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1、 让我难忘的一件事(700字)作文精选作文:让我难忘的一件事(700字)作文想必我们每个人都有难忘的事吧,但是让我们难忘的事情有很多种,比如:考了一个满分因此很得意;玩了一个很劲爆的游戏至今难忘;被别人的实际行动感动了……我也不例外,下面就让我来讲一讲令我难忘的一件事吧:时间如流水,分分秒秒的在催促着我们快快长大,开学了……不知不觉的又到期末了。我高兴的说:太好了,太好了,考试了,考试了,考完试就放假了。我刚到学校,才玩一会儿,就要开考了。我和王红信心满满地进入了考场。记得在这之前我们有一个约定,是一定要考到九十分,现在六年级,考一个九十


3、你肯努力,就一定能考一个好成绩这是科学的事实嗯,我一定好好的努力,下一次一定考一个好成绩好!我支持你,让我们一起努力再次考一个班级一二姐妹好!让我们一起来努力吧结果我们的愿望真的像我们想的一样,真的成了我们班级的一二姐妹。这件事把我深深的感动了,就是这件事让我至今难忘,不管是什么时候我都能想起这一件让我难忘的事。    六年级:冯佳硕篇一:小学作文:令我难忘的一件事 令我难忘的一件事 世上最大的力量就是母爱。失去了母爱,就如小草失去了阳光,鱼儿失去了水源,花儿失去了色彩。妈妈把我带到这充满快乐的世界上已经13年了。从我懂事开始,我就一直想对妈妈说:“谢谢

4、你,我的妈妈。” 太阳用它的光芒普照着大地,妈妈用她的爱呵护我快乐成长。记得一次,我和同学发生矛盾。回到家里,我哭着告诉妈妈,我和同学发生了矛盾,以后他们一定会另眼看我的。可是妈妈却用温柔的声音告诉我:“孩子,不要想的太多了,有缺点是可以改的,就算有人另眼看你。妈妈也永远不会另眼看你。”还有一次期末考试,我考的不理想,不敢回家,一直在外面磨蹭到天黑才到家。您见我回来赶紧来问我怎么了,而不是询问分数。当我向您说明原因后,您亲切地对我说:“傻孩子,只是一次考试,虽然没有考好,但是下次还有机会呀!”妈妈,谢谢你。你用你的快乐感染我。当我烦恼,您帮我解除烦恼;当我痛苦,您帮我分担痛苦。世界上再没有比母

5、爱更伟大的什么了。 同学们,让我们一起为全世界的母亲唱一首歌,那就是“世上只有妈妈好”。让我们共同对各自的母亲说一句话:“谢谢你,我的妈妈。” 篇二:让我难忘的一件事 让我难忘的一件事 建湖县实验小学 西校区 四(12)班 树琦 俗话说:“锄禾日当午,汗滴和下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”我们应当不浪费任何一粒米粮,我有一个坏习惯留下一口饭就走了。今年夏天,我改掉了这个不良习惯? 篇三:最让我难忘的一件事 最让我难忘的一件事 那天,我坐车去学校上课,路上遇到了一件最让我难忘的一件事。 也不知怎么回事,那天坐车的人多,我在人群中“挣扎”了很久,终于到了 座位,两条象灌满铅一样的腿,终于可以舒展开

6、了,我一边看着窗外的风景,一边用手捶着的两条腿,想使两条僵硬的腿放松。就时,汽车靠站了, 一位抱着婴儿的阿姨,怀里的婴儿还在不停地哭闹,只见她一边哄小孩说“宝宝别哭了,马上就要到家了”,一边掏钱买票。这时售票员用她那清脆的声音喊到:“谁能给这位抱婴儿的妇女同志让个座位?”我本想给她让个座位,可是回味一下刚才站的滋味实在太难受。我正犹豫着,略显苍老的声音打断了我的思绪,我朝着声音的方向望去,我旁边的一位老人颤颤巍巍地站了起来,用手拍了怕座凳说:“你坐这儿吧!”那个阿姨看起来有点不好意思,推辞道:“老人家,您腿脚不好,您坐吧!”可那位老爷爷只是挥挥手,示意不用,那位阿姨不好推辞,只好硬着头皮坐了下

7、来。这时,我才注意到老人,一头的银发,脸有些消瘦,眼睛炯炯有神,一身笔挺的军服,有些旧,但很 “刺”,刺得我再也 急刹车,我没 。干净,脚上的皮鞋的皮,早就脱落了不少。我突然觉得椅子上有无法安心地坐下去。我站起来,想把我的座位让给这位老人,突然站稳,一下子踩到这位老人的脚上,奇怪!他怎么一点反应都 这时,车上的广播响了,“实验小学到了。”我急忙下了车。看见那老军人也一瘸一拐地走了下来,腿是那么僵硬。啊!原来是假肢。我惊呆了,一直望着他消失在茫茫人海中。 这件事很久了,给我的印象很深。他使我知道了“要以乐于助人来做为培养个人品格的标准。” 让我难忘的一件事 在我记忆的银河里有这样的一颗贝壳。每当

8、拾起它时,我心中就会升起一股内疚之情。今天我把它拿出来给大家欣赏一下。 记得那是一个苦不堪言的夏日,太阳炙烤着大地,天气格外闷热。老娘说新华书店有进了一批难得一见世界名著,本就爱书如命的我听了这个消息,好像如鱼得水一般。向我妈讨了20元大钞,一阵风儿似的跑向车站。半途中我感到口干舌燥,忽听一声叫买的声音“买冰棍,买冰棍”这正中我下怀。我环视四周,发现在路旁白杨树下有一位年过七旬的老奶奶,正在向我微笑。我赶紧跑过去,问到“冰棍多少钱?”“八角钱一根。”“我拿一根。”老奶奶顺手从一个乳白色的泡沫箱里拿出一根,递给我,我从牛仔裤里拿出一张壹元钞。她转身从钱包里拿出一张两元钱给我。两元钱?不是我看错了

9、吧嘿,买冰棍还赚1.2元呢?我接过钱转身就走。走着走着,我无意中掏了一下裤兜,钱呢?我的20元钱不见了,这可怎么办呀?书买不成了,弄不好回家还要挨老娘一顿臭骂。我好似热锅上蚂蚁焦燥不安,忽听耳后一声“你等会再走!”我回头一看正是那个买冰棍老奶奶。她正向我走过了,我心里一哆嗦:她不会是来向我要钱的吧!想到这里,我的脸涨得像一个红苹果。老奶奶慢慢地走过来对我说“小朋友,这是不是你的20元钱?”“是我的。”我低着头说,“给你,下次把钱放好。”说完转身走了。她居然没提1.2元的事。我望着那位老奶奶的背影,我心里像打翻了五味瓶,难受极了。无限的内疚折磨着自己。但是始终我没有勇气把钱送还给那位老奶奶。 一

10、路车来了,我坐上车来到书店,我心神不定地挑选著书。听见旁边有两个小朋友在嘀咕:“怎么办,还差一块二角钱?”我用眼瞟了以下,一个小朋友手里拿着一本雷锋的故事,不知为什么,我也顺手从书架上抽出一本雷锋的故事,转身对那两个小朋友说:“来,我借给你们一块二毛钱。”我替他们付上钱,便转身跑出书店。回家的路上,我心里觉得安慰了许多。 这件事虽然已经过去两年多了,可每当我想起它,总是有一种愧疚在折磨着自己;每到夏天,我总是害怕碰上卖雪糕的老奶奶。 最让我难忘的一件事 清明时,爸爸、妈妈带着我回江苏老家给爷爷扫墓。回到家里,我看见院子里放着两棵小松树苗,妈妈告诉我明天要把这两棵树栽在爷爷的墓地上。我急忙对妈妈

11、说:“让我来种吧!”妈妈说:“行。” 终于种好了!”我长长地松了口气。随后,我们用同样的方法,在墓碑的右侧也植了一棵小松树苗。 种完树后,我看着墓碑心里默默的想:爷爷生前最疼我,可是我在北京上学,不能经常回老家,就让小树苗替我天天陪着爷爷吧!今天,我亲手在爷爷的墓地上植树,表达了我的孝心。这件事真让我难忘啊! 篇四:小学作文:我最难忘的一件事 我最难忘的一件事 我最难忘的一件事就是我在二年级考试中的事。 记得我上二年级时,一直都很优秀,每次考试的分数都在90分以上。可是就在二年级期末考试中,由于我心里过度紧张,结果把复习的知识忘得一干二净。于是,我把自己会做的题做了一下,可不会的题就只好乱答,

12、结果只考了75分。我心如刀绞,脑子里一片空白。回到家,我把卷子给妈妈看。顿时他*的脸阴暗了下来,语重心长地对我说:“这样可不行啊,将来上三年级时,那就要考60分了。这次我不吵你,但你再考成这样可不行啊!”听了他*的话,我得到的他*的鼓励,所以信心十足的说:“不会再有下次了。” 这件事情让我永远难忘,因为我得到了妈妈给我最好的“礼物”。 organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen

13、 the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the gr

14、oup (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal

15、 Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building acti

16、vities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good group lea

17、dership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective c

18、onversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of edu

19、cation and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth L

20、eague cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Foc

21、using on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secretary o

22、f the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to democr

23、atically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the basis of summarizing the experience and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and gradually formed a s

24、et of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outstanding cadres to the central mission in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other central organs and sending

25、 work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachment cadre management, selection, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the National Development

26、 Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the requirements of post training, further curriculum scientifically and rationally, adopt arrangement menu co

27、urse, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establish a quality teacher training team, establish and implement course evaluation system; take delivery of t

28、raining to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recognition of the publicity, and actively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of institutionalization, sta

29、ndardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Youth Service medal, dedication to the society to create conditions, build the stage. During the 54, name

30、d in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two) the establishment of municipal Party committee of young talent information database. In accordance wit

31、h the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various levels generally established the young talent database, construction of city, county (directly under the C

32、ommunist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent information database the relevant information collection system, and gradually establish the citys young people, the Communist Youth League youth talent information network, provide information platform for young talent resource dev

33、elopment.Five, take effective measures to strengthen the mission management(a) to strengthen the mission management work. Strengthen the dues collection and management, continue to adhere to the dues collection regularly reporting system, the annual comprehensive award in recognition of the tour and

34、 the tour one vote veto system audit system. Do statistical work in the group. The group service award in recognition of the advanced units, standardization, promoting group management work institutionalized.(two) to strengthen the organization of research and information exchange efforts. Grassroot

35、s carry out research, efforts to form a number of theoretical results. Make full use of the network carrier, to explore the establishment of electronic group service system, promote the work of Communist Youth League information.Attachment 4:XX municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of the

36、Communist Youth League work pointsIn 2006, the Communist Youth League propaganda ideological work XX to Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, study and implement the partys sixteen and the spirit of the the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Commi

37、ttee implementation of the eight plenary session of the two committee, the citys cultural work conference, the Propaganda Department of the meeting and the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee permanent mission spirit, closely around 11th Five-Year XX the goal of full impleme

38、ntation of Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the times, close to reality, close to life, close to the young, persevere grasp orientation, grasping deepening, grasping construction innovation, further improve the groups propaganda and i

39、deological work ability, unity To guide the majority of members of the youth to achieve the 11th Five-Year planning tasks, the overall construction of a well-off society, building a socialist harmonious society to make new contributions.One, adhere to the Three Represents important thought and Scien

40、tific Outlook on Development education to guide the youth, to further strengthen the ideological and political education of youth(a) armed with youth science theory. Unremittingly with Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents armed members of youth education, to promote the

41、 study and implement to expand the depth and breadth. To study and implement the important thought of Three Represents with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine with the implementation of the requirements of constructing socialist harmonious society with Scien


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