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1、五年级下册(三年级起点)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心灵通教育有限公司编著(中 国)(加拿大)北京义 务 教 育 教 科 书(PEP)英语关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!主 编:吴欣 LarrySwartzBethLevy副主编:曹洁主要编写人员:刘荔芳 周斌 马剑辉 周佳 FraserBewick责任编辑:刘荔芳 周斌美术编辑:郑文娟封面设计:吕郑文娟版式设计:刘欣焦洁插图:焦洁(含封面)葛南陈露茜 刘欣义务教育教科书英 语(三年级起点)五年级 下册*出版发行网址:http:/ www .pep 印刷厂印装 全国新华书店经销*开本:7

2、87毫米1 092毫米1/16 印张:5.25字数:105千字2014年10月第1版2013年 月第 次印刷ISBN978-7-107-00000-0 定价:5.50元审图号:GS(2012)422 号著作权所有请勿擅用本书制作各类出版物违者必究如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与本社出版科联系调换。(联系地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼 邮编:100081)Copyright 2013 by Peoples Education Press Ltd. and Lingo Learning Inc. No part of this publication may be reprodu

3、ced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. 版权共有,未经出版社书面同意,任何人不得以任何形式或方式复制或转换本作品的任何部分。人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心灵通教育有限公司编著(中 国)(加拿大)关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!致 同 学亲爱的同学们:你们好!祝贺你们升入了小学高年级。学习了两年多的英语,你们一定收获不小吧?在这本书里,你们将和老朋友吴一凡、陈杰、张鹏、Sarah、Am

4、y、Mike、John、Oliver和Robin等一起学习更多的英语知识,了解更多的中外文化。大熊Zoom和小松鼠Zip也会陪伴你们一道继续快乐地学习。学习英语需要多听、多读、多说、多写。在这册教材中我们继续为你们设计了听的活动(Lets try)和读写活动(Read and write)。开始如果你们有听不懂、读不懂、写不对的地方,这很正常,不要着急。要坚持多听、多读、多说、多写、多模仿,学习一些听说读写的方法,你们一定会进步。在英语学习中有很多有趣的规律性的知识,也许你们已经发现了一些,这册教材专门为你们设计了Lets wrap it up活动,引导你们仔细观察、发现并总结规律。及时归纳总

5、结这些规律,对你们今后的英语学习一定会大有帮助。亲爱的同学们,愿你们和书里的主人公一起享受小学生活的美好时光。 编 者 2013年5月关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!2122232364656667072757980Unit 2 My favourite seasonUnit 4 When is Easter?Unit 5 Whose dog is it?CONTENTSUnit 1 My dayUnit 3 My school calendarRecycle 1Unit 6 Work quietly!Recycle 2Words in each unitVocabularyUse

6、ful expressionsSongs in each unit Proverbs关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!When do you get up? Usually at 9 oclock. I often getup at 7 oclock. I always startclass at 8 oclock. When do you start class in Spain?Unit One2关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!I often clean my room andwash my clothes. Sometim

7、es I play ping-pong with Zhang Peng. Today is Sunday! What do you do on the weekend? I often go shoppingwith my mum.What do you do on the weekend?My day3关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!AZhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? Pedro: We finish class at 1 oclock. Then we eat lunch at home.Zhang Pen

8、g: Wow! When do you go back to school after lunch? Pedro: At 2:30. Classes start at 3 oclock. Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.Zhang Peng: Wow! Thats too late! When do you get up? When do you go to bed?I get up at 5 oclock. At 6 oclock in the m

9、orning. I work at night. Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Listen and tick. Lets tryLets talkRole-play.4关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!When do you get up?I get up at 6:00 a.m.At 7 oclock. do morning exerciseseat dinnerget up eat breakfast eat luncheat dinner do morning exerciseshave classplay sports go to bed

10、6:00 a.m. _eat breakfasthave classplay sportsWhen do you do morning exercises?Lets learnWordsAsk about your partners timetable.Ask and write5关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!eggplantpleaseclockplateclasscleanplaypeoplecleverclassplayclothespeopleeggplantclockplateplayerpleasecloudycleverclearclassroomplaygroun

11、duncleclean1. Clean the plate/classroom/room, please. 2. Put two eggplants/clocks/plates in the playground. _clockeggplantplayplatepleasecleanclasscleverClass, clock,plate, eggplant, clean, play.Bingo! Lets spellBingo!Choose, write and say.Read, listen and chant.6关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!BShopkeeper: W

12、hy are you shopping today? Sarah: My mum worked last night. So Im shopping today.Shopkeeper: Good girl! So what do you do on the weekend? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. Sarah: Yes, but Im also hard-working. I usually wash my cloth

13、es. Sometimes I cook dinner.Shopkeeper: Youre so busy! You need a robot to help you!do homework watch TVhave class play sports with play music wash my clothesWhat do you doon the weekend?What do you doon the weekend?I often goshopping.I usually clean my room.Lets try Where is Sarah?Listen and circle

14、.Lets talk Ask the question and then pass it on.7关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!clean my roomgo for a walkgo shoppingtake adancing classI often clean myroom on Saturdays!Ialwaysoftensometimeson Saturdayson Sundayson the weekendclean my roomgo shoppinggo for a walktake a dancing classwith I sometimes go shopp

15、ing with my mum on the weekend.Lets learnWordsDo a surveyLook, tick and write. What do you do on the weekend? 8关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean my cave, too.I often go swimming

16、 in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports with my friend. His name is Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins. Robinson and Friday always get up late in the morning. ( )Robinson only cleans his cave on Fridays. ( )Robinson and Friday play sports together in the afternoon. ( )Dear Robins

17、on, My name is . I live in .I often and .In the afternoon, I with .I hope you can get off your island soon.Yours, Tick or cross. Read and writeWrite a letter to Robinson. Tell him what you often doevery day.Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him.Robins play 9关注微信公众号“捷思课

18、堂”获取更多学习资料!homework sports class runningping-pong the kung fu dinner swimming shopping morning exercises What do you do on the weekend?1. I often _. 2. I always _. 3. I sometimes _.goplayhavedogo swimmingpipaGive answers about yourself.Lets checkListen and tick. Lets wrap it upChoose and write the w

19、ords in the correct rows.10关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!C C Zip: Its Saturday now. Zoom, Im always very busy.Zoom: Why? Zip: On Friday, I eat nuts with my friends.Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend? Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. Ill play the .Zoom: When? Zip: Saturday, at

20、12 oclock. Oh, no!Zoom: What else? Zip: On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun. Zip: Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon. pipaStory time11关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Autumn.Why?Which seasondo you like best?Which seasondo you like best?Because thecolours are p

21、retty!I like spring best. There are beautifulflowers everywhere.Winter. I can sleepall day. How about you?Unit Two12关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Look at my picture, Miss White. I like summer best because of Childrens Day.I often go swimming.What do you oftendo in the summer?My favourite season13关注微信公众号“捷思课

22、堂”获取更多学习资料!AZoomrainy and coldwindy and coldsunny and warmIt is _ _ _. Mr Jones: Do you like the music, children? Mike: Yes. Its very beautiful. What is it?Mr Jones: . Today well draw the seasons. Which season do you like best, Mike? Mike: Winter. I like snow. Mr Jones: I like snow, too. Which seaso

23、n do you like best, Wu Yifan? Wu Yifan: Spring. Its pretty.Mr Jones: Yes, it is.Which seasondo you like best?Winter.The Four SeasonsLets tryWhat is the weather like today? Listen and write.Lets talkWhich season do you like best? Ask and answer.14关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Spring is green with flowers and

24、 songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.Winter is white and the year is gone. spring summer autumn winterWhich season do you like best?Summer. I can go swimming every day!Lets learnWordsRead and match15关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!browngreengrapesgrandpagrowbrowngre

25、en brown grow grandma breakfast brother grass grapes library greatgreenlibraryumbrellabrotherGrandpaGrandmagrowsgreenorangebrown purplegrapes.potatoes.grass.apples.1. Grandpa grows green grapes.2. _Lets spellRead, listen and chant.Choose, write and say. Read and group.16关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!B Amy:

26、Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture.Miss White: Good job! I like the trees. The colours are very pretty! Amy: Yes. I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Which season do you like best, Miss White?Miss White: Summer. Amy: Why?Miss White: Because I like summer vacatio

27、n!Because thereare pretty flowers.Which season doyou like best?Why?I like spring best. Lets try Zhang Peng and John are looking at some pictures. Which is Zhang Pengs picture? Listen and tick.Lets talk Ask and answer.17关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!go on a picnic go swimmingpick applesmake a snowmanplay in

28、the snowplant flowerseat ice creamgo on a picnicgo swimmingpick applesmake a snowmanI like spring best. There are beautiful flowerseverywhere. I often go ona picnic with my family.Which seasondo you like best?Which seasondo you like best?Winter. I often play in the snow. Lets learnWordsAsk and answe

29、r18关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!1. The last fall means _. A. autumn B. pretty C. cute D. cool2. Which season does Robin like? A. Spring. B. Autumn. C. Summer. D. All the four seasons.I like _ best because _.Look at the green trees and pink flowers. The weather is hot, hot, hot! What lovely colours! The lea

30、ves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere.I like spring because there are beautiful f lowers everywhere.Wow! I want to painta picture, too!I like winter because I can play in the snow.I like summer, butI cant swim.Robin likes them all!Read and writeWhich s

31、eason do you like best? Why? Complete the sentence.Read and tick.19关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Boy: _?Girl: _.Boy: Do you like summer?Girl: No, I dont. Its too hot. Boy: _?Girl: _. The colours are beautiful. I can pick fresh apples. Why do you like spring best?Because the weather is nice. season do you li

32、ke best?I like spring best. do you go to school?I go to school at 8 oclock. do you often do on the weekend?I often go shopping. is your photo?Its on the wall.whatwhenwherewhichwhyWhereis do?Fill in the question words.Lets checkListen and write.Lets wrap it up20关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!CZip & Zoom: Welc

33、ome! Koala: Thank you. Merry Christmas!Zip & Zoom: Merry Christmas!Zoom: What do you usually do on Christmas Day? Koala: I usually go to the beach and swim in the sea!Zoom: You swim in winter?! Koala: Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas.Zoom: Which season do you

34、like best? Koala: Summer. I like sunny days. Koala: Wow! A white Christmas! Zoom: Lets make a snowman.Zip & Koala: Great! Zip: Say cheese!Koala: Cheese!Story time21关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!When is Tree Planting Day? Thats verykind of you.When is Dragon Boat Festival?When is the summer vacation?Its in M

35、arch. Its usually in June.My mum will make zongzithen. I hope you can come and share some with us.zongziUnit Three22关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Its in July and August.When is the schooltrip this year?Is the singingcontest in May, too?Hooray for May!Its in May. Yes. My school calendar23关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资

36、料!AIts usuallyin May.When is thesinging contest? March 24thDear parents,Please come to the sportsmeet next Friday.Zhang Pengs parentsMikes parentsschool tripsports meetChinese/maths/. testsinging contest Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.Zhang P

37、eng: When is the party? Mike: Its in April. We have a school trip, too.Zhang Peng: When is that? Mike: Its in May.Zhang Peng: Cool! Who will go to the sports meet next week? Listen and tick. Lets talkLets tryWrite and talk.24关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!1. ( ) Tree Planting Day is in February. March2. ( )

38、Winter vacation is in February and March. 3. ( ) Mothers Day is in May. 4. ( ) Easter is in April. 5. ( ) Childrens Day is in January. When is Mothers Day?Its in .When is Tree Planting Day?Its inMarch.New Years Daywinter vacationwinter vacationTree Planting Day Easter partysports meetsinging contest

39、school tripMay DayMothers DayChildrens DayFathers DayFebruaryFebruary. MarchRead and sayLets learnWordsTick or cross. Correct the names of the months when necessary.25关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Chinese childrena shirt and shortsa short sheepan English teacher fish for lunchChinasheep chicken fish lunchsh

40、irtteachershortsteacher Theis chickenfish shirt1. The teacher is nice. 2. _3. _ 4. _ short.fresh.cheap. nice.Lets spellRead, listen and chant.Listen, number and say.Choose, write and say.26关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!BI will _._ will _.cookmake a cardsing to hersay Thank youwrite her a lettertell her a st

41、oryplay the for herWhat about you and your partner? Oliver: Autumn is my favourite season. I really like the colours.Chen Jie: I like autumn, too. We usually have a school trip in autumn. Oliver: Great! When is the trip this year?Chen Jie: Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall. Oliver: Cool! I l

42、ove the Great Wall!A birthday party.A birthday cake.Ill makea card.Ill cook for my mother. What about you?pipaLets try What will Oliver have? Listen and tick.Lets talk What will you do for your mum on Mothers Day?27关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!Teachers Day is in September.New Years Day is in _. Chinas Nati

43、onal Day is in _.American Thanksgiving Day is in _.Christmas is in _.Childrens Day is in _. When isTeachersDay?Its inSeptember.summer vacationsummer vacationTeachers DayMid-Autumn DayChristmasAmerican Thanksgiving DayChinas National DayIts usually in Septemberor October. Ill eat mooncakes with my fa

44、mily.When is Mid-Autumn Day?Lets learnWordsAsk and write28关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!1. _2. _3. _danceplay gamesmake a wishsing the birthday songeat noodles/a birthday cake1. ( ) The Easter party is on March 23rd.2. ( ) The party will start at 7 p.m. 3. ( ) Youll play ping-pong at the party. 4. ( ) Youll

45、 eat a birthday cake at the party. WHEN: April 12th, 7 p.m.WHY: Easter holidayWHERE: Wu Yifans homeWHAT: We will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. You will meet the Easter Bunny!RSVP: Will you come to the party? Please send me an email at b

46、y March 23rd.Easter PartyRead and writeRead and tick or cross.What will you do if you have a birthday party? Write three sentences.29关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!1. We will have an English party _ February.2. I get up _ 7 oclock every day.3. What do you have _ Tuesdays?1. What will the students do in May?

47、_2. What will they do in December? _school tripsinging contestTeachers DayAugust March April DecemberNovember March April MaySeptember October May JulySeptemberListen again and answer the questions.Lets checkListen and circle.Lets wrap it upFill in the blanks. 30关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料!C CZoom: Look a

48、t my summer vacation plan! Zip: Its April now. The summer vacation is still three months away.Zoom: Early planning is always good. Zip: What will you do there?Zoom: Well go to Grape Valley. The grapes there are very sweet! Grapes are my favourite fruit! Zip: You have a great plan, but what will you

49、do this weekend? Zoom: This weekend? Zip: There will be a maths test next Monday. So please study hard. Zoom: Oh my goodness! I forgot! Zoom: In August, Ill go to Huangshan Mountain. The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful! Zip: Sounds great!Zoom: In July Ill visit my grandparents.

50、 They live in Xinjiang. Story time31关注微信公众号“捷思课堂”获取更多学习资料! play ping-pong pick applesplay ping-pong with Sarahgo swimminggo shoppingplay basketballgo swimminggo on a picnicpick applesHi, Oliver. This isWu Yifan. Are you free this .?Hello. . . It is Saturday morning. Sarah is calling her friends. Lis


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