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1、 那件事告诉了我要坚持梦想(450字)作文精选作文:那件事告诉了我要坚持梦想(450字)作文 梦想是居住于每个人城池中的灵药,在我想法其实默默的引领着我。-题记我的理想是当一名编辑,虽然遥不可及,但还是眼巴巴的期盼着上帝的到来。第一次写作文时被老师表扬、夸赞,从而使我对写作文充满了信心。可好景不长,后来的成绩一次不如一次。是我对这项靠笔杆谋生的工作逐渐淡了。每当听见老师表扬一个个学生时,幼小的心灵中暗暗的期盼会有属于我的一席之地,然而,结果总是不尽人意,我看是思考自己的方向了。但那篇文章深深地触及了我的心灵。幽静的花园中,生长着一株紫罗兰。紫色的衣裳使它瞬间无比圣洁。一天早上,它抬起头,环顾四

2、周,它发现了一株耀眼的玫瑰,酒红色的衣裳使它更加妩媚且英挺。紫罗兰很羡慕,恳求“造化”把它变成一株玫瑰,这个美丽的梦想感动了造化,还提醒了它这么做的后果,但紫罗兰仍愿意相信奇迹的发生。午后一场暴风雨把“玫瑰”敲打的枯萎了,但在他生命的最后一刻,他还是毅然决然的坚持了自己对梦的追求与向往。我读后立刻醒悟了,只要肯坚持自己的理想,哪怕遍体鳞伤,也依然闪亮。没有一朵花会错过春意盎然的景色。    六年级:顾绾篇一: 那件事告诉我要乐观 那件事告诉我要乐观 现在的我就是一个开心果,不管遇到什么事都笑着去面对,我以前

3、可不是这样的,通过那件事,我产生了巨大的变化。 学校要举行地理尖子竟赛,我满怀信心的向老师报了名。老师宣布参赛名单时,我支起耳朵认真地听着:“希圣,成虹?”可念了半天就是没我的名字。老师走到我身边,轻轻地说:“这次竞赛事关班级的荣誉,你的地理成绩不如其他几位同学,所以?”“老师,我知道了。”我低着头、缓缓地说。 放学后,天空淅淅沥沥地下起了小雨,仿佛在为我哭泣。我一头冲进雨幕,飞奔回家。我回到家,坐到院子里,在院子里的那颗树下哭,并把自己的烦恼写好埋在树下,就坐在树下发呆。这是我一贯的发泄方式。忽然,我看到一只小蜗牛正向树上爬去。可它实在太笨重了,每爬几步就会下滑一段距离。我呆呆地盯着它出神。


5、人生,最终在事业上取得了成功。你想做怎样的人呢?是像乐观的孩子那样,还是悲观的孩子那样?”我恍然大悟,我怎能遭受一点挫折就这样呢?我的人生之路还很长,不能就这么被打跨。我扬起头,坚定地说:“我要做一个乐观的人!”爸爸赞许地笑了。 真的,自从换了一种心态,我从生活中发现了许多“美”的事物。那件事,它告诉了我:要微笑面对生活中的种种困难,要乐观向上,以一种积极向上的精神跨越成长路上的障碍。 七年级十班 李梓硕 篇二:那件事告诉了我坚持就是胜利 那件事告诉了我坚持就是胜利 还记得在六年级的时候,我报名参加了春季运动会。虽然那时的我连起跑姿势都不标准,但是老师和同学都鼓励我参加运动会,甚至爸爸妈妈也鼓

6、励我参加运动会,所以,在爸爸妈妈和老师同学的鼓励下,我考虑了几天后,我做下了这个决定参加这次比赛。这样既可以通过训练锻炼身体,又可以为学校争光,何乐而不为呢?于是,我就报名参加了这次比赛。 可是训练对于从来都没有参加过体育运动、运动细胞不发达的我来说,简直像是登天,而让我们学校获得篇三:坚持梦想900字作文 坚持梦想900字作文 当我站在高高的的门槛前,蒲公英告诉我,背起行囊出发吧,梦想就是最后的归宿;蝶儿告诉我,如果没有梦想,连翅膀也会成为累赘;花朵告诉我,永远不要叹息,用一生绽放,然后成熟一个秋天的梦。而我告诉我自己,有梦想就要坚持。 把握现在,坚持梦想,你,就是自己命运的主宰!每个人的心

7、中都有一个梦想,梦想是美好的,但是实现梦想的道路是曲折的,无数人在实现梦想的道路上遭遇了无数曲折,尽管如此,他们依旧大步向前;其实梦想就是一个人给自己定的一个大目标,必须认真的面对它,坚持了,熬过了,梦想就实现了,绿芽在土中努力了一冬之后,积蓄了全身的力量,终于把破土而出的梦想变成现实;昙花在人旁沉默了良久之后,倾尽了毕生的精华,终于把璀璨绽放的梦想变成现实;鲜果在叶下思虑了几转之后,用上了所有的勇气,终于把贡献自身的梦想变成现实? 名人古龙曾经说过一句话:梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。是啊!梦想不是梦,梦是虚幻的,而梦想却是真实的,也许,因为怀揣着真实的梦想

8、,我们的生活才会有意义,才会更实在,才会共同坚持朝着不同的目标出发! “天行健,君子以自强不息。”这句话曾鼓舞着多少能人志士,又曾让多少无望之人重获信心。聋人作曲家贝多芬,你在那简简单单的琴键上,流了多少汗水,费了多少心思,于是,一曲月光曲便诞生了,那柔和的曲调,那真挚的情感,使每一个人为之振动。“此曲只应天上有,人间能有几回闻?”你的耳朵虽然失聪了,但有一盏信念之灯在你的心中为你闪耀。在心灯的指引下,你与梦想约定在音乐殿堂,开创出音乐界的一片新天地。 梦想,就像一粒种子,散播在“心灵”的土壤里,尽管它很小,却可以开花结果,假如没有梦想,就像生活在荒凉的大漠,冷冷清清,没有活力。有了梦想,也就

9、有了追求,有了奋斗的目标,有了梦想,就有了动力。它会使人前进,也许在实现梦想的道路中,会遇到无数的坎坷,但,没关系,在那里跌倒了就在那里爬起来,为自己的梦想而前进,毕竟前途是自己的,同学们,为了梦想,加油吧! 荐我老家的大山(700字)作文 荐境(50字)作文 荐我的倾心一爱(200字)作文 荐冬的简单(250字)作文 荐彩虹赞(100字)作文 organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and stren

10、gthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under t

11、he group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of muni

12、cipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building

13、 activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the unit where the party organization department good grou

14、p leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collect

15、ive conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work o

16、f education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Yo

17、uth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party

18、. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secret

19、ary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize the election work rules and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to d

20、emocratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the basis of summarizing the experience and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and gradually forme

21、d a set of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outstanding cadres to the central mission in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other central organs and se

22、nding work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachment cadre management, selection, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the National Develo

23、pment Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the requirements of post training, further curriculum scientifically and rationally, adopt arrangement me

24、nu course, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establish a quality teacher training team, establish and implement course evaluation system; take delivery

25、 of training to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recognition of the publicity, and actively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of institutionalization

26、, standardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Youth Service medal, dedication to the society to create conditions, build the stage. During the 54,

27、 named in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two) the establishment of municipal Party committee of young talent information database. In accordanc

28、e with the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various levels generally established the young talent database, construction of city, county (directly under

29、the Communist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent information database the relevant information collection system, and gradually establish the citys young people, the Communist Youth League youth talent information network, provide information platform for young talent resourc

30、e development.Five, take effective measures to strengthen the mission management(a) to strengthen the mission management work. Strengthen the dues collection and management, continue to adhere to the dues collection regularly reporting system, the annual comprehensive award in recognition of the tou

31、r and the tour one vote veto system audit system. Do statistical work in the group. The group service award in recognition of the advanced units, standardization, promoting group management work institutionalized.(two) to strengthen the organization of research and information exchange efforts. Gras

32、sroots carry out research, efforts to form a number of theoretical results. Make full use of the network carrier, to explore the establishment of electronic group service system, promote the work of Communist Youth League information.Attachment 4:XX municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department of

33、 the Communist Youth League work pointsIn 2006, the Communist Youth League propaganda ideological work XX to Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents as guidance, study and implement the partys sixteen and the spirit of the the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central

34、Committee implementation of the eight plenary session of the two committee, the citys cultural work conference, the Propaganda Department of the meeting and the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee permanent mission spirit, closely around 11th Five-Year XX the goal of full im

35、plementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the times, close to reality, close to life, close to the young, persevere grasp orientation, grasping deepening, grasping construction innovation, further improve the groups propaganda

36、and ideological work ability, unity To guide the majority of members of the youth to achieve the 11th Five-Year planning tasks, the overall construction of a well-off society, building a socialist harmonious society to make new contributions.One, adhere to the Three Represents important thought and

37、Scientific Outlook on Development education to guide the youth, to further strengthen the ideological and political education of youth(a) armed with youth science theory. Unremittingly with Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents armed members of youth education, to promot

38、e the study and implement to expand the depth and breadth. To study and implement the important thought of Three Represents with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine with the implementation of the requirements of constructing socialist harmonious society

39、with Scientific Outlook on Development, carry out education as an important part of the theory of armed youth in the new period, strengthen the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development education, educate and guide the youth to fully understand the great significance of e

40、stablishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, in-depth understanding of the Scientific Outlook on Development era back The king, the practice foundation, basic connotation, historical status, spirit and practice requirements, a profound understanding of Scientific Outlook on

41、Development with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, inheriting and developing relationship between Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of Three Represents, to help young people establish and consciously practice Scientific Outlook on Development. Persist in learning, grasping the backb

42、one, grasp the practice, grasp the opportunity. Catch club, effective way to grasp the network, with the group of cadres, young students and young backbone fronts as the focus, to promote the work of the armed youth theory to develop in depth, to help the youth continue to firm ideals and beliefs, to build a powerful spiritual pillar. To carry out the study and implementation of the pa


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