the delay was _ part due to the heavy rain.(1分)AofBinCforDwith正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开17.

8、The worn coat reminded the couple _ the hard times they experienced at the beginning of their marriage.(1分)AforBofCwithDto正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开18.It wont be long before she _ living a new life in a foreign country.(1分)Aused toBgets usedCgets used toDbe used to正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开19.When he heard the

9、good news a(n) _ smile burst forth on his face.(1分)AabroadBboardCbreakDbroad正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开20.Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up.(1分)Ashould have arrivedBshould arriveCshould have had arrivedDshould be arriving正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开21.Last year a flood in the country _ in t

10、he deaths of more than 6,000 people.(1分)AcausedBresultedCbroughtDled正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开22.I took out a ( ) in the hospital yesterday.(1分)AteethBtoothesCtoothDteeths正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开23.The incident gave _ to an endless debate on whether genetically modified food can be consumed.(1分)AraiseBriseCar

11、iseDrisen正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开24.What would have happened _ as far as the river bank?(1分)Aif Bob has walked fartherBif Bob should walk fartherChad Bob walked fartherDif Bob walked farther正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开25.Her project( )good and reasonable.(1分)Alistens toBhearsCsoundsDlooks正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开26.

12、Popular songs are not to my _ but to his.(1分)AadvantageBprofitCgoodDtaste正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开27.Scientists are trying to find more _ ways to make full use of solar energy(1分)AdisrespectfulBcasualCefficientDpunctual正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开28.How do you punish the kids who _ stones at tourists?(1分)ApointB

13、drawCpullDthrow正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开29.The school is ( ) the other side of the street.(1分)AatBinCforDon正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开30.Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation _ between them.(1分)AdistanceBwayCgapDhole正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开31.Every time Jane has trouble _ her car started, Sea

14、n will show up to lend a hand.(1分)AgetBgettingCto gettingDto get正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开32.We _ booked. Look, this restaurant is almost empty.(1分)Amust haveBcant haveCshould haveDneednt have正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开33.I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.(1分)AgaveBwas givenCwas givingD

15、had given正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开34.I _ with him years ago as he immigrated to Canada with his family.(1分)Alost consciousnessBlost sightClost lineDlost touch正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开35.At present the bedroom has to be _ by at least six students.(1分)AheldBdividedCsharedDseparated正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开36.Great c

16、hanges _ in Shanghai since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy.(1分)Atook placeBhas taken placeChas been taken placeDhave taken place正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开37.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days.(1分)Aof whichBduring whichCfrom which

17、Dfor which正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开38.This time in Beijing I visited all the places I had _ to see, like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.(1分)AlongedBsucceededCmetDimagined正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开39.Theyve just _ a new house in the country at a great sum of money.(1分)AbargainedBrobbedCcomputedDpurchased

18、正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开40.I was on the highway when his car went past. He _ at least 150 kilometers an hour.(1分)Ashould have been doingBmust have been doingCcould have doneDwould have done正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开41.Unlike young people who accept changes and fashions easily, old people tend to be more _(1分)

19、AconservativeBfashionableCbackwardDgentle正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开42.I couldnt ( )this computer, because I had no money.(1分)AbuyBpurchaseCofferDafford正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开43.Much to our surprise, her _ to the award was indifference.(1分)ApositionBtendencyCsignalDreaction正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开44.Mr. and Mrs.

20、Green are worried that their daughter is recently _ with a suspicious guy.(1分)Agoing onBgoing throughCgoing outDgoing down正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开45.The young mother finds it hard to _ her two-year-old son as he keeps running here and there during the mealtime.(1分)AraiseBrearCtendDfeed正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误

21、展开46.It goes without saying that a real sportsman will never dream _ cheating in a game(1分)AtoBforCwithDof正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开47.Its about time people _ notice of what women did during the war.(1分)AtakeBhave takenCwill takeDtook正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开48.He ( )quite a lot when he was young.(1分)Aused to

22、travelBused to travelingCwas used to travelDwould use to travel正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开49.School life always has a great _ on the formation of a childs character.(1分)AflexibilityBconflictCinfluenceDefficiency正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开50.This incident at the meeting is a _ example of his lack of self-control.(

23、1分)AtypicalBbareCcloseDrapid正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开51.Eating and drinking too much is harmful ( )health.(1分)AonBatCaboutDto正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开52.Have you ( ) the post office?(1分)Alook forBlooked forCfoundDfind正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开53.Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against th

24、e laws get parents _.(1分)AworriedBto worryCworryingDworry正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开54.A company must establish and maintain a(n) _ quality management system in order to be successful.(1分)ApatientBsocialCrelativeDefficient正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开55.He immediately bought the bird and sent it to his mother. It _

25、 him $50.(1分)AspentBpaidCtookDcost正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开56.The bills _ to more than $1000, which greatly exceeded our budget.(1分)Aadded upBwent onCbroke downDgot off正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开57.If you had to _ between staying here alone or going with me, what would you do?(1分)AarrangeBdifferCselectDchoose正确

26、答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开58.Id rather you _ come here to see the film. Its really long and boring.(1分)AhaventBdontCdidntDhadnt正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开59.We all agreed to her suggestion that we _ to the Great Wall for sightseeing (观光).(1分)Awill goBgoCshall goDshould have gone正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开60.Going on a _

27、has become a fashion among many young girls who wish to keep slim.(1分)AfigureBwreckCdietDlawn正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开61.It is said that what _ the big forest fire was a small cigarette butt.(1分)Aled toBresulted fromCmade upDput out正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开62.If you really become absorbed in a _, like traveli

28、ng, reading or fishing, your interest may last a life time.(1分)AcustomBhobbyChabitDschedule正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开63.Parents are taught to understand _ important education is to their childrens future.(1分)AthatBhowCsuchDso正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开64.Ive been telling her time and again that we cant _ another

29、 holiday, but she wont listen.(1分)AspendBsaveCaffordDstress正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开65._ I didnt believe her but then I realized that she was telling the truth.(1分)AFirstlyBAt firstCFirst of allDFirst正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开66.If the money problem can be solved, we would rather _ with the experiment than giv

30、e it up.(1分)Ago onBtake onChold upDtake over正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开67.From _ I know of him, I should say he is honest and reliable.(1分)AthatBhowCwhichDwhat正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开68.Mary would rather that she _ to the party yesterday evening.(1分)Adidnt goBnot goCnot goneDhadnt gone正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开69.Th

31、e concert conducted by Mr. Andrews proved very _.(1分)AexcitingBexcitedCto exciteDbeing excited正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开70.The larger the house is, _.(1分)Athe higher rent it isBthe higher rent it would haveCthe higher the rent isDthe higher rent it would be正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开71.The management is worse be

32、cause the regulations have not been _ carried out.(1分)AeffectivelyBefficientlyCenoughDdefinitely正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开72.We are deeply impressed by the _ of humor in his lecture.(1分)AfeelingBemotionCsenseDknowledge正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开73.The principal _ a diploma to each of the graduates.(1分)Apresented

33、Bhanded outCarrangedDpermitted正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开74._ only by ones appearance, Im sure, will have you get just half of him or less(1分)AJudgedBJudgingCTo be judgedDJudge正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开75.Tony Zhang teaches kungfu in San Francisco not only to _ a living, but also to promote Chinese culture.(1分)A

34、takeBmakeCbreakDbake正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开76.The doctors were amazed at his quick recovery from a _ operation.(1分)AimportantBslightCseriousDmajor正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开77.The _ of ice sold increases sharply in the summer months.(1分)AaccountBamountCcountDnumber正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开78.Having _ neighbors can

35、 make ones life an absolute misery.(1分)AbroadBpleasedCunpleasantDdifferent正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开79._ of making progress, my work actually seems to be going backwards.(1分)AIn spiteBIn caseCIncludingDInstead正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开80.( )her age, she really did a good job in such a short time.(1分)AGivingBGiv

36、esCGiveDGiven正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开81.The teacher _ for a few seconds till he found proper words to make his idea clearer.(1分)Abroke offBbroke throughCbroke outDbroke into正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开82.Id like to know if you could _ the details of the accident.(1分)AremindBrecallCrealizeDmemory正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答

37、错误展开83.She cannot buy daily necessities, _ luxuries.(1分)Ano less thanBmany moreCmuch lessDless than正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开84.A great number of farmers deprived of their farming land flooded into the cities, forming the group we call _ workers.(1分)AmobileBmigrantCflowingDwandering正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开85.

38、The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck.(1分)AwasBwereChad beenDwould be正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开86.Excuse me, can you ( )me 20 dollars for the pounds?(1分)AgiveBofferChelpDchange正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开87.The accident didnt do much _ to either of the m

39、otorcars.(1分)AhurtBinjuryCdamageDloss正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开88.He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter only received a _ share of his wealth.(1分)AmajorBmanyCmuchDminor正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开89.Please remember that it is rude to _ people when they are speaking(1分)AinterfereBinvolveCinvestigateD

40、interrupt正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开90.We will do all we can to relieve (缓解) the symptoms of the patients: that is our_.(1分)Abottom lineBbasic lineCdeadlineDbottom up正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开91.The number of the students who took part in the entrance examination _ great.(1分)AisBareChasDhave正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开9

41、2.Most students find it hard to get a good score on the exam as it is more difficult and _ than they expected.(1分)AskillfulBexperiencedCculturalDcomplicated正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开93.The price of goods usually rises when the supply is not _ to the demand.(1分)AleadingBnormalCadequateDaverage正确答案C您的答案是 未作

42、答回答错误展开94.That supermarket sells ( ) things. Lets do some shopping on weekend.(1分)Aa kind ofBa lot forCall kinds forDall kinds of正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开95.It is a/an _ to a genius to ask him such a simple question.(1分)ApraiseBrespectCinsultDinjury正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开96.He will become a businessman( ) a

43、 teacher.(1分)Aat tableBgood atCinstead ofDa way of正确答案C您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开97.If theres a leak, the first thing to do is to _ the gas supply.(1分)Abreak offBshut offCturn downDget down正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开98.Mr. Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up.(1分)AseriouslyBheavilyCbadlyDhardly正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回

44、答错误展开99.( )she is a likeable girl, she is very difficult to work with.(1分)ASinceBHoweverCAs far asDWhile正确答案D您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开100.He took his umbrella _ it should rain.(1分)Ain case ofBin caseCfor fearDin time正确答案B您的答案是 未作答回答错误一、单选题()1.The two brothers have so _ in common in their taste and manners that they are even unwilling to share the same room.(1分)AlittleBmuchCfewDmany正确答案A您的答案是 未作答回答错误展开2.How do you punish the


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