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1、Unit 4Unit 4Language PointsLanguage Points PandaMilu deerSouth China tigerMany of these animals are almost Many of these animals are almost die outdie out. .die out :disappear completely 灭绝 EX. Dinosaurs have died out long before.die away: (光、声音)慢慢消失,(风)停下来He hid behind the door until the footsteps

2、had died away.The wind died away, and the leaves became silent.很多这些动物都几乎要灭绝了They are in danger of disappearing.in danger:处于危险中In danger of :有的危险(受到外来的危险):他有生命危险He is in danger of losing life脱离危险:out of dangerdangerous adj.可能引起危险,对别人构成危险EX. Its dangerous to play with a tiger. 3.loss n. 健康的丧失较金钱的损失更加严

3、重。损失,遗失,丧失Loss of health is more serious than loss of money.4.hunt v打猎;猎取;猎食November is a good time to hunt deer.job-hunting:hunt for:search for; try to find 寻找;寻求创业Para.1Para.15.Not long ago there was a girl called Daisy.called Daisy作后置定语修饰 a girl, 相当于省略了who/that was的定语从句There be + n./pron./v.edThe

4、re is no space left for adding more news. (剩余的)There were wild flowers growing all over the hills . (生长在)6.get dressed 穿衣 get + v.-ed迷路get lost结婚get married受伤get hurt换衣get changeddress sb./ oneself帮某人穿衣/ 自己穿衣be dressed in +颜色eg.: be dressed in redhave on: 穿着 = wear There was an antelope with a sad f

5、ace looking at her. 7. with +宾语+分词那男孩子躺在草地上,眼睛望着天空。The boy lay on the grass, _那小偷被带进来,手被绑在后面。The thief was brought in, with his hands tied back. with his eyes looking into the sky.Para.2Para.2The tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee, which made a lot of money for the farmers.旅

6、游公司申请,希望获准做有偿捕猎,这样农民就可以赚很多钱。8. apply v.将应用于向(某人)申请得到apply(to sb.) for sth. apply sth. toapply oneself/ones mind /ones energy to (doing) sth.致力于;专心于1.Before you travel to a foreign country, you should 1.Before you travel to a foreign country, you should a passport. a passport. 2.New technology is bei

7、ng 2.New technology is being industry. industry. 3.As a student, you should 3.As a student, you should the the studies. studies. apply forapplied toapply yourself to9. as a result (of sth): because of something that has happened作为的结果;因此;由于e.g. I was very busy. As a result, I couldnt take care of her

8、. e.g. About twenty people were killed as a result of the big fire.as a result of + 名词性的东西 “由于”10. suggest sth/ doing sth. 提议,建议I only suggest the plan. You decide.I suggest taking part in the singing competition.他的秘书建议我们下周再来。His secretary suggested that_ _ we (should) come next Monday.suggest (that

9、) sb (should) do / be(虚拟语气)suggest还可作“表明,说明,暗示”解。陈述语气Her expression suggested that she was angry.He came to my class every week, but his attitude suggested she_ not really interested in the class.A. is B. be C. was D. wereC11.The knife can protect you from a lecher(色狼).The fur can protect the antelo

10、pes against the cold.protect sb from sth/sb.保护免受protect sb against sth 防御他戴上墨镜保护眼睛以防太阳光。He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.12.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。contain v. n. containerThe new textbook contains 10 units, including two mainly revi

11、sions.包含;含有He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.控制;容忍The room is not big enough to contain so many people容纳affect v.have an effect on 影响突然的天气变化可能影响你的健康A sudden change in weather may affect your health.I was deeply affected by the film.感动effect (n)效应;结果;后果。这药有什么疗效吗?Did the medicine

12、have any effect?have an effect on come into effect对有影响生效;开始实施in effecttake effect实际上;事实上开始起作用;见效1.The old mans words _ me ,and I always remember what he said.2.Lucy said that she left her homework at home,_ she didnt finish it. 3.The medicine_ in one hour after you take it. 4.This new teaching syste

13、m of our school _ next month. had an effect onin effecttakes effectcome into effect13.No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. 没有雨林就没有动物,也就没有药物。no no没有就不; 不便无; 不不No fire, no smoke. No pains, no gains.No song, no supper. 无火不冒烟。/事出有因。 不劳无获。不唱歌,没晚饭。/不干活,没饭吃。/不劳动,不得食。(There are) No animals and no drugs

14、without rain forest. 14.It might help you if you pay attention to the rain forest where I live and understand how the animals live together.如果你重视我生活的热带雨林,并懂得雨林动物是如何在那里共同生活的,那可能对你有好处。你英语讲得很好,但最好对书面英语多加注意。You speak English very well, but youd better_ to your written English. pay more attention 15. Daisy war amazed!amazed = surprisedWe were all _ at the_ news.amazedamazingYou would be very amazed at how difficult it was. 如果你知道这是多么困难,你会大为诧异的。


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