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1、义务教育教科书女了勃言育蟒彩牛三门口正立J(三年级起点)五年级下册101眉批准文号:湘发改价费(2017) 343号9 17lg元6 P1112 69 。2 26 么3.5 51 . ?|6 忙55价定7 7 9 8 Bl7 s l9 旧置溥P详值hihi)湖南少年儿童出版社HUNANJU11:N鼠巨蠡CH鼠ORENI正埠I值HOUSE湖南少年儿童出版社二 一 二 年 十 二 月义 务 教 育 教 科 书英 语(三年级起点)五 年 级 下 册湖南少年儿童出版社图书在版编目(CIP)数据英语. 五年级. 下册 / 白解红主编. 2版. 长沙 : 湖南少年儿童出版社, 2014.12(201 .1

2、2重印)义务教育教科书ISBN 978-7-5562-0617-9. 英 . 白 . 英语课 小学 教材. G624.311中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第255718号义 务 教 育 教 科 书英 语五年级下册湖 南 少 年 儿 童 出 版 社香港思达出版社有限公司 合作编写湖南少年儿童出版社出版(湖南省长沙市晚报大道89号 邮编: 410016)湖南出版中心重印湖南省新华书店发行湖南天闻新华印务有限公司印制开本:7871092 mm1/16印张:5.52003 年 12 月第 1 版201年 12 月第 2 版第 次印刷ISBN 978-7-5562-0617-9 定价:元本书任

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4、92062湖南少年儿童出版社同学们,欢迎你们来到英语学习课堂!现在,让我们跟着熟悉的 Peter、Anne、Lingling、Dongdong、Tim和可爱的 Dino,一起继续快乐地学习吧!在低年级学习阶段,我们通过有趣的听做、说唱、玩演等活动来学习英语。进入中高年级,课本内容逐步增加了读和写的活动,我们的听说读写能力会得到进一步的锻炼,尤其是我们的读写能力,将会得到更加进一步的强化。在本册课本中,同学们将学习用英语表达科学探究、手工制作、介绍生日、庆祝母亲节、问路等话题;通过英语学习,我们还将更多地了解世界各地一些国家的文化,并逐步学会用英语介绍自己祖国的传统文化。我们相信,在老师的帮助和

5、指导下,同学们只要通过反复练习,就一定可以听懂和读懂更多的英语,用英语说出、写出自己想表达的东西。学习英语无捷径。要想学好英语,别忘了抓住一切参与英语活动的机会,融入英语学习的环境,多听多读。坚持听说,大胆玩演,积极读写。让我们一起努力吧!你们的大朋友:小学英语教材编写组湖南少年儿童出版社湖南少年儿童出版社Unit1Weregoingtoreadstories1Unit2Weregoingtodosomeresearch5Unit3Letsmakeakite9Lets Know More 13Assessment I 14 Unit4Donttalkhere 17Unit5Whensyourb

6、irthday? 21Unit6Illmakeabeautifulcard 25Lets Know More 29 Assessment II 30Unit7Theresapostofficenearmyschool 33Unit8CanyoushowmethewaytotheXinhuaHotel? 37Unit9Heskindtochildren 41Lets Know More 45 Assessment III 46Contents湖南少年儿童出版社Unit10 Wherewereyouyesterday? 49Unit11 Whowasfirst?. 53Unit12 Wheredi

7、dyougo? 57Lets Know More 61 Assessment IV 62Lets Read More 65Word List I 67Word List II 70Structures 74Past Form/Full Form and Short Form 80Countries of the World 81Self-Assessment 82湖南少年儿童出版社Unit 1 1Were going to read stories1Lets Listen and Say What are we going to do today, Miss Li?Are we going t

8、o read the stories?Were going to listen to some interesting stories.Yes, we are. Were going to read them.And were going to put on a short play.Great!Yes, we are.Are we going to talk about them?4132湖南少年儿童出版社32listen totalk aboutreadwrite aboutLets LearnLets PractiseAre we going to write?Yes, we are.N

9、o, we arent.Are we going to talk about our school?put on a playNo, we arent. Were going to write about animals.湖南少年儿童出版社32Lets ReadThis is an email from Miss Li.Number the pictures.Boys and girls, Were going to do interesting things tomorrow. Were going to listen to an interesting story and then rea

10、d it. Im going to write a short play about the story. On Thursday, were going to put on a play together. Were going to have a happy time this week! Miss Li 湖南少年儿童出版社54Lets Have FunDavid is going to play .Amy is going to . Lily . And I .There are four children in your group. There are four animals in

11、 the play. Which role are you going to play? 1. Here is a paper box.2. Write words on four sides of the box.3. Put cards into the box.4. Play a game this way.Lets Write湖南少年儿童出版社Unit 2 2Were going to do some researchLets Listen and Say 5What are we going to do today?Were going to read and find inform

12、ation.And were going to collect pictures.Were going to study and think.Were going to do some research.Were going to write a report.123456湖南少年儿童出版社76Lets LearnLets Practisereadstudy and thinkfindcollectwriteinformationa reportbookssome researchpicturesdoreadfindcollectwriteWhat are we going to do?Wer

13、e going todo some research.read some books.Were going to .What are we going to ?collectcollect pictures湖南少年儿童出版社76Lets ReadThis is Janes notebook:Wild Animals in ChinaMy group is going to do some research. Were going to research wild animals in China. First, were going to read the textbook. Were goi

14、ng to collect pictures of these animals. Were going to ask, “Where do they live?” Were going to find the places on the map. Then were going to write a report.Fill in the form.What are you going to.Were going to.do?do some research.read?collect?ask?find?write?湖南少年儿童出版社98Lets WriteLets Have FunIm goin

15、g to do some research. Im going to do these things. about the wild animals. the textbook. information. pictures or photos of wild animals. a report.Think4. Put the glass in the sun.5. Draw some pictures.6. Make a small book.7. Show your book.3. Water them.2. Plant seeds in the soil.1. Put some soil

16、into a glass.湖南少年儿童出版社Unit 3 3Lets make a kiteLets Listen and Say 9812345678And then, cut the paper.Miss Li is showing us how to make a kite.Lastly, glue the paper on the bamboo and tie a string to the kite. We need paper and bamboo.Next, draw a picture and paint it with a brush.Boys and girls, do y

17、ou know how to make a kite?Look at my beautiful kite!First, cut the bamboo.Let me show you how to make a kite.湖南少年儿童出版社1110cutdrawgluepaintshow to the classFirst, Then, And then, Next, Lastly, Lets LearnLets Practisedrawcutpaintgluetie湖南少年儿童出版社11In this picture, we can see mountains and trees by a l

18、ake. We can also see mountains and trees in the lake. Why? Just have a try.1. First, use a pencil to draw a line on a piece of paper.2. Then, draw mountains, trees and a house above the line.3. Next, turn the paper upside down.4. And then, draw mountains, trees and a house above the line.5. Next, tu

19、rn the picture back.6. Lastly, paint the mountains, trees and the houses.Number the pictures.Lets Read湖南少年儿童出版社5421313121312 Peter cuts the bamboo with a knife. He glues the paper on the bamboo. He cuts the paper. He paints it with a brush. He draws a picture with a pencil.Look at the pictures below

20、. They show how Peter makes a kite. Put the sentences in the correct order. Write 15 in the boxes.Lets WriteLets Have FunWord Bank face hands body coloured pictures pictures feetPeter draws a .Peter draws the .Peter draws the .Peter paints the .Peter cuts out the.Peter shows the .湖南少年儿童出版社13121312We

21、re going to collect pictures from the Internet. This is a plant in China. Do you know its name?Lets Know MoreLets learn from the InternetThe Internet helps me to find information about these plants. Now Im going to write a report in my notebook.We can watch a video on the computer.Today, were going

22、to learn from the Internet.This is a plant in Singapore. It eats small insects.Pitcher PlantTouch-me-notVenus flytrapThis is a plant in Australia. It can catch flies.湖南少年儿童出版社1514Listen and tickB Listen and numberAssessment IA1.2.3.4.湖南少年儿童出版社1514C Read and numberD Look and writeLook at the pictures

23、 below. Lets make a pumpkin lamp .Put the sentences in the correct order. Write 14 in the boxes.1. 2. 3. 4. Oh, the lamp looks beautiful! Draw a face with a marker. Place a candle inside the pumpkin. Cut out the eyes, the nose and the mouth with a knife.What are the children going to do tomorrow?Pet

24、er is going to _.Anne is going to _.Mingming is going to _.Lingling is going to _.湖南少年儿童出版社17161716FI like to do itE I can do itDraw a if you can do it. Draw a if you cant. 1. Talk about what you are going to do. 2. Make a kite. Draw a if you like to do it. Draw a if you dont. 1. Ask others what the

25、y are going to do. 2. Read a short story. What are we going to do?Were going to listen to the music.Its nice.Look at my kite, Dino.What are you going to do?Were going to put on a play.湖南少年儿童出版社Unit 4 4Dont talk hereLets Listen and Say 17171234Mrs Chen is taking Dongdong to the library.Theyre in the

26、reading room.Dongdong is going to eat a cake.Dongdong is going to write on the book.Dont eat in the library.Dont write on the book.Sh! Dont talk here.LIBRARY湖南少年儿童出版社1918Dont talk in the library.Dont eat in class.Dont throw waste paper on the floor. Dont draw on the wall.Dont play football on the ro

27、ad.Dont pick flowers in the park.Dont play football on the road.Donttalk in the library.eat in class.Dont talk in the library.Lets LearnLets Practise湖南少年儿童出版社19Bob and Paul study in Sunshine School. They live in the same room. Theyre roommates.Bob likes music. His favourite subject is music. He ofte

28、n listens to music late in the evening. Paul doesnt like that. Paul likes drawing. He always throws waste paper on the floor. Bob doesnt like that. Paul likes reading. He often reads in bed till very late. Bob cannot sleep well. Bob likes singing. He always sings loudly. Paul cannot do his homework

29、well. This is really a problem!True or false?1. Bob and Paul study in the same school. 2. Bob and Paul like music. 3. Paul throws waste paper on the floor. Bob doesnt like that.4. Paul always sings loudly. Lets Read湖南少年儿童出版社PB20 Dont . Dont . Bob and Paul tell their problems to the class. The whole

30、class talk about it. Their teacher says, “Lets make rules for Bob and Paul.”Please work in groups and make rules for them.Draw the signs.Be quiet.Use the bin.Mind the steps.Dont read in bed.Dont draw on the wall.Dont pick the flowers.Lets WriteLets Have Fun湖南少年儿童出版社2112345Whens your birthday?My birt

31、hday is in March. Its on the fifth of March.Whens your birthday?My birthday is in May. Its on the fourth of May.International Childrens Day is on the first of June.Unit 5 5Whens your birthday?Lets Listen and Say 湖南少年儿童出版社2322Whens your birthday?My birthday is in May.Class work. Find out whose birthd

32、ay is in the same month as yours.Months of the YearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberBenny, whens your birthday?Its in May. Its on the seventh of May.Lets LearnLets Practise湖南少年儿童出版社23Hi Sandy,Frans birthday is tomorrow, not Friday. Can you come tonight and he

33、lp us to plan a party for her?Were going to meet at my place, Room 305 at 7:00 p.m. We are going to plan some activities for her birthday party.Please come on time!Bye for now.SimonAnswer the questions.1. When is Frans birthday? 2. When are Simon and Sandy going to meet? 3. What are Simon and his fr

34、iends going to do? Lets Read湖南少年儿童出版社2524What do you usually do on your friends birthday?1. First we .2. And then he/she .3. He/She .4. We .5. We .Your friends birthday is in next month. Make a nice card for him/her.1. First, find a piece of paper and fold it in half.2. Second, draw a cake and some

35、decorations on it.3. Then, write “Happy birthday!” in the centre.4. Lastly, write your greetings inside.5. Now, make your own card.Lets WriteLets Have FunWord Bankcut the cake give presentstell stories dancesing blow out the candles湖南少年儿童出版社25Next Sunday is Mothers Day. What will you do for your mot

36、her, Lingling?Ill make a beautiful card for her. On the card Ill write “Happy Mothers Day”.What about you, Peter?Ill buy her a box of her favourite chocolates.Thats good.Ill buy some flowers for my mother. She likes roses.My father and I will cook a delicious dinner to celebrate Mothers Day.123Unit

37、6 6Ill make a beautiful cardLets Listen and Say Thats good.湖南少年儿童出版社2726a box of chocolatesMum, I have a small gift for you.Thank you!Happy Mothers Day!Open it, please.1.2.3.Lets LearnLets PractiseRole play.Mothers Day cardrestaurantgiftroseIll make a beautiful card.Happy Mothers Day!Its beautiful.

38、I love it.湖南少年儿童出版社2726Amy: Hi, Jane, why are you looking so sad?Jane: I dont know what to give to my mother on Mothers Day.Amy: You can buy her a small gift. What about a nice fan?Jane: I dont have money to buy her a gift.Amy: You can make her a nice card or some lucky stars with coloured paper.Jan

39、e: Thats a good idea. Can you please help me to make nice lucky stars?Amy: Sure. Lets go and get some coloured paper.Jane: OK! Thank you, Amy.True or false? 1. Jane is buying a gift for her mother. 2. Jane doesnt have money to buy a gift. 3. Jane thinks making a card and lucky stars for her mother i

40、s a good idea. 4. Amy will help Jane to make lucky stars. Lets Read湖南少年儿童出版社2928Make a card for your mother for Mothers Day.1. Fold your coloured paper in half.2. Draw beautiful pictures on the front.3. Inside write some nice things to your mother and draw some nice pictures to make your card beauti

41、ful.Lets WriteLets Have FunWord BankcardscelebrateMay happy gifts1. Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in .2. Children want to make their mothers on this day.3. They write nice things to their mothers on Mothers Day .4. Some children like to make their own or cards for their mothers.5. Some familie

42、s will have a delicious dinner to Mothers Day.Write about Mothers Day.湖南少年儿童出版社2928Lets Know MoreHolidaysInternational Childrens Day is on 1st June. All the children have a holiday. They go with their parents to the park. They also go to the cinema to see a cartoon movie.Fathers Day in many countrie

43、s is on the third Sunday of June. On Fathers Day, children give nice gifts to their fathers and say, “Happy Fathers Day!”Children in the USA like Halloween. It is on 31st October. At Halloween, children dress up in unusual clothes. They go from house to house to ask for candies.Teachers Day in China

44、 is on 10th September. The children make greeting cards for their teachers, “Happy Teachers Day!” They also give their teachers some flowers.湖南少年儿童出版社3130B Listen and numberAssessment II1.2.3.4.AListen and tick湖南少年儿童出版社31FestivalDateMonthC Read and answerD Look, think and writeHi! Im Jane. When is y

45、our birthday? My birthday is on the fifth of May. I have a birthday party with my friends every year. My brothers birthday is on the seventh of July. My mothers birthday is on the sixth of February and my fathers birthday is on the fifth of October. My pet dog is Jake. His birthday is on the first o

46、f January. Its New Years Day. We often have a big dinner together. And my dog is very happy.1. When is Janes birthday? 2. Whose birthday is in October? 3. Whose birthday is in summer? 4. What does Janes family do on Jakes birthday? 1JanuaryWomens DayTree Planting DayTeachers DayNational Day湖南少年儿童出版社

47、3332E I can do itDraw a if you can do it. Draw a if you cant.1. Tell him/her not to do something. 2. Ask your friend when his/her birthday is. Dont draw on the wall.Whens your birthday?My birthday is in July.F I like to do itDraw a if you like to do it. Draw a if you dont. 1. Talk about your birthda

48、y. 2. Make a birthday card and a Mothers Day card. My birthday is on the fourth of April.湖南少年儿童出版社333233333312345This is my hometown. Here is my school.No, there isnt. But theres a post office.Theres a clothes shop over there.Is there a cinema around here?Yes, there is. Theres a cinema at the end of

49、 the street.You can see a movie at weekends.6Im hungry.Theres a tea house. Lets get something to eat.Is there a park near your school?Unit 7 7Theres a post office near my schoolLets Listen and Say 湖南少年儿童出版社3534Yes, there is.No, there isnt.Is there a birdon the house?in the house?shopping centrepost

50、officecinemahotelstreetparkbankLets LearnLets Practise湖南少年儿童出版社35I live in New York. Theres a small cinema just near my home. I often go to see a movie there at weekends. Theres a caf next to the cinema, and theres a big shopping centre behind my home. On the right of the shopping centre, theres a p


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