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20161014 佛山公开赛合作合同-珠江啤酒.docx

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1、2016年欧洲高尔夫球挑战巡回赛佛山公开赛 合作合同European Challenge Tour Foshan Open 2016Co-operative ContractBetween甲方:广州珠江啤酒股份有限公司Party A:Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., LtdAnd乙方:佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司Party B: Foshan Country ClubCo., Ltd甲方(合作方):广州珠江啤酒股份有限公司Party A (Partner): Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., Ltd注册地址:广州市新港东路磨碟沙大街118号

2、Registration address: No.118,Modiesha Avenue, East Xingang Rd., GZ., R, R C.乙方(举办方):佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司Party B (Organizer):Foshan Country ClubCo., Ltd注册地址:佛山市南海区大沥横岗大浩湖度假区雍怡雅居A座售楼部Registration address:Sales Center, Yong Yi Ju Block A, Dahao Resort Zone, Henggang, Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City鉴于:乙方

3、作为【佛山公开赛】的组织承办方,将于2016年【10】月【20】日至2016年【10】月【23】日在【佛山高尔夫球会】举办【2016年欧洲高尔夫球挑战巡回赛-佛山公开赛】,甲方拟在该项赛事中与乙方合作,以取得等值的赛事权益和甲方品牌推广。Given that Party B is organizer for 2016 Foshan Open, which will be held in Foshan Golf Club during Oct. 20th to 23rd, 2016. Party A is going to provide certain goods for Party B to

4、 get certain benefits and brand promotion.甲乙双方经友好协商,就甲乙双方合作事宜,达成一致意见,订立本合同以资共同遵守:Both parties reach the agreement that Party A provide sponsorship and get the relevant tournament benefits from Party B, and obey the contracts clauses.一、赛事举办Foshan Open Date乙方将于2016年【10】月【20】日至2016年【10】月【23】日在【佛山高尔夫球会】

5、举办【2016年欧洲高尔夫球挑战巡回赛佛山公开赛】。Party B is going to held European Challenge Tour - Foshan Open2016during Oct 20th to 23rd in Foshan Golf Club.二、合作内容及合作方权益Cooperation contents and benefits1. 甲方就【佛山公开赛】向乙方提供现金为人民币【8万】元,甲方应于本合同生效签订后【30】个工作日内凭乙方开具符合中国税收法律法规规定的增值税专用发票将款项转入以下乙方指定账户:Party A is going to provide s

6、ponsorship to Party B with the cash at RMB80,000, Party A should pay Party B within 【30】days once the contract is signedcomes into effect by both partiesand party B has provided party A official VAT invoice. Below are the payment details: 户名Account Name:佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司 开户行Bank Name:招商银行佛山大沥支行 账号Account

7、Number:7579 0029 8910 7682. 甲方应按本条约定向乙方提供本合同约定的全部合作事项,在甲方如期、适当、全面履行全部合作义务后,乙方将按照本合同“附件一:合作方权益”在该项赛事中给予甲方相应权益。Party A should provide all the agreed goods to Party B according to this agreement. After Party B fulfill their obligation properly, Party B will give Party B the relevant tournament benefits

8、 as listed in attachment 1.三、商标使用权 Logo usage1. 甲乙双方在该项赛事中拥有附件二中对方商标及标识的非专属使用权,甲乙双方有权将对方商标及标识用于赛事相关的报导、广播、照片、电视媒体、纸媒和广告,以及甲方品牌及产品宣传等,有效期至2017年5月1日。Both Parties have the nonexclusive right to use the logo in attachment 【2】, and can apply this logo in relevant report, broadcast, pictures, TV , and adv

9、ertisements, and promotion, logo usage valid until May 1st 2017.2. 甲、乙双方应保证各自其所提供的商标及标识的合法性、有效性,不存在任何权利瑕疵,如因甲一方商标或标识存在侵权行为而导致第三方向乙方索赔的,应由违约甲方赔偿对乙方因此而遭受的一切直接及间接损失。如一乙方先行对外垫付了相关费用,垫付乙方有权向违约甲方追偿。Party ABoth Parties should guarantee the legitimacy and effectiveness of the trademark. Any trademark infrin

10、gement and lead to the third partys claim should be borne by Party Aany Party. Party BThe other haves the right to get the money back If it pay the loss on behalf of Party Adefaulting Party in advance. 四、双方的权利与义务 Rights and obligation(一) 甲方的权利与义务Party As rights and obligation1甲方应按时向乙方提供本合同约定的合作事项。Pa

11、rty A should provide the agreed sponsorship to Party B by the regulated time.2甲方参加乙方的赛事活动或在与乙方合作过程中,应遵守法律法规以及乙方关于赛事活动的各项规定(包括但不限于如与场地的卫生、人身安全和保安相关的法律、法规和规章制度)。如甲方在赛事活动中或在向乙方提供赞助的过程中由于甲方原因给乙方或第三人造成人身或财产损失,由甲方承担赔偿责任。Party A should obey the laws and regulations, and follow the tournament rules (includi

12、ng but not limited to venue sanitary rules, personal safety and security regulations, etc.). If any person from Party B get injury or property damage happened caused by Party A or the sponsor process providing to Party B during the tournament when Party B is providing he sponsorship benefits to Part

13、y A , Party A should take the responsibility.3. 在甲方依约完全履行本合同项下义务后,甲方有权享受乙方提供的合作方权益。Party A can have the relevant benefits if it completes the agreed sponsor obligations.4甲方参加乙方的赛事活动及其他相关活动中,应遵守乙方的安排及相关管理制度。除双方协定的区域外,甲方不得自己进行现场促销或在与乙方赛事活动有关的场所进行商品推销、宣传或其他商业行为,甲方的商品推销、品牌宣传均由乙方按照甲方要求负责提供和完成。双方协定的区域除外。保

14、留Party A should follow Party Bs arrangement and relevant regulation when attending the tournament activities. Except the agreed area, Party A should not promote its items on site or do any other cross business activities inside the tournament or related event places by itself, promotion should be to

15、ok by Party B according to Party As demand., except the agreed area.(二)乙方的权利与义务Party Bs rights and obligations1. 乙方应尽可能保障赛事如约按期进行。若赛事不能在约定时间或地点举办,乙方有权重新安排赛事的举办时间和地点,并及时书面通知甲方,在不损害甲方权益的前提下,甲方无条件同意按变更后的时间或地点继续履行本合同。如乙方赛事重新安排时间超过一年的,甲方有权选择是否继续履行,如甲方选择退出的,乙方须全额退还甲方已付款项。Party B should try all means to se

16、cure the tournament held on schedule. Party B has the right to rearrange the tournament time and venue with prior notice to Party A without any benefit damage if the tournament cannot be scheduled as planned. After receiving the notice, Party B should continue to follow the contract unconditionally.

17、 Party A has the right to decide whether to continue to follow up the part if Party B rearrange the tournament more than one year, and Party B should return the invested money if Party A decides to end.2. 如该项赛事被取消,经乙方书面通知甲方后,本合同自动终止;合同终止后,乙方自赛事取消之日起将于发出书面通知后【30】个工作日内无息退还甲方原实际支付给乙方本合同项下约定的款项。 除非在合理情形

18、下款项无法或难以退还,无论如何,双方不应以赛事被取消向对方追究任何违约责任,甲方应尽力配合乙方完成合同解除后的清理工作 。The contract terminates if the tournament is canceled, and Party B should notice Party B A in written notice. Party B should return all the sponsor items to Party A within 【30】days once the tournament is canceled. (If Party A is non-cash s

19、ponsor, Party B can return the goods to Party A in the reasonable way Party A prefers.) Anyway, both parties should not investigate any breach contract liabilities because of the canceling of the tournament. Party A should try best to cooperate Party B to finish the cleaning up work (including but n

20、ot limited to the returned sponsor goods.)3在甲方依约完全履行本合同项下义务后,乙方应按照约定向甲方提供全部合作商权益。Party B should give all the agreed benefits to Party A after Party A completes its agreed obligations.4. 乙方接受甲方现金款项后,负责为向甲方安排和提供合作方权益,应根据甲方实际支付的款项,在赛事结束后30天之内,。向甲方开具符合中国税收法律法规规定的增值税专用税务发票。Party B should provide cooperat

21、ion benefits once received cashthe official VAT invoice to Party A .according to the cooperative items value within 30 days after the tournament. 五、违约责任 Breach the contract1. 甲方如未按照合同约定时间向乙方提供全部款项,且自乙方书面通知后仍未在合理期限付款的,应从逾期之日起,按日向乙方支付人民币【100】元的逾期履约违约金,违约金总额不超过未付款2%直至履行全部 义务为止。如甲方延迟履行超过十五日,则乙方有权单方解除本合同

22、,取消甲方在赛事中的全部权益,乙方已收取的款项不予退还。如甲方的违约行为给乙方造成其他损失的,甲方还应赔偿乙方所遭受的全部损失。If Party A fails to provide the agreed sponsoring items to Party B in the contract time and still fails to provide after written notification , Party A should pay the overdue 【100】RMB to Party B until fulfill its all sponsor obligations

23、, and the overdue should no more than 2% of unpaid amount. Party B has the right to terminate the contract and cancel all the granted benefits if Party A delays to fulfill its obligation in more than 15 days. Party B will not return the received sponsor items. Party A should compensate all the loss

24、to Party B because of its breach behavior.2. 如甲方依约完全履行本合同项下义务后,乙方未按附件一向甲方提供合作商权益的,乙方应向甲方承担相应的违约责任。Party B should take the breach liability if Party A fulfill its obligation, but Party B fails to give it the agreed benefits.六、合同的解除 Contract termination1. 本合同经双方协商一致,可以解除。The contract can be terminated

25、 if agreed by both parties.2. 如甲方未履行本合同约定的义务,或延迟履行本合同约定义务超过十五日,乙方有权单方解除本合同。If Party A didnt fulfill the sponsor obligations, or delay more than 15 days, Party B has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract.3. 在甲方完全履行本合同约定义务后,乙方未按约定给予甲方合作商权益并导致合同目的无法实现的,甲方有权单方解除本合同,乙方须退还甲方已付款项。If Party B fai

26、ls to give the agreed benefits to Party A after Party A completes all the sponsor obligations, Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract and ask Party B to return the invested money.4. 乙方拥有本合同的单方解除权,但需在赛事开始提前三天书面通知甲方,乙方须全额退还甲方已付款项及甲方提供的产品,并给予甲方相当于本合同约定甲方提供款项的10的违约金。除此外,乙方无需向甲方承担任

27、何责任。保留4.Party B has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract, but need to notify party A in writinga three days in advance, and return the invested money and products provided by Part A, and to give Party A the equivalent of 10of the sponsorship amount penalty due to breach of contract. In

28、addition, Party B no need to afford any responsibility to Party A.5因不可抗力导致合同目的无法实现,双方可协商解除本合同。Both parties can negotiate to terminate the contract due to the force majeure.七、双方约定的通讯地址及联系方式Mailing address and contact information甲方: Party A: 广州珠江啤酒股份有限公司通讯地址Mailing Address:广州市新港东路磨碟沙大街118号联系人 Contact

29、person:电话 Tel:020-84202433邮箱 E-MAIL:传真 Fax: 020-84202501乙方 Party B:佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司通讯地址Mailing Address::中国广东省佛山市南海高新区高尔夫路333号 | 广佛新世界 | 528231联系人 Contact person: 黄文君电话 Tel:0757-81827949E-MAIL邮箱:huangwj任何一方就本合同发给另一方的任何通知必须按以上通讯资料、以中文书面形式进行。如以人手传送,以联系人签收之时视为送达。如以E-MAL邮件形式进行,以邮件发送至上述指定邮箱时视为送达。如以邮递形式进行,应以特快专

30、递方式寄送,以特快专递记载的发出日期为发出日,自发出之日起三个工作日后或收件方签收时(以先者为准)视为送达。任何一方如需变更通讯地址或联系人或联系电话或E-MAIL邮箱,应及时书面通知对方,否则,以按原联系方式传送视为送达。Any notice sent to each party should be confirmed to the contact information above by Chinese written paper. If the delivery is by manual, notice shall be deemed properly received once be

31、signed. If by fax, notice should be confirmed after successfully transmitted. If by mail, should be delivered by express, and be deemed as delivered after 3 days. Any change of the contact information should be noticed to each party by written words, otherwise, use the original contact information.八

32、、不可抗力Force majeure1. 因人力不可抗拒因素(如风灾,水灾,罢工及战争等)导致合同无法履行的,不视为违约,双方均不承担违约责任。Both parties should not take any liabilities of breaching contract due to the force majeure.2. 主张发生不可抗力的一方应立即书面通知对方,并采取措施将损失降低至最少,并应在发生不可抗力后的十五天内向对方提供证明不可抗力发生及其持续时间的证据。Any party who claims the force majeure should notice the oth

33、er in writing, and try to lowest the loss. The proof of the force majeure should be submitted within 15 days after it occurs.九、法律适用及争议解决Governing Law and Jurisdiction1. 本合同的签订、效力、解释、履行及争议均适用中华人民共和国法律。This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese law 2. 因本合同发生争议的,双方应友好协商

34、,协商不成的,在甲方所在任何一方均可向本合同签订不同意修改地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。Each Party agrees to negotiate first when dispute happens, if it doesnt work, then both partiesParty A have has the right to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Chinese courts.十、合同期限 Contract Term本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至本合同履行完毕之日终止。This contract shall be

35、deemed to come into force on the Effective Date after signed and stamped by both parties and terminate on the date of performance completion. 十一、其他 Others1. 本合同有中文及英文两个版本,中英文如有不一致的,以中文版本为准。英文版本仅为便于阅读所设,任何一方不得以英文版本对中文版本进行任何解释。This is a bilingual contract; the final clause is subjected to Chinese vers

36、ion if there is difference between the English versions. English is only for reference, both Parties should not have any explanation for the English to Chinese words.2. 如双方对本合同达成一致变更,应书面签订补充协议,补充协议及本合同的附件均为本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。Both parties can negotiate or sign the supplementary agreement with the

37、equal legal power if certain things are omitted in this contract. 3. 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,一式贰份,双方各执贰份,具有同等法律效力。The contract takes effect after signed by both parties with two copies. Each party has two copies with equal legal power.本合同附件一:合作方权益Attachment 1: Party As Benefits一、 广州珠江啤酒股份有限公司投入Investment of G

38、uangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., Ltd为2016年佛山公开赛赞助8万元现金Sponsorship of RMB80, 000 in cash for 2016 Foshan Open二、 广州珠江啤酒股份有限公司权益Benefits of Guangzhou Zhujiang Brewery Co., Ltd赛事接待VIP Hospitality(2016.10赛事周Tournament week) 贵宾通行证6张(免费提供午餐及下午茶)6 VIP Hospitality Passes ( free Lunch and afternoon tea) 贵宾停车证3张

39、 3 VIP Parking Passes 4位名额参加欢迎晚宴4 guests to attend welcome party 广粤国际交流中心Canton International House 100人的会议(不含餐饮)Conference with total 100 person (excluding F&B)(有效期Expiry Date: 2016.11.1-2017.5.31)品牌曝光Brand showing(LOGO) 赛事期间球会一楼观景台设置啤酒花园展示产品(可放置带LOGO的雨伞)Set up beer garden at the terrace of 1st flo

40、or of FGC during the tournament for the products show and umbrella with logos. 广佛天地设置产品展卖区(设计需要经球会同意) Displaying area in Foshan Canton Place, design should be approval by FCG. 赛事期间十八甫设置产品展示(具体形式需与球会协商)Products display at Ho Koon during tournament week 赛事周各类晚宴中进行产品展示(具体形式需与球会、CIH协商)Products display i

41、n the dinner parties during tournament week 1块广告板(公众区:1块)1 A-board (1 in public area ) 赛事欢迎板 Welcome boards during tournament 赛事周采访室背景板 Interview backdrop during tournament 门票 Ticket 赛事报告 Event report 佛山公开赛官网 Foshan Open Website其它 Others 2016年11月可在球会中途亭做产品促销和赠饮活动(视效果另议续期)One free drink promotion can

42、 be pu in half-way house on Nov, 2016. 产品可在球会餐厅和交流中心十八甫代售一年(产品列入菜单)(协议价另议)Products can be sale at the restaurant of FGC & CIH (Products can be list inside the menu) (Price need to be negotiated)球会在一年的两场大型赛事比赛可按协议价采购指定的啤酒(不少于300瓶)Agree to purchasing the beer more than 300 bottles for 2 big event in o

43、ne year by FCG.(有效期Expiry Date: 2016.10.1 -2017.9.30)* 佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司拥有本次赛事权益的最终解释权Foshan Country Club Co., Ltd reserved the right of final explanation to the benefits本合同附件二:甲乙双方商标Attachment 2: Logos请补充LOGO甲方(盖章):Party A (Stamp)乙方(盖章):佛山乡村俱乐部有限公司Party B(Stamp): Foshan Country ClubCo., Ltd授权签约人(签字): 授权签约人(签字):RepresentativeRepresentative签订日期:Sign date:签订日期:Sign date:签订地点:广州,佛山Place of Signing: Guangzhou, Foshan13


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