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1、总主编 艾一培总主审 余渭深 Matt Bloise主 编 刘莉丽副主编 龚志维 黄宇编 者 (按姓氏笔画排列) 刘莉丽 刘寅齐 陈春晖 黄宇 龚志维绘 画 赵 静音 乐 杨胜松英 语五年级 下册(三年级起点)义务教育教科书英 语 五年级 下册 (三年级起点)主 编 刘莉丽责任编辑:罗 亚 版式设计:牟 妮责任校对:王 倩 责任印制:赵 晟 *重庆大学出版社出版发行出版人:饶帮华社址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城西路21号邮编:401331 电话: (023)88617190 88617185(中小学) 传真: (023)88617186 88617166 网址: http:/ 邮箱: (营销中心)全

2、国新华书店经销重庆升光电力印务有限公司印刷 * 开本:787mm1092mm 1/16 印张:5.5 字数:87千2002年8月第1版 2014年12月第3版 2019年12月第24次印刷ISBN 978-7-5624-8651-0 定价:5.25元本书如有印刷、装订等质量问题,本社负责调换版权所有,请勿擅自翻印和用本书制作各类出版物及配套用书,违者必究朋友们,我们又见面了。让我们拉拉手,轻轻地说一声:“你好!” 我将再次牵着你的手,跟你一起走进英语学习的大门,去向小鸟学习唱歌,去跟蓝天白云对话,去了解一片迷人的新天地,去结识更多的新 朋友。我们将进入一个美好、神奇的儿童乐园。在这里,我们会融

3、入种种奇妙的情景中,学唱英语歌和英语童谣,学做游戏和画画,还要演一些简单的英语小品,参加一些英语比赛。在这些活动中,你会自然地、愉快地学会说英语,并记住许多英语单词。你会发现,英语课是你最喜欢的课程。你就是课堂的小主人。老师和同学一样,是一个平等的对话者。我敢肯定,你还会不时地拿起教鞭,神气十足地当起小老师。 你的英语说得那么棒,你的英语歌唱得那么美,你的出色表现,一定会得到老师的鼓励,同学们的赞美。在逐步提高英语听说能力的同时,你的英语读写能力也会得到初步的发展,从而为进一步的学习打好基础。那时候,你就能用英语跟“老外”交谈,用英语在超市购物,你还能用英文给外国小朋友写信,让他们和你一起分享

4、成功和快乐吧!当然,在学习中你也会碰到困难的。但不要忘了,还有我这个朋友哦!我向你保证,我会永远帮助你、支持你。我们会永远在一起体验快乐,迸发热情,增长知识,健康成长。嗨!你准备好了吗?让我们开始吧!looklistensay, talk, readnumber, draw, match, tick, write, choose, fi ll in, cross, circlepractise, playsingcultural clipspointcolourlearnContentsPageUnit 1 Good Helpers 1Unit 2 At Home 12Unit 3 Seaso

5、ns of a Year 23Review 1 34Unit 4 Our School 39Unit 5 At the Shop 50Review 2 61WordsinEachUnit 65WordList 70ChildrensGarden 73Mr. WhiteStanleyDu XiaomaoHao TianMiss LiuGao WendiLu HuaMaxMr. WhiteHao TianMiss LiuRexDu XiaomaoLucyGood HelpersUnit 11Lesson 11. Look, listen and say Do you help your paren

6、ts at home, Lu Hua?Yes, I do. I often do the dishes.What do you do at home, kids? Sometimes I make the bed. Sometimes I clean the rooms.What do you doat home, Max?I often wash the socks.Good helpers! clean the roomwash the socksmake the beddo the dishesmake the bedclean the23. Lets practise2. Listen

7、 and circle( )( )( )( )Yes, I do. Sometimes I wash my shoes. What about you, Xiaomao?Do you help your parents at home?I wash my shoes. What about you, Do you help your parents at home?What about you, Do you help your parents at home?What do youdo at home?Sometimes I clean the kitchen.I often wash th

8、e socks. Sometimes Ido the dishes. make the beddo the dishesclean the roomwash the socks34. Lets have a competition1) Dad often washes the vegetables.2) Mum often makes the bed.3) Grandpa often helps Grandma do housework.4) I often do the dishes on Sundays.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) wash clothes wash

9、clean rooms cleanGroupScoreGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4How many times can you use “wash”?Wash the shirts. Wash the dress. How many times Wash the pears. 2143Wash my hands.5. Read and tick 41. Look, listen and sayLesson 2Yes, Dad! Today is Mothers Day. What can we do for Mother? I can water the plant

10、s. I can put away the clothes. I can cook a big dinner. Well, its 3:45. Lets get to work at once.cook the dinnerwater the plantsput away the clothestake out the rubbishout the rubbishaway the clothescook the dinner3. Lets play a gameWhat can you dofor your parents?I can cook noodles. I can cook rice

11、. Sorry, I cantI can2. Listen, number and trySorry, I cantI canMove to 4.Move back to 3.Move to10.Move backto 6.123457689101112FINISHSTART1347910121cook the dinnerwater the plantstake out the rubbishput away the clothes564. Look and chooseA Listen and readB Listen and fi ll in1) Gao Wendi can . A. c

12、ook the dinner B. do the dishes2) Hao Tian can . A. wash the clothes B. put away the clothes3) Lu Hua can . A. take out the rubbish B. clean the study4) Du Xiaomao can . A. water the fl owers B. make the bedBListen and fi ll in arcardhardparkstartassbrassclassglassgrassastfastlastmastpastththinthree

13、thinkteeththmotherthatthiswith5. Learn with Max and Rex 7Lesson 3 Name HouseworkLu Hua Hao Tian StanleyLucyMaxRex do the dishes clean the rooms cook the dinner make the bed wash the socks take out the rubbishDoes Max often help his parents?1. Listen, tick and sayShe can take out the rubbish.She can

14、washthe socks.What can Lu Huado at home?Does Max often help his parents?Does Max often help his parents?Sometimes heYes, he does. Sometimes he8dark yard shark last parkclass guard blast hard cardpass fast grass past markA Listen and readB Write down the words1card park 2pastfarm3classtask4markhard5a

15、skbrass6armcast“ard” family“ark” family“ass” family“ast” family2. Listen, read and write3. Read, match and colour cardsharkpasslast94. Read and number1) Dannie and I often help our parents do housework at home. 2) On Saturdays, we often help Father wash his car. 3) We sometimes help Mother in the ga

16、rden. 4) We have a toy room. We often put away our toys. 5) This is my family. We love and help each other.1) Dannie and I often help our parents do housework at home. 5) This is my family. We love and help each other.5. Talk with your friendsA Make a survey in your groupCan you cook the dinner, Li

17、Tong?Sorry, I cant.I can. I can cook the dinner. Housework Name Li Tong . . . .In our group, 2 pupils can1 pupil canB Make a report in your classWho can cook the dinner? 106. Read and writeMiss Lius SaturdayMorningAfternoonEvening clean the rooms take out the rubbish play tennis wash the clothes coo

18、k the dinner water the plants7. Cultural clipsMaple Syrup FestivalIts for the running of the sap (树液).Its for the running of the sap It can be made into syrup (糖浆).Whats the use of the sap?Look at the bucket (桶).On Saturday morning, Ioften clean the rooms ,.1) .2) 3) 11Set the table, Dannie.OK.Its M

19、um!Mums back!Dad, get the fl owers ready.Hi, Im back!Happy MothersDay!Happy Mothers Day, dear!Thank you!Mum, look at the rooms!Oh, how clean!Look at the table, Mum.What a big dinner!Please take a seat, dear!Great! Lets enjoy the dinner.Storycorner Listen and enjoy the storyTry to act out the story w

20、ith your friendsYoure so kind and helpful!Ding Dong!121. Look, listen and sayAt HomeUnit 2Lesson 1What is LuHua doing?Shes readinga book. Hello! Hi, its Lucy. What are you doing?Im reading a book. And you?Im watching TV. Lets go to see a fi lm, OK? Good! What time?At 4:30 this afternoon. OK. See you

21、 at 4:00.reading a bookwatching TVseeing a filmwriting an emaildrawing a picturewritingemaildrawingpicture132. Listen and number3. Lets practiseShes washing her face.Whats she doing?I can see a woman.What are you doing?What are you Im What are you doing?Im reading a book.Im What are you doing?What c

22、an you see in the house?writing an emaildrawing a picturereading a bookwatching TVseeing a fi lm144. Listen and sing1) Hao Tian is washing vegetables.2) Lucy is seeing a fi lm with Dannie.3) Du Xiaomao is writing an email.4) Stanley is drawing a panda.( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )5. Read and tick Come on

23、! Sing with your friends.151. Look, listen and sayLesson 2 Dad! Wheres Dad? Whats he doing now?Hes working in the study. Whats the matter?I want to show him my picture. May I have a look fi rst? Yes, of course. Here it is.Uh-huh its not bad! workingstudyingeatingdrinkingsleeping 16Whats the woman do

24、ing?Shes working.Whats she doing, then? Is Lucy dancing?Yes, she is.No, she isnt. Shes writing.3. Lets play2. Listen, number and tryYes!workingstudyingeatingdrinkingsleeping 174. Look and choose1) Is the girl playing with a cat? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt.2) Is the boy eating noodles? A. Yes, h

25、e is. B. No, he isnt.3) Is the man sleeping in the sofa? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt.4) Is the woman drinking with her friends? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt.1) Is the girl playing with a cat? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. 5. Learn with Max and Rexalcallsmalltalkwalkorcornformhorseshortshshes

26、hipshopwashchchesschickenChinalunchtchcatchmatchwatchkitchenentchA Listen and readB Listen and fi ll in 18Lesson 3Lu HuaMother FatherGrandpa GrandmaDogwatchingdrawingdrinkingsleepingstudyingplayingreading1. Listen, tick and sayTell me, please, whats Lu Hua doing?Lu Hua doing?Shes studying.Is Lu Huas

27、father reading?Whats he doing, then?He.No, he isnt. Shes studying in her bedroom. 19short call norm dorm wallsore storm port mall moresmall store form sport bore1chore pork 2bornstall3forttalk4forksore 5walk corn6smallsort“all” family“orm” family“ort” family“ore” family2. Listen, read and write3. Re

28、ad, match and colourcalldormshortmoreA Listen and readB Write down the words204. Read and number1) It is a fi ne day. There are some people in the park. 2) Over there, a boy is drawing by the lake. 3) Theres an old man on the chair. Hes drinking. 4) Look at that girl! Shes dancing with her dog. 5) U

29、nder that tree, an old woman is sleeping. 5. Talk with your friendsYour picture is very beautiful.Thank you. Can you talk about it in English?Your picture is very beautiful.Thank you. OK. The horse is eating grass. The cow is216. Read and write7. Cultural clipsWhat are you doing?Im studying. Whats y

30、our mum doing? Shes writing an email. America in April Canada in MayAustralia in MayBritain in Novemberstudyingwriting an emailseeing a fi lmdancingwatching a football gamewriting an emailGood. May wejoin you?Were going to plant trees this Friday. Yes, of course.Different Tree-planting Days1) .2) .3

31、) . 22Oh, dear me!What are you doing?That bad mouse!Meow! Meow!Get up! Youlazybones!Mum! The cat is sleeping in my bed. Sorry! Imreading abook. But whereis the cat? Go and fi ndthe cat, Sue.Whats happening?Storycorner Listen and enjoy the storyTry to act out the story with your friendsThat bad mouse

32、!A mouse is eating the cake.23Seasons of a YearUnit 3Lesson 11. Look, listen and sayWhich season do you like best? Listen! A bird is singing in the tree. Look, the grass is turning green. Spring is coming!Good! Its my favourite season. I like spring best. Its always warm in spring. Its a good time t

33、o go boating.Yes, we can have lots of fun in spring. Winter. Its a good timeto have a nice sleep. winterseasonspringsummerautumn242. Listen and number 3. Lets practiseAutumn. It is a good time to go fi shing.Autumn. It is a good I often goswimming.Spring. Its always sunny and warm.Spring. Its always

34、 sunny and warm.Which season do you like best?Which is your favourite season? What do you often do in summer?seasonspringsummerautumnwinter25A. It is always warm in spring. It is always hot in summer. It is a good time to plant trees. It is a good time to have ice-cream. It is often cool in autumn.

35、It is often cold in winter. It is a good time to ride a bike. It is a good time to go skating.B.C.D.5. Look and match It is always warm in spring. It is always hot in summer. A.4. Listen and singCome on! Sing with your friends.261. Look, listen and sayLesson 2 Hey! What are you doing here?Were looki

36、ng for spring. Look up! Birds are fl ying in the sky. That is spring. How interesting! Look about and you can fi nd spring, too.skyriverseawoodsbeach Look at the ducks. Theyre swimming in the river.273. Lets practiseWhat can you see in the sky? There is a kite in the sky.2. Listen, number and trysky

37、riverseabeachwoodsskyGuess, what are they doing?Theyre walking.Theyre running.Now, tell them. Whatare you doing?Theyre fl ying.Were fl ying. 284. Look and choose1) Some men are fi shing . A. in the woods B. by the river2) Some kids are swimming . A. in the sea B. by the woods3) Some women are runnin

38、g . A. in the woods B. on the beach4) Some balloons are fl ying . A. in the sky B. by the river5) Some kids are playing . A. in the woods B. on the beach ergermherservetermirbirdfirstgirlshirturnursepurpleturnturtlespspacespeakspeedspyststandstartstopstudyskskateskipskirtsky5. Learn with Max and Rex

39、A Listen and readB Listen and fi ll in29Lesson 312341. Listen, tick and say56ABABABABABABThere are two boys on the beach. What sports do you often do?We oftenWhat can you see?TheyreWhat are they doing?Hows the weather in summer?Its oftenThere are two boys on the beach. TheyreWhat can you see?they do

40、ing?30shirt dirty burn term nurseherd bird turtle fi rm serveturn herb skirt germ purpleB Circle the words and write them downWAVLSNGJESXKFIOHUHERBNTISBIRDIRTYURKURSERVESRMIRTEKHERDTURNMUGERMFLFTGPURPLEAEZYNREPQCWXAcross: herb Down: turtle 1) A. here B. her 2) A. serve B. seven 3) A. fi rm B. form 4

41、) A. hurt B. hunt 5) A. pupil B. purple 6) A. shut B. shirt 7) A. turtle B. tube 8) A. dirty B. direct3. Listen and tick2. Listen, read, circle and writeC Write down the wordsA Listen and read311) My name is Tina. My parents and I love autumn best. 2) In autumn, we often go walking in the woods. 3)

42、On sunny days, we go fi shing by the river. 4) Sometimes, we run on the beach with our dogs. 5) We all like the colours of autumn red, yellow and brown.5. Talk with your friendsA Find differencesB Talk about the pictures in your groupWhat can yousee in Picture 1?It is spring.There areWhat can yousee

43、 in Picture 2?It is autumn. There arePicture 1 Picture 24. Read and numbersee in Picture 2?There areTalk about the pictures in your groupPicture 1 Picture 26. Read and write7. Cultural clipsDifferent SeasonsIn Australia, Christmas always comes in summer.Christmas insummer? Why?32My Favourite SeasonW

44、e can get the answer in science books. . . . . . 33Lazy, catch insects.Not now, Ill do it tomorrow.Not now, Ill do it tomorrow.Lazy, makeyour house.Spring is my favourite season.Not now, Ill do it tomorrow.Lazy, look for your food for winter.Summer comes. Frogs are catching insects. But Lazy sings a

45、nd dances every day.Autumn comes. Squirrels are carrying food home. But Lazy sleeps every day.Spring comes; everything turns green. Bird Lazy fl ies to the woods.Swallows are making their houses. But Bird Lazy is just watching.StorycornerWinter comes. Theres no house or foodfor him. He feels cold an

46、d hungry.Spring comes again, but nobody sees BirdLazy anymore.Im cold and hungry. Im dying. Help! Help!Where isBird Lazy?Where? Listen and enjoy the storyTry to act out the story with your friends34Review 12. Read and draw1. Listen and choose1) These children often after school. A. water the fl ower

47、s B. clean the classroom2) My father sometimes in the evening. A. washes the clothes B. takes out the rubbish 3) Does your grandpa often help your grandma do housework? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. 4) Do you often do housework on Saturdays? A. Yes, we do. B. No, we dont. Now, count your fl ags

48、 and colour them.1) There are two ships on the sea. 2) Look, a plane is fl ying in the sky. 3) Some birds are singing in the woods. 4) Some kids are playing football on the beach.35A Answer the questions 1) What season is it in the picture? 2) Where are the ducks? 3) What are the children doing? 4)

49、Whats the cat doing? 5) Where is the dog? B Talk about the picture with your friendsWhat can you see in the river?There areCan you see birds in the sky?3. Look, answer and sayNow, count your fl ags and colour them.in the sky?364. Play a gameHow many seasons are there in a year? in a year? Which seas

50、on do you like best? When do you often cleanyour room? your room? What are you doing now?What is your mother doing now?What can yousee on the river?How is theweather in summer? Do you helpyour parentsat home? at home? What do youoften do inwinter? winter? Can you cookthe dinner? Who is the winner, t


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