1、数据来源:瑞士有机农业研究所( )和 国际有机联盟()根据 摘译世界有机农业概况与趋势预测授权翻译整理2018年新书预告2018 年FiBL(瑞士有机农业研究所)授权数据来源:瑞士有机农业研究所(FiBL)和 IFOAM国际有机联盟(IFOAM-Organics International)根据 The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics neither do they accept responsibility or liability for any possible mis-takes, nor for any consequences of
2、 actions taken by readers based on statements or advice contained therein. Authors are responsible for the content of their own articles. Their opinions do not necessarily express the views FiBL or IFOAM Organics International. This document has been produced with the support of the International Tr
3、ade Centre (ITC), the Swiss State Sec-retariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), and NrnbergMesse. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinions of ITC, SECO, or NrnbergMesse. Should corrections and updates become necessary, they will be published at www.organic-. Thi
4、s book is available for download at http:/www.organic- Any enquiries regarding this book and its contents should be sent to Julia Lernoud and Helga Willer, FiBL, Acker-strasse 113, 5070 Frick, Switzerland, e-mail julia.lernoudfibl.org and helga.willerfibl.org. Please quote articles from this book in
5、dividually with name(s) of author(s) and title of article. The same applies to the tables: Please quote source, title of table and then the overall report. The whole report should be cited as: Willer, Helga and Julia Lernoud (Eds.) (2018): The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Tr
6、ends 2018. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, and IFOAM Organics International, Bonn. Die Deutsche Bibliothek CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die Deutsche Bibliothek February 2018. Research Institute of Organic Agric
7、ulture (FiBL) and IFOAM Organics International. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Ackerstrasse113, 5070 Frick, Switzerland, Tel. +41 62 865 72 72, Fax +41 62 865 72 73, e-mail info.suissefibl.org, Internet www.fibl.orgIFOAM Organics International, Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, 53113 Bonn
8、, Germany, Tel. +49 228 926 50-10, Fax +49 228 926 50-99, e-mail headofficeifoam.bio, Internet www.ifoam.bio, Trial Court Bonn, Association Regis-ter no. 8726Language editing: Laura Kemper and Simon Moakes, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandCover: Kurt Riedi, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandLayout: Julia Lernoud and
9、Helga Willer, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandMaps: Simone Bissig and Julia Lernoud, FiBL, Frick, Switzerland Graphs (if not otherwise stated): Julia Lernoud and Helga Willer, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandInfographic: Kurt Riedi, FiBL, Frick, SwitzerlandCover picture: Certified organic cattle property in Austral
10、ia. Arcadian Organic 我们将更正数据库中的信息,并在2019年版的“有机农业世界”中提供更正的数据。更正信息也会发布在www.organic-网站。下载地址:http:/www.oabc.cc/about/mag.asp 正谷官方网站2012年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测 2013年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测2014 年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测 2015年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测2016年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测 2017年世界有机农业概况与趋势预测各国政府现在向有机农业提供公共支持,成果、经验教训和政策建议现已以工具包形式公布。新的IFOAM政策工具包旨在填补有机宣传和决策领域的知识空白:决策者不仅可以了解我们应该支持有机农业的原因,还可以了解如何支持有机农业。更多信息请参考相关章节。正谷(北京)农业发展有限公司详情请关注正谷有机农业技术中心微博http:/