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外研社版普通高中教科书·英语选择性必修 第三册.pdf

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1、普通高中教科书第三册选择性必修普通高中教科书第三册选择性必修主 编:陈 琳北京主 编:陈 琳副 主 编:张连仲编 者:刘 晓 李陆桂 张京生 钱建源 徐 浩 雷传利 (按照姓氏笔画排序)项目策划:王 芳 王 勇项目负责:张黎新 郎 崧 张 涛基础教育出版分社: 地 址:北京市西三环北路 19 号 外研社大厦 基础教育出版分社 (100089) 咨询电话:(010)88819117/88819688 传 真:(010)88819423本教材是外语教学与研究出版社根据教育部制定的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) ,在充分调研和科学论证的基础上推出的中小学“一条龙”英语教材英语 (新标准)的高

2、中部分。本教材的主编为北京外国语大学陈琳教授,副主编为张连仲教授,编写团队包括国内高校的知名专家学者、教研人员和一线教师。陈琳教授秉承周恩来总理提出的“一条龙”外语教学理念,总结自己从事外语教育工作 70 年的经验,提出了符合中国外语教育实践的教育理论辩证实践外语教育途径,并在英语 (新标准)教材中贯彻实施。根据教育部 2017 年新课程标准的精神,我们启动了英语 (新标准)高中教材的修订工作。本次修订全面依托新课程标准要求,坚持陈琳教授的特色理论,由陈琳教授、张连仲教授指导编写团队,在充分考虑我国英语教育实际学情和教情的前提下,进行了全面的框架重建和内容设计,保证了理论与实践的紧密结合。英语

3、 (新标准)高中教材共分 10 册:13 册为必修课程教材,47 册为选择性必修课程教材,810 册为选修课程中的提高类教材。选择性必修课程教材与必修课程教材形成递进关系,进一步夯实基础,为学生的深度发展与进阶做好准备,既适应今后高考的普遍要求,也能够适应学生今后人生和职业发展的语言需求。 英语 (新标准)选择性必修课程教材的主要特色如下:一、坚持立德树人根本任务。在教材的选材、内容、语言等各个方面突出学科的育人本质,帮助学生更好地培育中国情怀,坚定文化自信,拓展国际视野,形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。二、突出学科核心素养的重要性,全面培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,帮助



6、助教师快速理解教材内容和相关背景知识,明确教学目标,掌握教学节奏;同时开发了配套的网络教材和其他多媒体配套资源,丰富课程资源,拓展教学模式。我们希望, 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材能够进一步培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,为他们继续学习英语和终身发展打下坚实的基础。英语 (新标准)系列教材高中阶段编委会前 言Scope and sequenceUnitStarting outUnderstanding ideasUsing languageGrammarIntegrated skills P1Face valuesVideo: Peking Ope

7、ra masks Its all about me!Subject clausesSkin deepFunctions:Defining a topicPresenting ideasConcludingProject: Adapting a book for the stage P73 P13A lifes workVideo: Cook Ding and the oxLife behind the lensPredicative clausesThe spirit of craftsmanshipFunctions:Giving reasonsChecking knowledgeProje

8、ct: Creating a directory of traditional crafts P74 P25War and peaceVideo: The war to end all wars?The D-Day landingsSubject-verb agreement (1)The road to peaceFunctions:Expressing sympathyTalking about memoriesProject: Giving a speech about war and peace P75 P37A glimpse of the futureVideo: Future o

9、r fantasy?Artificial intelligence: a real threat?Subject-verb agreement (2)The world of tomorrowFunctions:Expressing excitementAsking for confirmationProject: Making a poster about a city of the future P76 P49Learning from natureVideo: Lessons from natureNature in architectureReview: non-finite form

10、s as subject, object and predicativeInspiration from animalsFunctions:Talking about benefitsShowing interestProject: Making a short video on inspiration from nature P77 P61Nature in wordsVideo: Nature in literatureFirst snow (adaptation)Review: non-finite forms as attributive, adverbial and compleme

11、ntDescribing natureFunctions:Giving examplesGiving explanationsProject: Giving a literary reading on nature P78AppendicesLearning aidP81VocabularyP119Words and expressionsP111 Names and placesP128Developing ideasPresentingideasReadingWritingThe Hunchback of Notre-Dame (adaptation) Learning to learn:

12、Comparing and contrasting characters in a narrativeWriting about a literary workRecommending “the most beautiful person you know”Masters of timeVideo:The Forbidden CityWriting an expository essayLearning to learn:Expository essaysDebating whether or not one should devote ones life to one thingLianda

13、: a place of passion, belief and commitmentLearning to learn:Similes and metaphorsWriting about a war heroGiving a presentation on a war-related topicA boys best friend (excerpts)Video:Isaac Asimov and theThree Laws of RoboticsLearning to learn:ForeshadowingContinuing a sci-fi storyDescribing an ide

14、al day in the futureBack to natureLearning to learn:Comparative essaysWriting about a lesson from natureLearning to learn:Extended metaphorsMaking a speech on the topic “Nature is our best teacher”Silent springWriting a poem about natureLearning to learn:Features of English poetryPlanning a book abo

15、ut natureReflection同学们,欢迎大家继续英语 (新标准)高中教材的学习!经过必修课程教材的学习,大家已经打下了更为扎实的英语基础,达到了高中英语学业质量水平一的要求。现在大家应根据升学或就业的需要,对自己的学习目标提出更高的要求。由教育部制定并颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 明确规定:普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养。这就是同学们在高中阶段学习英语的方向和目标。要达到这个目标,需要大家的主观努力,也

16、需要一套适应更高更广的语言学习需求的教材。 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材在延续了必修课程教材的基础上,为有升学要求或有个性化发展需求的学生设计,在话题内容、语言理论、语言技能、跨文化意识、思维能力、学习能力等方面,都提出了更高的要求,延伸出了如下特点:一、作为必修课程教材的延续,选择性必修课程教材的话题选择更注意广度和深度,既关注话题的现实意义,又关注语言学习的思想内涵,充分反映语言的发展和社会的进步,力求培养同学们的文化意识和思维能力。二、选择性必修课程教材具体语篇内容的选择将会引导大家进入英语语言学习的较高阶段。课文中不但会出现更有挑战性的阅读篇章,同时还会根据每个单元的主题补充



19、质、文化意识等维度的自我评价和总结,更显性体现了学习和思维的过程,帮助大家进一步培养自主学习和反思总结的能力。我们衷心希望,同学们能够通过学习本教材,了解到更加丰富的信息,在理解祖国文化、坚定文化自信的同时,发展跨文化交流能力,更好地适应宽广的世界。愿英语 (新标准)伴随同学们度过有意义的高中时代!致 同 学UNIT1 Watch the video and answer the questions.1 How many kinds of Peking Opera masks are mentioned in the video? What do they represent?2 Which

20、Peking Opera mask most suits your personality? Why? 2 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1 What can you see in the three pictures?2 What does each of the pictures tell you about the characters?3 What can you learn from the pictures?Face valuesStarting out 11 Read the facts about how satis

21、fied people around the world are with their personal looks and answer the questions.1 Do you find any of the facts surprising? Why?2 Do you think ones appearance is important? Why?2 Read the passage and find out what attitude each person has towardstheir looks. Over half of people are fairly satisfi

22、ed or completely satisfied with their appearances. Teenagers are almost as satisfied with their looks as older generations. Men and women are almost equal in terms of how satisfied they are. People in Latin American countries are the happiest with their looks. Japanese people are the most self-criti

23、cal, with over one in ten “not at all satisfied”.“Me”. Its a small word with big meaning, and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look. Through interviews, I was able to discover what “me” means to other people, and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves. P

24、sychologist, Dr Hart Jade, 24, accounting manager1 As a song in Ugly Betty puts it, “Its a pretty persons world”. I understand this more than most, as I have always been plain-looking. Im a girl whod love to look good. Well, who wouldnt? So, ever since I discovered selfie apps that could remove my f

25、reckles, enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline, I have become addicted. I spend hours every day editing my selfies, posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments. Each “like” boosts my confidence. Dad thinks I am a narcissist, but what I say is that my pictures arent hur

26、ting anyone, so who cares? Dr Hart says:2 Obsessive online photo editing indicates a lack of self-confidence and a desire for attention. However, the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others is false. People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves.ME!Itsall about

27、Understanding ideas2UNIT 1 Anthony, 21, college student 3 I never really cared about my appearance. Thats why I could never understand my sister, who has 17 lipsticks and cant decide which one to use every morning. I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts. When

28、I first moved into my dormitory at college, this made my roommates quite confused as they saw me in the same clothes day after day. Last month they registered me for a TV programme, A New You. It felt bizarre at first. I didnt like being reviewed from head to toe. But I was surprised at how good I l

29、ooked after the makeover! For the first time in my life I saw myself as a handsome and well-presented young man. At that moment, I perceived that external beauty isnt totally worthless. It can be an expression of our personalities, helping us make a good and positive impression on others. Dr Hart sa

30、ys:4 Its true that inner beauty is very important, but external beauty shouldnt be completely overlooked. It plays a part in the image we present to the world, and making an effort with your appearance can leave a positive first impression on others and boost your confidence. Emma, 17, senior high s

31、chool student5 Ever since I was little, Ive been larger than other girls. For a long time, this really bothered me. People would stare at me because I was “big” and I hated the way I looked. My anxiety drove me to try every means possible to lose weight, including dieting and weight-loss pills, but

32、this brought me nothing but pain and poor health. Everything changed when one day I came across the success story of a plus-size model, Tess Holliday. Although shes larger than most other models, shes really attractive and has the confidence to be herself even in an industry full of beauty stereotyp

33、es. Her story changed my ideas about what it means to be beautiful. I realised that my health, mental and physical, is the most important thing. Now I exercise a couple of times a week but just to keep fit. I mean, isnt it better that Im large and happy, instead of skinny and unhealthy? Dr Hart says

34、:6 I completely agree with Emma being healthy is beautiful, and we should wear that beauty with confidence. What I really admire is the way she has acknowledged that good health not only makes us more beautiful, but happier, too!Face values33 Choose the purpose of the passage and give your reasons.1

35、 To persuade people to edit their photos less.2 To prove that external beauty is not the most important thing.3 To show the true meaning of beauty.4 To warn readers about the physical dangers of losing weight.4 Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram.Think Share&1 Do you agree

36、 that “Its a pretty persons world”? Why?2 Has your understanding of the importance of appearance changed after reading the passage? Why?3 In addition to those methods mentioned in the passage, what other ways do you think can make you become a better person?4 Have you encountered any difficulties in

37、 understanding the main idea of this passage? Share them with the class and ask for advice.Now talk about which story or comment makes the greatest impression on you and give your reasons.Its all aboutME!AnthonyStatements: I was surprised at 5 . I perceived that 6 . Dr Harts comment:7 EmmaStatements

38、: My attempts to lose weight brought me 8 . A plus-size model 9 . I realised that 10 .Dr Harts comment:11 JadeStatements: I want to 1 . I have become 2 . The positive comments 3 .Dr Harts comment:4 4UNIT 11 Look at the sentences and answer the questions. Sentences (a) and (c) are from the reading pa

39、ssage.Subject clauses3 Write an introduction to Ma Xu based on the profile. Use three or four subject clauses in your introduction.4 Think of another famous person and give an introduction to the class. Use three or four subject clauses in the introduction.1 What is the role of the words in bold in

40、each sentence?2 In sentence (a), what does “what” refer to?3 What does “it” refer to in sentence (c)?4 Why does the author choose to use sentences (a)and (c) instead of sentences (b) and (d)?Now look for more sentences with subject clauses in the reading passage, and summarise their uses in your own

41、 words.2 Read the passage and choose the correct words. It is a well-known fact that / what the faces some people show to the world might be completely different to their real personalities. For instance, most comedians never cease to have smiles on their faces and always sound cheerful because that

42、s the nature of their work. From this, its impossible to know what / where their true feelings are. Smiles imply happiness, but remember although they might be laughing on the outside, they might be weeping on the inside. That / How others are feeling is not something that we should make assumptions

43、 about, because its not always obvious who is truly happy. What / That is certain is that comedians often use comedy to help them understand themselves and the world. In fact, comedy is a very serious job indeed!a what I say is that my pictures arent hurting anyone, so who cares?b “That my pictures

44、arent hurting anyone is what I say, so who cares?”c Its true that inner beauty is very importantd That inner beauty is very important is trueUsing language Ma Xu Ma Xu became a military doctor in 1947. She applied to become a paratrooper in 1961, but her first application failed because there were n

45、o female paratroopers at that time. Ma was only 1.53 metres tall and weighed just 37.5 kg. But she learnt to parachute by training hard in secret. After Ma proved that she could jump as well as anyone else, her application was successful. Ma is Chinas first female paratrooper. She completed over 140

46、 parachute jumps over a period of 20 years the most of any female paratrooper. She also set a national record as the oldest enlisted woman to do a parachute jump, at the age of 51. In 2018, Ma donated her entire life savings to her home town in Mulan County. This donation was to support local educat

47、ion and public welfare.Ma Xu is a famous paratrooper. What impress me most are her courage, skill and determination.Face values5Skin deep5 Listen to the speech. Choose the title that best describes the topic and give your reasons.1 How to Hide Scars2 Our True Self Lies Within3 The Life Story of Dr K

48、leck4 The Psychology of Sadness6 Listen again and complete the fact sheet. Today, Im going to talk about The subject of this speech is First / Next / Then After that, As you can see, To sum up, The Scar ExperimentNow give a short introduction to the experiment using the information in the fact sheet

49、.Basic factsThe researcher: Dr Robert Kleck Year:1 The procedure: 2 was drawn on each volunteers face using Hollywood-style make-up. Dr Kleck showed the scars to the volunteers. He 3 the scars without the volunteers knowing it. The volunteers went outside and noted how people 4 . They thought that p

50、eople were ruder to them, and less kind. They thought people 5 the scars.Findings The volunteers 6 others behaviour towards them. Who we are is in our heads, not 7 . If people choose to feel 8 , they will actually feel that way. Defining a topicPresenting ideasConcluding7 Complete the boxes with the


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